Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 707

The land of wood spirit.

The faint smell of wood twines, the giant tree gently shakes its branches and leaves, and the breeze blows.

Here, a quiet, as if isolated from the world in general.

Time passes very slowly here.

After entering here, Lin Feng has spent twelve rounds of cultivation, and each round is ten days outside. Now, it\'s the thirteenth round of cultivation. It\'s two-thirds of the time from the eighteen rounds set on that day.

The God of war and other ranks had already broken through in the middle of the twelfth round.

Xinghai level 12, reaching the limit of Xinghai level Ares.

You can\'t go any further.

However, the absorption of the wooden life chart has not reached the limit, so Lin Feng continues to practice patiently and wait patiently.


"Wow!" Wow! "The absorption speed of the wooden life astrolabe has completely slowed down.

It\'s like a man with a full stomach. It\'s not so easy to stuff it again.

Speed, greatly slow down!


Lin Feng was very happy.

"Almost saturated!" Lin Feng looked forward to it.

I don\'t know how long to cultivate, but even if I have good patience this time, I can\'t support it.

It\'s tiring to repeat the same thing every day.

Now, finally keep the clouds open and see the moon!

I\'m about to light up the wooden life chart!

"Zizi, Zizi ~ ~" the golden life chart flashes.

Finally, absorbing the last breath of wood energy, the golden life chart is completely saturated, just like a bottle filled with water and can\'t pour even a drop! The faint smell of wood surrounds the golden life chart and cannot be entered. It forms an aerosol form outside.

The Phoenix in the body lit up and clanked.

At the head of the Phoenix, the exquisite Phoenix eyes are bright and full of extreme light, as if they were alive.

The third wooden life chart, sharp bright light.

"What a rich energy."

"Vigorous and vigorous, this is the wooden life chart."

"Like fire life chart and gold life chart, this third light spot seems to have consciousness and vitality."

Lin Feng sighed in his heart.

In his own body, the wooden life astrolabe and the whole Phoenix are changing.

That\'s an advanced, reborn change.

Immersed in the body, I carefully observed the changes of the wooden life chart and the Phoenix life chart, but I didn\'t notice that in the "giant tree world", the branches of my only "friend" waved more violently, and the light voice was like talking with the wind.

In an instant——

WOW! Bright emerald green light flickered.

The giant tree that always fluctuates with the wind suddenly changes!

In the middle of the sky, a piece of branches full of branches and leaves came flying. It was as fast as a meteor and could not be seen.

This speed is thousands of times faster than Lin Feng\'s full attack!

Just for a moment, it wrapped Lin Feng.


Lin Feng was surprised and his face changed.

Instantly out of the state of internal vision, open your eyes.

At this time, I was green, surrounded by a strong smell of wood energy, and I seemed to be isolated from the world.

"Leaves?" Lin Feng was stunned.

The green in front of me is the big leaves of the giant tree.

Reaching out and touching, what \'surrounds\' oneself is the branches and tendrils of a huge tree, forming a shape like a\' cocoon \'.

"What\'s going on?"

"Why did the giant tree trap me?"

Lin Feng was puzzled by questions in his heart.

It seems that the giant tree has no malice, but it can\'t get out at the moment.

It was in my thoughts that I suddenly——

"Pa!" the green light was full, and a crystal particle flashing green light like water droplets appeared in front of him. It is connected by a small green branch of a huge tree, just like a human arm, holding it like a "gift".

"What do you mean?" Lin Feng looked at the green crystal curiously.

Pregnant with great energy and full of strong breath of life, I just reached out and wanted to touch the \'Green Crystal\'.

But all of a sudden, sudden change!

"Chih!" piercing voice.

Lin Feng opened his eyes and was completely confused.

I couldn\'t believe looking at my chest. At this time, the blood kept dripping. In front of my chest, the thin branch of the huge tree stabbed into my chest like a dagger. The speed is so fast that I can\'t even feel any pain.

"Why?" Lin Feng looked blankly.

I can\'t understand why the giant tree attacked me for no reason!

"Whew!" the branches pulled out fiercely, splashing with blood.

It was like a terrible and extreme murder weapon, stained with his own blood, and absorbed the blood in an instant. Lin Feng stared at the tiny green branches in front of him, but it was a little different from what he had just seen


"Where\'s the green crystal?"

Lin Feng seemed to think of something, "won\'t you?"

His chest fluctuated and clenched his teeth. Lin Feng was immersed in it.

Soon, I found the "green crystal"!


But in his own chart of wooden life.

"This?!" Lin Feng was surprised.

At this time, the wooden life astrolabe has gradually returned to its normal form, like an empty bright light ball, which has been fully opened after the advanced stage. I can really feel the existence of the wooden life chart, just like a door opened in the Phoenix life chart.

However, when you open the door of the wooden life chart, what you see is——

A tree!

"Wow!" Wow! "The tree keeps growing upward.

The growth rate is not fast, but it seems that there is no end, and it has been rising.

Lin Feng was completely stunned.

The strong smell of wood, the strong branches, the shape and characteristics of the tree, and even the lines on the trunk are similar.

Isn\'t this the giant tree?

"It planted its own seeds into my wooden life chart?" Lin Feng\'s eyes burst into light, and he fully understood at this time. In the wooden life chart, nothing can hide its own induction. The "green crystal" turns into a root and forms the "foundation" of this huge tree.

The feeling of surging vitality seems to be connected with yourself.

"It\'s my blood." Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

Staring at the wooden life chart, the green crystal at the root of the giant tree still left its own faint blood.

For a moment, Lin Feng withdrew from the state of internal vision.

The faint energy breath of wood, your body, has recovered at this time.

It was the giant tree who was "healing" himself, but the momentum, with the recovery ability of his Phoenix blood, was only a minor injury.

Lin Feng looked at the huge tree with sparkling eyes.

In my heart, I already know a lot.

Giant tree, no malice.

It is not to regard itself as a humble abode for its\' children \'.

If not, it does not need to let the \'seed\' be stained with its own blood. It is a process of \'recognizing the Lord\' so that it can fully control it.

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll take good care of it." Lin Feng smiled lightly and nodded, "but..."

"I really want to know why?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered with curiosity.

"Unfortunately, I can\'t understand you."

The stronger the existence, the rarer the offspring will be!

So is the witch family, the ancient family, the Warcraft, and the wood spirit.

Looking up, I couldn\'t see the second \'Green Crystal\', let alone feel a similar smell.

"Wow! ~" the breeze blew and the branches and leaves fluttered.

Lin Feng closed his eyes and the oncoming wind seemed to be a giant tree talking to himself.

Very comfortable, very light, very supple, like a mother talking to her children.

With a slight smile, although I can\'t understand it, I can feel it.

All parents in the world are the same.

The seeds of the giant tree are still thriving.

Lin Feng has entered an endless state of cultivation.

Time can\'t be wasted.

"It should have been nearly four months since I entered the land of wood spirit."

"The half year period mentioned by the master is still two months."

Lin Feng nodded and read softly in his heart.

But I don\'t know I made a big mistake.

Ji Jin\'s half year is different from the half year he knows.

He forgot that he had been in a coma for a long time because of his\' wind escape \'!

"The star weighs tens of thousands, the star control force is nine and a half, plus the strength of Xinghai level 12, now I......"

"In the face of ten thousand Mo Chou, we should already have the power of World War I."

Lin Feng thought in his heart and looked calm.

This time, I am confident!

"However, we must find a suitable gun first. Otherwise, it is difficult to give full play to the combat effectiveness." Lin Feng\'s eyebrows are slightly deep.

It is not so easy to find a suitable gun. For the God of war, weapons, like arms, must be used.

If not, let alone the artistic conception of shooting can not be brought into play, the power of gun moves is greatly reduced.

"Try one by one."

"See which one feels better."

"The material of these guns is much better than that of the ember magic gun. I hope one can be handy."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered slightly. In an instant, a long gun appeared in front of him. There were hundreds of them in all kinds.

But he took it with him when he came back to Yanmen this time.

"The tip of the gun is too narrow and the body is too thick."

"The length of the gun is slightly longer. The handle feels a little bad. No."

"This gun, well, is too light to handle."


Constantly experimenting, Lin Feng was very careful.

After all, it\'s a killing weapon that accompanies you in battle. You must be perfect and never make do with it at will.

It doesn\'t make much difference to take a gun when your strength is weak; On the contrary, when the strength becomes stronger, the requirements for weapons become higher and more careful. Even if there is only one imperfection, the exertion of strength will be limited.

"No wonder the master said that most martial artists above the star master level are \'customized\' weapons."

"I\'ve been using the ember magic gun for too long. I\'m used to that feeling."

Shaking his head, Lin Feng sighed.

There are hundreds of guns in front of us, but none of them are satisfactory.

"Look again." Lin Feng nodded, and his consciousness entered the Jizi ring again.

For a moment, a long gun of different shapes and colors flashed out again. There was a lot of inventory, but Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed slightly, "huh?"

WOW! The light flashed. What appeared in front of me was a huge purple stone, very heavy.

It was the "Purple treasure" obtained at Yanling Zunfu that day!


(third shift ~ ~)