Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 692

At the most critical moment, don\'t worry about finally coming back.

After being informed of the chess pieces lying in ambush in liyanmen, Wan Mochou rushed back as soon as possible.

Vientiane city is broken, and my brother Wan moyou is killed!

When bad news falls in your heart, don\'t worry. Your heart is like a knife.

He didn\'t expect that Yanling wanzu would suffer such a heavy blow this time.

And all this is Ji Jin——

First hand planning!

"Ji Jin!!" Wan Mochou\'s eyes are red.

The rung has the power of ten thousand people before the elite of liyanmen.

Don\'t worry, leave anger!

"Wan clan leader seems to have been hurt a lot." Ji Jin\'s eyes are bright, and he immediately feels that Wan Mochou\'s breath has been different.

Regardless of the breath, just look at the scars on Wanmo\'s body and the "miserable look" of his clothes. But Ji Jin didn\'t feel happy, but there was a deep sadness in his heart. There was only one person who could hurt Wan Mo\'s sorrow like this!


But I\'m afraid it\'s bad.

"You\'re no better." don\'t worry, your voice is cold.

The feeling between the strong is very clear. Nothing can hide from each other.

"Trust your brother\'s blessing." Ji Jin smiled calmly, but hit Wan Mochou in his words.

"Hum, I also owe it to your disciple." don\'t worry, replied coldly.

Ji Jin was stunned and a little confused.

Thanks to your apprentice?

Don\'t worry about the injury on your body. It\'s zero... No, I wish zero doesn\'t have that strong strength.

What\'s that???

"Wow!" Ji Jin\'s eyes brightened for a moment.

With a point of disbelief, Ran Ran Ran said, "Lin Feng is dead?"

"Ha ha!" Wan Mochou\'s eyes flashed a fierce light, and his face was as ferocious as a devil, "the next one is you, Ji Jin!"

Heart, sink to the bottom of the valley.

Ji Jin\'s eyes contained extreme anger.

He clenched his fist, but Ji Jin held back his anger. He must keep calm at any time.

Because he carries a door on his shoulder!

"Then try it. I\'m afraid I\'ll die today -"

"It will be you!"

Whoosh! The sword is like a meteor, the stars bloom, and Ji Jin gallops out.

"Hum, don\'t be so quick. There\'s never a word" fear "in my dictionary!" Wan Mochou\'s eyes are fierce and strong star power shoots out.

The two strongest people in Yanling mansion are like two sharp lights, and they suddenly get together.

The battle of the summit!

A mountain range stretching for 100000 miles.

Among the thorns, the blood stained youth lay like a hairspring.

The thorns under him had already been crushed to pieces.

Even if he didn\'t use half of his strength, even if he was unconscious, Lin Feng was after all a star sea level tenth order God of war. The strength of his body alone was amazing. No matter how sharp the thorns were, they couldn\'t penetrate them, like steel rolling fine needles.

In fact, Lin Feng\'s physical strength is much stronger than steel.

The body, slowly repairing.

But this time, Lin Feng was hurt too badly.

In fact, if it had not been for the protection of the ancient divine beast "thunder ferocity", I am afraid that the magnetic explosion would have killed him.

In such a painful situation, Lin Feng also performed "wind escape", which can be described as adding injury to injury.

Especially the right foot, the injury was terrible to the extreme.

be reduced to fragments!

Falling into a deep coma is a kind of \'self-protection\'.

With strong willpower, Lin Feng just gritted his teeth to support here, and finally fainted. The strength of human soul is almost exhausted. Fortunately, he has the life soul to support his body. Although his Qi is like a wandering thread, Lin Feng is bleeding from the Phoenix after all, and has the strongest physique of the whole Yanling mansion.

Like a fiery Phoenix, as long as it can\'t die, it can be reborn!

But this time, I\'m afraid it will take a very long time.

Because Lin Feng\'s injury is too serious.

It\'s not enough for ordinary people to die dozens of times.

Wild goose feather fairyland.

At the moment, every martial artist of Yanling Wan nationality has dignified and panic on his face.

With a worried look and an uneasy look, it was as if a great disaster was coming.

"How is the patriarch injured?" an old man with white hair and beard asked.

Behind him, several old men were worried and nervous. He looked straight at the \'wanmang\' elder who came down from the secret room and looked very dignified. Compared with the old people, elder wanmang is undoubtedly much younger, and in fact, his strength is much stronger.

"Not optimistic." Wan mang frowned.

That look made all the old people\'s hearts tighten fiercely.

"The patriarch said that he was hurt one after another this time, especially in the Second World War." Wan mang said positively.

"It will take six months to a year to fully recover."

half a year?

To a year!!

The elders took a breath.

This injury is too serious!!

"It\'s hard to do." the old man with white beard frowned.

"Yes, right now is the critical period. How can a group of dragons get without a head!" a hunchback old man behind him said nervously.

Wan mang shook his head. "You too elders don\'t have to worry. Li Yanmen is also greatly injured." after a pause, Wan Mang\'s eyes were burning, "the war between Ji Jin and the patriarch was a losing situation. According to the patriarch, Ji Jin\'s injury may be more serious."

As soon as he said this, the elders were relieved.

"Pass on the order of the patriarch, and the taipresbyterian court will listen to the order!" Wan Mang\'s eyes suddenly sank, and there was a sub volume in his hand.

"Old age is here." all the elders bowed down to show their respect.

Wan mang opened the file "Shua" in his hand and read, "from now on, the taielders\' courtyard will take the place of the family affairs, pacify the people and rebuild Vientiane city. Wan Mang\'s elder will lead the thirteen elders to prepare for the war, and the taielders\' courtyard will try its best to cooperate. I will go out of the pass and attack the wild goose gate in half a year!"

The voice is sonorous, if fixed, like ten thousand Mo Chou, overlooking the heaven and earth, proudly and incomparably.

"Order of the elder\'s court." all the elders answered in unison.

Liyan gate, Liyan palace.

The six gathered together, looking solemn and dignified.

Ji Jin, Ji Rushan, Zhu zero, three elders, Ji Xiu, and Sima Feng.

"I can\'t die." Ji Jin smiled weakly, "but my meridians are broken, and I can\'t do it anymore. It\'s like a waste of people. It\'s ridiculous. Don\'t worry about thousands of calculations, but I can\'t see that I\'m strong outside and strong in the middle. If he is cruel again, I\'m afraid I\'m no longer alive."

"Ha ha!" laughed twice, but it affected the injury. Ji Jin\'s throat was sweet and immediately spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Master!" and "leader!" everyone was nervous and worried, and their faces showed panic.

Ji Jin is the soul of Li Yanmen. If something happens to him, Li Yanmen will be in chaos.

"Don\'t worry, I can hold on for a while." Ji Jin raised his hand and looked straight at Ji Rushan. "Rushan, I\'ve trained you as a successor for many years. Now it\'s time for you to take over the whole sect." his eyes moved to Zhu zero and said weakly, "zero, help senior brother well."

"Yes, master." Ji Rushan did not refuse, but his eyes showed a firmness.

He is already ready to shoulder this burden, because he is the first successor of the leader!

"Rushan is calm and down-to-earth. He is smart and careful. If you look at Li Yanmen, you will not be more than half of my time difference in office." Ji Jin smiled weakly, but he was quite satisfied with the two disciples. They have responsibilities, responsibilities and strengths.

Although he has the least number of disciples, everyone is a dragon and Phoenix among people!

"I will live up to the master\'s instruction." Ji Rushan and Zhu zero said in a positive way.

"Three elders." Ji Jin shouted softly.

"What can I do for you, headmaster?" the three elders looked dignified.

"Don\'t worry. This person is a man who will repay his evil deeds. The Yanling people are ambitious. This time, he will tear his face and attack on a large scale within a year." Ji Jin\'s eyes showed a brilliance. "Prepare the clan classics and select the disciples with excellent qualifications to pave the way for liyanmen."

The three elders bit their lips. "Yes, master."

Although he was unwilling to admit it, he also knew that Li Yanmen was not an opponent of Yanling\'s ten thousand families.

It\'s the right way to stay ahead of time, just in case.

"Sima protects the Dharma." Ji Jin said lightly.

"What\'s the leader\'s order?" Sima Feng\'s face was calm.

Ji Jin nodded slightly, "you are the only one in the Li Yan Clan who has the broadest range of friends. You have contact with all the forces in the Yanling mansion. Spread the news for me. Don\'t worry about serious injury, death, etc. be sure to make other forces stupid and want to move!"

"Yes, master." Sima Feng nodded. "I know what to do."

Contain, take advantage of the situation!

Ji Jin\'s purpose was very clear. He used other forces to "embarrass" the Yanling Wan clan.

As long as there are restless forces and ambitious existence, Li Yanmen is the best helper!

It can not only consume the strength of Yanling 10000 families, but also delay time, so that Li Yanmen has more time to breathe and kill two birds with one stone.

"Finally, Ji Xiu." Ji Jin looked at the thin young man with sparkling eyes and sighed.

"Son, I know what you mean when you change \'Ji\' to \'Ji\'." Ji Jin said softly, "your father is really sorry for your mother, but anyway, you still have the blood of my \'Ji\' family. It is an indisputable fact that Li Yanmen cultivated you into a talent."

"I understand, headmaster." Ji Xiu said.

Although he hated his father, he always respected the leader Ji Jin and Ji Xiu.

"OK." Ji Jin nodded. "Your qualification is stronger than zero. I always thought you were the most promising one among the younger disciples to impact the star master level until..." the voice suddenly stopped and didn\'t go on, but Ji Xiu or others knew what Ji Jin wanted to say.

Until the appearance of Lin Feng!

However, at present, Lin Feng\'s life and death are uncertain.

Hope cannot be placed on this uncertain factor.

"What Li Yanmen needs most now is a sea god needle."

"A warrior with great power!"

"And this person is you."

Ji Jin\'s eyes were looking at Ji Xiu.

"What does the headmaster want me to do?" Ji Xiu\'s face did not change.

"Practice! When you enter the Liyan palace, I will ask the three elders to help you." Ji Jinwang nodded to the three elders, "improve your strength with the best resources, the best cultivation environment and the ultimate training of Liyan gate, and maximize your strength in less than a year!"

Pressure, very heavy.

It is a rugged and difficult road.

In Ji Xiu\'s mind, he remembered the battle with Lin Feng, and his eyes were bright for a moment.

"I will live up to my trust." Ji Xiu arched his hand.

(second change ~ ~)