Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 690

He is the strongest man in Yanling mansion!

Perhaps he is very cautious, very careful, but that is his long-term habit, which does not represent his strength.

Wan Mochou, a strong man in the legend of Yanling mansion!

How can he be a mediocre person who can rank first in the ten thousand year ranking of Yanling distinguished residence? Can it be comparable to the ten thousand thrilling people! It has the best resources of Yanling wanzu, the most perfect cultivation environment and the enviable martial arts qualification.

Proud of the whole Yanling mansion!

Don\'t worry, it won\'t be so easy to defeat.

"You really pissed me off." don\'t worry about gnashing your teeth.

He has never been so badly hurt!

The terrible fire force seemed to devour him, and even his eight star Lingbao \'perch mirror\' was completely broken. Lin Feng\'s attack finally made him lose his patience. Don\'t worry. At this time, he completely put aside everything. He is no longer the head of Yanling Wan family and no longer bears the pressure and burden of the whole family.

Now, he is just a warrior.

A pure warrior, a warrior in battle.

Only exist to win!

Ji Jin miscalculated one thing, that is, the character of never worry, not "prudence".

Being indoctrinated with ideas from an early age and trained as a family successor from an early age, Wan Mochou\'s "caution" comes from this. But he is a martial artist with top qualifications and a martial artist who is eager to fight. Don\'t worry, it\'s actually crazy.

That\'s why he is called a rare genius in ten thousand years.

Yanling wanzu is the most outstanding strongman in the past ten thousand years!

"Die!" don\'t worry about attacking the secret body whose strength is exhausted

Whether it is a puppet or a separate person, these "threats" must be removed.

In Wan Mochou\'s opinion, the threat of Lin Feng\'s noumenon to him is not as terrible as this secret separation.

Whoosh! Don\'t worry about speed.

But it is the perfect control of the wind, so that his actual speed will not be inferior to that of Lin. there are too many winds, and his body method is ghostly and difficult to figure out.

"Boom!" "boom!!" Lin Feng kept throwing out fireballs.

Just a little bit of star power was restored, and the fireball burst into a bright red light, as if it gave vitality, but it made Wan Mochou\'s eyes twist a point. Obviously, it has exhausted all the star power, and the faint virtual light outside the body has proved everything, but

Where\'s the star power!!

It\'s weird!

Lin Feng, you must get rid of it and then hurry!

Don\'t worry about your killing intention, and attack Lin Feng\'s Secret Body madly.

The body shape is constantly flashing, and the fireball is simply difficult to "catch" the position of ten thousand worries.

Perfectly controlling the \'wind\', Lin Feng finally met an existence that could easily break through his fire spirit power.

"His body method is too ghostly!" Lin Feng clenched his teeth, couldn\'t stand to step back, and the fireball exploded like a continuous fireball. Control is useless. One\'s own consciousness can\'t keep up with Wan Mochou\'s body method at all. In other words, one\'s own "realm" of star control is inferior to Wan Mochou.

In a flash, approaching!

Without the power of counterattack, the startled punch went straight out.

With a strong star power light, don\'t worry about the attack blocking all space, and the application of wind power is almost perfect!

"Death!" don\'t worry. Your eyes are cold to the bone.

When a heavenly spirit Master is approached by the martial god, there is really only one way to die.

But Lin Feng is not.

"Close!" the God of war\'s eyes twinkled, and Lin Feng stood up again.

The power consumption is huge, especially the thunder armor is almost dissipated. The star power is also consumed to resist the attack just now. After all, the star power of human soul is different from that of life soul. It lacks the resilience of life soul. Now the strength of Ares has regressed a lot.

However, Lin Feng is not willing to give up.

Myself, and the last trump card!

Come on!

Lin Feng\'s eyes are firm.

Full of a point of determination, but it has not been forced to such a limit for a long time.

Even in the purple star territory, Wan Mochou has never met such an arrogant and powerful opponent. Even if he is almost exhausted now, Wan Mochou is still like a deep black hole.

Deep bottomless!

The strongest man in Yanling mansion deserves his reputation!

"Whoosh!" don\'t worry, your eyes are cold to the extreme.

Anger and hatred are mixed together, which makes him have a murderous heart for Lin Feng.

This son must not stay!

"What the ancestors said was true." Wan Mochou\'s Brown star power completely broke out.

Like a goshawk fighting a rabbit, with all its strength, the strong wind covered the whole body and roared. Today\'s Lin Feng is still a long way from the peak of Xinghai level. If he reaches the peak... It\'s hard to imagine what a terrible existence Lin Feng will become at that time.

Can he still win?

"There won\'t be that day."

"Because today, you will die."

Don\'t worry, your eyes are firm, just like an eagle staring at its prey.

Since you start, you will cut the grass and eliminate the roots!

"Die!" feeling the flames in Lin Feng\'s hands, don\'t worry about it. Compared with the huge fireball just now, these two clusters of flames are not mentioned at all. Although the control is perfect, so what? Attack is not fancy, but practicality and attack power!

Today, no matter how much he pays, he will kill Lin Feng.

Get rid of future troubles forever!


"The closer the better!"

"Even if I die, I will die with you!"

Lin Feng\'s expression was cold, and a sneer came from the corner of his mouth. The reborn fire and devoured fire in his hand sparkled madly, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were incomparably bright.

Although he was seriously injured, he calmly faced the death, but he was more focused.

This blow is his last trump card.

"Control, become stronger."

"Because the life soul is stronger, the control of Xinghai level strength is stronger!"

The corner of Lin Feng\'s mouth suddenly raised, and the power of the flame in his hand was increasing.

The stronger the control, the more extreme the power of the "magnetic explosion" can be!

At present, the suffocating pressure came again.

Looking up, Lin Feng seemed to see Wan Mochou\'s cold face and that amazing and terrible killing heart. The goshawk\'s light on his forehead was like a shadow, and the brown star power shrouded everything around him. The wind was bone deep and brought strong pressure.

The last blow.

In front of the chest, I feel severe pain.

That\'s the power of boxing, that\'s the burst of never worry about killing.

Has reached the extreme.

"Die!" Lin Feng closed his eyes.

The cohesion of mind and spirit jumps to the extreme, and the combination of rebirth fire and devouring fire is like the sky thunder hooking the earth fire. Lin Feng\'s expression was full of determination. It was a kind of performance of turning back to death. This time, the power of the magnetic explosion was unimaginable.

Will you die?

Lin Feng doesn\'t know.

Not to think about this.

If a warrior is afraid of death in battle

Then he can\'t be called a real warrior at all.

The two flames, condensing the bright star power light, launch the most intense collision and contact between them. At this moment, a terrible and extreme force appeared like a crack in the sky, as if to burn everything, as if to raze the earth to the ground.

"No!!" Wan Mo Chou stared, shocked.

His heart was so frightened that he seemed to fall into the deep fire of hell.

Wan Mochou clenched his teeth and looked as ferocious as a devil. Now he finally understood what Lin Feng wanted to do.

"Ah!" twisted voice, tore heart and lungs, twining in the fire.


Extreme light, clank and burst.

The fire light condenses and covers the whole earth, annihilating all sounds.

No longer exists!

Thunder ferocious star territory.

"Wow!" it was the thunder who closed his eyes and suddenly opened his eyes.

The one horn on his head flashed light, the six tails behind him floated gently, and his eyes were bright.

"Pa!" his face changed slightly, Lei Fei blinked and whispered, "fortunately, he left some strength on the thunder corner, otherwise it would be troublesome..."

"Human feelings are really hard to figure out. This boy has a cold face and a warm heart, and his feelings are particularly rich."

"Tut Tut, it\'s not easy to find the \'inheritor\'."

Shook his head, Lei ferocious also felt helpless, and immediately closed his eyes again.

The flames burst wildly and spread to the whole surrounding area.

Many warriors of Yanling Wan clan and those of Li Yanmen were affected. It was light to be injured and spit blood. The strong ones of Yanling Wan clan who were closer were directly blown to pieces. And this is just a marginal area. What would it be like if it were in the center of the flame explosion?

The power is unimaginable.

Lin Feng lay in a pool of blood and was seriously injured.

But Qi is like a hairspring, but it is still alive.

On his forehead, the lightning two-stage single angle flashed the last faint thunder light. In a moment, the thunder armor disappeared, and Lin Feng returned to his normal human form. The body was a blur of flesh and blood, but under the bombing of the extreme power, Lin Feng still survived tenaciously!

"Well..." she moaned softly.

Lin Feng tried to open his eyes, and his eyes were blurred.

However, I can vaguely see around and feel that this piece of land seems to be a wild scorched land.

"I\'m still alive..." the idea came to Lin Feng\'s mind.

Moving his fingers, it seems that there is still the last bit of strength left. The Phoenix\'s blood is diligently repairing the broken body. Blood seems to flow again, and cells seem to slowly recover their vitality. Lin Feng trembled, supported the ground with his hands, and staggered to his feet.

Although I don\'t know why, I\'m still alive anyway!

No doubt lucky!

"Where is he?"

"Is he dead?"

Lin Feng whispered softly and looked forward.

Suddenly, when we got together, we saw a bloody figure lying on his back on the ground.

Lying on your back in a big font, it seems that there is no vitality. Isn\'t it that worry!

Zhengchang breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly——

A cold, piercing voice sounded hoarse and ferocious.

"Think I\'m dead?"

"It\'s too early to be happy!"

Lin Feng was so shocked that he couldn\'t believe it. He looked at the "corpse" lying on the ground not far away and clenched his fists.

WOW!! Eyes open, filled with demonic light.

Don\'t worry, still alive!

(fourth shift, plus shift!!)