Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 724

Five months passed in the blink of an eye.

Lin Feng, Zhu zero, and Ji Xiu went through the customs almost at the same time.

Because a new round of Yanling house is about to open, the opportunity once a year can not be wasted.

Especially for Lin Feng, this time is crucial.

It is not only about the "inheritance of blood" of the ancient beast Lei ferocious, but also about the life and safety of master Ji Jin. You must obtain nine star immortal fruit to cure yourself. If not, I can\'t leave Yanling mansion and go to Shiluo County, zhuquezhou.

As an apprentice, I have this responsibility.

"Second elder martial brother, you are about to reach the peak of Xinghai level?" Lin Feng was lightly surprised.

"Hey." Zhu zero smiled freehand, "it all depends on your \'Xingli spring\', younger martial brother. If not, it\'s not so fast." he looked at Ji Xiu. Zhu zero\'s eyes glittered and smiled, "Ji Xiu is not bad, just me."

Ji Xiu turned back and looked at the blue sky channel. His eyes flashed: "this is really a rare place for cultivation."

Looking at them, Lin Feng smiled and said, "go to Yanling Zunfu now, and I\'ll take you into" that\'s enough. "Lin Feng smiled calmly.

I never thought there would be any letters left. A \'seal\' is enough.

"Here are the things, sir." Ma handed a gold box with his crazy and respectful hands.

Lin Feng took it and opened it slowly.

With a twinkle in his eyes, he really saw a "seal".

"Pa." close the box, Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction and even got up.

"Elder, you\'re leaving now? Why don\'t you stay a little longer so that the younger generation can play the host\'s friendship." Ma kuanglian said.

Looking at this villain like a wall, he can even sell his brother for the sake of interests. Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright. Although he has the intention to kill, he doesn\'t start, "take care of himself in the future." he faintly leaves a sentence, and Lin Fengxuan even leaves like the wind.

Maybe he should die, but after all, working for himself and killing him makes a little less sense.

Anyway, if you do many bad things, God will punish him. Besides

There are such villains everywhere.

How can we kill them?

Qiyue palace, main hall.

Today, Qiyue palace is divided into three factions: the Presbyterian, the Qianjun and the neutral.

Fighting openly and secretly, such a big Qiyue palace is now torn apart. Let alone compete with Yanling wanzu and liyanmen. Yanling house "Yanling house is just peaceful now. Although the situation is calm, it is dark and turbulent." Rumeng\'s beautiful eyes are bright, "It\'s better to be quiet than to move. The Tianxiong Gang is so high-profile that it will attract the attention of Yanling wanzu and liyanmen. It will never come to a good end."

"Miss three, it\'s bad." Qian Jun smiled with strong confidence. "The reason why Yanling wanzu and liyanmen cultivate their body and breath is because they suffered heavy damage after the war with the witch. Now it\'s the time for our Qiyue palace to rise. It\'s the best time to annex Tianxiong Gang first and then plot Yanling mansion. It\'s the best time to reshuffle Yanling mansion!"

"Three young ladies, those who have achieved great things must not be women\'s benevolence." Qian Jun\'s voice clanked.

The words are sonorous, if determined, and the group is excited.

Not only are the neutral fighters beaming, but even some elders of the Presbyterian court are said to have a glow in their eyebrows.

Jiang is old and hot. Rumeng is really not the opponent of Qian Jun, whether eloquence or means. His face is red and Rumeng bites his teeth lightly, but he is anxious. Once Qian Jun is in prison, it will be difficult to move him again!

Qianjun\'s eyes were bright, and a faint smile came up at the corners of his mouth.

How can a fledgling girl and a group of old guys fight him?

But right now——

"I also advocate war." a freehand and indifferent voice suddenly sounded.

(the third watch, there\'s an extra watch today, the old time is 0:00)