Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 714

What a familiar voice!

Ji Rushan and Ji Xiuwu were stunned, and a figure suddenly appeared in their mind.

Even lying on the ground, Zhu zero, who was seriously injured, opened his eyes vaguely, and his chest fluctuated a lot faster. He had heard this voice countless times. In Yanling\'s house, the figure of saving his life twice flashed in his mind.

Younger martial brother, here we are at last.

The corners of his mouth rose weakly, his heart seemed to settle down, and I wish zero to close his eyes slightly.

Inexplicable peace of mind, rising confidence.

"It\'s you!" Wan Mochou\'s eyes showed a cold light.

Looking at the familiar figure not far away, I felt uneasy and very uneasy!

But I don\'t know why.

"Yes, it\'s me." Lin Feng looked calm.

Glancing around, a slight anger flashed in my heart, but it was forced in my heart.

Three dead and four seriously injured!

Among the seven people, the most familiar one is undoubtedly the second senior brother Zhu zero.

As for the other six, although they are Li Yanmen\'s senior brothers and elders, they are not familiar with each other.

not so bad!

At least the second senior brother is still alive.

"I also said who it was. It turned out that you were the loser." Wan Mochou flashed a light in his eyes. I glanced at Ji Rushan and felt a sense of fear in his heart. "Why, ten to one was not enough just now, and now four to one thought he could win?"

Ji Rushan smiled: "the first strong man in Yanling mansion, how can he use the fierce method? Aren\'t you afraid of my junior brother?"

Wan Mo Chou snorted coldly: "joke, I am afraid of you guys!"

Peng! The air burst, Wan Mochou\'s eyes were full of sparkling domineering, but he forcibly suppressed the inexplicable uneasiness in his heart, "come on, don\'t just talk!"

Awe inspiring and domineering, Ji Rushan\'s three faces changed from time to time.

Think of just wan Mo Chou\'s strength, but I feel scared in my heart.


"It\'s enough for me to deal with you." Lin Feng said faintly.

The voice was very calm, but it was like a heavy bomb, which surprised everyone.

"Junior brother!" "Lin Feng!" Ji Rushan and the three elders hurried, while Ji Xiu looked at Lin Feng with bright eyes.

Don\'t worry.

After a while, he laughed, "what a big tone!"

"Last time I was lucky enough to save my life. I wonder where you have so much confidence!" Wan Mo Chou sneered, "won\'t you lose your memory?"

Lin Feng made a slight stroke at the corner of his mouth and didn\'t speak.

Just a flash of light in my hand, wow! WOW! WOW! WOW! All of a sudden, the four immortal fruits appeared in their hands, shining with bright luster and amazing energy breath, which immediately brightened everyone\'s eyes.

"Seven Star cure is immortal fruit?" ten thousand don\'t worry, his eyes are cold.

With a fierce surprise, he immediately glanced at the four people of the seriously injured Li Yanmen and understood Lin Feng\'s intention.

Boom~ Bright stars and strong wind.

"Don\'t dream if you want to save them!" Wan Mochou\'s face showed a ferocious, strong wind power roared, and a faint light flashed outside his body. The power of the constellation suddenly appeared, but suddenly——

Peng!! Two waves of energy collide.

Sparks splashed everywhere.

"What?!" Wan Mochou stared.

At this time, the forest wind also flickered with virtual light outside his body.

His hands, like electric snakes, are wrapped around his body, as if they have vitality.

That\'s constellation power!

"No, no?" Ji Rushan, Ji Xiu and the three elders were stunned.

He looked at Lin Feng with tongue tied eyes, as if looking at a monster.

Lin Feng, reach the third stage of Xinghai level peak!

It\'s only half a year!!

"Don\'t worry." looking at Wan Mo Chou, Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Then he handed the four fairy fruits to Ji Rushan. Lin Feng nodded gently, "please, senior brother."

The four were seriously injured and must be treated as soon as possible.

If not, there may be sequelae.

"Oh, oh." Ji Rushan calmed down and even took the fairy fruit carefully and galloped to the four seriously injured people.

At this time, Wan Mochou\'s face has become extremely ugly.

But I didn\'t expect that in just half a year, Lin Feng became so strong!

The realm as like as two peas!

Looking around with fear, don\'t worry. You feel a deep threat in your heart.

A Lin Feng is already difficult to deal with. What\'s more, there are other strong people of the fierce wild goose gate around, but the situation has become extremely troublesome.


"Get rid of them first." Wan Mo Chou suddenly thought.

This time, not that time!

"Chief Wan, as I said just now, your opponent is only me." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and direct at Wan Mochou\'s eyes.

Don\'t worry about what\'s on your mind. How can you know?

"Hum, can you Li Yanmen still talk about rules?" don\'t worry. With a disdainful smile, Li Yanmen is really \'unjustified\' with ten to one. But now, after all, it\'s a war. It\'s about the life and death of the two major forces. Naturally, I won\'t worry so much.

"One on one." Lin Feng\'s voice was sonorous.

"You won. The whole liyanmen, including me, is at your disposal."

The indifferent and calm voice sounded. Not only wan Mochou was stunned, but Ji Rushan, three elders and Ji Xiu were also stunned.

At this time, the four fairy fruits are like a mountain, which has been taken by the four people.

"Lin Feng, you\'re crazy!" the three elders angrily said. Ji Rushan and Ji Xiu frowned.

"Trust me, elder martial brother." Lin Feng looked at Ji Rushan with bright eyes.

"Younger martial brother, are you sure?" Ji Rushan said in a deep voice.

Lin Feng smiled and nodded gently.

The four eyes were opposite, and Ji Rushan suddenly smiled, "OK, I\'ll follow you, younger martial brother!"

"Headmaster!" the three elders frowned with a black thread.

"Needless to say." Ji Rushan raised his hand and said calmly, "Li Yanmen suffered such a disaster. My leader is ashamed of everyone and should abdicate. From now on, the third successor of the leader, younger martial brother Lin Feng, will succeed as the new leader."

"Good, good." Wan Mo Chou smiled.

"If I lose, Yanling wanzu will withdraw immediately and will not invade Liyan gate in ten thousand years." Wan Mo worries and holds his head high, and he is still confident.

Lin Feng shook his head: "I want you to promise me another condition."

"Lin Feng, your request is too high." Wan Mo worries about Ning Mei and hums unhappily, "he said."

Lin Feng smiled calmly, "talk after playing."


Peng!! The breath is clanking.

Strong thunder covered all around the body.

The amazing constellation power filled the air, and Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed bright light.

"It\'s just like a man." Wan Mochou looked awe inspiring in his eyes and glanced at the people of Li Yanmen with a touch of disdain.

In his view, this should be the case in the battle between fighters.

One on one, fair duel!

The two violent breath condenses the power of the constellation and forms a violent energy intersection area in an instant. Ji Rushan, three elders and Ji Xiulian evacuated the four seriously injured people to one side for fear that the remaining threat of the battle would be affected. After all, the four people were seriously injured, but there could be no more difference.

If not, the immortal will not be saved!

The first World War after half a year.

However, compared with six months ago, it is completely different.

Today\'s Lin Feng is no longer a little man who was kneaded by Wan Mochou that day, but——

On the same level.

"Tenth gear!"

"Tenth gear!!"

Peng! Peng! Star power is bright.

The two stood in front of each other. The interaction of wind and thunder was amazing.

This is the real constellation power, representing the key to entering the \'master level\'.

Deep fear.

Ten thousand Mo Chou\'s eyes are shining fiercely.

The uneasiness in my heart became stronger and stronger. Looking at the little guy who had been defeated by himself, I was calm and had the victory in hand. I was a little nervous. His fists slowly coagulated, the wind followed, and there seemed to be a goshawk howling on his forehead.

referring to the great fright of routed soldiers!

"Boom!" ten thousand Mo Chou punched.

Hidden in the air, the light was bright. Ji Rushan all stared and held their breath.

Wan Mochou\'s move, combined with the power of ten constellations, combined with the control of "wind" and the realm of "forgetting boxing", they can\'t crack it at all and are completely controlled.

In fact, the forest wind on that day could not be cracked.

But today

"Jiong!" a fiery flame rose in his hand.

Strange and ferocious, as if he had the power to devour everything, and the stars in Lin Feng\'s hands glowed continuously.

Flame, mixed with thunder, Lin Feng also blew a punch.


Two great forces collided, and all of a sudden they retreated.

A tentative blow!

Up and down.

"What a terrible power." Wan Mochou was shocked.

Lin Feng\'s physical strength is amazing!

In an instant——

"Whoosh!" at the moment when Lin Feng landed, he was already out, just like a cheetah.

Unlike Wan Mochou, Lin Feng was not affected at all.

The flames of both hands suddenly roared, and the strong devouring fire flashed thunder light, which intersected with the star power. The eyes are moving, the wind vortex condenses the light, and the speed is fast to the extreme. Don\'t worry. When your eyebrows coagulate, you suddenly drink. Your fists carry the wind and roar to you.

Peng! Another violent impact.

But this time, Lin Feng drank deeply, but the fire swallowed in his hand surged out!

Violent, amazing!

Crazy release, instant explosive power is amazing.

Peng! Peng!

"Boom!!" Wan Mo worries and retreats. His chest fluctuates, but he falls into the disadvantage in an instant.

The terrible flame seemed to burn in his body. Lin Feng\'s boxing level is not high, but his strength and speed, especially the combination of fire and thunder, are extremely powerful. He was pushed back in an instant. Don\'t worry about his ugly face. His body is a little shaky, but he has a flaw, which is a great opportunity for Lin Feng to attack.

"Perch mirror!" the magic weapon of body protection shines instantly.

All around his body, there was a golden light, like armor.

The brown star awns are twining. Don\'t worry. Your face is twisted. You want to resist Lin Feng hard. This terrible blow will minimize the damage.


Lin Feng did not come.

"What?!" Wan Mo Chou looked at Lin Feng standing aloof not far away in horror.

Stunned, it\'s not just ten thousand Mo Chou. Ji Rushan, three elders and Ji Xiu are already opening their mouths and shaking in their hearts. Although Lin Feng did not take advantage of the situation to pursue them, they were shocked by Lin Feng\'s powerful strength, which completely suppressed Wan Mochou.

They\'re right.

Is this really Lin Feng???

(third shift ~ ~)