Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 699

Vitality reappears!

There is no doubt about the importance of an eight star fairy fruit \'pregnant spirit Orange\'.

For today\'s Ji Jin, it is a life-saving magic weapon!

"Ha ha, ha ha!!" Ji Jin burst out laughing, and his pale face was filled with a faint ruddy. "It\'s really a way of heaven and no one. It seems that Feng ER\'s chances are really rich, and his teacher is protected by your blessing."

"Shifu laughed." Lin Feng smiled.

It can be seen that Shifu is in a good mood at this time.

Not only the master, but also the two elder martial brothers were smiling.

With a ray of pure light, Ji Jin looked at Lin Feng and said, "impartial, God will send Feng ER to Li Yanmen at this time. It\'s doomed. Maybe you can save Feng ER not only as a teacher, but also me in the future."

"Hey, master, the third younger martial brother has saved me twice." Zhu zero said with a smile.

Ji Rushan smiled. "Younger martial brother, you can\'t do this. Don\'t you favor one over the other. My eldest martial brother didn\'t touch any blessing and pasted \'seven orifices rolling curtain wine\'." Ji Rushan couldn\'t help showing a look of heartache.

"I won\'t leave you, elder martial brother." Lin Feng smiled calmly and the light in his hand flashed.

Ji Rushan was stunned. He shook his head and said with a smile, "no, younger martial brother, I\'m kidding."

But for a moment——

WOW! WOW! WOW! Bright lights burst out.

In Lin Feng\'s hand, ten curd jade bottles were lightly suspended, flashing with bright luster. Ji Rushan and Zhu lingdun were curious.

"Ten bottles of Xingli spring water can rapidly increase Xingli without any side effects." Lin Feng smiled slightly and said softly, "how can you forget the kindness given by the two senior brothers after being promoted? These ten bottles of Xingli spring water have the right to be a junior brother."

"Silk ~ ~" inspiratory sound.

Ji Rushan and Zhu zero\'s eyes are shining!

What a baby!

In Yanling mansion, even the "Star Crystal" that absorbs and increases the star power is rare, not to mention the baby that can directly increase the star power!

"Younger martial brother, how much star power can this\' star power spring \'increase?!" Ji Rushan\'s chest fluctuates constantly.

Zhu zero also has bright eyes, wide eyes and shortness of breath.

Lin Feng smiled, "five bottles per person. After absorbing, the body will be saturated. It can probably increase the star power required by the star weight from the ninth to the tenth by about half."

Bang Dang!

Both of them are absolutely defeated.

Shaking his body, Ji Rushan only felt that the coagulated fat jade bottle in his hand weighed thousands of tons, and the cold sweat fell on his forehead.

Really, too expensive!!!

Looking at the master and two senior brothers, Lin Feng smiled slightly.

Perhaps the things you sent out are priceless treasures in Yanling mansion.

But for myself, these are not as expensive as the feelings of teachers and disciples, nor as deep as the friendship of peers.

A thousand gold is easy to get, but friendship is hard to find.

Soon, Lin Feng left the Li Yan palace.

Then I went to see thousands of people. The little girl cried, but she was worried about it.

Beauty is deep in love.

For ziyao, it\'s love.

For Qin Qianqian, Lin Feng is more of a responsibility.

But who is ruthless?

Get along for a long time, even if it is only a small fire of love at the beginning, it will sprout, grow up and breed gradually.

After saying goodbye to the thousands of deep feelings, Lin Feng went to see Ji Xia, Bai Yi, Lei Ba and other friends. They exchanged greetings with each other and felt as if they were separated from each other. Although it was only less than a year to enter liyanmen, Lin Feng also made many friends here and felt as warm as home.

However, Lin Feng didn\'t stay much.

Time waits for no one, but there are many things you must do.

To protect this\' home \', we must try our best!

"Don\'t send it, Qianqian, Second Senior brother." Lin Feng smiled.

"Brother Lin, be careful. Qianqian will be here waiting for you to come back." Qin Qianqian\'s pretty face is reluctant to give up, but she is very clever. She doesn\'t want to be Lin Feng\'s burden.

"You too, thousands." Lin Feng smiled at the beauty and hugged her gently.

"Younger martial brother, are you really not practicing in the Liyan palace?" Zhu zero asked again.

"No." Lin Feng smiled.

"Well, although I don\'t know where the cultivation environment is better than the Liyan palace, but..." Zhu zero smiled happily with a thoughtful light in his eyes and patted Lin Feng on the shoulder. "Younger martial brother, you have always been unexpected. I look forward to your great progress in strength in half a year and give us a big surprise."

"Sure." Lin Feng smiled and said with firm eyes.

My trip will last more than half a year.

Strength, there will be a jump to improve.

"OK!" Zhu zero nodded. "Don\'t worry, the elder martial brother and I will deal with the affairs of Qiyue palace. Let\'s leave these chores to our useless senior brothers." Shu laughed and Zhu zero stretched out his right hand. "Look at me, I\'m infected by the elder martial brother, grandma. Well, don\'t say more. Have a nice trip."

Lin Feng burst out laughing and held his hand, "see you in half a year."

After talking, he looked at Qin Qianqian again. His eyes were bright, and Lin Feng nodded gently.

Soon it turned into a light wind and disappeared.

"Younger martial brother, I will be a big man in the future." Zhu zero looked at Lin Feng\'s back and looked brightly.

Green smoke City, a panic.

The city gate is closed and there are few doors. There is no one.

At this time, in the Lord\'s residence of green smoke City, the Fang family, together with the representatives of major sects, looked solemn and their eyes were full of sadness.

There was no sound, and everyone closed their lips. The atmosphere was oppressive and uncomfortable.

It felt like a great disaster was coming!

"Why not... Abandon the city and surrender." the voice was very low, but everyone turned pale.

"Are you crazy, Luo Feng!" a bald man stood up and roared, "I\'d rather be a ghost of war than a soldier!"

"Hong Gang leader, do you think we can defend the green smoke city if we unite these forces?" a thin man said sharply and contemptuously, "that\'s the well-known Jinsha gang and flying horse gang. We can\'t resist any of them, let alone the two gangs? It\'s wise to surrender."

"Foolish, do you think you will be spared if you surrender to Jinsha gang and flying horse Gang?" a middle-aged man sneered.

"Then what should I do? War is death, not war or death!"


There was a lot of noise.

Fang Tiansheng, sitting in the upper seat, frowned and his face was extremely cold.

Now, it is the worst situation!

The Jinsha gang and the flying horse Gang have joined hands. Now they are at the foot of the city. I\'m afraid they will kill the city soon. The masters of the two gangs, shaqiang and MABA, are coming. The existence of Xinghai level 9, the strong and strong work together to look at the whole green smoke City, and no one can match.

Indeed, there is a dead end.

It\'s no wonder that most of them come down.

After all, there are green mountains, even without firewood.

But Fang Tiansheng knew in his heart that these small clan forces might be able to humble themselves and spare no effort to save his life, but the Fang family——

Death is certain!

What to do, what to do!

Fang Tiansheng bit his teeth, but at this time, he had to make a decision.

Behind him, Fang Ni and Fang Yan looked ugly, and the noise of the crowd was disturbing one after another.

In his mind, a figure appeared inexplicably. Fang Tiansheng couldn\'t help laughing at himself. Although Lin Feng is now famous in Yanling mansion and once owed his Fang family a "favor", it\'s too late to inform him even if he knows where Lin Feng is, let alone

With the power of one person, even if it is strong, can it compete with hundreds of thousands of fighters from the two gangs?

Fang Tiansheng thought it was ridiculous.

"Alas, it seems that my own heart has shaken." Fang Tiansheng sighed lightly.

Because of the lack of confidence, they want to rely on others and come up with such a "whimsical" idea.

He shook his head at this moment——

"Boom!!" the sound of violent vibration.

At that moment, all the guild leaders, leaders and clan leaders here immediately shut up.

His eyes were wide open and filled with a look of horror.

"Attack, attack in!" a thin man trembled.

"No, the voice is wrong." the middle-aged man frowned and said in a deep voice.

Fang Tiansheng stared and nodded, "if we attack the city, it should be the sound of thunder from all directions. The Jinsha gang and the flying horse gang like to beat drums to cheer, but now... It\'s just the vibration in the east of the city, and there\'s still a distance from the city gate."

People look at me, I look at you and look at each other.

"Has it changed?"

"Did the Jinsha gang and the flying horse Gang quarrel?"


Peng! Fang Tiansheng\'s burly body immediately stood up.

With sparkling light in his eyes, he said in a burning voice, "if you have the courage, let me have a look."

Glancing at the people with uncertain faces, Fang Tiansheng stopped talking. He immediately got up and left, followed by Fang Ni and Fang Yan. Left a group of stunned people, hesitant, but soon, a small number of people followed.

East of the city.

There was war and chaos.

But if you stand in mid air and look down, you can see that the situation is extremely "strange".

Weird to the extreme!

The fire is ferocious and the breath is surging.

It was a young man full of vigorous flames, dressed in a set of ordinary to extreme black cloth, with a calm look. But around his body, there was a flash of fire, which wrapped the whole person. Outside the body, countless flame dragons roar ferociously, full of strong power.

It\'s Lin Feng!

烀! 烀! 烀!

The fire dragon spits out, and his Qi collapses.

Lin Feng, just a light step, and tens of thousands of martial artists around him besieged and fought one after another!

Or all kinds of original energy roared, or all kinds of weapons attacked face-to-face. The roaring sound was mixed with the roaring sound. Every martial artist tried his best to attack. However, each attack would be strongly counterattacked by the fire dragon. In an instant, the fire was ferocious, as if he had been wildly bitten by the dragon and roared up to the sky!

One by one, the fire dragons went to the conflict around them, and their power was extremely huge.

Lin Feng, with one against ten thousand, has no fear.

Come like a murderous God!

(the second watch ~ ~ the third watch ends episode 34 at 0:00.)