Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 708

"What\'s special about this Amethyst?"

Curious, Lin Feng picked up Amethyst and watched it carefully.

Compared with the last time, this huge Amethyst is a lot lighter. It is not that it has reduced its weight, but that its strength has improved during this period of time. Nevertheless, this Amethyst is still so heavy that it is very laborious to hold it in your hand.

Outside the crystal, there is no flashing light.

There is no purple fog, and it will not lead to any illusion. At present, the Amethyst looks like a real stone.

Except for the weight, nothing surprising.


"On the fourth day, all indigo treasures are nine star."

"This Amethyst is a purple treasure. It should not be worse than the nine star level."

Thought lightly in the heart, Lin Feng said secretly.

His eyes flickered slightly, his fingers were cut open for a moment, and a drop of blood dropped down.

"Pa Da!" fell on Amethyst, but it seemed to drop on an ordinary stone without any reaction. Blood slipped from the jagged surface of Amethyst and dropped to the ground, which made Lin Feng more curious.

"It\'s not Lingbao." Lin Feng thought.

If it is a Lingbao, you should absorb your own blood.

"Is it Xingbao?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright.

There is also a "star treasure" in himself, that is, the star treasure staff. He just can\'t "recognize the Lord" for the time being.

have a try!

Think of it and do it. The star power in Lin Feng\'s hand suddenly blooms.

This time, it was completely different from the star treasure staff at that time, and his star power had changed greatly.

Even, with the power of constellations!


"Wow!" the stars are dim.

Failed again.

"No, it\'s not Xingbao either." Lin Feng shook his head.

If it is a star treasure, even if you can\'t "recognize the Lord", at least there will be a reaction, just like the star treasure staff.

But the Amethyst Stone in his hand didn\'t move at all, just like a dead object.

Taking it in his hand, Lin Feng\'s eyebrows sank slightly.

"Is it really just a \'crystal stone\'?" Lin Feng thought and sipped his mouth.

Carefully watching this jagged Amethyst, Lin Feng\'s eyebrows are sometimes frowned, sometimes stretched and sometimes tilted. Maybe I haven\'t read the mineral illustrated book. I really believe it\'s just an ordinary crystal stone

However, in the mineral illustrated book, there are crystal stones that are more valuable and even more precious than the whole Yanling mansion.

Unfortunately, there is no record of this\' Amethyst \'!


The reason is simple.

"Ninety nine percent, it\'s not a \'crystal stone\'." Lin Feng got the answer.

Yanling will never take a "crystal stone" as a "Purple treasure" to exist.

All the indigo level treasures and blue level treasures I have acquired this time can be directly used by martial artists, even the red treasures and orange treasures at the lowest level. This purple treasure is unreasonable. It is so different from other treasures.

"I have too little experience to uncover its secret." Lin Feng understood in his heart.

It\'s like the "star treasure staff" of that day. If it weren\'t for thousands, I\'m afraid I haven\'t known its "identity" until now, and the jade is covered with dust.

I\'m afraid this "Amethyst" is the same.

"Forget it."

"The time may not come."

Lin Feng smiled calmly and stroked the Amethyst.

With the color of regret in his eyes, there is no way to think about it.


"Hmm?" Lin Feng was stunned.

The eyebrows spread a little, and the eyes brightened in an instant.


"The appearance of this purple treasure is related to the purple star realm."

"The purple star state is related to the ancient divine beast \'thunder ferocity\'."

"Will this purple treasure..."

His eyes were sparkling. Lin Feng looked straight at the jagged surface of amethyst. When he looked straight at it, the jagged surface of Amethyst seemed to have changed, just like the golden scale on the divine beast Lei Ling he killed.

Once similar!

The more you look, the more you look!

The two different objects overlap inexplicably.

"Bang! Bang!" Lin Feng stared.

The heart beat rapidly.


That should be the case!

"Thunder armor!" Lin Feng\'s eyes burst into light.

In the body, the golden life chart in the Phoenix chart lights up, and a familiar and powerful force wraps the whole body in an instant. The skin becomes hard, the limbs become strong, the whole body flashes golden light, and the outside of the body seems to be covered with a layer of armor.

The thunder light converges, and the sharp spikes on the back are sharp and ferocious.

The most amazing thing is the two-stage single angle on the head, just like lightning.

"Zi, Zi ~ ~" thunder flashed.

In an instant——

"Boom!" his head shook.

Lin Feng\'s eyes as like as two peas in his eyes, and only the same force in the Amethyst Stone.

Like a call, a feeling of being connected with each other, as if the sleeping spirit was awakened by itself.

It\'s amazing!

For a moment, I could no longer feel the weight of amethyst.

As if it didn\'t exist at all.


WOW!! Wonderful things happen in an instant.

The Amethyst is like melting, instantly "dissolving", turning into a purple light, wrapped around his right hand, like a snake. The single angle on the head leads to thunder bursts, which intersects with the Amethyst light, and the light is bright and bright.

Like the bloom of vitality!

"What a strange feeling."

"It\'s like part of my arm."

The arm moved slightly, and Lin Feng couldn\'t help closing his eyes.

In front of me, a picture suddenly appeared. I, holding the ember magic gun in my forehand, danced quickly.

The positive and dignified expression, the ember magic gun in his hand seemed to come alive, and the thunder light burst. The heart moves at will, and the shooting is constantly displayed. Light wind blows, cold wind rises, Longyang shot, storm shot, Jiujiao shot, Yu shot, fireworks shot, light shot

That\'s all I\'ve learned since I entered the fighting spirit world!

One by one, one by one, constantly display.

However, the power is completely different!

"What a profound state of entering the gun."

"Deeper than when I entered the gun."

Mind, completely immersed in it.

The perception of the realm can be met but not sought.

Now, although I am "watching" myself practicing guns, I have a different feeling of being alone.

Over and over again, keep watching.

It\'s like turning over the book I read a long time ago, reviewing the old and knowing the new, and having a new understanding. Slowly, gradually, the figure in front of me became blurred. In my mind, there was a sword light and a human figure, which staggered with each other. The sword light was fierce and overbearing.

However, the power of the gun is better!

"Peng!" the meaning of gun and sword trembled violently.

"What a pity." Lin Feng sighed in his heart.

The sword move is quite good, but it\'s a pity that the martial artist doesn\'t have enough artistic conception.

Only reluctantly reached the realm of "entering the sword". Moreover, it is based on the sword move and guided into the realm of "entering the sword", which is not the power of the martial artist himself.

It was the war between myself and Rumeng that day.

Like a dream, the sword swallows the sun and the moon.

Power, really strong!

In an instant——

WOW! In my mind, the seventh wood carving appeared.

The movements of sword and wood carving are integrated together, interlaced and hazy, forming a whole. For a moment, the sword becomes blurred, and the figure becomes more strange. The sword suddenly turned into a gun, and the figure turned from a dream into itself.

Chih!! Purple light blooms.

Thunder roars!

A powerful shot seemed to split the sky and open the earth, overlooking the world.

Seven sets of wood carvings, each set of wood carvings has these seven forms and seven artistic conception. The seven artistic conception as like as two peas of wood carving, but the action of wood carving is different. The same artistic conception has seven different forms, which is like a seven strokes.

The more tricks you use, the more thorough you will understand.

One is your own understanding.

One is to portray the strong of wood carving and pass on the quintessence of tricks.

Although it is a peep to know a hundred, its power is different.

"I see."

"This is the real power of wood carving."

At this time, Lin Feng finally fully understood.

The artistic conception of wood carving is really strong, strong enough to be easily displayed with moves.

The strong man who created this artistic conception is also a super genius who can make any weapon exert its power.

How amazing!

"Although I don\'t know what weapons the Carver of this wood carving uses."

"However, the seventh wood carving with the strongest artistic conception, once learned, has incomparable power."

Lin Feng was amazed. It was like the power of the dream sword. I\'m afraid he didn\'t even have half the artistic conception of the seventh wood carving!

We can imagine how powerful the seventh artistic conception is!


Lin Feng fell into a state of deep understanding.

This feeling, and very.

Like understanding artistic conception, profound gun moves also need epiphany and sudden thought. Sometimes, this is also a strange "chance", which can be met but not sought. The body is calm, the forest wind stands tall, the breeze in front of the body blows, the thunder armor has long disappeared, but it runs out of energy.

But at the moment, Lin Feng has a gun in his hand.

A purple gun!

Like a gun made of amethyst, it is extremely transparent and beautiful.

Looking closely, the proportion of the gun body and the shape of the gun tip, including the length, width and thickness of the gun, are very familiar!

As like as two peas!

It should be said as like as two peas in Lin\'s mind.


Less thunder light, and the purple is less energetic, less\' life \'feeling.

In Lin Feng\'s mind, the figure dancing with a gun, the thunder in his hand, and the energy of life felt very clear, like a \'living creature\'. Now, Lin Feng\'s Amethyst gun is dead.

But at least, Lin Feng has a gun.

It\'s the gun solidified by Amethyst. It\'s a gun that can perfectly integrate itself!

Because it is as like as two peas. no Compared with the ember magic gun, the material of this Amethyst gun is thousands of times better, and——

The origin is very mysterious!

(first shift ~ ~ second shift 20:00 ^ ^)