Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 691

Covered with blood, ferocious face.

Support the ground with one hand, never worry, clench your teeth, and stand up slightly trembling.

Staring at Lin Feng like an eagle, his eyes were filled with strong anger, the corners of his mouth were still bloody, and his eyes were red.


He has never been hurt so deeply.

Really hurt!!!

"Silk, silk ~" wind winding.

The faint starlight condenses terrible power. Don\'t worry. Although it is seriously injured, it still has the power of World War I!

The strength is as strong as him, which can be called really strong.

This is the strongest person in Yanling mansion!


"I lost miserably this time."

The forest atmosphere is like a hairspring, which can\'t be clearer in my heart.

At this time, I really exhausted my strength. Let alone Wan Mochou, who still has the strength in front of me, I\'m afraid any strong man of Yanling 10000 families outside can easily kill him. Looking at the WAN Mochou who was eager to swallow himself in front of him, Lin Feng saw a determined intention to kill from that look.

I can\'t be more familiar.

cut the weeds and dig up the roots!

Don\'t worry, you will never let yourself go!

He\'s really strong.

No one has ever received the magnetic explosion with the maximum power of his blow, but he still survived.

Don\'t worry, it\'s the first.

"You are the first one who can push me to this point." Wan Mochou\'s eyes are ferocious and stare at Lin Feng.

The killing intention in his eyes is revealed, with a deep fear. At the moment, Wan Mochou is convinced of the classics left by his ancestors. Lin Feng, who has won more than 10 million points in Yanling Zunfu, must be eliminated and then fast. He must not be allowed to develop!

At any cost!

Strength has not yet reached its peak, it has been so terrible.

When he really reaches the peak of Xinghai level, who can match Yanling mansion?

"Zi, Zi ~ ~" the brown starlight reappears ferociously, and WAN Mochou\'s fists condense terrible power.

His eyes are as deep as a goshawk, with a deep and penetrating ruthlessness.

"Go to hell." the cold voice sounded slowly.

Don\'t worry, your eyes are shining.

His fists were like two meteorites, shooting down Lin Feng.

He knew very well that Lin Feng could not be avoided and took his blow——

Death is certain!


Suddenly, there was an extreme light in front of me.

Feeling the inexplicable but familiar power, don\'t worry, but you can see Lin Feng\'s right leg flashing purple and black light!

What is that?!

"The wind runs away." Lin Feng\'s eyes are hazy.

At the knee of the right foot, the purple black light shone brightly, and the power of thousands of small holes emerged in an instant. The strong air flow stimulated the \'yingsoul\', and an amazing force roared! Unable to fight again, I have only one last way to go.

Speed, crazy outbreak in an instant!

"Goodbye, don\'t worry."

"I\'ll come back again..."

Lin Feng secretly urged, but it was the ultimate impact of power, which made his will collapse.

The figure disappeared like a bright light, but wan Mochou opened his eyes and became extremely angry!

"No!!" don\'t worry, roar loudly.

All the Qi burst out, and WAN Mochou\'s whole body was bleeding. The wind was strong, blooming and galloping away.

The amazing wind swirled around, which seemed to break through the space, and the speed broke out again and again in the blink of an eye. His face was red, and his eyes were full of blood light, like a blood arrow breaking the wind. If Lin Feng sees it now, he will be very surprised.

Don\'t worry, the speed can be as fast as this!

The wind is like what he has. There is no limit to his strength.

Incredible speed!


The speed of the forest wind increased a hundred times.

Don\'t talk about getting closer. Don\'t worry, you can\'t even see Lin Feng.

"Pa!" his figure fell.

Suspended in the air, don\'t worry. Your body stumbles and gasps, but it exhausts your strength.

The red complexion flashed a pale, staring at the emptiness in the distance. There was no trace of Lin Feng. Don\'t worry about the hysterical roar.

He fought with Lin Feng until he was seriously injured, and he ran away!

It was a naked slap in the face for him.

Great shame!!!


"Ah! Ah!!!"

Hissing and drinking, don\'t worry, as if to vent the extreme dissatisfaction in your heart.

He hates to the bone!

Xiao\'s mouth fluctuates and keeps panting. Don\'t worry. The whole person is like collapse. Clench your lips, your eyes are like a ferocious hungry wolf, the blood light is exposed, the light in your hands is flashing, one fairy fruit after another suddenly appears, chews and swallows it in your mouth, and the breath of never worry slowly recovers.

He was badly weakened in this battle.

The breath gradually calmed down.

Take out a circular disc from your arms, flashing a strange luster.

Wan Mochou frowned slightly, and a strange color appeared in his eyes. He even opened it. Suddenly, he saw the floating information on the CD, and WAN Mochou\'s body suddenly staggered and trembled. Extremely strong eyes, thick blood light all over your eyes, don\'t worry about clenching your fists.

"Click!" the round disc in his hand was pinched to pieces.

The trembling arm shows how angry you are at this time!

"Ji Jin!"

"I\'ll kill you!!!"

Don\'t worry about making your hair stand like a demon regenerating.

Vientiane City, a ruin.

The prosperity is extreme, but it is lifeless.

The city was full of corpses and blood, and countless Yanling people died in the battle.

The most amazing thing is the center of the city, which symbolizes the majestic building of the city master\'s house. Now, it has been forcibly blasted to pieces, and the logo of Vientiane city has been demolished, as if it had been severely trampled underfoot, which is a great shame.

In particular, for the existence of Yanling wanzu, which is self described as "royal clan".

"Peng!" burst violently.

Standing with a sword, Ji Jin was suspended in mid air.

The deep eyes were filled with fierce light, the blood drops on the sword fell bit by bit, and Ji Jin\'s expression was filled with a strong sense of war.

A lifeless corpse fell from a high altitude and wore a set of noble clothes symbolizing the status of Yanling, but it was no longer meaningful. Ji Jin, one of the three strong people of Yanling wanzu, Wan Mochou\'s brother, Wan Mochou.

This is an extremely heavy blow to the Yanling Wan nationality!

For Li Yanmen, it\'s a big morale boost!

However, none of the fighters showed any happy expression, because they knew clearly that in another place, their colleagues were suffering an unprecedented massacre! The heart is in pain and tears flow in the heart, which turns into incomparable anger and resentment. The elite of Li Yanmen fight with all their strength.

Vent with killing!

How can war not kill people?

"Headmaster, how are you hurt?" the three elders worried.

"A little injury." Ji Jin nodded lightly, but the pallor on his face showed that it was not a little "injury".

One on one, kill one of the three strong people of Yanling 10000 family. How can you not get hurt?

But it\'s worth it!

Wan Mo Chou is not only one of the three strong people of Yanling Wan clan, but also the city master of Vientiane city. It can be said that one person is lower than ten thousand people, and its position in Yanling Wan clan is second only to his eldest brother Wan Mo Chou. I am in charge of the affairs of all Yanling families. Don\'t worry about the death. For all Yanling families, the loss is very heavy!

"Headmaster, next..." the three elders looked around and looked at Ji Jin.

"Vientiane city is almost the same." Ji Jin\'s voice was calm.

"Pass on my order and concentrate all your strength to set out in the wild goose feather fairyland!" Ji Jin\'s eyes were cold and did not care about his injuries.

"Since it starts, don\'t let it stop!"


The war has begun.

Tear each other\'s faces, there is no room for relaxation.

In the first game of chess in Yanling\'s house, Yanling wanzu won the layout and lost their strength.

go halves on a fifty-fifty basis.

And in the second game of chess, the Yanling ten thousand families——


Although the successful layout killed the elder, the encirclement and suppression of Wan Mochou soldiers was dangerous, but they were caught by Ji Jin. They slaughtered Vientiane city with blood, and even the super strong "Wan Mochou" who ranked second among the Yanling million families was killed!

Regardless of reputation or hard power, Yanling wanzu was greatly damaged.

However, the game is only the beginning.

Battlefield, a depression, desolation.

Everyone in the martial arts of Li Yanmen has a smile on his face, with a sense of happiness for the rest of his life.

They survived.

Although I don\'t know why Yanling wanzu retreated, this is a fact without doubt.

Perhaps because they are fighting against each other, Yanling wanzu knows that if they fight again, they will only lose both sides; Or, because of someone or something, the wind direction of the war has completely changed. But anyway, they won this encirclement and suppression war!

However, the loss is also quite serious.

Countless elite and strong men of Li Yanmen died in this battle.

These include

"Elder, it\'s the elder\'s body!"

"What? The elder is dead!"

The news spread quickly.

Just the rising happiness and joy were annihilated in an instant.

Everyone\'s heart is very heavy and out of breath, but what can we do?

In this huge war, it is better than the great elders who will lose their lives at any time, not to mention them? The duel between the two forces is destined to be a battle of dragons and tigers and a battle of smoke.

plunge the people into misery and suffering!

This will be the largest and cruelest battle of Yanling mansion since the collapse of Yanling family!

Already, it began unknowingly.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The elite of Li Yanmen, led by Ji Jin, went straight to the Yellow Dragon.

Yanling fairyland, where there are the most elite martial artists of Yanling 10000 families, excellent descendants, and countless wealth and secret codes, is the foundation of Yanling 10000 families!

Base camp!

"Breathe, breathe ~" Ji Jin kept adjusting his breathing, looking just.

Ji Jin knew clearly that he would be in trouble if he didn\'t worry about the peak state at this time.

But there is no way back.

There is no choice!

He must take this move in order to kill Li Yanmen.

At this time——



Bursts of amazing sounds came, and the earth seemed to shake.

Ji Jin looked straight ahead and felt an angry and terrible breath. He was approaching slowly.

Don\'t worry, it\'s coming.

(first change ~)