Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 716

"What are you talking about, Lin Feng?" said the three elders.

"Is that true?" Ji Rushan looked solemn.

Wan Mochou stared at Lin Feng, and his body trembled a little.

Others may not know, but he is the patriarch of Yanling Wan clan!!

In the ancient books of our ancestors, it was clearly recorded how terrible the witch army was! On that day, the prosperous Yanling family was brutally bloodwashed by the witch family! Sweeping the whole Yanling mansion, there were no places left. More than 99% of human beings were slaughtered.

Less than one in ten thousand survived.

"I wouldn\'t joke about such a thing." Lin Feng looked at Wan Mo Chou with burning eyes.

"In about a quarter of an hour, the witch army will arrive."

His face was calm, and Lin Feng\'s voice was sonorous as fixed.

Ji Rushan, Zhu zero, Ji Xiu and the three elders\' hearts beat rapidly.

"You saw it with your own eyes?" don\'t worry, your voice is hoarse.

"Yes." Lin Feng nodded, looked around at the crowd, and said positively: "yes, I returned to Dayan city after I left the pass. When I learned that there was a war in liyanmen, I came immediately. I didn\'t know that it was then, suddenly..."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

In my mind, I came up with the scenes just now.

On his way to liyanmen, his chest jumped violently!

Warning of the Lich heart!


"Then I came at full speed."

"Fortunately, the strength of the Wu family army is not equal, and the speed is not too fast."

"But even so, in about a quarter of an hour -"

"They, too, will arrive."

Lin Feng looked at the crowd with intense eyes.

This matter is related to the life and death of Yanling mansion. If not, how can I let go of Wan Mochou?

Right now, he can\'t be killed.

One wave is not flat, one wave rises again!

Ji Rushan, Zhu zero, Ji Xiu and the three elders all looked at each other. At this time, Wan Mochou\'s look was constantly changing. He looked at Lin Feng and saw a fine light in his eyes: "so your condition is to let me Yanling wanzu help you?"

"It\'s not to help me." Lin Feng shook his head and looked straight at Wan Mochou. "It\'s to help Yanling mansion and yourself."

The voice was just right, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright. "The head of the WAN clan wouldn\'t think that the Yan Ling Wan clan could be alone?"

Wan Mochou bit his teeth, but he understood that what Lin Feng said was true.

Once the witch army appears, it will never stop killing, but will continue to intensify!

Even if the Yanling million families can escape at this moment, they will face it sooner or later at the next moment!

"Hateful!" don\'t worry, pinch your fist tightly, and your face is pale to the extreme.

The Yanling ten thousand people have managed to cultivate their students and recuperate. They have developed little by little to what they are now.

But I don\'t want to suffer such a terrible robbery again!

"I can\'t promise you this condition." Wan Mo Chou has deep eyes and looks at Lin Feng, "but I\'ll stay to help Li Yanmen and help you resist the Wu family army until death. But I can\'t implicate the whole Yanling family and bury Li Yanmen for you."

"Don\'t worry, when is it? You still..." the three elders were old-fashioned and said, but Lin Feng interrupted them with a wave. "Clan leader, escaping is not the way to solve the problem."

Don\'t worry, but smile, "is it difficult? Do you still want to defeat the witch army?"

"Yes." Lin Feng did not hesitate.

The sonorous voice not only shocked Wan Mochou, but also stunned Ji Rushan, Zhu zero and others.

All the time, talking about the tiger turns pale. The witch family is an invincible existence in people\'s hearts.

But Lin Feng is different.

Since entering the fighting spirit world, he has been fighting with the witch family. In the purple star territory, he has wandered through the clan of the giant Witch and anti slaughtered the witch family. Even if the witch is stronger than the human in the same level, so what? The witch family is not a God. The witch family is also a body of flesh and blood!

Why not?

"Ha ha, ha ha!!" Wan Mochou suddenly laughed, "what a funny joke."

However, Lin Feng\'s look did not change, but looked at Wan Mochou faintly.

The laughter stopped slowly. Don\'t worry about looking at Lin Feng. For a long time, he said in a deep voice, "how sure are you?"

Lin Feng stretched out a finger.

"Ten percent?" don\'t worry, frown.

"Yes." Lin Feng nodded, "if Li Yanmen alone against the Wu clan army, there is only 10% certainty." he looked at Wan Mochou with deep eyes, and Lin Feng said, "but if the leader of Wan clan can give full help and gather the strength of Yan Ling, Wan clan and Li Yanmen..."

Lin Feng smiled and stretched out his other hand, with his fingers across the center of his right index finger.

"Ten percent!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright. "I have ten percent confidence in this witch army and defeat it!"

The huge momentum broke out.

Lin Feng\'s eyes are full of bright light and confidence.

This self-confidence, but let Ji Rushan, wish zero people\'s hearts ripple, inexplicably feel a sense of stability.

Wan Mochou kept looking at Lin Feng, as if he wanted to know where his self-confidence came from. In front of him, there were only two ways. Or, it is to retreat with the warriors of Yanling Wan clan and let Li Yanmen face the Wu clan army alone.

However, as Lin Feng said, you can escape for a while, but you can\'t escape for a lifetime.

In the end, he Yanling million families still have to face!

And the other way

Bite your teeth, don\'t worry, look very serious.

He naturally knew that what Lin Feng said was only a metaphor, fighting spirit and morale.

I\'m afraid that even if he is the strong one of Yanling Wan clan, the probability of defeating the Wu clan army will not be higher by 10%, but

At least there is a glimmer of life!!!

"OK, I believe you." Wan Mo Chou stared at Lin Feng and nodded.

After much consideration, he finally made up his mind to fight to the death instead of being chased and killed by the witch army.

Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, he doesn\'t want to admit defeat!

Martial arts, how can you defeat before fighting!!!

"Thank you, chief Wan." Lin Feng smiled and stretched out his right hand.

Pop! The two hands touch each other, which means that the two sides have turned war into friendship since then.

Because now, there is a common enemy!

The war stopped.

Led by Wan Mochou and Ji Rushan, the two sides temporarily quelled the war.

Although there was full of anger and deep resentment, with the announcement of an amazing news, all martial artists were shocked.

After tens of thousands of years, goodbye to the witch army!

"No, no?"

"True or false, are you kidding!"

"Wu clan, hundreds of thousands of Wu clan Army..."

All martial artists were stunned and shocked.

Human beings have a long-standing fear of the witch race, and they can not be "cured" in a moment.

In particular, almost every house is extremely afraid of the witch clan, because I don\'t know when the witch clan will come and when the slaughter will begin.

Ji Rushan and WAN Mochou constantly mobilize and inspire morale.

This is what a leader and patriarch should do.

Close your eyes, Lin Fengping calms down.

A war with wanmochou is just a warm-up.

For myself, the real battle has not yet begun.

In the army of the witch family, if you feel a lot of breath, you are far better than Wan Mochou and yourself.

That\'s a really strong existence!

"I\'m afraid it\'s the star master level witch clan."

"Shifu once said that the horror of the witch family lies in the condensation of \'essence\'. At that time, it is the exertion of the real power."

"They have a much stronger body than humans, and they have the source energy that can be controlled more easily than humans. Each witch family has its natural ability to show. The strength of the witch family will be greatly improved after condensing the \'essence\', and after reaching the star master level -"

"Strength will be enhanced by leaps and bounds!"

Thinking in his heart, Lin Feng was not afraid at all.

Maybe I\'m not a master level Warrior yet, but

It\'s not inferior!

Now, half of his foot has already stepped into the star master level. Compared with the real star master level, he is only poor in the baptism of his body and the cultivation of constellation energy. However, because of double cultivation, his body is far beyond the peak of Xinghai level. Although he has not been baptized, he is better than the newly promoted Xingzhu level warrior.

As for the cultivation of Constellation Energy

Perhaps, it is a little lacking, but I also have an ace that has not been opened.

Fight with Wan Mochou, I haven\'t even played my 10% strength!

Wait, that\'s the war!

go to all lengths!

Waiting, very long.

Especially waiting for this terrible battle.

Every warrior is uneasy, including Ji Rushan and WAN Mochou.

Uneasy, quite uneasy!

The unprecedented enemy is the "murderer" who once destroyed the whole Yanling mansion and the "ruler" of mankind. The power of the witch clan is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Who dares to resist its power. But now, the two forces are like moths to the fire. In order to survive, they have to do their best for Yanling mansion.

They have no way out.

From time to time, looking at Lin Feng with closed eyes, don\'t worry, his look is constantly changing.

He did not know whether the decision was right or wrong. At that time, he certainly weighed the pros and cons, but more importantly, he was aroused by the influence of Lin Feng.

Hatred of the witch!

He\'s gambling.

Although I know what the outcome of gambling will be, I still have the courage and courage!

Perhaps, because of this decision, he may become the eternal sinner of Yanling million families.

But never regret!

Because he is a man, a real warrior.

Never flinch!

"Thank you, chief Wan." Lin Feng\'s voice sounded slowly, and WAN Mo was stunned.

Looking at his former opponent and now "comrade in arms", Lin Feng nodded gently. Although it is difficult to clear up their gratitude and resentment, at this moment, at this critical juncture, it is rare to worry about being able to stand up.

Other people might not be willing to take such a big risk.

"Don\'t get me wrong, I\'m just willing to gamble and admit defeat." Wan Mo Chou said coldly.

Lin Feng smiled calmly and was about to talk.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, his body suddenly floated into the air and looked straight into the distance.

At this time, Wan Mochou\'s look is also very ugly. He also floats in the air and his sparkling eyes look straight into the distance.

A terrible smell that could overwhelm the whole Yanling mansion——

Coming soon!

(second shift to third shift 21:30)