Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 694

Dressed in black, it\'s mysterious.

Lin Feng hung far behind, and his soul felt clearly.

A martial artist with a strong sense of acuity can naturally feel that he is being "monitored", but Lin Feng\'s life and soul induction is different from other martial artists. With the combination of destiny and astrolabe, the induction of forest wind is the same as that of divine animals, with the help of air flow and environmental induction.

One is direct and the other is indirect.

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered slightly.

Follow the mysterious man in black and keep shuttling.

The other party is very careful and cautious, not only in the crowd, but also in every corner of the alley.

"It\'s interesting." Lin Feng made an indifferent stroke at the corner of his mouth, but he was not in a hurry.

Although his strength has not been restored, and it is difficult to play his God of war strength without the ember magic gun, it is more than enough to deal with a star sea level tenth order martial god. Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and his movements are light and free.

If you are just a warrior of Xinghai level 4 and 5, you don\'t even bother to look at it.

But right now, this is a star sea level ten level martial god!

The most important thing is that the man in black is very powerful. His body speed is in the Liyan gate. They are all superior! With such a strong person, I\'m afraid there are many forces in the whole Yanling house, more than nearly 100 forces, but they should all take important positions in their respective forces. Even if they are not the leader and clan leader, they are at least extremely distinguished.

The man in black obviously can\'t see his dignity!

"The whole Yanling mansion will not exceed two palms if it can drive such strong people to do things."

"The biggest possibility is the three forces!"


The man in black rushed into a tall building like lightning.

Prosperous and prosperous, high-rise buildings are resplendent and full of sparkling golden light, which looks dazzling.

On the roof of the building, a white flying horse sculpture roars up to the sky, which is very powerful.

"The first floor of Xiangluo City, Pegasus building?" Lin Feng read lightly in his heart.

The Pegasus building is the tallest building in Xiangluo City, and the Pegasus sculpture at the top is its symbol, which is easy to recognize.

Following the man in black, Lin Feng kept his speed, and his curiosity won a point. The Pegasus building is owned by the Pegasus gang. As we all know, the jurisdiction of Xiangluo city is the Pegasus gang. How can ordinary people go in and out at will?

What\'s more, the mysterious man in black entered the top part of Pegasus building!

There are several masters\' houses in Pegasus building.

"It seems that he came to find the Ma brothers." Lin Feng murmured.

Lin Fengyi\'s master was bold and fearless of the reputation of the "flying horse Gang".

Indeed, even the most powerful Pegasus sect leader, Ma Ba, is just a nine level presence at Xinghai level, just like a mole ant in front of Lin Feng.

What fear!

Only less than half a incense burning time.

The breath disappeared.

Lin fengleng was in place and was stunned.

Frown, feel a minute incredible.

The man in black was in front of him, and his inexplicable breath disappeared.

"Two possibilities." Lin Feng was dark.

"First, he\'s dead; second, he\'s gone." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered slightly and immediately ruled out the first possibility. Killing people under their own eyes, let alone Xiangluo City, is the whole Yanling mansion. No one can hide their feelings.

Fighting, there must be breath fluctuations.

It is impossible to kill a person without saying anything.

Especially Xinghai level ten level martial god!

"Well, there is only the second possibility left." Lin Feng nodded.

It was already clear in his heart that the man in black must have left here using the \'return sign\'.

From appearance to departure, it was only in the blink of an eye.

What\'s he doing here?

"Probe message?"

"Assassinate sb?"

"Steal the treasure?"

One thought after another came to mind, but it was rejected in an instant.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright: "nine times out of ten, it\'s to deliver news. It seems to be related to the \'flying horse Gang\', but what news can make a Xinghai level tenth level martial god deliver it secretly?"

The doubt in his heart is getting bigger and bigger, and Lin Feng is very curious.

The range of life soul detection suddenly expanded, and the forest wind sensed three breath.

A star sea level nine, a star sea level eight, and a star sea level seven.

In this Xiangluo City, it is definitely the top combat power. At least as far as I know, there is only one warrior of Xinghai level 9 in the whole Xiangluo city.

"It should be the three brothers of the horse family."

"The nine level God of war at Xinghai level, headed by him, must be the master of the flying horse gang."

"Oh, three people together?"

Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled, and his body suddenly disappeared strangely.

"Brother, do you really want to leave now?" Ma Xiong, the second leader, frowned.

"Yes, brother, didn\'t we and the Jinsha Gang agree to act together tomorrow?" the third leader, Ma Kuang, said.

"The matter was postponed." Ma Ba waved without hesitation.

"Big brother!" "big brother, how can this be done!" Ma Xiong and Ma rushed.

"Why not!" Ma Ba stared like a bronze bell. "Tell the bald head of Jinsha Gang to postpone the plan to attack green smoke city for three days. Remember, think carefully no matter what happens. Each one is short-sighted, hum!"

Ma Xiong and Ma Kuang still want to talk, but Ma Ba stares and bows his head.

Ma Ba is the rightful overlord of Pegasus sect regardless of his status or strength!

Great prestige!

"Let\'s go." Ma Ba took out a "city return symbol" and crushed it in a moment.

The stars are bright, bringing a burst of strange space energy. Ma BA\'s figure is light, "remember, this matter must be kept secret."

With that, Ma BA\'s figure disappeared.

At the corner, Lin Feng was a little stunned.

But inadvertently, I heard the news of green smoke city.

"It seems that the flying horse Gang is ambitious and wants to carve up the green smoke city with the Jinsha gang." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Not to mention the strength of the Jinsha Gang, the Pegasus Gang alone cannot compete with the "Fang family" who are now in power in green smoke city. Even if the Fang family can gather the strength of green smoke city and gather the strong forces, it will only occupy the number advantage. I\'m afraid it\'s still difficult to resist in front of the two big gangs.

After all, the strength at the top of the pyramid is too different.

Lu Bu, the ancestor of the Lu family, the strongest player in the green smoke city that day, was only level 8 of the Xinghai level.

At most, he is in charge of the flying horse gang. Ma Xiong of Xinghai level 8 is between Bozhong and Ma Ba, which is a bit worse than Ma ba.

What\'s more, Fang Ming, the strongest of the Fang family, is weaker than Lv Bu.

No fight!

"Big brother, I\'m so angry!" Ma Xiong slapped the table and his veins burst out.

"That is to say, it\'s not easy to lay a snare, but it will be delayed for three days. Who knows what will happen in these three days!" the horse threw his lips and muttered.

"Hum!" Ma Xiong breathed out heavily. His face was still very ugly.

Ma Kuang said helplessly, "I don\'t know what elder brother is thinking. If Yanling wanzu doesn\'t protect the night at present, who knows whether to win or lose the war with Li Yanmen. Even if we win, I\'m afraid we will be seriously damaged. In my opinion, Yanling mansion will be in chaos and the heroes will be separated. Instead of taking advantage of this opportunity to develop vigorously, we have to hold the thighs of Yanling wanzu..."

"Alas!" the horse shook his head wildly, and his face was full of unwilling color.

"Well, you can complain now, but don\'t say it in front of the big brother." Ma Xiong frowned.

"I\'m not a fool, second brother." Ma Kuang murmured, "eldest brother is loyal to Yanling 10000 families. I\'m not unlucky to say this in front of him."

"HMM." Ma Xiong nodded, his eyebrows were solemn and paused, "anyway, he is our eldest brother..." halfway through, Ma Xiong saw Ma Kuang\'s ghost like expression, and his eyebrows wrinkled, "what are you doing, third brother."

Ma Kuang\'s eyes tongue tied, stretched out his fingers and pointed behind Ma Xiong, "second brother, you, behind you!"

"Behind?" Ma Xiong was stunned. When he was looking back, he suddenly felt a surging flame. The amazing heat condensed the red starlight and twinkled. That feeling is like a dagger stabbing out of the heart, as long as you do it a little——

Scold! He will die without a burial place.

"Hello." Lin Feng\'s figure appeared like a ghost and smiled calmly.

The flame in his hand was fierce and ferocious, and the burning light was as powerful as heaven, which immediately deterred Ma Xiong and Ma Kuang.

Look calm, but the power is too powerful!

"You, who are you!" the horse was very frightened.

His back had been soaked with sweat, but he had never had fear.

The young man seems ordinary, but his strength is terrible!

Ma Xiong also felt bad. The cold sweat on his forehead kept dripping. He felt as if his life was in the hands of others. He is the second leader of the flying horse gang and the star sea level eighth order God of war. He echoes all over Xiangluo city and is worshipped and respected by thousands of people. How could he be so humiliated as now!

But I can\'t move!

In front of this mysterious youth, the strength is amazing!

Move your fingers, I\'m afraid he and his third brother will disappear.

Indeed, as long as the fire force spits out, let alone kill Ma Xiong and Ma Kuang, it is easy to destroy the whole "Pegasus building".

Lin Feng looked at them with a faint killing intention, but he didn\'t really want to kill them, just a deterrent. At present, they are of great value to themselves, because they know a lot of secrets!

He glanced at Ma Xiong, whose eyes were changing, and at the terrified horse maniac.

Lin Feng thought deeply and suddenly——

"Wow!" a white light burst out.

"Snowstorm!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and his strength burst out.

In Ma Xiong\'s tongue tied eyes, the horse madness just in front of him has disappeared.

But behind him, the amazing flame still flickered, like the fire of hell, enough to burn him to ashes.

"Next, I\'ll ask you a question." Lin Feng\'s voice sounded faintly, "I\'ll ask your brother the same question. If you two have a wrong answer, then..."

"Go to hell."

(first shift ~ ~ next shift 21:00)