Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 709

A thousand days.

Lin Feng holds a gun in one hand, just like a stone carving.

Close your eyes and completely immerse yourself in the state of \'understanding\'.

During these 1000 days, Lin Feng didn\'t move. In his mind, he kept thinking about the seven moves and the nine day shot. Surging, atmospheric, mountain cutting and stone splitting. Each type is so exquisite, mysterious, attack, control, defense, dance, stab, whirl

make smooth reading!

It\'s like a set of shooting techniques, everything.

"This is the real gun move."

"Not just attack, but no defense."

Lin Feng secretly understood it.

I\'m not in a hurry to practice for a while, because I don\'t know whether such a state of "Epiphany" will disappear because of my changes.

If so, wouldn\'t it fall short?

Better take your time.

Anyway, I have more time now.

What we seek is stability and 100% understanding, not speed.

"Step one, step two, step three..."

"Wrist, step, movement, angle, strength..."

Lin Feng kept it in mind and understood it.

Artistic conception, is to do with the heart.

The cohesion and cooperation between gun strokes and artistic conception are gradually becoming more and more perfect in the heart.

haste makes waste.

The understanding of gun moves is not overnight.

I don\'t begin to practice until I fully \'understand\' the seven moves. That\'s the real thing——

no danger of anything going wrong.

Time flies.

But the cultivation of martial arts is like this.

It\'s normal to shut down for a year or two. It\'s not uncommon to shut down for ten, twenty, or even a hundred years just to get a gun move.

However, like Lin Feng, he has maintained the form of "gun pile" for five years, which is rare to the extreme!

Two thousand days!

"Boom!!" the Amethyst gun in his hand seemed to come alive.

Purple light blooms, and the color of amethyst is very bright and powerful.

Lin Feng, finally moved.

If a dragon goes to sea, it will be thunderous.

Eyes that had been closed for two thousand days opened, shining brightly.

However, in my eyes, there is no other existence, except the gun, except the gun move, there is nothing else.

Lin Feng, extremely focused!

Wheeze! Wheeze! Wheeze!

The shadow of the gun is bright and the meaning of the gun is bright.

Like a hibernating animal, it immediately looks for prey as soon as it wakes up.

Now Lin Feng is like this.

Just for the gun!

The first style, Lin Fenghua, took a full thousand days.

The second type, Lin Fenghua, took 500 days.

The third type, Lin Feng, takes 200 days.

And the fourth formula

Less than a hundred days!

More and more proficient.

Understanding, more and more fine and perfect.

Seven styles and one move, the transformation of the same artistic conception, Lin Feng\'s understanding is extremely transparent.

From strange to familiar stage, are spent. After practicing the gun again and again, the power of the Amethyst gun in his hand has increased again and again. As early as 2000 days of practice and integration of "gun pile", Lin Feng\'s artistic conception of shooting has surpassed the original, and now——

"Boom!!" burst.

Amethyst gun is extremely powerful and overbearing.

Not only the gun is domineering, but also the gun move and gun intention are extremely domineering.

"My state of \'entering the gun\' is no less than the state of \'forgetting boxing\'."

"If we fight again, he will lose!"

The power of the gun is better than the fist.

Understanding is more difficult and more powerful!

This day is the 380th day of Lin Feng\'s "wugun".

The goal has been achieved.

Less than five months after entering the fighting spirit world, Lin Feng has completed his transcendence of Wan Mochou.

Beyond 100% confidence!

The rest is to break through yourself.

Go beyond your limits.

The fifth formula.

The sixth type.

And the seventh.

The giant tree world is still calm.

Here, it seems to be a carefree paradise.

There is nothing here except giant trees and the energy of wood. It is empty.

To practice here, you must endure loneliness.

At this point, Lin Feng meets the requirements very well.

In this giant tree world with a time ratio of 500:1, Lin Feng spent three months in reality, and the 5000 days of the 15th round is coming to an end. In fact, as early as the 13th round, Lin Feng had mastered all seven forms of the seventh wood carving, and even merged into one.

The seventh move, Lin Feng named it "green smoke shooting".

Because these seven sets of wood carvings come from the green smoke city and the secret land of green smoke.

But Lin Feng didn\'t stop practicing.

In the 14th round, Lin Feng perfected and realized all seven artistic conception of wood carving.

The original "broken" gun moves are repaired, and the real seven artistic conception are mastered.

And the fifteenth round

"Boom!!!" the thunder shook.

The whole world of giant trees seemed to tremble.

The space seems to be torn apart, and the power of Lin Feng is fierce and unimaginable.

One person, one shot, stand burning.


The purple light and shadow seemed to pierce a hole in the sky.

Truly groundbreaking!

"Finally, it succeeded."

"This is the eighth shot."

The corners of his mouth were lightly scratched, and Lin Feng\'s face showed a long lost smile.


Yanling mansion.

The arrow is on the line, ready to go!

Between Yanling wanzu and liyanmen, there is no water and fire.

The small-scale struggle gradually expanded and affected the whole Yanling mansion bit by bit. Since the two forces became enemies, more than half of the cities in Yanling mansion have changed their masters in recent six months, and more than 80% of the cities have been affected by the war.

Influence, too big!

But now, there is no way back.

Even if Yanling wanzu and liyanmen don\'t want to see such a situation, they can\'t control it.

Only one war to the end!

Yanling million families.

"Clan leader, according to your orders, local war has begun." Wan mang arched his hand.

"Li Yanmen is nothing more than that!" Wan pojun\'s eyes were cold and bright, and his mouth was cold and disdainful. "There is no one to fight except Ji Jin. The current leader \'Ji Rushan\' is just a loser and can\'t be afraid at all. Clan leader, even if you don\'t come forward, just one of your subordinates will be enough to control Li Yanmen!"

"It\'s good to be so natural." don\'t worry, his face is flat, "I\'m afraid it may not be so smooth."

"Li Yanmen has a deep foundation. You must not underestimate the enemy when breaking the army." Wan mang frowned and said solemnly.

Ten thousand broken troops snorted, but they listened in their ears and didn\'t put it in their hearts.

With his strength, what fear!

"Try Li Yanmen first and see how many cards they have left." Wan Mo Chou slowly opened his mouth, looked coldly at the distance, and was full of evil spirit. "After half a month, the day when I heal and leave the pass will be the day when Li Yanmen is destroyed!"

The surging air and the amazing breath deeply frightened the ten thousand troops and made his heart tremble.

Even if the injury is not healed, don\'t worry. You are the strongest person in Yanling mansion!

Li Yanmen.

"I\'ll give you the sword." Ji Jin\'s eyes were bright.

Ji Xiu took over the sword. Rao is his excellent character and feels a deep shock.

Five and a half months is a long time for the quarterly repair.

In the Liyan palace, he received the cruelest and most precious exercise, and his strength was greatly improved.

today we are no longer as we have been!

"Headmaster, this sword is..." Ji Xiu raised his head.

"It was feng\'er who gave me a nine star sword." Ji Jin smiled and took the eight star fairy fruit of the treatment department. His look has recovered a lot and his spirit is very good. "With your strength now, you can give full play to all the power of this sword!"

"Lin Feng." Ji Xiu whispered softly, his eyes burning.

Over the past few days, he gritted his teeth and insisted on practicing hard, and even gave up the practice of "Kendo" for the time being.

One is Li Yanmen, the other is himself. The dispute over the purple treasures in Yanling\'s house made him deeply understand the gap between Yanling and Lin Feng.

"Pa!" holding the sword in his hand, Ji Xiu felt strong power.

If there were this sword that day, with his current strength, fight Lin Feng again——

He will never lose!

"Yanling wanzu has begun to make a tentative attack now." Ji Jin\'s eyes are burning and his face is calm. "Don\'t worry that his injury hasn\'t healed. Now the strongest thing of Yanling wanzu is the \'wanchuanjun\'. However, although he is strong, he is headstrong. There is no way to deal with him. The key is you!"

Ji Xiu looked at Ji Jin and nodded, "I know."

Now, he is the strongest sword of Li Yanmen!

South of Yanling mansion.

Rock fire City, a small town pool at the border.

It is located in the southernmost part of Yanling mansion, near the mountains, where all kinds of volcanoes and magma exist and are extremely hot.

Further south, there is an endless desert with no end to see and no direction to distinguish. This is one of the few cities that has not suffered from "war", because it is too poor. There are few people, poor terrain, inconvenient transportation, and no businessmen.

However, because of this, it is also luck to avoid the chaos in Yanling mansion.

But luck is not very good.

What should come will always come.

Even if those robbers, horse thieves and evil people who kill without blinking their eyes don\'t come, other existence will come.

Yanling mansion is not only human.

"Dong!" "Dong!" "Dong!" "Dong!"

The earth seemed to shake, and the sky seemed to become dark.

The air flow around is disordered, and many martial artists in rock fire city have transient complexion.

"What\'s going on?!"

"What the hell happened!!"

"Look, what\'s that, my God!!"


In the city, both fighters and residents were appalled.

There are numerous "giants" rolling over. Some are dressed in red scales, stepping on fire dragons and burning hot flames all over; Some tigers are human, with three heads and three tails, accompanied by amazing and violent wind; Some are like yellow bags, red as Dan fire, flying in the air, like monsters!

It\'s the witch!!

Zhurong witch, tianwu witch, Dijiang witch, Jumang witch

It\'s hard to estimate the number, but at least tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands!

"Boom!" "boom!!" "clank!"

Fire, wind, instant release, burst out in the rock fire city.

The dark witch army, spewing out the witch language, came with a bang, and the cold killing intention in its eyes bloomed. Human beings are like babies who can\'t walk in front of the witch family. They are extremely different in strength and size.

In an instant, a cruel killing is the beginning!

Yanling mansion, great crisis!

(second watch ~ ~ third watch 22:30 ^ ^)