Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 717

Witch clan, finally!

After tens of thousands of years, it came to this land again.

With the purpose of killing and the pleasure of destruction, hundreds of thousands of witch troops came, which shocked everyone.

This is an unparalleled force!

Who can compete?

No matter the Yanling wanzu or the martial artists of the Liyan gate, they all look pale now. Looking at these giants at least three or four meters high, some nearly ten meters high, looking at their ferocious faces, like people and animals, their hearts are full of fear.

Dense and overwhelming.

Hundreds of thousands of witch troops have an extremely luxurious lineup.

The first is an animal that is most similar to an animal. It is covered with sharp bones and has a ferocious face.

It\'s eleven meters long!!

"Star master level, xuanming witch clan." Wan Mochou was completely shocked.

The witch clan can distinguish strength by body shape.

Two to three meters is the first star, just like a baby; Three to five meters, the star river level, like a child; Five to ten meters, the star sea level, like a teenager; Beyond ten meters, the real strength of the witch clan is reflected. Reaching the level of "star master", the essence is stable, and the thought and wisdom are mature——


Terrible power, suppress everything.

No one moved, including Wan Mochou, was deeply shocked by this violent force.

The witch clan is the ruler of the land of the fighting spirit world!

The three human races are the strongest!

And now——

"Boom!" thundered the thunder.

In the crowd, a black suit attacked, like an arrow breaking the air, breaking the silence.

Lin Feng, taking the lead, galloped out.

His face was solid and calm. He was completely different from other martial artists. He had no fear, but his war spirit was sparkling. In the thick black fog, the wind vortex is sharp and bright. The speed of the forest wind breaks out to the extreme and converges into bright light and shadow, which can be seen by almost no one.

"How could it be so fast?" Wan Mochou was shocked.

Lin Feng\'s speed is twice as fast as when he fought with him!

It\'s deceleration space!

This time, Lin Feng really went all out.

Facing the unprecedented challenge and the existence of these frightening giants with superior strength, Lin Feng\'s eyes are burning.

I have no way back.

The first war is the most critical!

I want to prove to everyone that human beings——

Not weaker than the witch!

Even the star master level witch clan and the star sea level human warrior can defeat!

"Constellation power!" Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

The whole body is full of thunder and light, and the strong star power is diffuse. The constellation power is roaring towards the huge xuanming witch family.

Although it exists at the star master level, the xuanming witch clan is a very powerful race.

However, I don\'t have no chance!

Because the witch people despise human beings.

Moreover, the xuanming witch clan has strong attack power and fast attack speed, except——

Extremely weak defense!

Even the xuanming witch clan at the star master level has only the same defense as the "Jumang witch clan" at the peak of Xinghai level.

"A chance!"

"Killing him will boost morale!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and bright. His head fight is unusual. He must not be careless.

Thunder light is completely suppressed, and the dark giant witch can freely control the power of "rain". That is the purest constellation power, which is far from being comparable in both quality and quantity. However, he has long had a layout and is not reckless.

"Boom! ~" "boom!! ~" two hot fireballs appear under coercion.

The gathering of crazy power is a huge power that covers everything. Since it is a "deceleration space", Lin Feng, who is secretly separated, is already ready.

All the people of Yanling and liyanmen were stunned and stared at the fiery red sky. Wan Mochou even stared, but he remembered that his war with Lin Feng six months ago also had the power of this terrible fireball. At that time, he was also caught off guard.

No, it\'s ten times stronger than the fireball at that time!!!


"How is it possible to control all the Ten Star forces and unite together?"

Don\'t worry, murmured, I can\'t believe it.

In the tenth gear, martial artists can only control about 10% of the star power. Even if the control power is strong, 20% is extremely rare.

But Lin Feng controls 100% of his power!

Two fireballs, 50% each!

"Let\'s go!" Lin Feng, his hands burst out fiercely, and his eyes were bright.

Although the celestial spirit Master\'s star weight is only nine, the "amount" of the original star power is comparable to the ten weight of the God of war.

As for controlling ten percent of the power, for myself——

it \' s a piece of cake!!

"Boom ~ ~ boom!! ~" the xuanming witch clan was furious, and the light of the raindrop condensed. Although he was afraid of the power of the fireball, his power was even more powerful. With the support of essence, the star master level witch clan is reborn and much stronger than the star sea level.

Perhaps, the xuanming witch clan is not good at defense, but how can they fear only two fireballs when they attack each other.

The power of "rain" collided with the rebirth fireball. The violent power spread to the surrounding areas, and there was a violent shock. All the martial artists on the edge were shocked.

This power is terrible!

This is already the case if it is only "rubbed" to the edge.

What happens if you get hit directly?

The angry cry sounded, and the dark witch family stared with ferocious faces.

But I didn\'t expect that in such a moment of distraction, the "little spot" in front of me had launched an attack on him!

"It\'s now!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

On fighting consciousness, how can the witch race compare with itself?

be a veteran in battle!

The flaw is the moment when the attack is weak.

"Emperor Shun\'s vigorous Qi is the tenth weight."

"Devouring fire!!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes clanked and his expression condensed to the extreme.

Fire light, thunder light, driven by vigorous Qi, perfect combination.

The ten fold Shun Huang Gang Qi is like an introduction. Although the power may not be strong, it perfectly condenses the star power, constellation power and original power. Just like an animal trainer, he tames one beast after another and gives full play to his strongest strength.

The sound of raindrops was startled, and the power of constellations was terrible.

The attack of xuanming witch clan also came.

However, Lin Feng was not afraid at all.

Body shape has turned into an arrow.

The Amethyst gun in his hand shines impressively, with purple light, full of extreme brightness.

People and guns suddenly become one. The soaring gun moves seem to engulf the whole world, like the perfect state of "entering the gun", which makes you stare at the scene and stop breathing.

"Yanling shot!" Lin Feng\'s voice was cold.

Like the voice of hell, like the call of death.

The purple gun light, the star power thunder light, the strongest power in the world, and the power of that small figure is enhanced thousands of times.

The world roared with a shot.

Domineering lingran!

"Boom!!" a groundbreaking shot.

Combine 49 wood carvings to condense seven artistic conception.

This is created by Lin Feng——

Eighth shot!

The Amethyst gun is unstoppable. It pierces the weakest body of the xuanming witch family. It devours the fire in the body and burns wildly, breaking through all defense forces.

One shot may be difficult to kill the powerful witch clan, especially the adult star master witch clan.

But the devouring fire is perfectly restrained!

烀! 烀!!!

The fire was ferocious and the Qi burst.

In the air, the voice of the xuanming witch family, filled with desolation and unwilling, echoed in the sky of the whole Li Yanmen. At this time, there were two huge fireballs falling madly and directly on the body of the xuanming witch family.

Fire of rebirth!!

"Boom!!" two extreme flames burst out completely.

It\'s like the sky thunder moving the earth fire, like the collision of two bright stars, and it\'s like a flash of time——

Time seems to stop.

The violent explosion affected the whole witch army.

The strong smoke covered, and the angry voice of the witch family rose from the ground. Everyone was shocked when they looked at all this in front of them.

In mid air, a young man in black with a purple spear stood proudly like the God of war.

One shot, kill the master level witch clan in seconds!!!

The war spirit of mankind broke out completely.

Everyone seems to feel his blood boiling and burning in his body.

The witch clan, the most powerful witch clan, was killed in front of them!

And it\'s a star master level witch clan!

One move, second kill!

In my mind, the high witch clan fell to the altar.

With Lin Feng\'s shot, the fear and depression in his heart were completely eliminated and replaced by strong fighting spirit and unwillingness.

They, why should they be killed by the witch!!

The witch clan is not invincible!!

The most frightening thing is never to worry.

I felt both a distraction and anger.

Lin Feng has hidden his strength in fighting with him!!

"Damn guy!" scolded in his heart, but don\'t worry, but he suppressed his anger, because he knew very well that this was not the time to care about it. All the warriors of Yanling Wan nationality are in high spirits, and the fighting intention of each people is inspired.

"Listen, the witch family has nothing to be afraid of!"

"On that day, our ancestors were slaughtered by the witch clan, and the whole Yanling house was torn apart. Now -"

"It\'s time to be ashamed before the snow!!"

Wan Mo Chou drank ferociously, which aroused the morale of the Yanling 10000 families.

In an instant, they shouted in unison, bringing up the unwilling hearts of every Yanling warrior, and arousing the blood of the Yanling family. The sound of war was like thunder. People\'s eyes were filled with deep hatred, which was countless times deeper than Li Yanmen. Everyone overcame their fear and rushed up.

At this time, Ji Rushan also aroused the fighting spirit of fierce Yanmen fighters.

Inspired by Lin Feng\'s shot, it was like the finishing touch, and the situation changed completely.

In order to be free and survive, the martial arts of liyanmen burst out their strongest strength to suppress the demons and rush up.

At this time, Yanling wanzu and liyanmen were no longer enemies, but "comrades in arms".

They are not willing to sit and wait for death!!!

The war, with Lin Feng\'s shot, was completely ignited.

Tens of millions of warriors rushed to hundreds of thousands of Wu clan army and broke out the most amazing battle of Yanling mansion.

Fight for survival!

(the third shift ~ ~ at 0:00)