Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 693

Time, like a white horse, passes quickly.

Yanling mansion is still very lively and noisy.

After this trip to Yanling mansion, Lin Feng\'s name spread all over Yanling mansion.

More than 20 million points, let alone refresh the 10000 year table, is more than enough to refresh the 100000 year table, but the premise is the existence of this\' table \'. Among them, the most terrible thing is that Lin Feng only entered Yanling Zunfu for the first time!

set the Thames a great coup!

"I heard that 10 million points can be exchanged for an eight star Lingbao."

"Tut Tut, it\'s so powerful. Can Lin Feng exchange two eight star Lingbao?"

"Wow, this is the first time to enter. I heard that Lin Feng is only in his early twenties. How many times can he enter Yanling Zunfu!"


In every large and small city, the name "Lin Feng" is talked about.

Especially in the green smoke City, Lin Feng was completely "deified.".

"Dad, is that Lin Feng?" Fang Ni\'s eyes were bright and curious.

After all, there are too many people with the same name. Lin Feng\'s name is very common. There are at least thousands of people in Yanling mansion.

Especially these days, many families surnamed Lin even named their newborn baby "Lin Feng" in the hope that their child Jackie Chan will become a Phoenix.

It is entirely conceivable that such "excitement" will continue for a long time.

"That\'s right. Many martial artists who entered Yanling\'s mansion remember Lin Feng." Fang Tiansheng laughed and thought of Lin Feng\'s promise and his "wise move" that day. He felt calm. There was such a patron saint. Why should he be afraid of all families!

Fang Ni also smiled and nodded. Although she felt incredible, it seemed to be a fact.

"By the way, Dad, the wind Valley is rising very fast recently. Do you want to..." Fang Ni said quickly.

Any force that rises too fast is a potential threat to those in power.

"No need." Fang Tiansheng\'s eyes were bright and slightly pondered, "pave the way for fengyanggu in green smoke city and try his best to help it." Fang Tiansheng knew a little about the relationship between fengyanggu and Lin Feng, not to mention that Lin Feng mentioned fengyanggu before he left.

Now Lin Fengsheng is famous, and it\'s too late for Fang Tiansheng to curry favor with him.

Why do you want to suppress the wind and the valley?

"Yes, Dad." Fang Ni replied.

Lin Feng\'s fame rose only in the streets, restaurants and teahouses.

But another important thing of Yanling mansion is that every force, no matter big or small, no matter which party it belongs to, is serious and dare not take it lightly.

Yanling wanzu and liyanmen are at war!

A war after ten thousand years!

Once, Yanling wanzu and liyanmen fought once, but because of the appearance of Qiyue palace, they were at an impasse.

But this time, it was just a struggle between the two forces!

Who can win?

No one knows.

"I heard that elder Li Yanmen was killed."

"Cut, the Yanling wanzu Vientiane city was slaughtered and blood flowed into a river."

"The battles of the ninth and tenth level warriors at Xinghai level have made people yearn for the sky and the earth."


For martial artists, this is definitely a top priority.

It\'s about the ownership of Yanling mansion.

Moreover, for most martial artists, no matter the Yanling 10000 families or the liyanmen, it is an unattainable transcendent existence. Some medium-sized forces in Yanling mansion, Xinghai level, level 6 and level 7, are quite great, but what is it to put them into these two forces?

Any elite martial artist is the existence of Xinghai level 8 and 9.

The "force" of the two major forces has reached the extreme.

It\'s really a peak duel!

And in the mountains where there is no human relationship.

With the passage of time, Lin Feng\'s injury has already recovered.

But still sleeping.

The consumption of spirit is much more serious than that of body, and these can not be repaired by the blood of Phoenix. Just like the sleep of star dome pupil, the recovery of spirit needs a very long cycle. This war has never had a strong impact on Lin Feng.

But he survived.

"Pa, Pa." it was the sound of fingers moving gently.

Consciousness gradually returned, and Lin Feng\'s spirit recovered a lot after a long sleep.

His hands touched the thorns, and Lin Feng\'s eyelashes trembled slightly. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and transmitted a pure light.

WOW! Lin Feng sat up straight.

The hazy consciousness gradually became clear. Looking around, Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly deepened.

"Here is..." Lin Feng stood up gently.

In the distance, there are mountains, full of the breath of nature.

Why are you here?

What happened

"Well." Lin Feng slowly closed his eyes and recalled carefully one by one.

His consciousness gradually became clear, and his memory gradually recovered. Lin Fengxuan immediately remembered what had happened. On that day, he used his will to support his "wind escape" to escape death. Then, because the injury was too serious and the physical strength was too heavy, the whole person completely fainted.

Now, finally wake up!

"I don\'t know how long I\'ve been in a coma."

"I don\'t know how everyone is now."

Lin Feng felt worried and showed a cold light in his eyes.

I lost miserably.

Not at all!

"This is the strength of the strongest person in Yanling mansion..."

"Indeed, I can\'t match."

"Too strong."

Although he was unwilling to admit it, Lin Feng was very clear about the gap between himself and WAN Mochou.

Even if I fight again, I also have no chance of winning.

Don\'t worry about your strength.

"Anyway, find a town first."

"Make a decision."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered. His body was still a little stiff, but he didn\'t recover 100%.

But at least, the strength has recovered a lot.

Stand up, Lin Feng is a cluster of eyebrows.

Reach out and touch the back gun sheath. Sure enough, the ember magic gun is not among them.

"The ember magic gun is really broken." Lin Feng\'s eyes showed a faint sadness, which was hard to give up in his heart. Although the memory is vague, I vaguely remember clearly that the ember magic gun, which had been "laboring" for a long time, was overwhelmed and finally broke.

In the battle of Xinghai level peak, the ember magic gun is too "reluctant" after all.

Even though it has been tempered for more than seventy-nine days, the ember magic gun is only a five-star soul weapon after all. How can it be strengthened——

Its foundation is still there.

It\'s like a five story building, even if it\'s built in Huali.

It\'s not as high as a six story building.

"What a pity." Lin Feng sighed.

Since I came to the fighting spirit world, it is the ember magic gun that has been accompanying me. Like a partner, I have deep feelings.

Therefore, even if their strength continues to advance, and then advance, they are still not willing to give up the ember magic gun.

But now, there is no way.

"Forget it, we\'ll talk about the gun later." Lin Feng nodded gently.

At present, I have more important things to do.

A day later.

In Luocheng, Hunan, the largest restaurant is Qiyun restaurant.

"So it is." Lin Feng thought in his heart.

A pot of wine and dishes on the table are full of color, smell and taste, but Lin Feng has never moved.

Just close your eyes and listen to the voices around you. To inquire about things, entering the restaurant is the simplest and most direct way. There are all kinds of martial artists gathered here. Lin Feng heard his name more than once, but he was neither laughing nor crying.

This trip to Yanling\'s house made him famous.

"The second senior brother is still alive, which means everyone should be fine."

"If what I expected is right, Shifu points directly at the wild goose feather fairyland. Don\'t worry. I\'m afraid I will retreat only when I have to."

"If not, the damage of Yanling wanzu will be more serious."

It\'s easy to tell which is light and which is heavy.

It is impossible for the two forces to be motivated in the dispute between Yanling mansion.

"However, master, I don\'t know how the injury is." Lin Feng was worried in his heart.

Hearing that his eldest martial brother and second martial brother were in power, Lin Feng knew that Shifu and WAN Mochou were fighting against each other and were seriously injured. But looking at the "actions" of the ten thousand people of the Yanling, it is obvious that ten thousand people should not worry about the same.

"A thin camel is bigger than a horse."

"The power of the ten thousand families of Yanling is still above the Liyan gate."

"Before, there was the restraint of Qiyue palace, but now Qiyue palace is in civil strife and has no time for itself."

The heart is thinking, suddenly——

"Hmm?" Lin Feng opened his eyes with a bright light.

Glancing out of the window, I saw a \'phantom\' flashing past, as fast as a meteor.

"Star sea level top ten?" Lin Feng whispered softly. The feeling was very clear. Naturally, there would be no mistake. It\'s nothing strange to see this star sea level ten strong man in Vientiane City, Qimiao City, Lvyin city and other Yanling mansion cities, but

This is Xiangluo city!

A city not much larger than green smoke city.

Although the number of warriors here is more than that of green smoke City, their strength is generally between Xinghai level 1 and level 3.

The fourth to sixth levels are extremely rare. As far as I\'ve heard, the strongest martial artist in Xiangluo city is the leader of the flying horse gang and the star sea level ninth level strong "Ma Ba".

At present, I feel a star sea level top ten!

It\'s weird!

"Go and have a look." Lin Feng thought in his heart.

In Yanling mansion, Xinghai level ten level martial arts are already the existence of the upper class.

Such a strange act happened at such a sensitive time, which seems to contain some unknown secrets.

WOW! Lin Feng disappeared immediately.

In the Qiyun building, people were still talking and laughing and drinking happily, but no one saw how Lin Feng left.

For a long time——

"Eh, where\'s that freak?" people found him on a nearby table.

"I don\'t know. Wasn\'t it still there?"

"When did you leave? Damn it."

They murmured, but they soon put it behind them.

After all, Lin Feng is just a "freak" to them.

If you pass by, don\'t care.

"It\'s said that Lin Fengchang is handsome and handsome. Yushu faces the wind. I\'ll make him my idol in the future."

"Smelly beauty, you, I\'ve heard that he is a very strong man! Wang Fen will be an indomitable man like him in the future!"

"Cut, everyone has never seen Lin Feng blowing here. To tell you the truth, I drank wine with Lin Feng!"

"Wow, true or false!"