Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 706

Yanling mansion is in chaos at this time.

There is constant friction between Li Yanmen and Yanling wanzu.

Since the war began, there is no reason to make peace. Now the two are in a state of fire and water. Only the destruction of one side can solve this situation.

Rumors, all kinds of constant.

Rise everywhere.

In terms of wisdom, Ji Jin is indeed better than Wan Mo Chou.

Lin Feng contributed a lot to saving a dead chess game, but Ji Jin behind it also contributed a lot. Wan Mo Chou\'s serious injury, Wan Mo Chou\'s death, and the vitality of Yanling\'s ten thousand families are greatly damaged. The rumors that Li Yanmen has exaggerated countless times are well known to the whole Yanling family.

The Yanling wanzu, as if to prove rumors, continue to attack liyanmen, but the more so, the more rumors from the outside world!

Yanling Wan clan, guilty!

At this time, many forces are eyeing, waiting for the battle between Li Yanmen and Yanling million families.

Many small forces subject to Yanling wanzu are even more ambitious, independent portals and seize the opportunity to capture other small cities.

It can be said that one hair affects the whole body.

The more chaos, the more opportunities!

Especially for those ambitious forces, it is a great opportunity!

For example, the Jinsha gang and the white horse Gang united to attack Lvyan city that day. Now those big forces are playing games, and they dare not act rashly. It\'s like a lion and a tiger standing in the forest looking at each other.

The rest of the wild animals have no "containment" and become much more free.

If Yanling mansion is calm, who dares to start a war without reason?

The gun hit the head bird.

"Ha ha! Cool!!" a burly man stood high on the wall and roared up to the sky.

Behind him was a dilapidated city of bricks and tiles. At this time, teams of fighters swarmed in and were ferocious, plundering and robbing everywhere. The residents of the city were crying, and some wanted to resist, but they were instantly killed by those martial artists with a punch or kicked to death.

Rape, debauchery and plunder, do all kinds of evil!

"Brother Shenwei, we\'ve made a fortune this time. Ha ha." a scar man laughed.

"The third city, hey, brothers, it\'s popular and spicy this time. As big brother said, one word, cool!" a hooked nose man flattered, "that Yanling million people still want to take charge of Yanling mansion. They have great ambition, but their strength is not very good, ha ha."

The burly man smiled arrogantly: "how coquettish it was that the Yanling family led the whole Yanling house that day. Isn\'t it also fragmented?"

"That is to say." the scar man agreed, and was stunned. He couldn\'t help but wonder, "but brother, at the beginning, the Yanling family was divided. How could only one branch of the Yanling 10000 family be left? Where are the other branches?"

"Stupid." the eagle nose man disdained, "of course, it was destroyed by the Yanling million families."

The scar man scratched his head and said, "it was destroyed by the Yanling ten thousand families. Why doesn\'t the Yanling ten thousand families command the whole Yanling house?"

"Er..." the man with a hooked nose was speechless, and they couldn\'t help looking at the big man.

The big man twitched at the corners of his mouth, waved fiercely and shouted, "what does this old history do? It\'s none of our business!" after that, he patted his chest. The big man was heroic and dry: "go and celebrate in the largest restaurant in the city. Don\'t get drunk tonight!"

"OK!" cool!!! "

Such a scene happened everywhere in Yanling mansion.

In fact, if it had not been for Lin Feng\'s help that day, green smoke city would have fallen at this time.

With the word "benefit" at the head, Yanling mansion has been quiet for so long, and countless powerful forces hold a breath in their hearts.

Now, completely broke out!

The longer the battle between Yanling wanzu and liyanmen, the more chaotic the Yanling house will be. No one knows what the situation will become. This is exactly what Wan Mochou was worried about at the beginning. The more changes, the more dangerous, because it may be beyond the control of Yanling wanzu!

We must make a quick decision!

At the moment, no one in Yanling mansion knows that a huge force is ready to move.

Yanling mansion, disaster is about to break out!

The land of wood spirit.

Lin Feng is still practicing.

It\'s just that the "giant tree world" where we live has changed.

The 18 rounds of opportunities have been one third of the past, from the earliest 300:1 giant tree world to 500:1 giant tree world. Although the need for wood spirit has greatly increased, Lin Feng can afford it. Now each round is equivalent to 5000 days of cultivation.

Quite amazing!

Lin Feng\'s Ares qualification may not be good enough.

But the practice in the giant tree world has verified one sentence——

diligence redeems stupidity.

With strong patience and continuous cultivation, Lin Feng\'s strength has been steadily improved.

In the world of fighting spirits, the tenth level of Xinghai is actually the "peak of Xinghai", because the meaning of "peak" is that when you reach the peak state, you have met the minimum requirements for breaking through the star master level. Of course, there are some martial arts talents. Even if they have not reached level 10 of Xinghai level, their physical strength is also sufficient.

But the stronger the body, the higher the chance of success.

Especially the way of God of war!

"Pa!" Lin Feng\'s body was shining.

The breath has changed, the skin has become stronger, and the body is much stronger.

Starsea level 11!

However, Lin Feng had no mood change at all and was still immersed in cultivation.

Look still, for today\'s Lin Feng, the strength of the God of war is not his pursuit. To break through the bottleneck of the star sea level and reach the star master level, the key lies in the ten level star control force and the destiny constellation, not the level of strength.

Because his physical strength is far beyond the so-called "star sea level peak".

The reason why I have been practicing is because——

Wooden life chart.

"Nearly a third."

"The speed of saturation is quite fast."

"At the current speed, every three rounds and ten days, my wooden life chart can be saturated by one third!"

Lin Feng was in a good mood with the careful calculation in his heart.


Just two more months, about two months in reality.

By yourself, you can light up the wooden life chart, just like the golden life chart!

Once the wooden life astrolabe is lit, one\'s own heavenly spirit Master and martial god do not have to be stuck on the bottleneck and cannot be promoted.

Until the star master level peak, no more obstacles!

Time flies.

Yanling mansion is in chaos.

Nearly half of the city was affected by the war, and countless forces fought, with corpses everywhere and heavy casualties.

Every city is in danger. Maybe it\'s their turn next time. The overwhelming majority of the forces attacking and occupying the city are not to "control" the city, but to plunder it for long-term development. Naked plunder, only for personal interests!

After all, no one knows what will happen tomorrow.

Instead of spending a lot of money and time building cities, it\'s better to spend these time earning wealth.

Maintaining the status quo!

At least, with enough money in the future, you can make a comeback wherever you go.

At this moment, people\'s greed and selfishness are undoubtedly exposed.

Yanling million families.

"I knew it would be like this!" don\'t worry, your face is ugly, and the file in your hand turns into pieces.

The battle with Li Yanmen was a hard tug of war.

All the chiefs of Yanling Wan clan were cautious and did not dare to start a war easily. They were afraid of this at present.

Only in the past four months, the situation of Yanling mansion has been in a mess. At present, if the Yanling wanzu want to exterminate liyanmen, the ideal outcome will take a year and a half. At that time, I don\'t know what will happen, but the "situation" originally set up has been a complete failure.

"What shall we do next, clan leader?" Wan mang frowned and asked softly.

Don\'t worry. You look blue and white and fall into deep thinking.

Now, he is in a dilemma!

If he didn\'t have a head-on conflict with Li Yanmen, maybe we could step back, but now if he retreats, the consequences will be very serious. His reputation has been ruined. His prestige in Yanling mansion has plummeted. I\'m afraid the worst thing is that his people have lost confidence.

Once the heart is dispersed, it will be very troublesome!

"Kill it, clan leader!" the eagle eyes of ten thousand soldiers were cold and shining.

There are three strong people of Yanling Wan clan, Wan Mochou, Wan Mochou and Wan bochou. Now Wan Mochou is dead, only wan bochou and WAN Mochou are left.

"I don\'t believe that the fierce Yanmen has three heads and six arms if we cut the disordered horses with a quick knife!" Wan broke the army\'s murderous spirit and looked miserable. He has always been the representative of the main battle.

"Alas." Wan Mo Chou sighed softly.

Kill it?

He also wants to kill it recklessly!

However, Li Yanmen has a profound background. Even if the Yanling clan wins the battle with Ming Dao and Ming gun, it will be a tragic victory. At that time, it will be more difficult to control the chaotic Yanling mansion. I\'m not sure, it will be destroyed. After all, there are many strong reclusive people in Yanling mansion, crouching tigers, hidden dragons.


Wan Mochou shook his head.

His injuries have only recovered to 80%.

In the event of Ji Jin\'s forced battle again, I\'m afraid the unhealed injury will be more serious. It\'s impossible to say that the sequelae will affect the road of other martial arts, which is not worth the loss.

Although he is the patriarch, he is a warrior! Like all the strong people in the fighting spirit world, you want to break through the limit and become a star strong person at Saint level, Saint King level and even beyond Saint King level! Maybe this road is difficult and hard, and the probability is small to ignore, but he never gives up!

"Patriarch?" Wan mang said softly.

"Clan leader!" Wan Chuanjun\'s eyes were extremely cold.

Ten thousand Mo Chou\'s eyes twinkled, and he immediately closed his eyes.

That\'s it. There\'s no turning back.

It\'s better to fight than hesitate.

Anyway, the battle with Li Yanmen is inevitable!

The situation in Qiyue palace is more chaotic now, because it is lucky to join the Presbyterian court like a dream, and Qianjun is unable to support himself. Let alone a year and a half, I\'m afraid it\'s difficult to control the whole Qiyue palace in 357. Fortunately, although Rumeng has no real power, he is the authentic leader of 3000 gold.

And the Yanling million people, not to mention 357, can\'t even wait a year and a half!

WOW! Don\'t worry. When you hold your fists, your eyes are shining with a burning but firm color.

"Continue to carry out the original plan. In a month and a half, the general attack will be on Yanmen!" Wan Mochou\'s voice is as steady as a rock and sonorous as a fixed.

"Yes, clan leader." Wan Mang and WAN Chuanjun bowed their hands and retreated.

(second change ~ ~)