Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 697

It\'s a shot!!

Lin Feng opened his eyes wide and his chest fluctuated violently.

"No, it\'s not shooting, it\'s swordsmanship, but..." Lin Feng\'s star power suddenly burst, and the thick sense of war began. The long gun in his hand is like a dragon. He wears the sword like a dream. It looks like the same form and the same kind of sword——

Artistic Conception!

"Yes, it\'s Artistic Conception!" Lin Feng\'s eyebrows suddenly spread.

The Qi burst out completely, the heart was filled with excitement, and the power of Lin Feng\'s long gun was fully displayed.

Peng!! The two separated in an instant.

"Really powerful." Rumeng\'s left hand covered the tiger\'s mouth and burst, and his right hand shed blood, but his pretty face was wearing a smile.

Injuries are too common for martial artists, not to mention that they are only ordinary injuries.

"All right?" Lin Feng said with a bitter smile, but he was just excited and couldn\'t stop.

"Small injury." Rumeng waved his right hand, numbness has disappeared and recovered freely. However, his face changed slightly and covered his chest. He frowned like a dream. As soon as his throat was sweet, he spit out a mouthful of turbid blood. Her pretty face was slightly pale. She was really hurt by that blow just now.

"Sorry." Lin Feng apologized, but he hurt the beauty by mistake. The light in his hand flashed. Lin Fenggang took out a six-star fairy fruit, but he was teased like a dream, "it\'s really hard to judge. Is there a tree specially bearing six-star fairy fruit in Lin Feng\'s storage ring?"

Lin Feng smiled.

WOW! The light flashed like a dream, and a six-star fairy fruit appeared in his hand. He raised his head and showed a little girl\'s expression, as if saying, \'I have it too\'.

"I forgot that you are the leader\'s three thousand gold." Lin Feng smiled.

For a time, she didn\'t remember. Rumeng\'s identity was unusual. A mere six-star fairy fruit was nothing to her.

"By the way, it\'s like a dream." Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled, "your sword skill just now..."

"Awesome." Rumeng blinked mischievously. "This is my own understanding. Even my father doesn\'t know. It\'s not the sword technique of Qiyue palace."

Thump! The heart was suddenly stunned, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were sharp and bright.

The light reappeared in his hand. For a moment, Lin Feng took out a set of wood carvings.

Every human shaped wood carving shows an action, as if it contains something, and the artistic conception is very profound.

"Ah!" Rumeng gently covered the cherry lips, and the color of surprise was very beautiful, "Lin Feng, are you..."

In an instant——

Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua!

The six sets of wood carvings were taken out by Lin Feng and fell in front of Rumeng, which made the beauty\'s eyes sparkling and curious. Looking at Rumeng\'s look, Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and said softly, "Rumeng, do you also have such a similar set of seven wood carvings?"

"HMM." Rumeng didn\'t hide it, and his pretty hand flashed.

Suddenly, the seventh set of wood carvings appeared in front of Lin Feng.

"Good." Lin Feng shook his right hand and was pleasantly surprised.

People have searched for it thousands of times. They can\'t find the seventh set of wood carvings in Lvyan City, but they don\'t want to be in Qiyue palace!

What a surprise!

"Rumeng, where did you get this?" Lin Feng was quite curious.

"I forgot what year it was. Anyway, it was a birthday gift I received when I was a child." Rumeng smiled lightly. "I thought it was just an ornament. Although it contained artistic conception, I didn\'t think I could understand the sword move."

"You can understand not only sword moves but also gun moves." Lin Feng smiled.

"So magical?" Rumeng was surprised.

"HMM." Lin Feng was not surprised. His second gun move was adapted from the whip method.

Correctly speaking, this set of goals can not only evolve gun moves, sword moves and whip moves. As you guessed, the moves of any weapon can evolve.

It is driven by artistic conception.

"There are seven sets of wood carvings, each set of seven small wood carvings, a total of forty-nine wood carvings." Lin Feng looked like a dream with bright eyes. "It is said that if you collect forty-nine wood carvings, you can find the secret contained in the wood carvings..."

"Then give it to you." Rumeng smiled.

"Er." what Lin Fenggang was about to say, he couldn\'t help swallowing.

Looking at the ice and snow smart dream in front of him, Lin Feng smiled and shook his head.

But I can\'t hide it from her.

"Then I\'m not polite." Lin Feng smiled calmly and without affectation.

This set of wood carvings is really important to me. With the set of dream, all 77 and 49 wood carvings have been collected!

"It\'s no use to me anyway." Rumeng shrugged his shoulders, showing that it doesn\'t matter. "Seven wood carvings and seven artistic conception. I\'ve learned the most complex, difficult and powerful seventh wood carving. Isn\'t it a waste of time to learn those simple ones?"

"I\'ll pay you back your life-saving kindness in Yanling Zunfu." Rumeng smiled.

"So your life is worth a set of wood carvings?" Lin Feng smiled freehand.

"What!" rumengjiao said angrily.

Laugh happily and the atmosphere is harmonious.

If you don\'t fight and don\'t know each other, your feelings will become closer after the competition.

However, it is the "feelings" of the warrior.

He didn\'t stay much. Lin Feng soon left Qiyue palace.

I still have many things to do.


"Yanling wanzu and Li Yanmen have met each other, and there is no room for relaxation."

"Don\'t worry. You\'ll never die. I\'m afraid you\'ll recover soon."

"To win this war, first -"

"You must kill Wan Mochou!"

Fast and relaxed, Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and bright.

In terms of the number of strong ones, Li Yanmen is already at a disadvantage. After all, Yanling wanzu is the strongest force in Yanling mansion with profound heritage. For a long time, Yanling mansion has been in a state of confrontation because of the existence of Qiyue palace. Now there is more civil strife in Qiyue palace, and Yanling wanzu will not let go of this great opportunity.

The reason why they do not stand still now is that Yanling wanzu hopes to solve Li Yanmen at a small cost and without hurting their muscles and bones.

After all, there is not only Li Yanmen in Yanling mansion.

"This time in the purple star realm, I have collected enough wood spirit hearts."

"When I go back to the \'land of wood spirit\', I have a very long time to practice and break through slowly."

"Reach the peak of Xinghai level!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning and his mind was very firm.

The land of wood spirit is already in its own plan.

Because there is enough energy to wake up your "wooden life chart".

So that the heavenly spirit Master and the martial god can smoothly advance to the \'star master level\' without any constraints!

"Because of the existence of the Phoenix chart, my heavenly spirit division and martial god qualification are far better than the God of war qualification." Lin Feng understood very well, not to mention the power, just from the speed of cultivation. Since entering the fighting spirit world, I have experienced hard work, and the strength of the God of war has risen to the current situation——

With only one trip to Yanling\'s house, the strength of his heavenly spirit division is about to replace the God of war!

This is talent, this is talent!

Sometimes, I have to admit!

According to Duoduo\'s words, it is the limit for his ares qualification to reach the star master level.

However, their own heavenly spirit teacher and martial god qualification can reach the holy level without any obstacles, and even the holy King level can be peeped at.

But the premise is that all of your five earth charts must be lit up.

"I don\'t know what the blood inheritance of the ancient divine beast \'Lei ferocious\' is. Can I improve my God of war qualification..."

"Forget it, it\'s no use thinking so much. To accept the inheritance of blood, first of all, the strength of the God of war should be raised to the \'star master level\'."

"Go back to Li Yanmen first, and then you can go to the place of wood spirit without worry."

"Enhance strength with maximum efficiency!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were straight and his fists were clenched.

It\'s like a light and shadow shuttle. Even those with martial arts can\'t keep up with the speed of Lin Feng.

Qiyue palace is in the northwest of Yanling mansion, and Liyan gate is in the south of Yanling mansion, half a Yanling mansion apart. It\'s quite far away, but

The speed of Lin Feng is really too fast.

A day later.

"Hoo ~" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

Looking at the familiar place in front of me, I feel a sense of belonging in my heart.

This is the second "home" after Lvyan city. In particular, there are thousands of teachers and senior brothers, Ji Xia, Bai Yi and so on.

Very warm.

"We must not let this place be destroyed in the hands of Yanling wanzu." Lin Feng has bright eyes and firm faith.

A lot of things, a lot of responsibilities, they can\'t escape, they must bear.

Because I am a man!

"I don\'t know how the master hurt the old man." Lin Feng thought.

He was as sharp as electricity and went straight through the gate of Liyan gate. Lin Feng didn\'t inform him and went straight to the Liyan palace.


Li Yan palace.

"Rushan, what\'s the situation now?" his voice was weak and his Qi was insufficient.

Sitting on the ground, his face was morbid pale. Ji Jin, who was originally elegant and handsome in white, is now different.

The limbs are weak, the breath is weak, the lips are dry and white, and the closed eyes are more like an old man at dusk.

"All the Yanling families are ready to stir up and stir up everywhere, but I\'ve been calm and right as instructed by the master. I won\'t have any problems in a short time." Ji Rushan frowned slightly, looked at Ji Jin and said anxiously, "master, the disciples of the sect will do their best. You can rest assured and recover from your injuries. Don\'t worry about it and take care of your body."

Ji Jin slowly opened his eyes, with a pale silence, and a weak smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. "My meridians have been broken all over, and I look like a useless man. What\'s the difference between raising or not?"

In his voice, there are strands of sadness. Indeed, Ji Jin has endless regrets in his heart.

What could be worse than a warrior losing all his strength?

"Master, your injury..." Ji Rushan hesitated. "There\'s really no way. Don\'t Li Yanmen still have several eight star immortal fruits in stock?"

"It\'s no use." Ji Jin shook his head lightly and smiled astringently. "To treat my injury, we must take the nine star fairy fruit of the treatment department as the guide and the wood spirit Master who is good at wood life therapy as the assistant. But looking at the whole Yanling mansion, the nine Star fairy fruit has only been heard in legend, but we have never seen it, let alone the nine star fairy fruit of the treatment department."

Although there is hope in my heart, it is just an illusion.

Ji Jin sighed for a long time, but what could he do?

If it had not been for Li Yanmen, he would have ended it by himself and would never want to stay alive.

The atmosphere was sad and depressing.

At this time——

Outside, there was a burst of happy laughter and footsteps.

Ji Jin and Ji Rushan looked at each other and immediately looked out of the door.

(fourth change ~ ~ add change!)