Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 700

Dragon shield!

Automatically turn on defense and counterattack.

In fact, Lin Feng didn\'t bother to attack.

Most of these warriors have not even reached the Xinghai level. Even if they stand still and do not make any defense, they can\'t hurt a hair. It\'s like holding a cotton swab to stab hard steel. Is it broken?

Come and die.

Ten, ten dead!

All those who dare to attack Lin Feng have only a dead end.

In a short time, tens of thousands of warriors died miserably under the ferocious claws of the fire dragon.

Lin Feng is just walking.

Even his hand didn\'t lift a point.


Above the wall.

"Is this?!" Fang Tiansheng stared.

"This back is so familiar..." Fang Yan was shocked and confused.

Fang Ni gently covered her mouth, but she was stunned by the amazing scene, and her beautiful eyes flashed.

How domineering!

"No, it\'s impossible."

"My God, is this still human?"

"Strange, monster, where did the young man in black come from!"

After Fang Tiansheng\'s death, many family leaders and sect leaders were all tongue tied and shocked. Seeing the blood flow of the stumps everywhere, there were no corpses. They were all turned into nothingness by the devouring flame. The young man in black, like an immortal god of war, took one step and killed hundreds of people!

Too powerful!

"What\'s the matter?" shaqiang, the leader of Jinsha Gang, frowned.

"It seems that a warrior has killed him." Ma Ba, the leader of the flying horse sect, said with a deep eyebrow.

"Hey, I really don\'t know how to live or die." the third leader Ma Kuang sneered, looked at Ma Ba and nodded, "I\'ll have a look, brother."

Ma Ba said solemnly, "be careful."

The horse smiled wildly and patted his chest: "don\'t worry."

After speaking, he galloped forward and disappeared like lightning.

From Ma Kuang\'s point of view, what strength can a mere green smoke city have? At present, it is a great opportunity for him to make contributions and "atone for his sins".

How can I miss it!

The killing continues.

Lin Feng was not in a hurry. He just walked slowly.

The flying horse gang are all the running dogs of Yanling\'s ten thousand families; Jinsha Gang is also not a good bird. They are born for horse thieves and commit all kinds of crimes. No matter how many villains die, they will not have any mercy. Being kind to them is cruel to those innocent civilians.

Flame, keep spraying.

But as more and more martial artists died in Lin Feng\'s hands, all martial artists were afraid.

They are human after all!

Even Warcraft knows how to fear, not to mention human beings with richer feelings?

Looking at Lin Feng in horror, looking at the black figure with the flame, like the devil in hell, it\'s frightening. The hearts of the warriors trembled, and their backs were cold and trembling. Everywhere Lin Feng went, everyone trembled and gave way to a road.

No one wants to joke about his life.

Even if there is prosperity, there must be life to enjoy.

Lin Feng\'s strength is frightening!


"Oh?" Lin Feng raised his head and his eyes burned.

There is a deja vu figure ahead. It relaxes quickly. The steps stop immediately, and Lin Feng raises a faint smile at the corners of his mouth.

It\'s him.

"Drink!" roared the voice.

"He Fangwu, how dare you stop me from flying to the caravan!" his voice was fierce and domineering.

At this time, the Pegasus Gang immediately boiling, eyes bright.

"The three masters!" "the three masters are coming!!!" revenge for the brothers, the three masters! "... roared again and again. The Pegasus gang were originally depressed. The low morale recovered in an instant, and the war drums sounded loudly. With awe inspiring arrogance, they cheered for the three masters.

The horse crazily held his head high and came proudly with strong vigorous Qi around him.

WOW! The figure was like a flash of lightning. It fell in front of Lin Feng and was supported by all the gang, just like the pride of heaven.

"Hum!" the horse snorted coldly, his eyes were fierce, and looked straight at Lin Feng, "you..."

The words were just uttered, but the horse maniac was stunned. Staring at Lin Feng, he blinked stupidly. Ma Kuang\'s body trembled inexplicably. A cold chill permeated his spine and spread all over his body. His legs could not stop shivering.

"You, you..." you waited for a long time, but Ma Kuang was speechless, and his heart seemed to jump out of his chest.

The young man in black, his ordinary face, is more terrible than the devil!

The situation of that day was still fresh in Ma Kuang\'s memory, like a nightmare!

"Three masters!" "three masters!" the flying horse Gang shouted in unison, but they saw that their three masters looked pale as if they were a ghost. Looking at their trembling legs, the cold sweat on their foreheads continued to drip. The people \'grunted\' and swallowed their saliva, and the voice stopped immediately.

It\'s quiet!

"Still recognize me?" Lin Feng smiled.

Three days ago, I killed Ma Xiong, but left Ma Kuang dead.

Such people who are greedy for life and fear death and can sell their brothers for their own self-interest are shameful, but they also have "advantages".

At least, such people are easy to control.

Because he is afraid of death.

As long as the strength is stronger than him, it is beyond his reach

Well, if you tell him to go east, he doesn\'t dare to go west. If you let him lie down, he doesn\'t dare to stand!

"Yes, yes, sir." Ma Kuan Lian nodded, not daring.


All the flying horses around are staring at each other.

What the hell is going on!

Lin Feng smiled calmly, and suddenly his figure flashed. Ma Kuang had not yet reacted, but Lin Feng appeared in front of him in an instant. The speed was appalling. None of the martial artists present could see Lin Feng\'s movements, including the "strong" on the wall.

"Good, fast." Fang Tian Sheng Leng said.

"The man in black has terrible strength." Fang Yan\'s heart was palpitating.

"Dad, who is this man in black?" Fang Ni said strangely.

"I don\'t know." Fang Tiansheng shook his head and his eyes flashed, "it doesn\'t seem to be the enemy, but he has seed..."

"An unspeakable sense of familiarity."

"This, this..." Ma Kuang looked at Lin Feng in horror.

Lin Feng\'s words sounded in his ears, which made his horse crazy and scared to the extreme.

"I\'ll give you ten seconds to think about it." Lin Feng smiled calmly. However, the smile fell into the eyes of Ma crazy, but it was more terrible than the devil\'s smile! Ma Xiong, the second brother, was killed by the young man in black; And now, he wants to

"I, I promise." Ma Kuang looked full of fear and didn\'t even dare to look at Lin Feng.

The surging killing intention almost swallowed him up. He couldn\'t help but refuse. In less than ten seconds, the horse maniac retreated.

In order to survive, he had to compromise.

"Lead the way." Lin Feng\'s voice was faint.

"Yes, yes," replied the horse maniac.

All the way.

Lin Feng looked at the horse in front of him and looked indifferent.

Even if you don\'t need him to lead the way, you know where the leader of Jinsha Gang "Sha Qiang" and the leader of flying horse Gang "Ma Ba" are.

The sense of life soul breath, the two strongest star sea level ninth order breath is very clear.

The reason why we want a horse to lead the way is to try him.

This chess piece is very useful to yourself.

"Here we are, sir, right in front." Ma Kuang pointed to the front with a frightened look.

"Follow me." Lin Feng said faintly.

Immediately step in front, do not allow the horse to hesitate, is to move forward.

Biting his lips, the horse maniac followed.

Ahead, a vast sea of people.

On both sides are fully armed, teams of fighters, supporting two men, arrogant and domineering.

Behind the two men, countless ranks of martial artists are listed behind, which are the armies of the two gangs.

This time, all out!

"Stop!" Sha Qiang frowned and shouted.

"Who are you?" Ma Ba shouted coldly, with hostility.

Looking at them, Lin Feng smiled alone.

Suddenly, the eyes changed rapidly, the surging Qi burst, and the strong stars flashed brightly.

Alone, Lin Feng was surrounded by a lot of people, but Lin Feng seemed to turn away from the guests. With a momentum of one person, he completely overwhelmed hundreds of thousands of gangs here. The red star power shines with the fire, which suddenly changes the complexion of Sha Qiang and Ma ba.

"Those who take your life." Lin Feng\'s voice is sonorous.

Like a clear lake, Gu Bo was not surprised, but all martial artists were stunned.


Whoosh! Lin Feng\'s eyes burned.

The figure, like a sharp arrow, turned into a bright light and shadow and disappeared in an instant.

The black fog was covered, and the power of the wind vortex was condensed. Lin Feng appeared almost in the blink of an eye, ten meters in front of Ma ba.

Fast as lightning!

"What?!" Ma BA\'s face changed greatly and he couldn\'t respond.

"Light and shadow shot!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were cold.

In his hand, a firegun condensed, but it came together with the purest fire of rebirth.

The fire control technology is at its peak, and the forest wind strength is fully displayed!

Wheeze! The fire is ferocious.

Like a fire dragon with its mouth open.

Ma Ba opened his mouth and wanted to fight back, but in the face of Lin Feng, who was a hundred times stronger than him, he was like a baby who had just learned to walk. The gap was unimaginable. The sabre was swallowed by the fire in an instant. The sound of Ma Ba tearing his heart and lungs turned into ashes in an instant.

There was silence.

Everyone didn\'t react.

And now——


It\'s a mess.

Whether it\'s the Jinsha gang or the Pegasus Gang, all the gang immediately reacted and roared in unison.

In particular, the Jinsha Gang helped "shaqiang". Seeing Lin Feng\'s great power, they stared out their eyes, shouted wildly, and ordered the gang to besiege Lin Feng. At this time, he finally understood what Lin Feng came to do. It was better than Ma BA\'s death. What about him?

His strength is nothing compared with Ma Ba!

"Shit, how can there be such monsters in green smoke city!" Sha Qiang scolded in his heart.

If he had known, he would have given him a hundred courage. He didn\'t dare to visit green smoke city.

While scolding his men for besieging Lin Feng, Sha Qiang hurried away.

Anyway, life is the most important!


Boom! Boom!! Boom!!!

The frenzied explosion and flames dyed the sky red.

The prairie fire started ferociously, and the terrible flame seemed to swallow everything.

Although there are hundreds of thousands of gang members, at the moment, Sha Qiang feels like he is alone, without any obstacles or helpers.

In an instant, an incomparably hot breath came behind.

Sha Qiang, with his mouth open, was completely confused.

"Boom!" the huge fireball flashed.


(third shift to ~)