Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 689

The first confrontation!

In their hearts, their mood is different.

"His\' forgetting Fist \'realm is not only much better than my\' entering gun \'realm, but also higher than Ji Xiu\'s\' forgetting sword\'."

"What is really powerful is his star control power, which contains the power of constellations..."

"It has reached tenth gear!"

Lin Feng secretly said that he was impeccable in the first confrontation.

The boxing realm is far better than your own shooting realm, and the star control power is more than two levels!

Even if their shooting skills are more exquisite, even if their body is stronger than wanmochou, the gap between the two cannot be erased!

Wan Mo Chou was also shocked at this time.

Although Lin Feng was badly hurt, he was not unscathed. At least his right fist was still slightly numb at the moment.

The most troublesome is the injury to the chest.


This position is exactly the "generous gift" that the great elder has just given to Wan Mochou.

"Is it a spirit instrument or a Lingbao?"

"It\'s a powerful thunder force with both attack and defense. It\'s amazing to play its power with his body different from ordinary people."

"No wonder Wan Gu will die in his hands."

Don\'t worry. You are afraid of Lin Feng.

Such strength is not much different from the elder he killed just now.

And there\'s a weird separation!

Look around!

"Is it a living puppet?"

"No, it should be separation. Lingbao is not like it. Is it..."

"Is it Xingbao?!"

Don\'t worry, look calm, but be careful.

As the leader of the family, he was careless. He had just fought with the elder and was hurt. If he fought with Lin Feng, he would be injured again.

Trouble, I\'m afraid.

Fist marks are astringent.

Lin Feng only felt the burning pain in his right arm, and the strength of his fist made his shoulder unable to move.

An unusually strong Star Force spread over the wound, as if sprinkled with salt, aggravating and changing the wound. If Lin Feng hadn\'t had strong recovery power, his right arm might have been abandoned at this time. Don\'t worry about how amazing the power of a fist is!

"Terrible and amazing strength, almost no weakness."

"Sure enough, he is the strongest man in Yanling mansion, but he is not perfect. According to the master, don\'t worry about the biggest disadvantage..."

"Just too cautious."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning and thoughtful.

Prudence, in a commendatory sense, is to be careful and prudent.

But in a derogatory sense, it means hesitation and worry.

The knife has two sides and different blades!

"Opportunity is not without."

"Have a fight!"

Lin Feng nodded and decided.

I have no way back!

"Storm Snow area!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were deep and his breath was fierce.

The white light is bright, but don\'t worry for a moment. The light in your hand is also bright, bringing a strong power.

Peng! The two forces intersect and share equally.

The domain Lingbao of the same energy level is naturally the same!

"Boom!" "boom!" fireballs burst forth with power.

The forest wind came straight up again, with a strange body shape, and the wind vortex flashed bright light. It\'s like a sensitive ape shuttling through the forest. Its body method changes very quickly. Avoid and react. Lin Feng has improved a lot in the star environment, and can make better use of his speed.

"You Zhan?" Wan Mo Chou scratched at the corners of his mouth and smiled calmly.

On one side of the body, the wind is trembling, and the whole person seems to be immersed in the wind, just like clouds floating around.

Unfortunately, what he is best at is all about traveling.

Hiss! Hiss~

The body was ghostly. Lin Feng suddenly saw it for a moment——

Peng! A great force came.

The wind vortex is changing and the thunder light converges.

However, Lin Feng was still unable to offset the terrible fist power. His chest seemed to be hit hard by a hammer, and the whole person fell into a state of ignorance. But Lin Feng clenched his teeth and even retreated. The secret split fireball came again to stop wanmochou\'s pursuit.

However, the figure was clearly in a straight line, but it was penetrated by the fireball like a remnant, and the body shape became very ghost.

As fast as a meteor, it is like penetrating a fireball.

Whoosh! Gallop past.

Wan Mochou appeared again and blew out a blow that seemed ordinary but gathered with great force.

Another punch!

A confident punch.

However, this time, Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining.

"Seven Star Lingbao, moon glass!!" the light red crystal ball shines with bright color. Wan Mochou was slightly surprised, but he didn\'t stop. At this time, a fireball galloped in and hit Wan Mochou directly.

The eyes are cold, don\'t worry, don\'t be afraid at all.

The power of such a fireball was nothing, but at this time, the thunder flashed on Lin Feng\'s forehead.

Zi! Zizi!!!

The lightning light is fierce and direct. Don\'t worry!

Lin Feng, gambling.

The bet is never to worry about the attack.

The strong thunder light gathers all the thunder power. Lin Feng knows very well that if he wants to win, he can only have a glimmer of vitality by concentrating his power.

However, opportunities are not easy to appear!

"Hum, come again." Wan Mo\'s eyes flickered.

Although close at hand, he can still hide if he wants to hide.

Although I am confident that I can connect with this thunder power, I will only hurt and never die, but don\'t worry!

His body is flowing with the noble blood of Yanling million families.

How can we fight with such low warriors!


Wan Mochou obviously miscalculated. Lin Feng didn\'t exchange his life for injury, but his serious injury for minor injury.

Guarded by Yueli, supplemented by Lei Lei\'s armor and strong body, Lin Feng is confident to take Wan Mochou\'s fist, but he won\'t die from serious injury.

Now, the retreat of never worry is the upper situation!

"It\'s now!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

I am waiting for this moment!

Zi ~!! The thunder of one horn crashed down and was flashed by Wan Mochou.

The fierce and ferocious power of the fireball just blew through the wind and fell into the air.

Wan Mochou\'s expression was calm, and he controlled the wind as if it were dancing in the sky, but his face changed in an instant.

What a powerful force!

"What\'s this?!" Wan Mochou immediately looked into the distance.

His eyes widened, but Lin Feng, who was not far away, gathered the fireball with one hand and became larger, while the other hand kept blasting out "small fireballs" with the help of star power to transfer the target. At this time, the condensed "super fireball" power is extremely amazing. The red star power is instilled and flashing a terrible light.

"How could it be!" don\'t worry, a thousand and ten thousand surprised in your heart.

The ability to control the flame was far beyond his imagination.

Even if he has ten levels of star control, he can\'t do such limit control.

But the most important thing now is that this force is about to blow at him!

At this time——

The forest wind of the God of war also erupts.

"Hole burst!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining. Although he lost his right hand, his left hand could still be used.

And, stronger!

The victory or defeat is on this blow.

"Shun Huang Gang Qi, the ninth weight!"

"Light and shadow shooting!!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright, and his thunder armor is like a shadow, almost exhausting his strength.

However, the shadow of stoneware in the back was shining, the appearance of strange animals was flashing, the Lin fire on the left hand was ferocious, and the flame light burst out sharply.

Ace out!

"Chi!" the gun light filled the air.

Lin Feng, seize the moment when he is distracted, and burst out all his strength.

The strong black fog, accompanied by the blooming of wind vortex, the forest wind directly attacked the wanmochou in the rapid retreat. The power of this attack can be called militarism.

This is all the remaining power of the God of war!

"Boom!!!" the flames roared.

"Are you kidding?" Wan Mochou suddenly drank.

The brown starlight was in full bloom, and there was a strong flash in his eyes.

The two fists gathered strength. Although Lin Feng was caught off guard, the name of the first strong man in Yanling mansion was not in vain. The body protection magic weapon glittered abnormally at the neck. Wan Mochou\'s body gathers a golden light to form a armor, and WAN Mochou\'s left hand also shines incomparably!

"Hole burst!"

"Throat chakra, my netherworld!"

The muscles soared, and the muscles originally condensed by the star force were even more terrible.

The seven orifices have different power effects on the same wheel of martial god. Lin Feng\'s Yumin acupoint penetrates the meridians, greatly increases the attack speed and slightly increases the attack power; The Wuming point of wanmochou is to enhance muscle cohesion, make the muscles dense, greatly increase defense and slightly increase strength!

"Boom!" the light burst.

Lin Feng, the power is released.

Peng!! Wan Mochou suffered the strongest attack.

The blood vomited wildly, and the complexion was very ugly. The strong Star Force and the strong wind roared, making Wan Mochou look a little ferocious.

Although he was injured, he still blocked Lin Feng\'s attack.

But right now——


Like a disaster.

Lin Feng\'s attack, fatal killing move, extreme outbreak.

100% of the star power is instilled. The eight star power is equivalent to the nine star power of other fire spirit masters. It blows out with 100% power, which is almost comparable to the fireball blown out by the Ten Star control power, condensing the 59th heavy rebirth fire. This is Lin Feng\'s real killing move!

"Boom!!" Lin Feng, who is secretly separated, reveals his killing intention.

Power, full burst!

"Death!" Lin Feng\'s forehead was blue and blue.

This blow will exhaust all power, all star power!

Secret split 100% hit!

"Boom!!!" the fire is bright and covers everything.

It seemed to be the roar of never worry, and it seemed to be the voice of extreme anger.

The fire awn devours all Mo Chou, and there is no way to avoid it. Maximize the power and exhaust all the power of Lin Feng. The noumenon eyes of the God of war flickered, as if they saw the dawn of victory and the dawn like light.


For a moment!

"Peng!" the forest wind was hit hard.

Like a broken kite, it fell heavily behind, and its head hummed.

The forest wind looked at the dense place of fire, the light gradually dispersed, and his face was shocked.

A man covered with brown stars and flashing light, his face twisted and ferocious, his body was full of scars, and the body protection treasure in front of his chest was broken, but he clenched his fists. The strong wind seemed to wind around me like an elf, and there seemed to be a goshawk howling on his forehead.

Breath, still strong to the extreme!

Don\'t worry, you\'re not dead!

(third shift ~ ~)