Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 705

Strong physique, domineering!

The limbs are not long, but they are strong.

All over the body, there are strong muscles and a terrible force.

A small tail flashed, and the eyes of the giant beast flashed bright and bright. It was


"A giant bear."

"My God of war\'s original constellation should be the great bear constellation."

In his heart, Lin Feng looked at the giant bear with an extremely cordial feeling.

Perhaps, its expression is so ferocious and domineering, like the king of beasts, and its bright eyes seem to see through its own heart. However, inexplicably, his heart was warm, as if he felt very close to the giant bear.

That kind of feeling, although not comparable to the Phoenix, also makes your heart light.

It\'s like one is a parent and the other is a brother and sister. That kind of kindness in which blood dissolves in water.

Instantaneous time——

"Wow!" a strong force appeared.

Lin Feng\'s heart was shocked fiercely, but he felt that his body had changed, and an unusually strong breath was instilled into him!

In my mind, the giant bear seemed to open his mouth and roar up to the sky. The roar kept ringing in his ear and startled his heart and lungs. That energy flows through the body, shuttling through the meridians with the surging breath of gold, making the body change immediately.

"Is this?!" Lin Feng was stunned.

On myself, many small branches were rushed away.

The strong energy flow flows in your body, integrates with cells, fits with bones, and integrates into your skin

Strengthen, constantly strengthen!

"Wash the marrow and cut the body?"

"This, this is not ninth gear!"

Lin Fengji was shocked, but he was instantly surprised and happy.

Understanding the constellation and being able to use the power of the constellation means that the star control power reaches the ninth gear.

But this is use, not "occupation".

Perception is also divided into levels.

The first level is like building a bridge. For example, a man and a woman meet for the first time. They can talk to each other with hazy favor. It is the ninth grade.

The second level, the relationship is deeper, intersecting and becoming boyfriend and girlfriend, sweet. At this time, as it is now, the constellation power comes, such as "admitting" the relationship between each other. In the star control power, it is beyond the ninth gear at this time.

In fact, this is the first step to reach the tenth gear of star control force!

"According to the master, this is nine and a half gears." Lin Feng smiled slightly and was very satisfied.

Nine and a half is the most critical step to step into the tenth gear. You can only have it when the star weight reaches the tenth.

This is also the reason why his heavenly master\'s "Phoenix constellation" has remained in the ninth gear until now.

"If you can step into the ninth gear and a half, you will understand the tenth gear sooner or later! ~"

"Possibility, more than 80%!"

Lin Feng\'s mouth is light, and he is confident that his God of war will break through the star master level.

Nine and a half, like a guiding light.

"The constellation power washes the marrow and cuts the body, one is to make the body accustomed to the \'constellation power\', the other is to make full preparations for understanding the star power, and the third is..."

"Increase body strength and lay the foundation for ascension to the star master level."

"The physical strength of each constellation increases differently."

"I don\'t know how much I can improve?"

Lin Feng smiled calmly, with a little expectation.

Although I don\'t know about all kinds of constellations, my body \'Foundation\' is there. No matter how I improve, it is icing on the cake! From the battle with Wan Mochou alone, I learned that my body is now far beyond the "star sea level peak". Wan Mochou also experienced marrow washing and body cutting, but what?

In the first battle that day, the physical strength was far lower than that of myself.

The difference in physical strength between each other when we meet next time——

Will be bigger!

"Wait!" Lin Feng was shocked.

As if thinking of something, looking inside at the body, I saw that the powerful energy airflow was still circling in the body, passing through all branches, as if all rivers were returning to the sea. Many "roads" have been opened up, just like the blocked channel has been washed away!

"I see!" Lin Feng shook his fist.

"These days, my Shun Huang Gang Qi can\'t be promoted to the tenth weight. What I lack is this!"

Lin Feng moved fiercely and was very sure.

For so many days, I have been studying the tenth level of Shun Huang Gang Qi. It can be said that all kinds of methods have been tried.

I know very well about the tenth heavy Shun Huang Gang Qi.

Although these small branches are small and insignificant, but——

Function, but it is the key!

"Ten days."

"It only takes ten days at most to break through my Shun Huang Gang Qi."

"Reach the tenth weight!"

Lin Feng clenched his fists and was very excited.

After such a long time of hard work, I finally reap the fruits!

Everything comes to him who waits.

Indeed, Lin Feng\'s constellation induction can only be regarded as ordinary.

But this is the "land of wood spirits". Although it has a strong breath of wood, all kinds of original energy go the same way. The concentration of aura naturally has the same feeling with the power of the stars, and it becomes much easier. In addition, Lin Feng\'s "star treasure stick" exists against the sky. In combination with the gravity of the ten stars, it is reasonable to reach the ninth and a half gear of the star control force, although there are a few accidents.

Even if you can\'t reach ninth and a half for the first time, it\'s just as feasible to try a few more times.

However, Lin Feng\'s "Savvy" is really amazing.

Being able to master methods, understand and practice is comprehension.

Only for the first time, Lin Feng reached ninth and a half.

Visible general.

Time goes by.

For the first time, with the integration of constellation strength, the physical strength has indeed improved a lot.

It is similar to the first star power infusion.

"The magnitude of the promotion depends on the strength of the constellations. The stronger the constellations are, the more constellations will come, such as\' gifts\'."

"Second, look at the constellation energy of this destiny constellation. Each is different."

Lin Feng said softly in his heart and suddenly smiled.

At this time, the constellation energy in your body has been \'digested\'.

"Master said that the God of war\'s original life constellation has the greatest increase in body strength because the body has stronger accommodation."

"Generally, the increase is about 1 times, and more can reach 1.5 times."

"And I, almost... 1.4 times."

Lin Feng smiled and was quite satisfied.

Their distance is 1.5 times, just a line.

Is enough.

"The energy of the constellation improves the \'body foundation\', and my body foundation is far better than other martial artists."

"With this 1.4-fold increase, I\'m afraid the increase is more than twice that of other ares!"

The stronger the body, the easier it is to break through the master level.

It means that after the breakthrough, the strength is stronger!

But for myself, this is not the happiest thing.

After all, the constellation energy will come sooner or later, and their physical strength will increase sooner or later. This is a "passive" process. What happens is only sooner or later, and there is no suspense. Even if the body foundation is increased by 1.4 times, it is expected.

What has really changed is vigorous Qi.

Shun Huanggang Qi!

"Ten heavy!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

Moment, Peng! A violent breath suddenly emanated from the body.

It inspires the spirit of heaven and earth and the star power on yourself. It is instilled like pouring out. The star power and vigorous Qi are perfectly integrated, glittering with dazzling red light. On both fists, the red starlight is very bright, and the rich starpower energy is more than 10%!

It\'s 10% of the weight of ten stars!

You know, you only have nine levels of star control force, and you should only control 1% of the star power energy of the weight of the ten stars!

And now

But it can control more than ten times the star force!

How amazing.

"Control freely, without the slightest sense of disharmony."

"Together with the constellation power, this ten fold Shun Huang Gang Qi is powerful!"

Lin Feng was amazed, but he didn\'t think that the ten fold Shun Huanggang Qi had this divine power.

Perhaps, its power is not as powerful as star power, but it is like an animal trainer. He tames powerful beasts and can control them easily.

"After I skillfully control the ten fold Shun Huanggang Qi, I should be able to control more and stronger star power."

"At that time, the explosive power of the God of war will become terrible!"

Lin Feng nodded secretly, feeling expectant.

His own vigorous Qi is far superior to that of other God of war fighters.

Star power, other martial arts can only control 10%, but they can control 20% or 30%.

When both of them are at the peak of the star sea level, and both of them weigh tens of stars, the gap will flash.

two happy events come one after the other!

Not only did the star control force reach the ninth gear and a half, Shun Huanggang Qi more smoothly broke through the ninth bottleneck and reached the tenth position rarely visited!

"I didn\'t expect that even the master had never reached the realm, but now I arrived by chance." Lin Feng smiled calmly and was not proud. I was able to reach the tenth position because I was more lucky than Shifu. Shifu only practiced the way of the God of war. Some meridians of the way of the God of war were blocked, so I couldn\'t practice.

But I have everything.

However, the real purpose of Emperor Shun\'s vigorous Qi rising to the tenth level is not to improve combat effectiveness.


"The speed of absorbing \'wood energy\' will be greatly improved!" Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

Emperor Shun\'s vigorous Qi will absorb the Qi of heaven and earth faster with each increase.

In this "giant tree world", the energy of wood is contained in the Qi of heaven and earth. The integration of the two means absorbing the energy of wood.


"Concentrate all your strength and absorb the \'energy of wood\'."

"Light up the \'wooden life chart\' as soon as possible!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and clear, and the strong vigorous Qi outside his body is with him.

Condensing the star power, he soon entered the state of cultivation in the light of the branches of the giant tree.

The energy of wisps of wood is integrated with the aura of heaven and earth, but it is absorbed by the forest wind in an instant, and the speed is very fast. Every minute, every second, the energy in the horoscope is increasing rapidly, lit up bit by bit. At the same time, Lin Feng\'s physical strength is also increasing by absorbing the aura of heaven and earth.

Practice according to Emperor Shun\'s strategy. Although the effect of improving body strength is good, the star power cannot be absorbed.

But now, the number of stars has reached ten, and the original star power is completely saturated, but it is just the strategy of Emperor Shun.

Kill two birds with one stone!

(first change ~ ~)