Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 704

Seven light spots, bright bloom.

The flashing luster is extremely bright, especially the light spot at the top, which is like the head of the stars.

The seven light spots form a large "spine", while the other small light spots are bright and different, as if filled with blood and meat, filling the whole picture one by one. In front of him, the color was hazy, and Lin Feng was completely surprised. This picture was really the first time he saw it.


"This is definitely not the Phoenix constellation." Lin Feng is very sure.

In his own life soul, there is the existence of the Phoenix astrolabe. Seven light spots form the Phoenix\'s big skeleton, with completely different positions!

"But this should be my natural sign?!"

"Is it..."

Lin Feng was very surprised at this time, but he didn\'t expect it——

I have two natural constellations!

How amazing!

"It should be the relationship between the human soul and the life soul of my fellow practitioners." Lin Feng Qingming said, "even Duoduo said that this is a rare and extreme \'accident\'. Most double practitioners of martial arts, either double practitioners of war god and martial god, or double practitioners of heavenly spirit Master and heavenly soul master, but they have one thing in common, that is, they only cultivate one soul!"

Self, cultivate two souls.

It is all-round development and improvement!

"I\'m afraid no one believes the two natural signs." Lin Feng smiled.

But I don\'t know whether it\'s happiness or sadness. Maybe the two natural signs are very special, but it means that I have to practice twice as long as others!

Is it a blessing or a curse?

"The will of heaven is so." Lin Feng thought lightly in his heart and didn\'t care too much.

It\'s a blessing, not a disaster. I can\'t avoid it. The road I\'ve taken may be rugged, but after all, I\'ve come all the way.

At least, I\'m strong now!

One pay, one gain.

"However, what is the original constellation of God of war?" Lin Feng was curious.

At this time, the dim light spots in front of me flickered and brightened, as if a picture in the distance was slowly "moved" in front of me bit by bit. Lin Feng\'s heart beat faster, and the picture in front of him gradually became clear. A giant like shape flashed in the outline, which was extremely domineering!

"So tall and powerful."

"Strong physique and strong limbs, unlike humans, but..."

"Like a giant beast."

Lin Feng thought lightly in his heart, and the feeling was more and more clear.

But in an instant——

"Pa!" the picture dissipated, and Lin Feng opened his eyes and returned to reality.

It is still the familiar giant tree world. The strong smell of wood pervades all around. With the passage of time and the breeze, the leaves of the giant tree rustle.

I have come back.

"Unfortunately, I haven\'t seen the whole picture."

"After all, my star control force is only in eighth gear. When I reach ninth gear, I should be able to see it clearly."

Lin Feng nodded gently and felt a little sorry.

Just a little closer, I can see the true shape of the "natural constellation".

But very curious.

However, there is no way.

"Next, when the original star power is stable and the star ring is fully displayed, you can begin to sense the constellation power."

"Try to cultivate the ninth gear star control."

Lin Feng thought in his heart that the steps were very clear.

This is the difference between having a master and not having a master. The teaching of a master can not only enrich a lot of knowledge and experience, but also save cultivation time and avoid many detours.

After the cultivation of Xinghai level martial arts reaches the Ninth level of star weight, they should first cultivate the Ninth level of star control power, and then sprint to the tenth level. After all, the energy and time it takes to "understand" the Ninth level of star control is far beyond the ninth to tenth levels of star weight.

"Master is right. If you can reach the tenth level first and understand the star control power, you will get twice the result with half the effort."

"Because there are star rings."

Lin Feng smiled quietly and closed his eyes immediately.

Sink into cultivation.

Time passed quickly.

Perhaps in the outside world, it will take a lot of time to stabilize the tenth star weight and fully display the star ring.

But in this "giant tree world", it is too easy.

300:1 time scale.

Even if this giant tree world has been in the past year, the outside world is only one day.

"The fog of the star ring has completely condensed."

"According to the master, the higher the \'concentration\' of the star ring, the larger the diameter of the ring and the larger the ellipse, which means that the sensing ability of the natural constellation is stronger."

"In the weakest stage, the color of the star ring is the same as that of the light ball; in the middle stage, the color of the star ring is layered and handed over one by one; while in the high-grade star ring, the more the number of color layers, the more detailed and clear, which means that the better the \'qualification\' and the stronger the sensing ability; it is said that the warrior with the top qualification will even flash a faint halo around the star ring."

Lin Feng thought in his heart and smiled suddenly.

Sure enough, my God of war qualification is very ordinary.

Fortunately, the color of the star ring also decreases in layers. The more outward, the lighter the color, forming two layers of differentiation. According to the classification of the three star rings, it belongs to the middle grade.

At least, not the worst.

"No wonder Duoduo once said that with my God of war qualification, reaching the star master level is the limit."

"For the master level warrior, the constellation sensitivity is very important. If the constellation sensitivity is only ordinary, even if he barely enters the master level, his achievements are limited."

This is qualification.

It\'s like moving things. It\'s like moving a kilo of goods.

Strong people can move it in less than an hour; People who have no strength can\'t finish moving for three days and nights, and may even be crushed by goods and tired to death.

However, everything happens in case, God always has a glimmer of vitality.

Qualification can be changed.

Maybe one day, the weak man can become a strong man after taking some panacea and being reborn.

This is called fortune.

"I hope the blood inheritance of the ancient divine beast \'Lei ferocious\' is really effective."

"If not, without a lot of help, I\'m afraid my path of God of war will stop at the star master level and it\'s difficult to advance inch by inch."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered.

WOW! The stars are shining.

Around Lin Feng\'s body, strong red light converged.

Green tendons coagulated on his forehead, Lin Feng clenched his fists, and the red light in his hands continued to converge. The increase of star weight means that the star power that can be "controlled" increases. The average martial artist can control one tenth of the star weight.

For example, if the star force of the octave star is 100, it can control 10 to reach the eighth star control force.

The weight number of nine stars and the star force is 1000. To control 100 is the nine standard!

The gap in star control is right here.

Ten times!

It\'s like two people fighting. One uses one force and the other uses ten force. The power is naturally different.

Once the star control power is increased to the seventh gear, the strength gap between each gear is very large, which is also where Lin Feng should not worry about losing tens of thousands on that day. You know, Wan Mochou\'s star control power was "ten grades" at that time, which was already the peak of the star sea level; Lin Feng has only eight gears.

"Pa! PA!!" Xingli, keep blooming.

Lin Feng\'s fists and muscles were exposed, and his eyes showed a firm light.

"I can do it!"

"If I can\'t reach the ninth gear, how can I improve the star control to the tenth gear!"

"You must reach the peak of Xinghai level! Others can, and so can Lin Feng!"

My mind is very deep, and the red starlight in my hand converges and becomes stronger and stronger. Lin Feng\'s willpower is far better than that of other martial arts. In addition, the soul has the basis to control the star power, so he can master it very quickly.

Red starlight, a little, a little convergence.


"Pa!" the stars burst into nothingness.

Lin Feng stumbled fiercely, his face was slightly white and gasped.

Almost, he will succeed!

"0.9%, only 0.1%." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and his breath slowly calmed down.

Normally, the ninth gear star control force should control 10% of the star force, but now its star weight is ten times more than nine times.

Seven times!

Only seven times, Lin Feng mastered the control of star power.

However, it is also related to the ten heavy star gravity. The more star power, the deeper the martial arts will feel, and it is easy to get twice the result with half the effort.

Three days later.

"Peng!" the starlight burst, and the red breath surrounded the whole body.

Lin Feng\'s muscles suddenly changed, condensed and burst out.

Compared with the Star Force in the eighth gear and the ninth gear, the muscles are more cohesive and stronger!

"Physical quality, ten times strengthening." Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning. "It\'s better than eight times strengthening of the eighth gear. I have completely mastered the first step of the ninth gear."

Ten times of physical quality enhancement is already the peak of Xinghai level, that is, the ten levels of star control, and the physical quality enhancement is only ten times. Of course, there are great differences between the tenth gear and the ninth gear, and whether it can break through the star master level alone is a big difference.

"The second step is to feel the power of constellations."

"My natural sign."

Lin Feng nodded secretly, his eyes shining.

In my mind, I can see the wonderful pattern, like a giant beast roaring up to the sky, powerful and domineering!

That is your own destiny constellation!

"Maybe my constellation\'s sensing power is really not strong, just mid-range, but..." Lin Feng smiled calmly, and a \'Xingbao staff\' appeared in his hand, flashing a light, but it can greatly enhance the sensing with the stars.

"Plus my star weight reaches the tenth gear, I have star rings, and I feel the power of constellations for me..."

"It shouldn\'t be difficult."

Lin Feng nodded with confidence.

This is the most difficult step for other martial artists, but for themselves——

do a job with skill and ease!

Instant, wow! The star treasure staff flashes.

Lin Feng\'s mind sank into cultivation, and the original star power in the human soul was clearly visible and felt extremely clear and free. He seemed to enter the red light, immersed in the star ring, as if he had returned to his mother\'s arms, which was very warm.

A gentle call sounded in my mind, a familiar force, as if waking up in the blood.

Slowly, gently

Feeling, deeper and more familiar.

It\'s like in the front, where you can reach, you have everything you want.

In a daze, Lin Feng entered a wonderful state and felt an unusually domineering and powerful energy feeling, but he was very kind, just like a part of his body!

For the first time, just for the first time, I realized the power of constellations.

How amazing!!!

"Is that?!" Lin Feng was surprised.

The virtual image in front of me slowly became real. This time, I really saw the shining light spot map.

Your own destiny constellation!

(Jiageng! ~)