Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 696

Look still calm, Lin Feng has long been flattered.

If they are not of the same order, how can they see the same as them.

Seeing Lin Feng didn\'t respond, the laughter gradually stopped. The Jianmei youth sneered, "who do you think you are, our three young ladies? Do you wait for civilians to see?" the martial arts looked at Lin Feng with disdainful and ridiculous eyes.

Indeed, Lin Feng\'s set of ordinary black cloth clothes is nothing strange.

In any case, it doesn\'t look like a person with status.


Suddenly, the situation changed.

"Boom!!" the strong starlight burst out, flashing a red demon light.

Wrapped around Lin Feng\'s body, Lin Feng\'s body is suddenly raised, and his muscles are condensed and burst, full of strength. The strong energy breath of heaven and earth is intertwined, and the momentum of Lin Feng is completely changed in an instant. With a little pride overlooking the world, his eyes are completely bright.

"PATA!" "PATA!" all the martial artists were sweating on their foreheads.

Their legs were trembling, their chests were fluctuating, and their faces were extremely pale. This terrible pressure made their bodies seem stiff and difficult to move.

"Eight, eight levels of star power." the Jianmei youth stammered and was shocked.

The eyes of the young man in black seemed to look directly into the depths of his soul and peep into all his secrets.

Being looked directly at by the demon like pupils, the Jianmei youth only felt his legs weak and the whole person trembled. The other nine Qiyue palace disciples were less intimidated than him. His face was pale to the extreme, his body was weak and weak, and the Jianmei youth had weak legs, so he had to kneel down.

However, a surging force lifted him up.

Suddenly, the pressure disappeared.

"Please pass it on and say that the old friend is visiting." Lin Feng still keeps a calm smile.

But at the moment, whether in the eyes of Jianmei youth or in the eyes of other Qiyue palace disciples, the smile was like a devil\'s smile, which made people tremble from the bone marrow to the extreme. With eight levels of star control, the whole Yanling mansion is a strong one.

What strength the young man is!

What an identity!!

"Yes, I\'m sorry, sir." Jianmei youth company bowed to show respect, "I\'ll inform miss three right away, you see..."

"I\'ll just wait here." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

"This......" the young Jianmei twitched at the corners of his mouth and looked ugly. "If the third young lady knows that the younger generation is so indifferent to your guests, I\'m afraid we disciples will have some trouble at that time. Please be kind and move to the guest reception room. The younger generation will be very grateful."

With that, the Jianmei youth bowed 90 degrees, and the other nine Qiyue palace disciples behind him bowed 90 degrees.

"Don\'t be polite." Lin Feng smiled, "lead the way."

"Dang, seriously?!" the Jianmei youth was overjoyed. He even got up and made a \'please\' gesture, "please come here, elder."

Lin Feng nodded and then entered Qiyue palace.

Why bother these ordinary disciples if you do something convenient?

Being convenient with others is also convenient for yourself.

Entering the VIP reception room, Lin Feng sat down calmly.

The surrounding area is resplendent. Looking at it, there is a surging atmosphere, but it has the style of a large door.

After sipping his tea, Lin Feng was not in a hurry and waited patiently.


In the distance, a familiar breath fluctuated, and Lin Feng looked at the gate.

WOW! A beautiful shadow appeared in a moment. A short hair dressed in martial clothes appeared as valiant as a dream. The beautiful eyes saw Lin Feng. The original puzzled expression suddenly smiled brightly. The perfectly contoured face was more beautiful and moving, which stunned the surrounding Qiyue palace disciples.

Meeting old friends again is like a dream. I feel very good.

Just wanted to open his mouth, but Lin Feng blinked his eyes. Ice Xue\'s smart dream is clear.

He made an "please" gesture, and Lin Fengxuan smiled and left with Rumeng.

It\'s no good divulging your identity.

The vast martial arts training room is empty and luxurious.

Rumeng, as the leader of Qiyue palace, enjoys 3000 gold. The cultivation environment is incomparable to ordinary martial arts.

"Is that true?" Rumeng was completely stunned.

Lin Feng nodded gently and didn\'t say much.

Just now, I just told the news from the Ma brothers frankly.

As for whether it is true or false, it should be identified by Rumeng himself.

"It\'s really a little strange..." Rumeng\'s beautiful eyes are shining, but ice and snow are smart.

Since my father disappeared inexplicably, Rumeng has investigated in detail, but all kinds of key points seem to have been deliberately erased. It is reasonable to say that as the leader of Qiyue palace, even if he suddenly disappeared, there must be traces to be found.

But nothing!

"I\'m a little selfish about it," Lin Feng said softly.

"If the vice palace leader Qian Jun is really a spy sent by Yanling wanzu, I\'m afraid if he takes power in Qiyue Palace at that time..."

Lin Feng didn\'t go on and didn\'t need to go on.

Because Rumeng is very clear.

With a smile, Rumeng said with a smile, "Lin Feng, you are honest."

"Friends should naturally be honest." Lin Feng shrugged and looked at each other. They both smiled.

"I believe you." Rumeng burst into a faint smile.

"Thank you very much." a warm current crossed Lin Feng\'s heart.

As the dream said, he was sincere, but he regarded him as a true friend.

"But..." Rumeng paused. "After all, this matter is very involved. I must inform the Presbyterian court and discuss it together."

Lin Feng nodded, "that\'s nature."

Like a dream, believe in yourself, and the purpose of this trip has been achieved.

After all, Emperor Qianjun is the vice leader of the palace. Even if Rumeng has power, it is impossible to convict him rashly.

Moreover, Rumeng is only the leader\'s three thousand gold.

This is a nominal position.

Rumeng smiled: "the visitor is a guest. Lin Feng, you are tired from running around for a long time. You might as well have a rest for one night, or let the little woman play the host\'s friendship."

"You\'re too polite, miss three." Lin Feng smiled and declined, "I still have to go back to liyanmen. It\'s inconvenient to disturb." Yu Qingyu was reasonable. I must go back to liyanmen first. I\'m afraid the master was seriously injured. As an apprentice, how can I be indifferent and pass through the door without entering.

What\'s more, I must tell the eldest martial brother and the second martial brother about Qianjun and be fully prepared.

With their ability, they should know how to deal with this matter better than themselves.

"Really a little time can\'t stay more?" Rumeng\'s eyes are starry and stretched out his index finger with the color of sub request.

Lin Feng was stunned and immediately lost his smile: "what does Miss San mean?"

Zheng! Clang sound.

Rumeng took out his waist sword and held it horizontally in front of him. Her eyes were full of war. "In Yanling\'s house, you and I have no chance to fight. I wonder if I can meet my wish today?"

Looking at the look of Rumeng, Lin Feng feels the same.

Although men and women are different, they also have similarities with Rumeng in many places.

"Please advise." Lin Feng\'s figure flashed and smiled.

In the training ground.

The sound of the golden dagger is continuous.

However, the sound insulation effect here is quite good. Even if the war is moving, there is no sound outside.

Holding a long gun, Lin Feng looked freehand and relaxed. The ember magic gun was broken, and he didn\'t have a weapon. However, in Rumeng\'s martial arts training ground, there are 18 kinds of weapons, just long guns, thousands to choose from, and each handle is the best.

Wheeze! Wheeze! Wheeze!

Like a dream attack, it is extremely fierce, and the sword technique is continuously displayed.

With the body method and pace, the stars are bright, like a dream, and the strength is quite good.

In the last and the last Yanling distinguished residence standings, we can go hand in hand with Wan Gu and rank in the top two, which shows that we are ordinary.


This time, Rumeng met Lin Feng.

One move can kill the existence of ten thousand orphans!

"The strength is inferior to Wangu."

"It\'s not much different from the second senior brother and Ji Xiu."

"The meaning of the sword is slightly inferior, but the sword technique, body technique, mind technique and so on are all top-notch works."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered slightly, and he said in his heart.

Think about it, as the leader of 3000 gold, Rumeng naturally has unique cultivation conditions and environment.

The more you attack, the more urgent you are!

Dream is also competitive.

After the real fight, I knew that Lin Feng was really strong.

Too strong!

But the more you face such an opponent, the more you feel like a dream, the more you feel like a war, but women don\'t let men.

Since childhood, she has accepted Xingqi cliff\'s target teaching. Although Xingqi cliff is gone, such cultivation methods have been deeply rooted. Rumeng completely takes Lin Feng in front of him as his goal, constantly cultivates and makes progress, and hopes to surpass him one day!

"Kill!" the gun and sword hit each other, like a dream, and suddenly felt a light numbness in his right hand.

The power of Lin Feng is too powerful!

Biting his lips lightly, his eyes flashed like a dream. The sword in his hand suddenly condensed a very strong light, and a surging breath burst into bloom. Boom! The air burst and looked like a dream, full of great cohesion, focused and shining.

"Take my last move!"

"The sword swallows the sun and the moon!"

The ghost of body change is like stepping and blinking.

Like a dream, the breath is completely gathered on the sword in your hand. The focused look even makes the sword very spiritual.

The strong vigorous Qi suddenly converged, and the breath was completely different.

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered.

This time, the momentum is a little different.

"Just now, it was still the realm of \'senior people\'s gun in one\', but this blow......" Lin Feng looked deeply and was surprised.

At this time, the sword realm of Rumeng has the feeling of "entering the sword".

However, she clearly did not realize this realm.

"It\'s strange." Lin Feng said in his heart.

But I dare not neglect it. The power of this blow like a dream can be imagined.

Waving the long gun in his hand, it has a bright light. Although this gun is too strange to enter the realm of "entering the gun", there is no problem in using the proficient level "senior people\'s gun in one". Just like a master painter, even if he can\'t use a familiar pen, he can still draw wonderful paintings.

The same reason.

Today Lin Feng is indeed a "master" in the field of marksmanship.

At least, in Yanling mansion, no one can be on the right.

"Come!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

I want to have a try. How powerful is the sword technique like dream!

"Peng!!" Lin Feng was stunned when he fought with a gun and a sword.

There is a strange and inexplicable feeling in my heart, like a familiar taste, like a feeling of water and milk integration. Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled, and he fought like a dream in an instant. He seemed to \'see\' what and feel what.

"What is this?" Lin Feng was surprised.

(0:00 plus change ~ ~)