Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 715

Very satisfied.

Lin Feng is quite satisfied with his current strength.

Perhaps his God of war qualification is not high, but now he has proved that he is no worse than anyone at the same level.

Even stronger!

"Wow!" the purple light shines.

A purple spear appeared in Lin Feng\'s hand.

It is exquisite and transparent, as if it were made of amethyst. It is bright and beautiful.

Wan Mochou\'s face is extremely ugly.

At this moment, he finally remembered, Lin Feng——

With a gun!

"Damn it!" don\'t worry, clenching your fist and showing your green veins.

He feels completely despised. A heavenly warrior can suppress him without using his own weapons. What\'s the concept?

That means his strength is completely above him!

"No, never!" don\'t worry about biting your teeth and drinking wildly.

There is no doubt that the brown star awn is exposed, and the strong constellation power suddenly bursts outside the body.

That\'s never to worry about self-esteem!

He is the strongest man in Yanling mansion!!

The breath is huge and shocking.

On that day, not only did the constellations spread out, but they also defeated Ji Jin. Not far away, Ji Rushan, Ji Xiu, three elders, and Zhu zero, who just woke up after taking seven star fairy fruit, all had cold back bones and upright hairs.

These forces are the existence of the real star sea level peak.

The closest star master!


Lin Feng did not move.

The calm look seemed to turn a deaf ear. In the face of the full display of his strength, Lin Feng\'s appearance was still as light as the clouds.

Not pretending, not deliberately. Even Lin Feng was surprised by his peace of mind.

"Is it because now my strength has far exceeded him?" Lin Feng smiled calmly, stroked the Amethyst gun body, closed his eyes and felt a distracted peace. Amethyst gun seems to have life, with a heartbeat and pulse, connected with itself.

Closer and more intimate than the ember magic gun!

In the giant tree world, I keep practicing my gun.

However, it has never really been used in combat.

Today is the first time.

"Shua!" Lin Feng\'s eyes opened and his pure light shot sharply.

Zheng! The Amethyst gun pointed at Wan Mochou in the distance, with a sonorous sound, condensing and showing arrogance.

Gun intention, surging release.

That\'s a momentum!

A kind of pressure!

Extremely powerful "gun entry" realm.

Today\'s forest wind, no matter which aspect, is no longer inferior to ten thousand Mo Chou.

"Ah!" "ah!!!" don\'t worry and drink angrily.

Peng!! The star power blooms crazily, all the strength is exhausted, the meridians of the left arm are suddenly bright, and the body is also condensed into a sharp light. Double orifices burst! Don\'t worry about enhancing the instant power to the extreme. The completely changed body transmits a strong source of power.

Don\'t worry, rush up.

Amazing war spirit!


"Boom!!" constellation forces collide.

The thunder light mixed with the wind made the surrounding air flow disordered.

It is also the tenth gear and the third stage of Xinghai level peak. No one can take advantage of it.

Lin Feng, it\'s moving.

Strong black fog appears, and the wind vortex condenses strength.

He held a gun in his left hand, but he didn\'t show the burst of orifices and acupoints, and even his body shape didn\'t change at all. It only condenses the Qi of heaven and earth, driven by vigorous Qi, and condenses the star power. Lin Feng\'s body carries a faint thunder light. The star power and vigorous Qi release extraordinary energy.

"Emperor Shun\'s vigorous Qi is the tenth weight."

In an instant, the white light condenses and the red light shines.

The power of vigorous Qi condenses strong thunder light, and the flame of the right hand suddenly blooms.

Devouring fire!


Thunder roars!

The Amethyst gun seemed to roar.

At this moment, it seems to have strong vitality.

The intense purple light covered the sky and the earth, completely suppressing the momentum of never worry. The body is picturesque, and the state of entering the gun is perfectly combined with the gun move at this moment. In Lin Feng\'s mind, a figure appears, holding a gun with one hand, waving a long gun in a green world.

Behind him was a huge tree.

Breath, condensed to the extreme.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining instantly, and the meaning of the gun was shown.

"Green smoke shot!" Lin Feng drank in a deep voice.

Woodcarving seventh gun!

"Boom!!" the earth shaking roar.

The collision of the two energies is definitely the strongest intersection of the whole Yanling mansion at present.

Two warriors in the third stage of Xinghai level peak fight head-on.

meet on on a narrow path!

"Hoo ~!" "Hoo ~ ~" the wind is rustling and thunder is clanking.

Constellation energy around, condensing a layer of light to the wall, people can\'t get close. It seems to be a restricted area, a strong field and a peak battlefield. Ji Rushan, Ji Xiu, three elders, Zhu Ling and others all stared and held their breath.

Lin Feng\'s shot just now was deeply imprinted in their minds.

What a powerful shot!

What a terrible power!

How strong is Lin Feng now?!

No one knows.

Except Lin Feng himself.

The smoke gradually dissipated and the battlefield became clear.

People\'s eyes are more and more bright. When they look at the scene, their faces burst into a bright smile, and they are extremely excited and happy!

Don\'t worry, you\'ve lost.

Lying on the ground with empty eyes.

At the right chest, there was a blur of flesh and blood, and blood was seeping out.

His right arm could not move at all. Lin Feng\'s shot, just one shot, made his right body almost unconscious.

Too strong!

Although the injury is serious, it is no more than a worried heart.

His heart and self-esteem were completely destroyed by Lin Feng at this moment.

Once he could easily crush the ant, once he tried his best to hurt his little guy, but now he has tasted the most painful defeat and the most humiliating battle in history. He, don\'t worry, lose in one move.

There\'s no fighting back!

Lin Feng\'s strength is completely above him.

"You lost." Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled.

Looking at the WAN Mo Chou lying on the ground, Lin Feng looked calm.

As early as in the giant tree world, I already knew that now my strength is enough to crush everything.

Winning is inevitable.


For myself, it\'s just a warm-up.

It\'s really a warm-up. Today\'s never worry, I can\'t mention my war intention at all.

The gap between them is too big.

"Kill me." lying on his back on the ground, he mumbled.

Close your eyes, don\'t worry, your heart is dead.

"Kill him!" the three elders shouted angrily. Ji Rushan, Ji Xiu and Zhu zero looked at Lin Feng and didn\'t speak. In particular, Ji Rushan\'s wise eyes are shining, but he "let" Lin Feng the position of leader. He knows in his heart that Lin Feng must have a plan.

If you want to kill Wan Mo Chou, why should Lin Feng wait until now?

With his current strength, killing wanmochou is a matter of blink of an eye.

Why bet one-on-one with wanmochou?

Among them, there must be roots.

"The most powerful Yanling mansion, can\'t afford to lose?" Lin Feng said faintly.

Calmly standing in front of Wan Mo Chou, overlooking the once giant, looking up at his invisible existence.

Now, it\'s only at your feet.

When he opened his eyes, Wan Mochou smiled at himself, "the winner is the king. If you want to kill him, you can do whatever you want. If I frown, I won\'t be a man." Leng hum, his eyes looked at Lin Feng, and WAN Mochou\'s voice was cold, "but if you want me to betray my family, don\'t dream."

After talking, close your eyes and don\'t worry about death.

Losing is death to him.

But in an instant——

"Open your mouth." Lin Feng said.

Don\'t worry about it. It\'s a sweet feeling in your mouth.

Suddenly, swallow the sweet taste, a strong vitality energy filled the whole body, and the body injury began to recover quickly in an instant. Wan Mochou opened his eyes and looked at Lin Feng in surprise. He clenched his fists and felt his strength recover slowly, shaking Hubei incomparably.

Don\'t worry about shaking Hubei!

Ji Rushan, Zhu zero, Ji Xiu and the three elders all stared at Lin Feng.

But I don\'t know what medicine Lin Feng sells in the gourd.

Save Wan Mo Chou?

"Lin Feng, you!" the three elders shouted angrily, but they were shut up by Ji Rushan\'s big hand.

Among the people, those who trust Lin Feng most are undoubtedly Ji Rushan and Zhu zero. They are very clear about their younger martial brothers.

Lin Feng will never do meaningless things.

"You!!!" Wan Mochou stares at Lin Feng. His face changes constantly and is very ugly.

The strength of the body recovers more than half instantaneously. Don\'t worry about how you don\'t know. What Lin Fenggang just took for him must be the eight star fairy fruit of the treatment department!

Only eight star fairy fruit has such power!

"Patriarch Wan, did you forget to promise me a condition?" Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Wan Mo Chou clenched his teeth, his eyes were deep, and he snorted coldly, "you can\'t go back after a big husband\'s word. Just say what you want me to do. However, if anything damages the interests of my Yanling Wan family, I can\'t do it even if I die!"

"Of course not." Lin Feng smiled lightly.

Although they are opposite to each other, Lin Feng also appreciates Wan Mochou.

At least, he is a real man.

Don\'t worry, Snort coldly and look up proudly.

He has his principles and bottom line, and will not be at the mercy of Lin Feng.

With a slight smile, Lin Feng turned around, looked at Ji Rushan and nodded gently: "senior brother, Second Senior brother, Ji Xiu and third elder, come here too. I must inform you of something, which is related to the survival of Yanling mansion."

They were stunned immediately, and their faces changed slightly, looking at Lin Feng puzzled.

All of a sudden, the crowd gathered around. The three elders were still angry with Wan Mochou, but Ji Rushan and Zhu zero looked more dignified. Looking straight at Lin Feng, there was a faint foreboding in their hearts.

He breathed softly. Lin Feng glanced at the crowd and finally fell on WAN Mochou.

"There\'s something I must tell you." Lin Feng\'s voice was just and his face became very dignified.

"The witch army is coming."

The voice was steady, but everyone was staring and confused.

Including don\'t worry.

(first shift ~ ~ second shift 17:30)