Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 711

In the giant tree world, the forest wind is still latent.

Even if Yanling mansion blew up, no matter how it changed, it had nothing to do with him.

Cultivation must be focused. What kind of climate can three days of fishing and two days of net drying become? Once you enter the cultivation, you should concentrate and put everything aside. This is the root of Lin Feng\'s continuous progress in strength in the past six months.

Just like the seeds of the giant tree in the horoscope of wood life, they grow healthily bit by bit.

At this time, there is still the last month in the six-month cultivation period.

That is, the three rounds of time in the giant tree world.

Round 16.

"Hoo ~ ~" Lin Fengchang exhaled.

Closed eyes, flashing a bright luster.

A cluster of flames sprang up with both hands, like a beast, full of ferocious and violent breath.

The flame is high and radiant, as if to devour everything.

There is no doubt about the power of attack.

Devouring fire!

"Finally, catch up with the steps of the rebirth fire." Lin Feng\'s mouth was light.

In terms of attack power, the fire of swallowing is better than the fire of rebirth, but it is controlled by human soul and belongs to the God of martial arts; The other, controlled by the soul, belongs to the heavenly spirit Master.

Devouring fire, greatly increased in the extreme Phoenix world.

Break the 60th weight!

All along, it is far behind the fire of rebirth.

Now, the fire of swallowing is finally proud, but there is still a little gap compared with the fire of rebirth.

After all, the fire of rebirth is not the 60th.

And most importantly, the fire of rebirth in battle has inexhaustible power.

This is unmatched by today\'s devouring fire.

Every ten weights is a threshold, and 60 weights is the ultimate of Xinghai level. If you want to climb up, it\'s like cultivating the fire of rebirth at Xinghe level that day. It takes a lot of time and energy to climb each level, more than ten times.

But it\'s not necessary.

When the fire of rebirth reaches 60, it continues to practice, just to "not waste time".

But the fire of swallowing is different. If the fire of swallowing wants to practice in the extreme Phoenix world, it must be the main body with the same. In other words, the subject cannot practice in the "giant tree world".

Naturally, we have to worry about "efficiency".

"The strength of human soul is still dominated by the God of war."

"But if you attach today\'s\' devouring fire \', the power should be quite terrible."

Lin Feng smiled calmly, but in the past six months of cultivation in the "giant tree world", his improvement in all aspects was particularly great.

The strength of God of war alone is enough to kill Wan Mochou.

What\'s more, there is the fire of phagocytosis and the fire of rebirth.

today we are no longer as we have been!

"I\'m afraid ten lives won\'t be enough to die if a magnetic explosion occurs with the power of 60 each." Lin Feng smiled and shook his head. He remembered that even the \'magnetic explosion\' couldn\'t die that day, but it was because the power of the devouring fire was too weak that he was delayed.

But now, his flame power——

Very strong!

The fire of swallowing also reached the 60th weight.

Lin Feng, no longer concerned, wholeheartedly began to sprint to the tenth gear of Ares\'s star control power.

The secret separation enters the extreme Phoenix world again, but it doesn\'t waste any time.

Noumenon, then begin to realize.

"Breathe, breathe ~" Lin Feng gently breathed, breathing evenly and long.

Sitting quietly on the ground, taking the star treasure stick and star ring as the bridge, he quickly entered the wonderful realm and "saw" the existence of the constellation Ursa Major. It\'s still so spectacular and powerful. Although it\'s less clear and sensitive than the Phoenix constellation, but

The power of that constellation is a real majestic atmosphere.

Perception, and have the power of constellations!

It\'s a long process.

"Master said that every constellation has seven main stars."

"The main star is the brightest and brightest existence and the backbone of the natural constellation."

"Comprehend and absorb the energy of the constellation and choose a master star."

Lin Feng thought lightly in his heart, immersed in the state of cultivation, and clearly found the big bear constellation through the star treasure staff and star ring. The seven shining light spots form the backbone of the constellation Ursa Major, which is the existence of the "main star".

"Although the seven main stars are different, there is no difference."

"No matter which one, it is a sacred and distant powerful existence."

"Keep a pious heart and feel the brightest one."

In his mind, the master said that Lin Feng\'s heart became very calm.

The brightest star you can see is the first one. The main star at the top exists.

Much brighter than other \'stars\'.

"That\'s it." Lin Feng said slightly.

Feel the energy of the constellation, calm your mind and penetrate your body continuously.

Because he has already received "marrow washing and body cutting", his body will not resist the energy of this constellation. In fact, the vast majority of constellation forces enter the human soul and gently wrap the star power ball like a layer of mist.

And a small part is like water and dew, integrated into the body bit by bit.

It\'s like slowly accepting a new thing and making yourself more familiar with this sign.

This is an "urgent" process.

Yanling million families.

"Li Yanmen, sure enough, there are several brushes." Wan Mochou smiled.

With wisps of light in his eyes, he doesn\'t care at all.

"Clan leader, Li Yanmen made a lot of profits and found so many coalition forces. Shall we also..." Wan mang hesitated and glanced carefully at Wan Mochou.

Only other forces have come to beg Yanling wanzu. Why did Yanling wanzu lower down!

Different from Li Yanmen, Yanling Wan nationality has an ancient tradition and heritage.

There are many things that Yanling wanzu can\'t and won\'t do.

"Don\'t care." don\'t worry about the light stroke on the corner of your mouth.

"Patriarch!" Wan mang was a little worried.

"Well, I know what you want to say." Wan Mochou frowned slightly, closed his eyes and breathed softly. "As a clan leader, I should take the family interests as the premise. I\'m not ashamed, but..." Wan Mochou immediately opened his eyes and sneered at the corners of his mouth, "it\'s not necessary."

Wan mang was stunned and looked puzzled at Wan Mochou.

"Now Li Yanmen seems to have the upper hand, but it reveals the fact that they are lack of confidence." Wan Mochou smiled calmly, "these so-called \'coalition forces\' are just a mob, only focusing on interests and wall grass. They will disperse when the wind blows."

"At first I thought how strong Li Yanmen was to kill the broken army, but it was only a flash in the pan."

"They are now at a loss!"

Don\'t worry, your eyes are cold and proud.

Like a king, wanmang was convinced by his arrogance overlooking the world. He bowed his hands and said, "what should we do next, patriarch?"

"Assemble troops and prepare for the general attack!" Wan Mochou\'s killing intention is revealed in his eyes.

"Seven days, just seven days, I can heal my injury and recover my strength to the peak."

"At that time, blood will wash the fierce Yanmen!"

Peng! The breath is clanking.

Don\'t worry, hold it tightly.

This time, he is full of confidence!

Li Yanmen.

"After all, I can\'t hide my worries." Ji Jin smiled and shook his head.

"Shifu, you are still smiling because you are in such a hurry now." Ji Rushan looked sad. "Those sectarian forces of the coalition army are already feeling uneasy. They should receive the warning of Yanling wanzu. I\'m afraid they will be killed. Now they are hesitating one by one."

"Don\'t pay attention to them." Ji Jin said calmly, "the ways are different and don\'t plan on each other. At first, they just used them to frighten all the Yanling families."

"It\'s a pity to be seen through by Wan Mochou." Zhu zero held his chin in his hand and said helplessly.

Among the three, Zhu zero\'s character is most similar to Ji Jin.

Since there is no way out, it\'s no use worrying. It\'s better to face it calmly.

"Is there really no way, master?" Ji Rushan frowned.

But I didn\'t expect to take over Li Yanmen just now. The head\'s ass is not hot yet, and his family will be destroyed

"One day without a war, the outcome is unknown." Ji Jin\'s eyes are bright. "Although Ji Xiu\'s strength is not yet an opponent to worry about, it\'s not without a glimmer of vitality. At least, there\'s a 10-20% chance of winning."

"So little?" Ji Rushan sighed.

"It\'s good to have it, senior brother." Zhu lingsaran said, "anyway, the fire of liyanmen has been sown, and we can fight without scruples."

Ji Jin\'s eyes were bright, "Li Yanmen is not Yanling wanzu. If you want to step on it, you can knead it. Today, even if you are killed, I want Yanling wanzu to pay the most painful price!"

"It\'s a pity that the younger martial brother is not here." Zhu zero regretted, "if not, it\'s a great help with his strength."

"Yes, half a year ago, the younger martial brother was able to hurt ten thousand Mo Chou. His strength can certainly be improved in this half a year. Even if he can\'t reach ten thousand Mo Chou, it can greatly improve our fierce Yanmen combat power." Ji Rushan was also a pity. They looked at Ji Jin immediately.

Ji Jin shook his head. "I miscalculated Wan Mochou\'s injury."

With a quick smile, Ji Jin said faintly, "it\'s not a good thing. With the progress speed of the wind, it may be possible to avenge us in the future."

Ji Rushan and Zhu zero looked at each other and nodded.

They have been looking at Lin Feng\'s progress speed. It\'s really amazing.

There is no need to die together. The three martial brothers left the most valuable fire, just as the master said——

It\'s a good thing.

Giant tree world.

Day after day.

Constantly sensing the main star, Lin Feng continued to practice.

The constellation power is integrated into the human soul, into the original star power, into every inch of skin and every cell of the body. The body is changing; The human soul is also changing; Unknowingly, Lin Feng is getting closer and closer to the star master level.

Tenth gear is the key.

At this time, the 17th round is nearly half of the past.

In the outside world, the past five and a half months, plus the half month of coma after Lin Feng\'s "wind escape" before, are exactly the half year period expected by Wan Mochou!

In the dark, it seems that it is doomed.

The track of history is slowly turning.

Lin Feng finally ushered in the final breakthrough into the master level.

Tenth gear!

(the fourth shift, Jiageng! ~)