Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 722

Li Yanmen, great.

In terms of area, it is no smaller than tianwu.

The scenery is even more beautiful. You can see beautiful mountains and rivers everywhere, which is refreshing.

"Brother Lin, look, it\'s the largest lake in District 96, the \'gold rush Lake\'. It\'s said that every afternoon, the lake will emit a faint golden light, just like the light emitted by the broken gold in the gold mine, so it\'s named." Qin Qianqian pointed to the distance and said happily.

"I see." Lin Feng looked at the lake in the distance and smiled.

Holding Qin Qianqian\'s little hand, walking in the beautiful scenery, let your heart calm down.

The continuous killing also contaminated himself with some crazy and negative emotions.

Relaxing once in a while can relax the tense nerves.

"Brother Lin, let\'s go boating ~ ~" Qin Qianqian\'s eyes flashed with strange light.

"Let\'s go." Lin Feng smiled.

"Yeah, great!" Qin Qianqian happily took Lin Feng\'s hand and tiptoed to kiss Lin Feng like a dragonfly.

Feeling the residual warmth on his cheeks, Lin Feng felt a warm current in his heart.

I haven\'t been with thousands of people since I entered the Liyan gate. I really ignored her.

Fortunately, Qianqian never cares, and has been paying silently behind his back.

I was really moved by the truth.

"Relax for three days. We\'ll travel all over liyanmen." Lin Feng smiled.

This is Qianqian\'s last wish before leaving. With the company of her favorite people, travel all over the place that accompanied her growth footprints and leave the best memories. When I go to "huanghezhou", I probably won\'t return to Yanling house again, but I\'m very reluctant to leave.

"Thank you, brother Lin." Qin Qianqian leaned against Lin Feng and closed his eyes warmly.

Although she knew that as long as she spoke, Lin Feng would promise her whatever wish, but

That\'s enough.

Boating around the lake, climbing mountains, picking fruit, planting trees

Lin Feng and Qin Qianqian spent three days totally belonging to two people, a warm two person world. Twelve hours a day, every minute is tired of being together, feeling each other\'s temperature and feelings, as if there were only two people left in heaven and earth.

But it didn\'t break through the last layer. After all, Qin Qianqian was not 18 years old, and they didn\'t get married.

According to the rules of Jiuzhou, a woman can marry when she is 18 years old.

However, this does not affect the feelings between the two people. Sometimes pure spiritual love makes them dependent and reluctant to give up each other.

A long kiss is a long kiss.

Qin Qianqian held Lin Feng tightly, buried his head in Lin Feng\'s arms and closed his eyes.

"Silly girl, why bother?" Lin Feng stroked Qin Qianqian\'s hair and could feel the little girl\'s inner struggle and reluctance. She has a thousand and ten thousand unwilling to leave herself, but she doesn\'t want to be her own burden.

"Go to zhuquezhou with me, Qianqian." Lin fengrou said, "I\'ll take care of you."

Qin Qianqian gently shook his head and didn\'t speak.

But the action means that this time, thousands of determination is strong and can not be shaken.

He sighed in his heart and felt the beauty\'s intention. Lin Feng also closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Talking too much makes you look pretentious.

Thousands have grown up.

"Brother Ji, please." Lin Feng nodded gently.

"Don\'t worry, brother Lin, I\'ll treat thousands of people like my own sister." Ji Xia smiled. "This farewell is as short as a year and a half and as long as five or six or seven years. You should take good care of yourself. Don\'t let younger martial sister worry. You have the opportunity to come to the Qin\'s chamber of Commerce in huanghezhou."

"I will." Lin Feng smiled.

Looking at Qin Qianqian, four eyes are opposite, everything is silent.

My mind is very clear.

If you have to settle down and finish what you have to do in zhuquezhou, you will definitely go to "Huang Hezhou" to propose marriage and marry Qin Qianqian. That day, I will treat ziyao like this, and in the future, I will treat thousands like this. As a man, since you can say it, you must do it.

This is my promise.

"Wait for me, thousands of." Lin Feng said in a positive way.

"Well, brother Lin." Qin qianmei nodded with tears in her eyes.

Hug each other deeply, feel each other\'s temperature and remember the familiar smell.

In my heart, I am very reluctant to give up, but

But he still said the word "goodbye".

Qin Qianqian left, as if he was missing something.

With his eyes closed, Lin Feng devoted himself to cultivation, and his body\'s injury has gradually recovered.

Fighting with the witch army exhausted their spiritual strength and suffered heavy physical and mental losses, but at least winning is the greatest success, and

"The injury is not as heavy as the last time." Lin Feng whispered softly.

Last time, don\'t worry about fighting. At that time, your injury was more serious.

Finally, relying on the "wind escape" is the only way to escape from life.

I also miss it when I think of it.

I didn\'t expect that I would make such great progress in a short period of time. Now I have long forgotten all my worries. Don\'t say he\'s just the peak of Xinghai level. Even if you don\'t worry about being promoted to Xingzhu level at the moment, you\'re absolutely sure. One move——

Beat him!

Thinking, Lin Feng gently spread his eyebrows and couldn\'t help smiling.

But what you think, what you come to.

"It\'s a guest through the door. Don\'t the patriarch come in and sit down?" Lin Feng said calmly, and his eyes opened quickly.

At this time, a virtual shadow flashed in front of me, bringing up a wisp of light wind. The whole person seemed to integrate into the wind, and his look and bearing were completely different from before. His eyes were bright and shining. Don\'t worry. He came with a faint smile and scratched at the corners of his mouth, "what a keen sense, brother Lin, you are really different."

"Isn\'t chief Wan the same?" Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled. "Has he broken through so quickly?"

Wan Mochou nodded: "in fact, it\'s time to break through, just before..."

With a rustling smile, Wan Mo Chou said with a laugh, "forget it, the previous things are like passing clouds. I don\'t want to mention them again, not to mention that now I\'m no longer the \'chief of the clan\'."

"Hmm?" Lin Feng was lightly surprised.

"Forget what I said to you ten days ago?" Wan Mo Chou smiled. "Worldly fame, wealth and power are no longer important to me. I put down all my hatred with Li Yanmen. Now I\'m just a simple martial artist and a man pursuing the perfection of martial arts."

"I am myself. Don\'t worry." his eyes were burning, and he looked at Lin Feng.

The four eyes were opposite, and Lin Feng smiled calmly: "Congratulations, brother Wan."

After Li Yanmen\'s battle, there was already a smile between himself and WAN Mochou.

It was gratifying to see him change so much.

At least one enemy is missing.

"Brother Lin, I\'m here to say goodbye to you." Wan Mo Chou smiled and immediately took out a wine pot from his arms and put it on the table with a "Dong" sound. "I don\'t know if you\'d like to enjoy it. Let\'s have a drink, have a chat, get to know each other again and make friends?"

Lin Feng gently moved his right hand, opened the mouth of the wine pot and said with a smile, "I\'d like to."

"Brother Wan doesn\'t go to dayanzhou?" Lin Feng was very surprised.

"Well, I don\'t want to live under the shadow of the family anymore." Wan Mochou said positively, "after the war with the witch family, I have completely figured out that the family is different from the sect. The family is like a shackle, which makes me unable to get out of that area. What\'s more, I don\'t want to fall into an endless power struggle."

Lin Feng nodded and understood.

Master once mentioned this to himself.

Li Yanmen has many "predecessors" in dayanzhou. Li Yanmen has Yanling, and so do all ethnic groups.

In fact, the nine continents in the southern region are the closest to Yanling mansion, so there are many ancestors of Yanling mansion. However, these Yanling houses used to exist at the top, but they are nothing in Jiuzhou. There are tens of thousands of "houses" around dayanzhou alone.

Yanling mansion is only one of the ten thousandths.

These tens of thousands of "houses" are only a small part of dayanzhou.

The land of nine continents, let alone a continent, is a county.

The elite martial artists of Yanling mansion are better than the two top forces of Yanling wanzu and liyanmen. In Fengyan County, dayanzhou, they are only insignificant small forces. They also have to act according to people\'s face. Wan Mochou doesn\'t want to go to dayanzhou. He has his own reason.

Birds fly high in the sky. Why put yourself in a bird cage?

"What\'s brother Wan\'s plan?" Lin Feng nodded.

Pick up the wine cup and drink it up. Don\'t worry. Your eyes are bright: "I have more than 30 million points in Yanling Zunfu. I can go to nine continents in the south, including four continents. Apart from Dayan continent, I\'m considering the three continents of Huanghe continent, Zhuque continent and Koizumi continent, and I haven\'t decided yet."

Lin Feng\'s voice was clear.

The land of nine continents is not connected, but scattered in every corner of the southern region.

There are tens of thousands of "houses" around each continent. If you zoom in, the whole southern region, even with the land of nine continents and these houses, is only the tip of the iceberg. The real southern region is vast, most of which are occupied by the Witch and ancient nationalities.

The land of nine continents, together with the countless "houses", is only less than 1%.

The farther away from Jiuzhou, the higher the points required to reach.

"Brother Wan, if you can\'t decide, you might as well consider going to Shiluo County, zhuquezhou." Lin Feng raised his glass and smiled, "you and I are friends if we don\'t know each other. Maybe you can take care of us when we enter zhuquezhou."

"Oh?" Wan Mo Chou\'s eyes lit up and nodded thoughtfully.

"In a new strange environment, it\'s also a blessing for many friends to help with both hands." Wan Mochou smiled happily. "Anyway, it doesn\'t matter where I go as long as I don\'t go to dayanzhou. Zhuquezhou Shiluo County... Well, it\'s also good."

"Then it\'s settled?" Lin Feng raised his glass and smiled.

"Good!" Wan Mochou also raised his glass and smiled.

Drink with each other, but don\'t fight and don\'t know each other.

(first shift ~ ~ second shift 19:00)