Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 703

A thick green world.

The breath is full of strong \'wood energy\'.

The smell of wood here is even far stronger than the region where the mang giant witch is located in the purple star territory.

A huge tree!

An unimaginable existence.

At the bottom of the giant tree, tens of thousands of meters in diameter. The trunk extends upward and branches one by one to form a unique wood spirit. The spiral shape is intertwined and filled with strong vitality. Every leaf and branch is filled with rich wood energy.

"So strong."

"Far superstar sea level, far superstar master level is powerful."

Lin Feng breathed deeply and looked up at the huge tree. He was like the tiny ant.

Compared with the last time, my strength has increased more than ten times!

Sensing ability, also greatly improved!

The stronger the strength, the more deeply you can feel the power of this huge tree, which is as unshakable as Tianwei. The lush branches and leaves sprinkled gently, which seemed to have no attack power, but Lin Feng knew that as long as the branch poked gently, he might not even have a place to hide.

"This place of wood spirit is really mysterious."

"Every giant tree has incredible power."

Lin Feng\'s heart moved, his state of mind was clear, the light wind blew, the branches were shaking, the leaves seemed to be talking, and Lin Feng heard the voice of the giant tree.

It\'s a unique language, similar

"Breathe, breathe ~ ~" Lin Feng closed his eyes.

Gently press your hand on your chest, and the sound of your heartbeat is so clear.

"The soul of life is leaping." Lin Feng\'s mouth is slightly raised, and the energy emitted by the giant tree resonates with the soul of life. I deeply felt the energy of the giant tree. The third light spot of the Phoenix\'s life chart was completely lit up, greedily absorbing the energy exhaled by the giant tree.

Far from being comparable to the first region.

Here, even if you don\'t practice, the energy absorption of giant trees is extremely fast and amazing.

"It really deserves to be the third area."

"The energy of the giant tree is integrated into the Qi of heaven and earth. Now my \'Shun Huanggang Qi\' has reached the Ninth level, and the absorption speed will be even more amazing!"

"Try it!"

Lin Feng felt excited and happy.

That kind of feeling, one breath and one breath, soon sank into cultivation.

The mind is as calm as dust. With the entry of the energy breath of heaven and earth, the flashing power outside the body is even more sharp. The surrounding air flows very fast. Lin Feng suddenly falls into a thick white fog, as if wrapped into a cocoon, deepening and deepening!

Cocoon, more and more thick, more and more abundant energy!

The speed of Lin Feng\'s absorption is even faster to the extreme!

I saw that the cocoon kept getting smaller and thinner, but it became thicker and larger in an instant, forming a perfect cycle.

Come on!

Very fast!

"Unimaginable speed."

"Far more than the last absorption."

Lin Feng\'s heart beat very fast, and his excitement was difficult to contain.

Last time, the lighting of the wooden life chart let me see hope, but now, I clearly see the road in front of me!

Here, as long as time is enough, I can definitely light up the wooden life chart!!

It\'s a 100% chance!

"Hua! Hua! ~" the giant tree kept breathing.

Different from human breathing, the breathing of giant trees is very slow with a rhythm.

Every time it breathes, it has a strong power of "the way of time" and contains the supreme truth of heaven and earth. Lin Feng closed his eyes and felt clearly. His heart seemed to return to the original and the most natural state. His body and mind became very calm.

"Time goes by very slowly."

"It should be between 200:1 and 500:1."

Lin Feng slowly opened his eyes, with a brilliant brilliance.

Although the attribute of one\'s own life and soul is the "way of time", the "way of doing" is still shallow.

It\'s like a martial artist who has just learned to use a gun. Watching other martial artists show their gun moves, although he can understand a little, he still needs to understand a lot. I can estimate the passage of time in this "giant tree space" because I have seen the giant tree tuna and compared the differences between the two.

Therefore, it is only an estimated value.

"Time is enough, but we must make a good plan for this half year." Lin Fengwei said.

In this half year, I must maximize my efficiency.

"There are two goals in this trip. First, to raise the strength of the God of war to the peak of Xinghai level; second, to light up the wooden life chart!" Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and firm.

One-on-one, the strength of his heavenly spirit Master is by no means the opponent of the God of war.

It is imperative that the God of war\'s strength be upgraded to the star master level. If not, how can we accept the "inheritance of blood" a year later?

Most importantly, the Ares strength is not far from the Xinghai level peak.

I can achieve it in a short time!

"That day, I was defeated in wanmochou\'s hands because of my poor strength."

"The star sea level is ten, the star weight is nine, and the star control force is eight. There is still a lot of room for improvement."

"My body is better than ten thousand. What I lack is the star weight and star control power. If my star weight reaches ten and the star control power reaches nine, who wins and who loses is unknown." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and nodded slowly, "if my star control power can reach ten, I have absolute confidence -"

"Better than never!"

"First of all, the first cultivation is to improve the star power!" Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

"And I can understand Emperor Shun\'s strategy at the same time and sprint to the second and tenth levels!"

"As you said, even the master has never reached the last triple!"

Lin Feng clenched his fist with confidence.

Shifu didn\'t understand the last triple because of congenital limitations, not lack of understanding.

Because Shifu used the way of God of war to achieve the strong in the starry sky that day, his meridians were not "connected" enough. And I, the fellow warrior God, have many major meridians and small branches on my body. I can get half the result with twice the effort by practicing Emperor Shun\'s strategy.

It will be done!

Practice, start.

Having the right goal is like seeing the road ahead.

Just keep going.

Ten days, ten days, ten days.

It\'s ten days in reality. In this "giant tree space", it\'s three thousand days in the past.

1: 300 time ratio!

Lin Feng\'s estimation is not wrong.



Sitting on the ground, Lin Feng\'s expression was very calm.

But when you look carefully, you can see the continuous ups and downs of your chest. Lin Feng can\'t hide his excitement.

Thirty days!

Thirty days in reality.

In the ratio of 1:300, the giant tree space has been nearly 9000 days in the past!

"It\'s really not easy to reach the tenth weight." Lin Feng sighed in his heart.

If you don\'t get the "star power spring", you will directly increase the star power required to reach the tenth weight by more than half. I don\'t know how much time it will take!

You know, the star force required from the ninth to the tenth is ten times more than that required from the eighth to the ninth! Even if the star weight reaches the ninth weight, the cultivation speed increases, but the energy consumed is insignificant.

Countless Xinghai level martial arts people are still unable to reach the tenth level despite their poor energy.

Limited life!

But Lin Feng is now within reach!

"Unfortunately, Emperor Shun\'s vigorous Qi still couldn\'t understand the tenth weight." Lin Fengwei felt sorry.

Even if it has been so many days in the past, his Shun Huang Gang Qi is still stuck in the ninth weight, and it is difficult to break through. It\'s like there\'s an invisible barrier in front of you, which makes you insurmountable. Obviously, everything is ready and the dawn appears, but the tenth weight is difficult to cross!

"Perhaps, as Duoduo said, the last triple of Shun Huang Gang Qi can\'t be cultivated at all."

"Or, I still lack a little qualification."

Lin Feng sighed in his heart and didn\'t think too much.

Since I have tried my best, then

What else to regret?

I was thinking.


Lin Fengxin was shocked fiercely, and his eyes flashed sharply.

"Zizi ~ ~" "Zizi!! ~" in the human soul, the bright red light spot has completely condensed into a huge light ball. With the entry of the last drop of star force, it affects the change and rapid rotation of the whole photosphere. An air mist slowly condenses around the red photosphere, which is more and more condensed, just like a halo.

The ball of light, glittering and jumping.

That feeling is like giving it life power.

Come alive!

It feels completely different!

The frequency of rotation is faster and faster. The condensation of air mist makes the red light ball look like wearing a \'dress\'. But in fact, it is an advanced performance, just like a person learned to wear clothes from being naked. It is a change of "wisdom" and an improvement of level.

"This is the star ring." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed, but he saw it for the first time.

I learned from the master that the appearance of the star ring means that the gathering of star power has reached the "standard".

Advanced star master standard!

"If you have a star ring, you will have a \'medium\', a bridge, and a connection through your destiny constellation."

"This is the necessity of cultivating the \'Tenth gear\' star control power."

Lin Feng thought in his heart and felt a little expectation.

Although their own celestial spirit Master reached the "Tenth gear" very early, what is the use of the "original star power" without a star ring?

Can\'t connect to this sign. Although you can feel and exert the power of the sign, it\'s only nine levels!

"My Heavenly Master and martial god, the original constellation should be Phoenix, no doubt."

Lin Feng thought lightly in his heart. With the star control power of the ninth gear, he had realized that the flying phoenix was very familiar several times. What\'s more, the original constellation of the divine beast Phoenix is the Phoenix constellation. If you integrate the blood of the Phoenix into your body, you should also be the Phoenix constellation.

"Master once said that a warrior has only one sign of his own destiny."

"Therefore, the God of war dominated by my human soul should also be the Phoenix constellation."

Lin Feng nodded and felt satisfied.

I finally reached the tenth heavy star gravity!

It means that you are the first condition to complete the advanced star master level!


The light is very bright in front of you, and the breath changes dramatically!

"Coming!" Lin Fengxin tightened fiercely, but he knew clearly.

When you reach the tenth star power, you will see the "destiny constellation", that is, the Phoenix constellation.

But in an instant, Lin Feng was stunned.

(continue to add watch, the fourth watch is at 0:00 ~)