Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 702

Chaotic swamp.

It\'s deserted and dilapidated.

There was a breath of silence in the air, and the huge chaotic swamp had no life force, as if it had been destroyed by some powerful existence.

"Here, the change is really too big." Lin Feng is dark.

Driving and observing all the way, white insect eggs can be seen everywhere, which are left after the death of a mutated Warcraft. The ferocious wood spirit and violent Warcraft seem to be controlled by some force and lose their normality. It is not a symbol of intelligent life, but more like a kind of

"Puppet." Lin Feng thought in his heart.

It felt like a living puppet he controlled during the war with Wan jinghun.

However, these Warcraft and wood spirits are only "variation", and their vitality still exists, but they have changed a way and changed.

"Purple swamp, I have already explored it all."

"The secret must be in the deepest and most dangerous red swamp."

Lin Fengqiang held back his curiosity and sighed slightly.

I wanted to enter the red swamp to find out, but I restrained myself after all.

Master Weihai once mentioned that in the red swamp, only martial artists of the "star master" level can save their lives.

And I don\'t even count the Xinghai level peak.

"Say it again when you have a chance."

"Now, the land of advanced wood spirit."

Lin Feng nodded and walked quickly.

Soon, into the purple swamp.

Lin Feng\'s speed is now ten times faster than before.

The color of the swamp is blue, and it is slowly changing.

"Since Xuaner entered the red sky channel, the red fog no longer appeared, only the blue fog." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

Shuttling through the holes, you can still see the blue mist.

Reiki density has decreased a lot. It has completely changed here.

"I don\'t know where Xuaner is."

"What kind of big secret does this\' wood spirit land \'have?"

Although Lin Feng was confused, he didn\'t worry too much about Xuaner.

On that day, Xuaner was called by this mysterious "land of wood spirits", which was obviously a blessing.

Although I don\'t know what the secret is in the red skyline channel, I can see that the blue skyline channel I entered has been magical. So far, the power of the giant tree is far beyond my imagination. How can the red skyline channel be bad?

In a continuous line, the two aerosols can be integrated together, which is naturally equal.

WOW! Lin Feng soon entered the fairyland.

Weihai, Qiyang and Qiyue are gone.

After all, time has passed for so long, and the three naturally return to the wind and the valley.

But it is not so easy to enter the swamp again.

"Time flies, things change." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Nowadays, this fairyland is also "declining" because of the decline of aura. I remembered that I had just entered the fighting spirit world. At that time, the days when I was here with Xuaner, Qi Yang and Qi Yue were gone.

With the passage of time, many things are changing.

Everyone\'s footprints are different.

It\'s not easy to get together.

"I hope everyone can be safe."

"My wish is enough."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were light and bright, and then he entered the blue sky channel.

Here, there is not much change, but the purple fog turns into blue fog.

The familiar feeling filled my heart again, and my heart beat faster.

"What a strong feeling!"

"It seems that... It also calls me."

Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled and smiled slightly, but he knew what the "call" was.

That is the heart of countless wood spirits in oneself.

WOW! Lin Feng looked calm and stood in front of the first blue gate.

"The heart of a seventh order wooden spirit, the heart of a sixth order wooden spirit and the heart of a third order wooden spirit are just right." Lin Feng nodded gently. At this time, the blue light door absorbed enough energy, the blue halo rotated rapidly, and the strange energy turned into a snake pattern, penetrating above the gate pattern to form a bit of energy airflow.

Pop! Pop! Pop~

The ripples spread out and retreated around with the lines.

The blue aperture in the center of the gate expands rapidly to form a bright blue channel.

"If the heart of the first level wood spirit is compared to 1 wood spirit energy, the heart of the second level wood spirit is compared to 2 wood spirit energy, and the heart of the third level wood spirit is compared to 4 wood spirit energy, which is multiplied layer by layer, then the heart of the sixth level wood spirit is 32 wood spirit energy, and the seventh level is 64 wood spirit energy." Lin Feng\'s eyes are slightly bright. "When you open the first gate, you need 100 wood spirit energy."

I knew this last time.

And this time, more sure!

"Last time, the wood spirit\'s heart was not enough to enter the second blue light door."

"But this time, enough to enter!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and rushed into the channel.

Around us, countless light doors flashed in front of us, which were "giant tree spaces" with different time ratios.

The forest wind did not stop, but went to the end.

At present, for myself, the \'giant tree space\' here can no longer satisfy myself.

With enough "wood spirit heart", you can find the giant space with the largest proportion of time and the highest efficiency! For half a year, I must go all out to improve my strength to the limit! Because according to the master, Wan Mochou\'s injury is likely to be in half a year to a year——

All recovery!

The second light door.

"Pa!" "pa!" "pa!" "pa!" the hearts of wood spirits were absorbed.

Lin Feng didn\'t care about the seventh, eighth and ninth steps. He killed himself for 300 days in the coiled wood continent, and he had countless hearts to harvest the wood spirit. The second light gate requires ten times the energy of the wooden spirit\'s heart as the first light gate, 1000 wooden spirit energy.

But I can afford it.

"Wow!" the blue halo is full of energy, and the corner of Lin Feng\'s mouth rises slightly.

This time, I can easily enter.



Strange sounds came from my ears, like ethereal caves.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright, but he had heard it several times. It was obviously the language of this wood spirit land.

But I don\'t understand.


Now I have entered the second area.

The aura is more dense and the wood spirit energy is more condensed. Especially the special energy contained here is better than the first area. He seems to be bathed in a hot spring, full of warm breath, and his body is growing all the time, very fast.

Faster than the first area!

"The improvement of the body is faster than absorbing the star stone!" Lin Feng smiled slightly.

My guess was right. This second area needs so many wood spirit hearts, and the effect is naturally better.

The speed of cultivation here is extremely fast. The most important thing is that there is quite strong "wood energy" here, which penetrates into the body, strengthens body tissues and integrates body cells, making the body very resilient and resilient, just like wood spirit.

For their own Phoenix body, although not much help, but also better than nothing.


"Here is not the end." Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened.

The body galloped again, like a breeze, and the forest wind went straight to the end of the second area.

If you guess correctly, there will be a third gate here!

Cultivation speed, naturally, the more you improve, the better!

Last time, I had no conditions to enter because I didn\'t have enough wood spirit heart.

But this time, it\'s enough!

Third gate!

"10000 mu Ling energy." Lin Feng looked at the halo in front of him.

Absorbing the two hearts of the tenth order wood spirit only overflows the aperture by 10%. The heart of the tenth order wood spirit has 512 wood spirit energy.

For other martial artists, I\'m afraid they can\'t do anything at this time.

But Lin Feng, but set it as easy.

Although one-third of the wood spirit heart of his body is given to the wing, the remaining two-thirds of the wood spirit heart, if the wood spirit energy is calculated, it will be hundreds of thousands!

Just 10000 mu Ling energy, willing!


"Zizi, Zizi ~ ~" the halo flashed.

Blue arc, energy gathered 100%, and ripples spread out.

In an instant, great energy bloomed, and the bright and bright blue channel suddenly appeared. Lin Feng made a light stroke at the corner of his mouth and immediately stepped in.

Third area!

"It\'s different."

"In the third area, the cultivation environment is better than the second area."

"In proportion, I\'m afraid it takes 100000 wood spirit energy to enter the fourth area. Although I have enough wood spirit heart, but..."

"No need."

Lin Feng calculated in his heart.

After all, I have to practice, and to practice in every "giant tree world" will consume the heart of wood spirit.

The entry of the three blue light doors is just a "key", which does not mean that you can enter the "giant tree world" at will. I intend to practice here for 180 days, that is, half a year. According to the last "law", although the time proportion of the giant tree world is different, the actual time passage is the same.

Every ten days, a reincarnation!

In other words, you need to go in and out eighteen times.

And every time, I need to "pay" a lot of wood spirit heart.

You should save some flowers.

"The third region is indeed quite different from the first region."

"The blue halo is really big and the color is thick. Even the smallest one needs 10000 mu Ling energy."

Lin Feng smiled calmly and looked around.

In the first area, the blue aura only needs hundreds of wood spirit energy, but here, it has turned a hundred times.

It\'s like a thatched cottage and a villa,

"One price, one goods."

"The \'giant tree world\' here must be far more efficient than the first area."

His eyes sparkled and Lin Feng thought in his heart.

"If you want to enter 18 times, be safe for the first time and choose a slightly \'smaller\' one."

"That\'s it."

Lin Feng chose a light door with an indifferent stroke at the corner of his mouth.

The width and thickness of the blue halo are slightly larger than the third light gate they enter, but compared with other blue halos here, it is at the "middle and lower end".

The hearts of wood spirits are absorbed in a moment——

WOW! The small light door opens slowly.

The forest wind strides in.

(second watch ~ ~ third watch 22:00.)