Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 695

In a snowstorm.

Lin Feng looked at the trembling horse madness and smiled calmly.

Fear means his weakness is obvious.

"Don\'t worry, as long as you cooperate obediently, I won\'t hurt your hair." Lin Feng said slowly.

"Yes, yes, elder and younger must cooperate." Ma crazy even nodded and looked around in horror, but he didn\'t know how to come to this snow area. Looking at the young man who was not amazing in front of him, the horse\'s heart beat wildly, but it was extremely frightened.

"Very good." Lin Feng smiled.

"First question, what\'s your relationship with Yanling wanzu?"

The voice was bland, but Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining and cold.

Ma Kuang looked at Lin Feng nervously, as if he wanted to see something in his eyes.

"Don\'t look at me, I want to listen to the truth." Lin Feng said faintly. How can he not know what Ma Kuang thinks in his heart and look calm. "As long as you honestly don\'t lie and tell all you know, I should fulfill my promise."

"But if you dare to cheat..."

Lin Feng looked indifferent, and there was an inexplicable cold breath around him.

The thick snow light is all over the place, which penetrates the frightening cold. The ice and snow condenses to form a sharp cone shape and converge one by one.

The momentum is amazing!

"No, no, no, senior, how dare you cheat." Ma Kuang said in a flustered way, "we don\'t know much about brother. We only know that Yanling wanzu provided great help to brother. This, Xiangluo City, was laid by Yanling wanzu for brother that day."

"Also, about every quarter, big brother will leave for a few days, should, should..." Ma crazy stammered nervously.

"That is to say, you obey orders of the Yanling wanzu?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

The meaning of Ma Kuang is very clear. Obviously, the Ma brothers and Yanling Wan families use each other.

Or, Ma Ba is completely loyal to Yanling Wan clan.

"Yes, yes, that\'s right." Ma Kuang even nodded and flustered, "senior, Yanling wanzu are all in contact with eldest brother, which has nothing to do with us." Lian is to get rid of the relationship. Ma Kuang is extremely greedy for life and afraid of death and doesn\'t choose to speak in panic.

"Good." Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled.

"The second question, who was the man in black just now?"

"I, I don\'t know..." the horse screamed. However, he raised his head and caught a glimpse of Lin Feng\'s eyes, but his face was pale and his legs trembled.

"Really?" Lin Feng smiled calmly, but there was a strong sense of killing in his smile. "You and your second brother seem to have different answers. Lie?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining all over the place for a moment, and the sense of killing was surging and blooming, and the sharp ice and snow blocks hit the sky for a moment.

"Then die!" his voice was cold, like an ice cellar.

Wheeze! Wheeze! Wheeze!

The sharp ice cone fell madly, and the frightened horse was so pale that he knelt down with a bang.

"Master, master, spare your life, I, I said." the horse trembled wildly and closed his eyes. He almost didn\'t kowtow to Lin Feng.

Indeed, his strength is too different from Lin Feng!

Just momentum, he lost eighteen thousand miles.

"Unfortunately, the wing is not here."

"If not, why should I be so troublesome."

Lin Feng lightly scratched at the corners of his mouth like a strong wind.

In the face of the Ma brothers, they can only intimidate and seduce, but if the wings are in, they will devour them directly and search their memories.


"It\'s also a success."

"I didn\'t expect such a secret to exist."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and bright, and he also feels the palpitation of his heart.

My luck is not bad. I found such a shocking secret by mistake!

Qian Jun, the vice leader of Qiyue palace, is actually the younger martial brother of Wan Mochou!

"Unimaginable." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and he is still shocked.

Just now, under his own questioning, Ma Xiong was still tight lipped and didn\'t recruit, but Ma Kuang couldn\'t stand the threat of death and told everything. It turned out that the man in black just now was Ma Yun, Qian Jun\'s most trusted confidant, and he had another identity.

That\'s the youngest but best qualified brother of the horse family!

"No wonder the relationship between the Ma brothers and the Yanling wanzu is so close that there is such a heavy relationship." Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled, but he sighed suddenly.

Some people, even though they are heinous, still maintain their brothers, just like Ma Xiong.

Some people, in order to live, can sell everything, just like a horse crazy.

"Nine times out of ten, the death of the head of the Qiyue palace is related to the Yanling ten thousand families."

"What a fine and perfect layout. That Qianjun was so fierce that he ambushed so deeply that he not only became the Deputy palace leader, but also deceived everyone."

Lin Feng secretly exclaimed, only feeling incredible.

"Fortunately, Qiyue palace is now divided into two factions. There is civil strife. If it is completely integrated by Qianjun, I\'m afraid..."

"At that time, Qiyue palace will be unfavorable to Liyan gate!"

"It\'s not too late!"

Lin Feng looked very dignified.

If Lianqi Moon Palace is on the side of Yanling wanzu, the whole chess game will be——

The dust really settled.

Lin Feng, really lucky.

On weekdays, Wan Mochou and Qian Jun are in direct contact and act very carefully.

But this time, we must not worry about serious injuries. We have to use confidants and intermediaries, which makes a layer of flaws and cracks appear. However, there is no coincidence that a book can not be written. In places such as Xiangluo City, where there are "partial passes", there will be strong people such as Lin Feng, who will also find Ma Yun, Qianjun\'s confidant.

In the dark, everything seems to have been doomed.

"Whoosh!" the forest wind is very fast.

Mental fatigue and trauma do not mean that strength is weak.

It\'s just that fighting may not give full play to 10% of his strength, but Lin Feng can do such simple things as driving.

After all, the body has already recovered.

"There is no evidence of this."

"Even if you tell the elder martial brother and the second martial brother, it\'s of no great use. At this critical moment of tension, on the contrary..."

"Let people bite back at any time and say that we are fierce Yanmen to sow discord."

Lin Feng thought in his heart and kept thinking.

After repeated consideration, now the best way in front of yourself is——

Like a dream!

Three thousand gold from the palace master of Qiyue palace, Xingqi cliff.

She, in the Qiyue palace, has a promise, regardless of status or status, has a great weight.

In Yanling\'s house, I saved her life. They have a harmonious relationship with each other. They seem to be friends.

But the key is whether she will believe in herself.

"Try it anyway."

"At least, do my best and do what I should do."

Lin Feng looked right and his eyes were sparkling.

Although the road from Xiangluo city to Qiyue palace is very far away, I\'m afraid I\'ll have to travel for at least several months if I just entered the Douling world. But now, one day is more than enough. Their own strength is no longer what it used to be.

Today\'s Yanling mansion, in front of itself

It\'s too small.

Green smoke city.

"Dad, I got the news." Fang Ni said. Her neon clothes were noble and generous, but her face was full of worry.

"Say." Fang Tiansheng looked at his daughter with a solemn look.

Fang Ni nodded and said, "it\'s the Jinsha gang and the flying horse gang. I found many unknown martial artists in the green smoke city earlier. I\'m afraid they have penetrated all over the green smoke city." she frowned gently. Fang Ni continued, "I don\'t know whether the two gangs have their own plans. They happen to bump into each other or are connected with each other. It\'s unknown."

Fang Tiansheng looked solemn: "in this area, in addition to my green smoke City, there are three other cities, which may also miss the passenger car."

Fang Ni said, "but Dad, we must prepare for the worst."

"Alas." Fang Tiansheng sighed lightly, as if he were much older.

"Unexpectedly, the peaceful day is less than a year. With the war between Yanling wanzu and liyanmen, Yanling mansion will be in chaos again." Fang Tiansheng\'s eyes are calm, with a little sadness, shook his head and said, "whether Jinsha gang or Pegasus Gang, we still have a few% chance to guard it."

"But I\'m afraid..." Fang Tiansheng\'s tiger eyes coagulated and shook his head.

I hope he\'s worried too much.

Gallop along.

Xiangluo city and Qiyue Palace are almost half a Yanling house away, and the road is very far away.

But Lin Feng arrived in less than a day, and the efficiency was amazing. With the increase of star power, the Phoenix star power is endless, and Lin Feng\'s body is far more powerful than the star sea level peak.

Speed, nature is terrible.

"This is the Qiyue palace." Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled.

It is a beautiful building complex contained in the blue mist. It looks like a fairyland. The ancient and majestic buildings, with a faint and solid atmosphere, emit a burning light. The blue mist rolled gently, thinking about the huge metal sign in the shape of a crescent moon.

"Come and stop." outside the palace, ten Qiyue palace disciples blocked the way.

A young man with a sword eyebrow glanced at Lin Feng and said expressionless, "the recruitment of disciples has been completed this month. Please come back at the beginning of the month."

The voice was arrogant, and the shining luster on the chest of the Jianmei youth was a symbol of the elite disciples of Qiyue palace, just like the inner disciples of Liyan gate. Looking at their costumes, they are different from the other nine Qiyue palace disciples. They are obviously like the captain of the guard.

Lin Feng smiled, but he didn\'t expect to be regarded as a martial artist who admires his master.

Think about it, I just entered liyanmen a year ago.

Young after all, no wonder people misunderstand.

"No, I\'m looking for someone." Lin Feng kept a faint smile.

With their own strength, it\'s easy to enter Qiyue palace, but in order to show respect, don\'t create complications. Moreover, even if you enter Qiyue palace, as a sect similar to Liyan gate, you can imagine how big Qiyue palace is and how many disciples it has.

It is too difficult to find Rumeng in the vast sea of people.

Rather than so, it\'s better to get straight to the point.

"Please inform me. I\'m looking for luck like a dream. The leader is 3000 gold." Lin Feng smiled.

The ten disciples of Qiyue palace who guarded the gate were all stunned and looked at each other. Suddenly, with the disdainful smile of the Jianmei youth, all the martial artists burst into laughter.

(second watch ~ ~ next watch 22:30)