Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 721

The news soon spread.

All the warriors of Yanling mansion were stunned.

Panic stricken faces erupted into thick surprises in an instant.

Everyone is in full bloom.

The big stone in my heart fell with a thump.

"Have you heard that millions of the witch army have been defeated!"

"Yes, my cousin is in liyanmen. The battle was fierce. He fought for three days and nights, and the blood flowed into a river!"

"I tell you, that\'s Lin Feng, the new leader of Li Yanmen. He took the head of the king of the witch family among the thousands of troops and defeated the whole army of the witch family with his own strength!"


Every city passes various versions.

One spread ten, ten spread a hundred, but the more it spread, the more exaggerated it spread, the more outrageous it spread.

But it is undeniable that everyone in Yanling mansion is full of joy and excitement at this time.

It was a pleasure for the rest of life.

Lin Feng is famous in Yanling mansion.

From lonely old people to three-year-old children, no one knows this "hero".

The hero who saved Yanling mansion!

Li Yanmen.

"Are you kidding?" Lin Feng said with a bitter smile.

"Really, brother Lin." Qin Qianqian\'s beautiful eyes glowed and smiled, "you don\'t know. Now the streets are talking about you. Who doesn\'t know that you are the great hero to save Yanling mansion. How many women regard you as prince charming and the lover of their dreams."

"Stop, stop." Lin Feng shook his head.

Although I do have merit, I\'m not so exaggerated, right?

Looking at Zhu zero and looking at the Sa Yi face, Lin Feng glanced, "you did it again, Second Senior brother?"

"Wronged!" Zhu Lingmeng was surprised and jumped up.

"Not you. Who else?" Lin Feng frowned. "You just did this a few days ago."

In World War I that day, I shot the star killing master xuanming witch family, which was secretly photographed by Zhu zero. At the end of the campaign, Zhu zero spread the video of the battle, one to ten, ten to a hundred. Now almost every city of Yanling mansion exists.

"Hey, isn\'t that to help you become famous, younger martial brother?" Zhu zero blinked.

"Second elder martial brother!" Lin Feng had no choice but to take Zhu zero.

My two senior brothers have always been so cynical.

And now——

"Ha ha." a hearty laugh came. Outside the door, Ji Rushan and Ji Jin came in with a smile, "little younger martial brother, you can wronged the second younger martial brother this time."

"Master, elder martial brother." Lin Feng nodded.

"I asked people to release the news this time." Ji Jin said with a smile, "feng\'er, the video of you fighting the xuanming witch family is very famous. You just want to take advantage of the hot iron to improve your popularity as a teacher and take advantage of the situation. One is to frighten the Yanling million families, and the other is to improve the reputation of liyanmen. Don\'t you mind?"

Lin Feng smiled and shook his head, "naturally not."

I can fully understand the master\'s intention, although I don\'t want to do it.

However, it doesn\'t matter if you can help Yanmen.

Anyway, I don\'t have much time to stay in Yanling mansion and liyanmen. I can help as much as I can.

"The effect is remarkable." Ji Rushan nodded with a smile, "because of you, younger martial brother, more and more martial arts people come to take refuge in our liyanmen these days. Many people come for your reputation. In the next long time, the reputation of our liyanmen will surpass the whole Yanling mansion, even..."

"Compare the wild goose plume with the ten thousand families!"

Lin Feng smiled and nodded slightly.

To tell the truth, the power struggle of Yanling mansion is unattractive to itself.

Not only myself, after this battle, Wan Mochou also completely figured it out and no longer attached to the struggle for power. In other words, Wan Mo Chou has fulfilled his "responsibility" to the family, and he has achieved complete success. There is no need to do anything that makes him feel meaningless.

"Martial arts, the real way is to find the way of heaven and yourself."

"Thank you, Lin Feng."

In his mind, after the battle of that day, don\'t worry about what he said to himself. Lin Feng couldn\'t help smiling calmly.

Between each other, a smile devoid of gratitude and hatred.

"Master, how is your health?" Lin Feng looked at Ji Jin and said with concern.

I was always worried about the master. My meridians were broken. Even if the master took the eight star fairy fruit of the treatment system, he only temporarily delayed the injury and continued to kill the dog\'s tail.

"Don\'t worry, it\'s nothing." Ji Jin smiled and nodded. "I can\'t practice martial arts and fight for the time being. It\'s no problem to deal with some sect affairs." looking at Ji Rushan, Ji Jin smiled, "just take advantage of these days to help your eldest martial brother get familiar with and control Liyan gate as soon as possible, even in six months..."

With a slight sigh, Ji Jin immediately said with a smile, "look at me. People love to become wordy when they are old."

"Don\'t worry, master. I\'ll get the nine star fairy fruit back in half a year." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

"Well." Ji Jin nodded, "even if the strength can be fully restored, it\'s time to give the zongmen to Rushan." looking at Lin Feng, Ji Jin smiled, "do you mind the wind?"

Lin Feng smiled and shook his head. "Elder martial brother is the most suitable candidate."

Although he is now a "leader" in name, in fact, it is the eldest martial brother who really handles the affairs of the sect.

Moreover, I don\'t like being the leader. Power is far less important to me than strength. Dealing with religious affairs is far less interesting than practice. The most important thing is that when I enter Yanling mansion six months later, I am almost ready to leave Yanling mansion.

It\'s time to go to the southern region of "zhuquezhou".

The land of nine continents!

There is the gathering place of the real human elite.

There, there is the real history and inside information of mankind, which is completely different from the "government" that will be destroyed at any time.

In Yanling mansion, every martial artist cultivates desperately in order to enter the land of nine continents. In fact, only martial artists at the star master level are really qualified to enter it.

And myself

"Zhuquezhou, Shiluo county."

"It\'s also time for me to look for my life experience and find my roots."

"Lin family..."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are light and bright, and he also feels the expectation of his heart.

However, before that, I still have a lot to do.

Liyan gate, inner gate.

Beside a picturesque lake, a girl with short hair and bare feet was rippling with water. The neat bangs perfectly thought out the peach shaped face. Originally, it should be a face with a happy smile, but with a touch of anxiety.

Qin Qianqian.

"What are you thinking, younger martial sister?" the voice of Sa Yi came. Behind him came a young man with double swords. His indigo pupil was shining faintly. It was Ji Xia. He walked to Qin Qianqian\'s side and smiled. Ji Xia immediately sat down.

"Elder martial brother." Qin Qianqian called softly, but he was still unhappy.

"Our little princess will also have trouble?" Ji Xia smiled.

"Don\'t make fun of others, senior brother!" Qin Qianqian held his cheek and raised his cherry lips. "Qianqian is so distressed."

Ji Xia smiled and said, "are you bothering brother Lin?"

Qin Qianqian was surprised: "elder martial brother, how do you know?"

"You and I were childhood sweethearts. Can you hide it from me?" Ji Xia rubbed Qin Qianqian\'s small head and spoiled Qin Qianqian. He always regarded Qin Qianqian as his own sister. "Is brother Lin leaving soon and hasn\'t told you yet?"

Qin Qianqian shook his head. "Brother Lin mentioned it to me very early. He will take me with him."

Ji Xia nodded with satisfaction. "That\'s good. What else to worry about?"

After sipping his lips, Qin Qianqian whispered, "you know, elder martial brother, sister Linglong is not from Yanling mansion." they lived and died together in Yanling mansion and practiced together. They not only spent 1000 days on the fourth heavy day, but also practiced together for 10000 days on the fifth heavy day. Qin Qianqian and Shui Linglong have become sworn brothers and sisters of different surnames.

"Oh?" Ji Xia was surprised.

"Sister Linglong came to liyanmen this time for travel experience." Qin Qianqian said lightly.

Ji Xia\'s eyes were slightly bright: "go back?"

Qin Qianqian nodded: "before leaving, sister Linglong told me that she had gained a lot and learned a lot from her trip to Yanling house. Therefore, she made up her mind to go home and accept the most severe and difficult test. She wanted to improve her strength and didn\'t want to be a burden to others."

Ji Xia said "um" lightly, but he understood what Qin Qianqian said.

"Everyone has his own way to go." Ji Xia nodded.

Qin Qianqian\'s beautiful eyes flashed and whispered this sentence.

For a long time, I looked back at Ji Xia and smiled, "thank you, senior brother. I\'ve figured it out."

"That\'s good." Ji Xia smiled.

"Decided?" Lin Feng looked at thousands.

"Well, brother Lin." Qin Qianqian nodded and smiled.

"Silly girl, don\'t think crooked. You won\'t be my burden." Lin Feng stroked his silky face and said softly. Qin Qianqian had guessed what the little girl was thinking, so she mentioned it very early to save her wishful thinking, but she didn\'t expect

Qin Qianqian smiled sweetly: "no, brother Lin, Qianqian is almost 18 years old. It\'s also time to go back to the chamber of Commerce."

With a trace of reluctance in his voice, Lin Feng sighed in his heart. How can the little girl hide her behavior from herself

But this time, thousands of people seem to really make up their mind. It\'s no use trying to persuade them.

It seems that I have really grown up.

"That\'s all right." Lin Feng smiled. "Anyway, it\'s in the southern region of Jiuzhou. It\'s convenient to meet at that time."

In my heart, I also have a faint reluctance to give up.

But now is not the time to indulge in children\'s private affairs. For myself, there are still many things to do.

In particular, I have never been to zhuquezhou. There are too many uncertain factors.

It\'s better to go back to the Qin chamber of Commerce first.

"HMM." Qin Qianqian smiled, "don\'t worry, brother Lin, senior brother will go to huanghezhou with me and take care of each other."

Lin Feng nods and knows what Ji Xia thinks.

Instead of being mediocre in Yanling mansion, it\'s better to go to Jiuzhou for a fight.

There are thousands of people taking care of the Qin chamber of Commerce. At least the road ahead will be much brighter than in Yanling mansion.

"But..." Qin Qianqian stared at Lin Feng, his eyes flashing with wisps of affection, nibbled cherry lips, and his voice was soft. "Brother Lin, I don\'t know how long this time. Can you meet Qianqian\'s wish before you leave?"

(third shift ~ ~)