Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 710

"Hmm?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

"Star weight, fast to the ninth weight?!"

He looked surprised, and Lin Feng suddenly smiled.

Also, I have been in this\' giant tree world \'for so long that I almost forget how many days I have been practicing.

Phoenix\'s chart, because he has opened the chart of destiny, even if he doesn\'t take the initiative to practice, the star power is constantly self absorbing and improving, and the speed is quite fast. You know, the life soul star weighs from the eighth to the ninth, and the star power required is almost the same as that of the human soul from the ninth to the tenth.

But now it is almost saturated.

"Maybe the heavenly spirit Master may break through the bottleneck and advance to the star master level before the God of war." Lin Feng smiled.

Their own soul is already strong enough.

The noumenon cultivates in the giant tree world, and the secret separation cultivates in the extreme Road Phoenix world.

Moreover, the cultivation progress is quite good!

The fire of rebirth has already broken through the 60th weight!

The soul of life is connected with the chart of destiny. The breakthrough of the fire of rebirth makes the soul of life meet the requirements of advanced star master level. What it lacks is only "star weight". The reason why he majored in the God of war and minor in the heavenly spirit division also lies in the number of stars.

One strength, one price.

The eight star gravity of the life soul can be comparable to the ninth weight of the human soul.

What does that mean?

Combat effectiveness, more powerful!

But at the same time, the road of cultivation is also longer.

If the heavenly spirit Master wants to advance to the star master level, the weight of the life soul star also needs to reach the tenth weight, and the "road" for the life soul to reach the tenth weight is equivalent to the road for the human soul to go from the tenth weight to the eleventh importance! Of course, the premise is that the human soul has the eleventh weight.

In fact, the original star power of the human soul is already saturated.

But for the soul, the same star power is only 10%.

"Wow!" the stars are shining.

In the soul of life, the red light shines sharply, filled with a strong feeling of flame.

It forms a huge red light ball and rotates continuously. In a moment, the rotation speed is faster and faster, and the red light is more bright. The sharp energy radiated out, with a similar feeling, and the heart suddenly accelerated.

"Eh?" Lin Feng was stunned.

With the rotation of the red light ball, a faint mist flashed out, condensed outside the red light ball, like a halo.

The shape of the ellipse, the fog slowly condenses, how familiar!

"Star ring?!" Lin Feng was shocked.

As like as two peas!

It is exactly the same as the condensed star ring when the star weight of the human soul reached ten!

However, the weight of your own soul star is only the ninth weight!

The star ring is a medium, a bridge, and an indispensable existence for communication and perception of the natural constellation. It will appear only when it reaches the tenth weight of the star. Lin Feng thought of what the master said to himself that day, but he felt incredible.

What\'s going on?

In an instant——

"Wow!" in front of me, a phoenix roared.

The majestic force, like the \'heaven\', makes your heart vibrate.

It is as like as two peas, but the Phoenix is seven, which is just like the Phoenix\'s seven spots.

Heavenly Master\'s original constellation!

"Very bright."

"Much brighter than the great bear."

Lin Feng thought in his heart, but he was not surprised by the emergence of the Phoenix constellation.

I have already guessed that there will be two natural constellations.

Now, it\'s just confirmation.

"It\'s not just the seven spots."

"Other small light spots are dense and clear."

"Induction is better."

The corners of his mouth began to scratch, and Lin Feng felt distracted and relaxed.

Their own heavenly spirit teacher qualification is indeed much better than the God of war qualification. It is only the emergence of star rings. This is already the case for the first constellation induction. When it comes to controlling the star force and sensing through the star ring, isn\'t the sensing stronger several times ten times?

When I saw the "big bear" constellation that day, I saw only seven big light spots, but the other small light spots were hazy.

As a result, we only see the fuzzy structure of the constellation Ursa Major.

But now, it\'s completely different.

Stable star ring.

Although it was a surprise, Lin Feng was quite calm.

It has long been clear that his Tianling master\'s qualification is strong. Compared with the God of war\'s qualification, one day by one.

"Just the star ring, the gap is huge." Lin Feng shook his head.

The ninth weight of the star appears the star ring, and I haven\'t even heard of it.

"The ninth star ring surpasses the tenth star ring of human soul." Lin Feng doesn\'t know whether he should cry or laugh.

The concentration is higher, the color is darker, and the diameter of the halo is more than several times. The ellipse of the halo is very huge. It is divided into seven layers, quite delicate and clear. According to the three-level star ring, it belongs to the "high-grade" level.

Although there is no faint halo flashing in the legend, the color stratification of the seven layers has reached the limit.

Even if it is high-grade, it is also the top existence in high-grade.

Most importantly——

"This is only the ninth weight." Lin Feng sighed with sparkling eyes.

"What will the star ring become when it reaches the tenth weight?"

The heart reads lightly, and Lin Fengxuan smiles bitterly.

The more you feel that you are an excellent master of the heavenly spirit, the more you think about the "inferiority" of your God of war\'s qualification.

"However, the time it takes for the soul to reach the tenth weight is probably several times more than that for the human soul to reach the tenth weight." Lin Feng felt very helpless, but there must be gains and losses.

With the star ring, it is not a problem to reach the ninth and a half gear of the star control force with the sensing force of the Phoenix constellation.

Human soul can reach, life soul is naturally easy.


"No need."

"Nine and a half are different from ten."

"The star control power of the ninth gear and a half is no different from that of the ninth gear."

Lin Feng thought that he had already been able to use and control the power of the constellation.

Move with your heart and control freely.

"Washing marrow and cutting body is very important for martial artists."

"It would not be worthwhile to waste this precious opportunity now."

"When my soul reaches the tenth weight of the star, the star ring will completely degenerate. At that time, we will \'wash the marrow and cut the body\', and the effect will be the best!"

Heart, very clear.

Lin Feng was not dazzled by joy.

I understand the steps of how to become a star master.

To reach the star master level, the first step is to reach the "star sea level peak", which means that the body has the ability to bear. In the second step, the star control force must reach the tenth gear and the star weight number must reach the tenth weight, which is a necessary condition for the star master level.

The third step is the fusion and transformation of the ten gear star control force and the ten fold star weight number.

It means stepping into the master level with one foot!

Don\'t worry, and you\'ve reached the third step.

In fact, the third step has actually been successful.

Entering the master level will be natural.

Rock fire City, destroyed.

No human being can survive.

Under the crushing of the witch\'s terrorist strength, all the residents of Yanhuo city are dead.

Hundreds of thousands of witch army, how terrible!

And this time, five witch ethnic groups, zhurong, tianwu, Dijiang, Jumang and xuanming, launched an attack together! In particular, Dijiang Wu nationality is extremely fast and ranks among the top three in terms of strength.


The sensing ability of the witch clan is quite strong.

On that day, the forest wind released the winged insects with wings, silent, and the witch family can feel it, not to mention humans?

No one can escape the witch feeling.

Because of the existence of the "Dijiang witch clan", the space is blocked, and even the city return symbol cannot be used. Desperate to escape, but in front of the speed Supreme Dijiang witch clan, it was just a big knife in front of Guan Gong\'s door; Some residents hid in the cellar and were directly killed by the jumangwu clan through the stratum; Hiding in the dark layer, he was burned to ashes by zhurong witch family.


Very sad.

The huge city was burned to ashes and blood flowed into a river.

But who knows?

Nowadays, as like as two peas, the whole goose\'s Ling is just the same. Countless cities are washed by blood. Sometimes, people\'s greed and desire are also terrible.

In the world of fighting spirits, there are countless "houses", as many as tens of millions.

Every day, countless governments rise and countless governments are destroyed.

And nine times out of ten these ruined houses are because——


A catastrophe has begun.

However, no one knows the whole Yanling mansion, even the people of Yanling 10000 families.

Even, as the surviving descendants of the Yanling clan, the Yanling 10000 clan has forgotten how the Yanling clan was destroyed. From generation to generation, thousands of years later, people\'s memory will always fade away, not to mention how many times have passed?

Who can remember that the Yanling family broke out civil strife and fought madly that day.

The murderous spirit and the thick smell of blood annoy the witch family.

Humans, often.

Too much peace, they forget who is the "master" here.

In the world of fighting spirits, among the three major human races, the witch race is the first, the ancient race is the second, and the human race is only the last.

In addition to nine regions and nine continents, it is a place for human beings to settle down and live. There is no need to worry about the Wu nationality. The remaining 99% of the land is occupied by the Wu nationality and the ancient nationality. The character of the ancient clan is as weak as idle clouds and wild cranes, but the witch clan is competitive and likes fighting.

Now, the human beings living in Yanling mansion are like guests, which has aroused the disgust of the host.

Will be expelled!

The catastrophe is spreading.

It\'s like a fire burning slowly.

Subtle without knowing.

In fact, with the existence of Dijiang Wu clan, few human warriors can escape.

At this time, the battle between Yanling wanzu and liyanmen is also open!

After the antagonism between the two forces of Yanling Zunfu, a real war finally broke out.

Declare war!!!

Yanling ten thousand families, encircle and suppress Yanmen in all directions!

Although he didn\'t attack the place where Li Yanmen\'s sect was located, he attacked all the cities controlled by Li Yanmen without mercy. One by one, the martial artists of Yanling million ethnic groups have red eyes and want to snow the shame of being slaughtered in Vientiane city that day!


The first wave of attack.

Just the first day!!!

The Yanling ten thousand families suffered the most painful price——

Wanpo army, die!

It was Li Yanmen\'s new star and another born genius who killed him.


(third shift ~ ~)