Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 698

"Master, elder martial brother, look who\'s back!" Zhu zero\'s smiling face appeared outside the door.

Ji Jin and Ji Rushan looked at each other. For a moment, they saw a very familiar face and figure beside Zhu zero, blooming in front of them.

Long time no see!

"Master, senior brother," Lin Feng whispered.

Gazing at these two familiar figures, I have mixed feelings in my heart.

The eldest martial brother Ji Rushan is more mature and steady. He has the style of leader, but he feels much older. His shoulder collapses slightly, as if he is overwhelmed by the heavy burden on his shoulder; And master

In front of me, like an old man at dusk, it\'s actually a master!!!

Suddenly, Lin Feng\'s eyes were red, his heart seemed to be tightly pulled together, and his body trembled.

"Junior brother!" Ji Rushan was pleasantly surprised.

"The wind." Ji Jin\'s face burst into a weak smile.

It looks very tired and the vicissitudes of life are quiet, but the two words spit out quietly tell the feelings between teachers and disciples, and Lin Feng trembles fiercely at the bottom of his heart.

Like the call of relatives, bursts of warmth flow back to his heart, but looking at the master\'s look, miserable and lonely, Lin Feng\'s heart is in endless pain!

I guessed that Shifu was seriously injured, but I didn\'t expect to be so seriously injured!

"Don\'t worry!" Lin Feng gnashed his teeth.

In my heart, there is a strong anger burning.

"So much has happened since then."

"No wonder Yanling wanzu disappeared. It turned out that they were seriously injured."

Listening to elder martial brother\'s detailed explanation of the battle that day, Lin Feng was suddenly surprised.

Among the three strong people of Yanling Wan clan, Wan Mochou, the clan leader, was seriously injured. Wan Mochou, the city master of Vientiane City, died in the hands of his master, leaving only wan broken army.

It really hurts!

"On that day, most of the elites led by Wan Mochou were also killed or injured." Zhu lingsa smiled and patted Lin Feng on the shoulder. "Thanks to you, younger martial brother, you hit the elites of Yanling 10000 families with your own strength. If not, even if I fight hard, I can\'t achieve such brilliant achievements."

Ji Jin and WAN Mochou both lost in the first world war that day.

But the three elders led a thousand elite disciples of Li Yanmen and defeated thousands of Yanling families!

Kill nearly 3000 elite warriors of Yanling Wan clan at the cost of 500 sacrifices and 500 serious injuries!

What a glorious record!

"It\'s the result of everyone\'s concerted efforts." Lin Feng nodded gently and didn\'t take credit. "I fought with Wan Mochou that day. Although I seriously injured him, I was still defeated miserably. If the master\'s soldiers were not dangerous, I\'m afraid everyone, including the second senior brother, would die."

Lose, lose.

Regardless of the process, he did lose.

"What did you say, younger martial brother?" Zhu zero stared.

"I heard you right, younger martial brother. Don\'t worry if you are seriously injured!" Ji Rushan was shocked.

Lin Feng looked at the two elder martial brothers and nodded.

"What Wan Mochou said was right." Ji Jin\'s weak voice rang out slowly. "At first, I still felt incredible, but now listen to Feng ER, you admit it yourself, and I\'m sure you can be a teacher." Ji Jin\'s eyes emitted a faint light, but it was dim in a flash. "It seems that Feng ER, you have many adventures in Yanling mansion, which is also your chance."

"The master is too famous, but the disciple is still defeated miserably." Lin Feng sighed, "the strength of Wan Mochou is really too strong."

If you can defeat Wan Mochou, how can Shifu fall so far, and how can Li Yanmen face such a dangerous situation?

"Ha ha." Ji Jin smiled weakly, and his eyes showed a little sprinkle. "Feng\'er, feng\'er, who should you be? The name of the first strong man in Yanling house is not in vain. The peak of Xinghai level is only a step away from stepping into the star master level. Looking at the whole Yanling house, there will be no more than ten people who can take Wan Mochou\'s blow."

"I have to thank you for being a teacher. If you hadn\'t seriously injured him that day, I\'m afraid I\'d be dead now." Ji Jin sighed lightly, showing a little reluctance in his eyes.

The same is Xinghai level peak, but his strength is much different from wanmochou.

On that day, 60% of his strength and 40% of his strength fought to the death.

As a result, both sides were hurt, but he was hurt more than Wan Mochou!

The strength gap is general.

"Yes, master." Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up and then remembered. The light in his hand flashed, and a bright sword appeared in front of him. With a clank breath, everything around him was pale.

Ji Jin and Ji Rushan have bright eyes.

"What\'s this?!" especially Ji Jin, whose old face seemed ruddy and excited for a moment.

"The indigo treasure of Yanling Zunfu." Lin Feng nodded slightly and handed the sword to Ji Jin. "It\'s a nine star sword. It\'s the hero\'s sword. With this sword, master, your strength can be increased by at least 50%

He trembled and took the sword. Ji Jin\'s eyes twinkled and stroked the sword.

As if playing a Ming music, his expression was full of joy and intoxication. Ji Jinsi was no worse than anyone in his love for the sword.

"Good sword, really good sword." Ji Jin couldn\'t put it down and murmured.

"If you had this sword that day, maybe you would have died under this sword..."

Ji Jin\'s voice was filled with regret, and his eyes were unwilling to reveal it.

Suddenly, it was as if the lights were dying, and the look was suddenly dark.

"Unfortunately, now I don\'t deserve this peerless sword." Ji Jin closed his eyes with a thick reluctance, but he didn\'t want the three disciples to see the sadness. However, the action of clenching his fist and trembling betrayed his state of mind.

"Master, you?!" Lin Feng was surprised.

Looking at Ji Rushan and Zhu zero, the two senior brothers were all eclipsed.

An ominous premonition began to rise in his heart. Lin Feng bit his lips tightly and felt a chill on his back.


"Shifu, he fought with Wan Mochou. His meridians were cut off and his blood flowed back. He only hung his soul with one breath." Ji Rushan\'s face was heavy and his voice was very heavy. He hesitated half way through his words, but he didn\'t go on.

But Lin Feng knows what the elder martial brother wants to say.

Master, now it\'s\' surviving \'!

"Is there no way?" Lin Feng frowned.

"Yes, but..." Ji Rushan looked ugly. When he looked at the master and saw that the master didn\'t speak, he said, "to treat the master\'s injury, we need to treat the nine star fairy fruit of the Department, but looking at the whole Yanling mansion, the nine star fairy fruit only exists in the legend."

Nine star fairy fruit?!

Lin Feng was stunned and suddenly sighed fiercely.

Yourself, miss the opportunity!

On that day, there were all kinds of rare fairy fruits in the purple star and in the place where the juwu ethnic group was located. On that day, I picked countless five-star and six star fairy fruits, that is, there are dozens of Seven Star fairy fruits, and there are as many as four eight star fairy fruits!

There, there must be nine star fairy fruit.

However, he did not search carefully at that time, but it was also forced by the situation.

After all, I didn\'t have enough strength, so I ran away in a hurry.

"Younger martial brother, you?" Ji Rushan and Zhu Wuwu were stunned.

Anyone who hears this news should react like them, but Lin Feng

"Younger martial brother, do you have a way?" Zhu zero\'s eyes lit up immediately. Zhu zero is obviously the one who has the greatest hope for Lin Feng. After all, Zhu zero has experienced in Yanling Zunfu together. Zhu zero clearly knows how many secrets Lin Feng has!

Often, it\'s unexpected!

As soon as he said this, Ji Rushan was not only shocked, but also fiercely opened his eyes and his body trembled.

There is deep excitement!

"I can\'t promise." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered.

As soon as the voice fell, the hearts of the people were all shocked. It was just a look of disappointment, but in an instant——

"50% possibility." Lin Feng raised his head and stared at the master. At this time, the turbid and eclipsed expression in the master\'s eyes was exhausted and replaced by strong hope.

50% hope!

What a chance!

"Is that true, Feng ER?" Ji Jin\'s eyes sparkled and his voice trembled.

"Yes, master." Lin Feng replied without hesitation.

In fact, in my opinion, the probability is even more than 80%, but it\'s better to be conservative.

On that day, when he entered the land where the Jumang witch family fell, he was forced to flee because he was not strong enough. But now I have made great progress in strength. I\'m afraid my strength will be improved by a whole level compared with now when I enter Yanling Zunfu next year!

Others don\'t know where the purple star is, but how can they know?

The body sensor is like opening a map. Everything is very clear.

What\'s more, I have to accept the "inheritance of blood".

"But master, it will take a year to wait." Lin Feng looked at Ji Jin and said.

a year?!

Ji Rushan and Zhu zero looked at each other, and Ji Jin frowned slightly.

"What\'s the matter?" Lin Fengxin was very touched and looked at Ji Rushan closely. "Elder martial brother, master..."

Looking at Ji Jin, Ji Rushan frowned with deep sorrow: "as short as a few months, as long as a year and a half, I\'m afraid the master will go west."

The atmosphere was sad.


"Isn\'t there an eight star fairy fruit of the treatment department in the zongmen treasure pavilion?" Zhu zero\'s eyes flashed and said, "although it can\'t treat the master\'s injury, it should be no problem to prolong his life for three or five years?"

Ji Rushan shook his head. "There are several eight star fairy fruits in the zongmen treasure Pavilion, but there are none in the treatment department."

After a pause, Ji Rushan looked at Ji Jin and whispered, "but master, there are seven star fairy fruits in the treatment department in the treasure Pavilion. It\'s better to..."

"Hundreds of Seven Star fairy fruits are not as effective as eight star fairy fruits." Ji Jin\'s face is calm. "Besides my injury, the Seven Star fairy fruit has little effect." looking at the two disciples with a sad face, Ji Jin smiled weakly, "don\'t worry, I\'m not sure if your master can last for a year."

"Now there is hope, hope is much greater." Ji Jin comforted the two disciples, looked at Lin Feng and just wanted to speak.

Suddenly, a bright and dazzling.

In Lin Feng\'s hand, a green fruit with surging breath and strong life energy is shining.

Whether Ji Jin, Ji Rushan or Zhu zero, they all stared wide.

"Eight star treatment system fairy fruit, pregnant spirit orange?!"

(first change ~ ~)