Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 713

The war that decides the ownership of Yanling mansion is imminent.

At this time, all other forces in Yanling mansion stopped and opened their eyes to "see" the war that had been lost for thousands of years.

Everyone wants to know who will win the final victory.

"Wow!" the light burst out.

Lin Feng crushed the "city symbol" and returned to the wild goose City.

Liyanmen governs the fifteen cities south of Yanling mansion. Dayan city is the nearest city to liyanmen.

There is no "return to the city symbol" that directly returns to Li Yanmen. Neither Li Yanmen nor all Yanling families will make such "dangerous" star symbols. Just like the ten thousand families of Yanling, the nearest way to enter Yanling fairyland is to return to Vientiane city first, and then Yanling fairyland. The same is true for Li Yanmen.

First return to Dayan City, and then take the road to liyanmen.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng was lightly surprised.

"There are so few people."

"What happened?"

On the street, there was a rare figure and it was empty.

Such a big wild goose City is empty. It looks very strange.

The last time I came here, there was still a lot of people, but now it seems like a great disaster, which is very strange.

"Something must happen." Lin Feng frowned and looked around with a bad feeling in his heart.

"Is something wrong with Li Yanmen?" Lin Feng\'s eyes burned and his heart pounded fiercely.

The breath sensor soon found the nearest martial artist, and Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

For a moment, it disappeared.

WOW! The figure flashed.

Lin Feng\'s sudden appearance startled the middle-aged martial artist who was flustered and left.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were cold, and he caught a glimpse of the martial clothes on the martial artist, but there was no doubt about the disciples outside Li Yan\'s gate. "Elder martial brother, why did you leave? What happened to Li Yan\'s gate?"

The middle-aged martial artist was stunned and immediately said, "younger martial brother, you just came back?"

"Yes." Lin Feng nodded.

The middle-aged martial artist suddenly said, "don\'t go back, the Yanling ten thousand families have attacked. At this time, Li Yanmen may be in flames of war." as he said, the middle-aged martial artist couldn\'t help blushing. He was one of the martial artists who \'escaped\' and didn\'t want to live or die with Li Yanmen.

"Has the war started?!" Lin Feng was stunned.

"Yes, it\'s said that the yanlingwan clan sent a million troops, no, tens of thousands of troops!" the middle-aged martial artist showed a little fear in his eyes and sighed, "there are women who want to be single, but the yanlingwan clan is fierce, and the fierce Yanmen will lose any fight. It\'s better to live in peace than die in war. After all, there is only one life, right, junior brother?"

"Younger martial brother? Eh, where are you?" the middle-aged martial artist looked up and was very surprised.

Look around, but there is no trace of Lin Feng.


Like a sharp arrow.

The complexion condensed to the extreme, and Lin Feng\'s eyes showed sparkling cold light.

Speed, full burst!

I rushed to Li Yanmen with all my strength. How dare I delay half a minute.

"If it\'s true as the man said just now, I\'m afraid there are corpses everywhere." Lin Feng clenched his fists and condensed an amazing breath outside his body. He broke the wind and walked at the extreme speed. "I didn\'t expect the Yanling million people to come so cruel and urgent."

Fortunately, I left the customs early.

If not, I\'m afraid I won\'t be able to return to the sky at that time.

And now, there is still a chance!

"A incense stick."

"I can get there in one incense burning time."

"Master, senior brother, Qianqian, liyanmen, wait for me!"

The distance between Dayan city and Liyan gate is actually a long way.

For ordinary Xinghe level warriors, it may take an hour, but for Lin Feng——

Just one incense burning time!

The battle has indeed begun.

The expected World War I is completely open outside the liyanmen Mountain Gate!

There are millions and tens of millions of fighters fighting in the dark. No matter Li Yanmen or Yan lingwan families, Every warrior looks back to death and is full of a strong smell of killing. This war is inevitable. Only one of the two forces can survive!

A brave man wins when he meets on a narrow road.

Perhaps the contest at the top of the pyramid is important.

But these lowest Warriors also have decisive factors!

Momentum, fighting spirit and hard work!

Killing, crazy opening.

In the twinkling of an eye, there was a river of blood and corpses everywhere.

The murderous spirit and the corpses piled up in the sky made Yanling mansion a bloody storm.

Tens of thousands of years of hatred, at this moment, in the form of war, in a life and death battle, completely broke out! No one can stop it. It\'s time to solve the grievances between Yanling wanzu and Li Yanmen.

Ether foam city.

Yanling mansion is a small city in the south.

It was originally a place of peace, tranquility and contentment, but it was also a place not affected by the war.

But now

"Boom!" "clank!! ~" strength, crazy release.

Zhurong, tianwu, Dijiang, Jumang, xuanming, and the five major witch ethnic groups constitute a large army, washing this simple town with blood. Blood spilled all over the city wall, and there were cries of heartbreaking and crying for help one after another.

Crazy slaughter!

The giants of the witch clan, with their blood red eyes, continue to kill the Terran.

Drink its blood and eat its flesh.

Like uncivilized barbarians, the witch clan is extremely cruel.

For them, these tiny humans are just \'prey\'.

Three human races?

Witches are never rare.

In fact, they didn\'t pay attention to the ancient and Terrans at all.

Blocking the whole city, the Dijiang Wu clan is the absolute king in the sky. Even if the Jumang Wu clan has wings, its combat effectiveness and Dijiang Wu clan are one day and one place. It\'s easy to kill ten Jumang WUS at the same level.

"Zheng! ~" a loud voice roared in the sky.

That\'s the Dijiang Wu clan in their early ten meters. They look completely different from other Dijiang Wu clans. They speak the language of the Wu clan, and all the other Wu clans listen quietly.

Like a king, it is full of arrogance overlooking people.

The witch is not a beast.

Every witch clan has "wisdom". In fact, they are no different from humans.

But the blood is more noble than human beings, and the strength is more powerful than human beings!

Hundreds of thousands of Wu clan army completely obey the orders of Dijiang Wu clan in his early ten meters. Obviously, he is the king of the Wu clan army! In fact, even though the witch clan has hundreds of thousands of troops, there are not many whose body shape exceeds ten meters. There are only a few, and the strongest among them——

This is the Dijiang witch family!

With the orders of the Dijiang Wu clan, he glided away.

In an instant, hundreds of thousands of the witch army shouted angrily. Even if they followed, they obeyed their orders.

The huge ether foam city is empty in the twinkling of an eye. What happened just now is like a dream, which people can\'t believe. The ground was in a mess, with a bloody smell all over the sky. There were corpses everywhere, and there were stumps everywhere. It was very scary.


But some people escaped!

Sitting on the ground or suspended in the air, the remaining people stared and were still trapped in the clouds.

I can\'t believe they survived.

The war of Li Yanmen has become hot.

At this time, Lin Feng is trying his best to keep approaching.

Although only one incense burning time is needed, at the moment, this incense burning time is longer than day and night. Every second, Lin Feng\'s heart seemed to be dripping blood. The killing scene appeared in his mind. He only felt the extreme angina pectoris.

Every moment, countless fellow disciples of Liyan gate were killed!

How to bear it!

But what can I do?

Only by clenching his teeth, Lin Feng showed his killing intention in his eyes.

I will never let go of the Yanling 10000 families!

However, no one knows that a greater catastrophe, a terrible disaster, is coming.

When Yanling wanzu and liyanmen are still fighting each other and waging war for their own interests, the "ruler" of mankind, the cruel and murderous army of the witch family, like a meteor shower, is coming straight to the liyanmen sect!

Real disaster!

No one knows.

At this time, Yanling wanzu and liyanmen had only killing in their eyes.

This fierce war is far from over in a moment.

One, fight for dignity and glory; One, fight for protection and freedom.

Yanling wanzu and liyanmen tried their best. So did the disciples of the clan, and so did the martial artists standing at the top of the pyramid. Li Yanmen\'s Dharma protector, sect leader and elite disciples all went out to snipe and kill the strong of Yanling 10000 families.

And now——

The top duel between the two forces is also in full swing.

Don\'t worry, fight alone. The top ten strong men of Yanmen stand proudly like a \'King\'.

Ji Rushan, Ji Xiu, three elders, dragon Dharma protector, chime sect leader... These are the most powerful existence of liyanmen. They are strong beyond Xinghai level 10. They gather the strength of ten people to fight, but they are not opponents at all.

The light wind followed, and the brown star shone.

Ten thousand Mo Chou is suspended in the air, overlooking the people like a king.

There was a blood awn around, which was very scary.

Three of the top ten have been directly killed by Wan Mochou and died thoroughly; Four people were seriously injured, bleeding and almost died; There were only Ji Rushan, Ji Xiu and three elders left. They barely stood up, but they were seriously injured.

Among the three, only Ji Xiu still has the strength of a war, but he has no edge in his eyes.

It\'s like breaking the sword in my heart and losing all my spirit.

Ji Rushan and the three elders, covering the wound with their hands, looked extremely pale. Looking at Wan Mochou, they only felt a deep shock.

Too strong!

Appalling strong!

This is the strength of the strongest person in Yanling mansion!

Before, they thought Lin Feng could hurt Wan Mochou, and perhaps find a glimmer of vitality by taking advantage of the number of people.

But for now, it\'s completely whimsical.

Even, don\'t worry about being undamaged!

"This is the sword that killed the broken army, but so." Wan Mochou played with the sword in his hand and looked at Ji Xiu. The corners of his mouth made an indifferent stroke, but he threw the sword to Ji Xiu at will. This is not charity, nor pity, but an insult!

Ji Xiu\'s complexion is difficult to see the extreme, and his body trembles slightly.

"Three elders, leader Ji?" Wan Mochou looked at Ji Rushan and three elders with a light smile. "Is this all your strength?"

Ji Rushan and the three elders were pale, and their faces were even more ugly.

Be insulted!

But what can I do?

The law of the jungle has been like this since ancient times.

"Ha ha." Wan Mochou smiled calmly, but his laughter was full of contempt and disdain. He looked around and said coldly, "you disappointed me so much. I thought there was a card. It turned out to be a collection of mobs. It was really childish."

"There is no one to fight in such a big fierce wild goose gate?" Wan Mochou\'s voice was arrogant to the extreme.

Echo bursts, Ji Xiu, Ji Rushan and San Changlao have blue and white faces.

Don\'t worry about the corners of your mouth, but also draw a cold smile.


"Who said no?" a deep voice sounded in the distance.

Everyone in the was surprised.

(second shift ~ ~ next shift 0:00)