Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 723

Qin Qianqian and Ji Xia left.

Wan Mochou also left. The exchange of points in Yanling Zunfu is not once a year, but at any time.

According to the words of never worry, he took the first step to open up wasteland and settle down.

The most important thing is that Wan Mo Chou has reached the "star master level".

I can\'t stay here long.

No one knows how many witches exist in Yanling mansion. Only hundreds of thousands of witches are just the tip of the iceberg. No one knows why the Wu clan army will invade Yanling mansion, but one thing has been circulating. Once a warrior in Yanling mansion reaches the star master level and doesn\'t leave, he will "provoke" the star master level Wu clan.

Here, it\'s like the back garden of the witch family, and humans are just "prey" in the back garden.

If the strength of prey exceeds the master\'s bottom line and tolerance, it will be a terrible thing.

Although it has been circulating for a long time, it is better to believe its existence than its absence.

Lin Feng, once again enter the land of wood spirit to practice.

Different from last time, there are two more people this time——

I wish zero sum quarterly repair.

Lin Feng is not only a fellow martial brother, but also a friend sharing weal and woe. Lin Feng will not be so stingy. After learning that Lin Feng has such a good cultivation environment, Zhu zero is "shameless" and wants to take a share. Together with Ji Xiu, he is "shameless".

However, it doesn\'t matter.

After all, there is enough wood spirit left.


"I will leave Yanling mansion soon. I won\'t come here again for a long time." Lin Feng thought lightly.

It has absorbed enough wood spirit energy, and even there is a thriving giant tree in its own wood spirit astrolabe. I have no nostalgia for this wood spirit land. If yes, it\'s just a worry about Xuaner, but I don\'t know how she is now.

"The red skyline channel is still closed. If something happens for such a long time, it should have ended long ago."

"Obviously, this should be a great opportunity for Xuaner."

"I\'m not sure. It\'s better than my chance."

Lin Feng smiled. On the one hand, he was worried about Xuaner, but on the other hand, he was also happy for Xuaner.

After all, I know the mystery and power of this wood spirit land. Every giant tree here has extraordinary power, which is far beyond my reach.

It is also a kind of "inheritance" to get the call of this mysterious force.

"I will continue to work hard."

"It\'s no use keeping the wood spirit\'s heart. It\'s still five months from the opening of Yanling\'s house. This time..."

"Use it up."

Lin Feng smiled slightly and walked into the giant tree world again.

The Ares road itself has reached the end of a ladder and can break through to become the star master at any time.

However, there is still a ladder to cross on the road of the Heavenly Master, and it is the most difficult and time-consuming ladder——

Star weight, from the ninth to the tenth!

It\'s hard.

Although with the star ring, the power of the sensing constellation is deeper, and the speed of absorption and cultivation is improved.

The cultivation of concentration and consistency improves the star power. The star power of life soul is indeed several times faster than that of human soul. However, it takes 9000 days to increase the star weight of the human soul from the ninth to the tenth. This is because the ninth weight has already reached 50%.

If you take a whole road, in other words, it takes 18000 days!

How amazing!

And the life soul from the ninth weight to the tenth weight, the road to go is ten times that of the human soul!

In other words, 180000 days!

It\'s terrible.

"Having a star ring can save nearly half of the time; the efficiency of life soul is better than that of human soul, and almost half of the time can be saved."

"And it." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and held the Xingbao staff in his hand.

Xingbao staff, equal treatment!

It can not only enhance the human soul sensing ability, but also enhance the life soul sensing ability!

Kill two birds with one stone!

"Silk, silk ~ ~" the strong star power fills the body and is transmitted to the body through the star treasure staff, which is quickly absorbed. The red light continued to condense, and Lin Feng looked right. He soon immersed himself in cultivation. With the help of Xingbao staff, all problems were no longer problems.

It used to take 50000 days to complete the road, but now it only takes more than 10000 days.

In the 1:300 giant tree world, one round is 3000 days.

The five wheels are full of star power, which is more than enough.

Time flies.

After the defeat of the Wu clan, Yanling mansion returned to peace.

No one expected that Yanling wanzu and Li Yanmen turned fighting into friendship, and the war completely subsided.

The two giants have calmed down, and other forces dare not move again. One by one, there was no movement, and the whole Yanling mansion was happy and calm again. As if infected by human beings, the witch clan never appeared again.

Yanling mansion is back to normal again.

The name "Lin Feng" has replaced Wan Mochou and become a new name——

Yanling mansion is the strongest!

Peace, most of the time; And the struggle will not stop.

Because this is the instinct of human nature, the eternal law, because of the lack of human heart.

In Qiyue palace, the fighting is extremely fierce. Although you don\'t have to worry about leaving, the Deputy palace leader Qian Jun is an ambitious man and doesn\'t want to give up.

What\'s more, without worry, Qianjun acted more recklessly. For a time, Qiyue palace became more chaotic.

However, these have nothing to do with Lin Feng.

In the world of giant trees.

Lin Feng, Zhu zero and Ji Xiu devote themselves to cultivation and don\'t hear external things.

Just like dominoes, the rise of Lin Feng has driven the changes of too many people, such as Qin Qianqian and Shui Linglong, Bai Yi and Ji Xia, and Zhu zero and Ji Xiu. Especially Ji Xiu, whose background is not good, has determined to become a man from childhood, and in fact he did.

Li Yanmen\'s genius, who was born in his twenties, killed one of the three strong forces of the Yanling 10000 family.

Enough to make him famous and respected.

However, one mountain is higher than another.

Lin Feng\'s sudden rise completely compared him.

There is a taste of both Yu and Liang, all kinds of ups and downs, all in my heart.

But Ji Xiu is not the kind of person who complains about himself. His childhood training makes him extremely firm. Failures and setbacks turn into motivation and make him grow up. At this point, even Zhu zero can\'t compare with him, but Zhu zero is not inferior to him in terms of stronger heart and firm perseverance.

In this way, the three practiced and competed silently in the giant tree world.

Three new stars are rising.

March of the following year.

At this time, there was less than a month left before Yanling Zunfu opened.

After five months of practice, Lin Feng finally got the result he wanted.

"Zi! ~" "Zi Zi!! ~" in the life soul, the bright red light covers everything. It is an incomparably huge light ball, which is far more than the star force ball weighing dozens of stars in the human soul. One pay and one gain is equivalent to the weight of the human soul star. At this time, it is completely saturated!

With the integration of the last drop of star power, the huge red light ball blooms incomparably bright around, and the halo expands rapidly.

The shape of the ellipse is getting bigger and bigger, and the seven color stratification is becoming more and more obvious, changing rapidly!

The ball of light leaped and danced, and it felt like it was alive.

I feel completely different from jiuzhong!

"Eighth floor."

"Nine floors."

"Tenth floor!"

Lin Feng was shocked.

Your star ring has changed too much now!

As the shape of the ellipse gets longer and longer, the stratification actually degenerates from seven layers to ten layers, and the boundary between layers is unusually clear. Just like a ruler, originally there was only the boundary between meters, but now, the boundary between millimeters is refined!

It\'s amazing!

"Master once said that the limit of star ring stratification should be \'seven layers\', but I..."

"There are ten layers? And it\'s so detailed!"

In his heart, Lin Feng was shocked. His heart beat faster and looked at the sharp expansion of the star ring!

Surprise, a heavy blow.


Flashing a faint halo!

It\'s a legendary martial artist with top qualification. Only a faint halo appears at the periphery of the star ring, which is as beautiful as a rainbow.

It\'s a kind of recognition, an affirmation of the warrior\'s qualification!

Supreme glory!

"My heavenly spirit Master qualification is indeed far better than the God of war qualification."

"The gap is too big."

Lin Feng was amazed. Compared with the two, the distance is more than a little.

The star ring of human soul has only two layers of differentiation, and it is hazy and unclear.

In the three-level star ring classification, only barely entered the second level "middle level", and the general qualification column, the constellation induction is ordinary.

However, the star ring of life soul goes beyond the high-grade "seven layers" to the ten layers.


"What a deep halo!"

"What bright and beautiful colors."

Lin Feng felt incredible. At the edge of the elliptical star ring, he clearly saw the appearance of the halo.

How can we use \'light\' to describe it? It\'s unusually bright and rich!

It\'s like the bright light in front of me.

Too clear!

"Hoo ~ ~" let out a long breath.

Lin Feng only felt the incomparable vibration of his heart, but he was deeply shocked by the qualification of his heavenly master.

Such qualification is unique in Yanling mansion.

It is beyond the existence of \'Legend\'.


"This is only Yanling mansion."

"In Jiuzhou, there must be stronger qualifications."

Lin Feng nodded and understood.

Perhaps their qualifications are really good, but one mountain is higher than another. We must not be arrogant and complacent.

Besides, even the best qualification, if you don\'t practice hard, what\'s the use?

The qualification is slightly poor, such as his God of war qualification, but when he practices to the extreme, he can still have strong strength and strong strength! It\'s like drawing water. Some people draw water with bottles, some with bowls, while others draw water with buckets.

However, the stronger the qualification, the more effective the cultivation!

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright. He saw that the star ring expanded to the extreme, and the violent halo flashed.

In my heart, there was a strong thought, and my mind sank into the star ring, as if I had entered a new world.

"Wow! ~" a loud sound sounded, and a huge Phoenix appeared instantly.

Lin Feng, finish at one go!

(second watch ~ ~ third watch 22:00)