Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 685

Ten thousand startled souls, never started.

Although he has the strength equal to that of the elder, Wan jinghun just has a calm rest and recovers.

Because his task has already been completed.

It consumes more than half of the elder\'s strength. Now the elder is facing the attack of master Wan Mo Chou, and there is only one way to die; In this war, the strong man of Yanling Wan nationality has an overwhelming advantage. Why should he do it?

As the elder said, it would be beneath his dignity to fight against those young people with his status and strength.

Moreover, the power of ten thousand souls is also consumed a lot in the battle with the great elder.

But at present, Wan jinghun\'s eyes are deep and cold.

He has noticed the change of wind direction.

"A bunch of useless waste." Wan jinghun looked cold.

"Even a flea and fly can\'t solve it." Wan startled looked into the distance, and the breath of life and soul scattered. There was a war, and I could feel the clang of fire. "I had to go out in person to deal with such goods."

With a flash of body shape, ten thousand frightened souls suddenly hung in the air.

Whoosh! Disappear in an instant.

The battle continues.

Lin Feng\'s blood red eyes will completely burst out.

Within a short time after joining the war, hundreds of strong people of Yanling 10000 families died in Lin Feng\'s hands, and there was no living mouth under the fireball!

As other celestial masters, he had already exhausted his star power, but Lin Feng was still energetic. The red light flashed on the fireball, and the consumed star power was restored in an instant. With the existence of the destiny chart, Lin Feng seemed to have an inexhaustible water source.


The number of stars is only eight, but that\'s the Phoenix chart!

When the original star power in the soul of life just woke up, it had reached triple.

Both strength and intensity are comparable to the four original Star forces in the human soul.

Now the eight star weight is comparable to the nine star weight of ordinary heavenly spirit masters, and it is still superior!

Most importantly, even if other celestial masters have nine star weights and nine levels of star control power, the maximum limit they can exert at one time is to add 10%; However, Lin Fengji is relaxed and can control more than 10% of the star power. Even if Lin Feng is willing, it is not difficult to control ten Chengdu!

This is the gap!

However, it is not necessary to exhaust all efforts to deal with ordinary fighters.

The fire of rebirth in the 59th heavy sky, with nine levels of star control power, has reached a terrible level.

"Well, as long as we continue, I can turn the situation around in another half an hour!" Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and his mind is incomparably clear. The two handed fireballs output one by one like shells, cooperating with the God of war\'s body to constantly move its position and travel.

Avoid attracting too much attention.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Lin Feng\'s figure keeps galloping and changing directions.

The God of war has extremely powerful power, but he just acts as a "guard" and is very low-key.

And now——

"Hmm?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered.

The God of war felt a shudder inexplicably, and his eyes immediately looked into the distance.

"What a powerful soul detector!"

"He is a heavenly soul master who specializes in soul power. His strength..."

"Comparable to the \'guardian of the ladder\' of the fifth heaven."

Lin Feng immediately judged that the God of war felt a tremor because the human soul was not strong enough, but the secret body did not move at all. The soul of one\'s own destiny is integrated with the astrolabe of destiny, and has advanced to the Ninth level of Xinghai level. Compared with the heavenly soul master at the peak of Xinghai level, there is a gap in attack power. After all, the heavenly soul master specializes in "soul".

The same soul power attack can only play less than 10%, but tianhunshi can play several times or even dozens of times!

But in terms of intensity and detection, they are not inferior at all.

Phoenix, that\'s the existence of divine beasts!

"Coming." Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly changed and his body flashed.

In an instant——

Peng! The battlefield seemed to calm down.

There seems to be a diaphragm around, dividing the battlefield into two parts.

In one part, the people of Li Yanmen and the strong people of Yanling 10000 families are fighting all over the sky, while in the other part, there are only two people.

"Sure enough, the heavenly soul master at the peak of Xinghai level." Lin Feng\'s eyes were cold.

Looking into the distance, it was a man in black, shrouded in darkness. The black robe flashed a cruel look, just like a black hole, which made people dare not look directly. Come here, it\'s the first day soul master of Yanling mansion——

Ten thousand startles!

"Oh?" ten thousand startled souls looked at Lin Feng and looked at him carefully.

But looking at the exclusive black suit of Yanling wanzu, Wan jinghun sharpened his teeth.

What a shame!

"Hum, fish\'s eyes are mixed with pearls, and opportunism is not a martial artist." Wan jinghun\'s eyes were cold and sharp. Suddenly, the two dark forces of "pa" and "pa" appeared, and two dark figures appeared. One was slightly thin and holding a long gun; The other shadow is very strong, holding a big knife!

Peng! Peng!

The Qi burst and two dark shadows rushed away!

"It\'s human, but there\'s no breath of life!" Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled.


The idea came up in his heart, and Lin Feng reacted very quickly.

The flame condensed by both hands burned with a roar, and the Red Star Force wrapped around it, suddenly roaring towards the two dark shadows!


"Take the living as a puppet!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were red and he was merciless.

Refining puppets with living people is too cruel. If the warrior dies, he will be tortured!


Like a pair of dragons playing with beads, two fireballs crossed two perfect arcs and directly attacked the two dark shadows. Lin Feng started to control it easily. The fireball seemed to have the power of life. The red light was shining with a bright light, which surprised thousands of people.

"What a perfect star power control, what an amazing constellation power!"

"In the fire, if the Phoenix appears, and the star control force is only nine gears, can such a clear \'Phoenix constellation\'?!"

The heart was surprised, but Wan\'s soul stirring action was not slow.

His hands flashed like lightning, as if two invisible threads controlled the puppet. In an instant, the two puppets galloped apart, quickly avoiding the fireball, and their movements were very light. However, Lin Feng\'s fireball is catching up and controlling freely.

"Eight" shape and "s" shape, fireballs and puppets chasing each other, the scene is amazing.

"Ten percent of the star power infusion, as well as the constellation power, can still control such fine!" Wan startled, his eyes were cold and bright.

At this time, the contempt for Lin Feng in my heart has long disappeared, replaced by incomparable dignity.

However, it strengthened his heart to kill Lin Feng.

This son must not stay!

"Very strong!"

"The strength may not be as good as the guardian of the ladder of the fifth heaven, but..."

"More fighting means and richer fighting experience!"

Lin Feng was right in his heart at this time. The opponent in front of him was obviously extraordinary.

Maybe his sword is wrong, but it has nothing to do with his strength.

"But even so..."

"I will win, too!"

Lin Feng\'s mind was so deep that he heard the sound of fierce fighting from time to time, and many of them were the screams of the disciples of the Liyan sect.

feel indebted as if it were received in person!

Oneself, must win, and must win fast!

Every minute of delay, there will be more casualties among the people of liyanmen. Without their own support, the people of liyanmen will slowly return to their disadvantage!

"Living puppet? Maybe it\'s more sophisticated, but..."

"But there is a fatal weakness!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled, and his breath suddenly ran.

"Snowstorm!" Lin Feng drank heavily.

"What\'s this?!" Wan jinghun\'s face changed slightly.

The "domain" Lingbao is still irresistible with his current strength.

There was a white light in front of him, which was sucked in for a moment, but the puppet\'s induction was interrupted for a moment. If it is another puppet, the connection between intentional gods can naturally be brought into it, but the "domain" spiritual treasure only acts on him, and other "living people" can\'t enter!

WOW! In front of me, a white mist formed a huge snowflake aperture.

"Eight star Lingbao, stormy snow!" ten thousand frightened souls gnashed their teeth and looked very ugly.

But I didn\'t expect that my own Lingbao would be used against me. At the beginning, he lent this eight star Lingbao to wankugu.

Snowflakes fall and suddenly soar down like concealed weapons, like hexagonal thin concealed weapons, coming from all directions with surging momentum. The amazing power completely broke out. It has been a certain time since the eight star Lingbao "Storm Snow area", and Lin Feng has been perfectly mastered.

Indeed, it is worthy of the name of the snowstorm!


"Do you think I will be afraid of this Lingbao!"

Wan jinghun\'s face was iron blue, but there was a flash of extreme light around his body.

Not only the environment of the snowstorm area can\'t affect him, but those snowflake attacks are easy. The domain like Lingbao creates an independent domain, and Wan jinghun also has the ability to break this domain!

Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!

The cold light is blooming, and it is the existence of thin awns like silk.

"Die!" Wan startled, looking cold.

He is a heavenly soul master majoring in "control department"!

The silver array glitters with fine awns, condensing amazing star power, as if it had vitality.

It\'s also "constellation power", but it\'s not as vibrant as Lin Feng, just like the difference between a thin man and a strong man.

However, constellation power is constellation power after all. Even a thin person is also incomparable to children!

Whew! Whew! Whew!

Breaking through the air, the silver needle condensed into a large array and attacked Lin Feng directly.

"You think the snowstorm can cover your body. Don\'t be naive." Wan startled, the corners of his mouth drew coldly, and his eyes flashed the dark god\'s awn, as if he could see through everything. "I know your position like the back of my hand. This\' ten thousand miles silver needle \'breaks all defenses."

"The most wrong thing for you is to use the domain Lingbao, because of such a one-to-one battle..."

"I have no scruples!"

In words, there is a strong sense of confidence.

In an instant, the startling eyes were like a black hole, and the powerful energy came overwhelming, making the world change color.

"The pupil of black..." ten thousand startled eyes covered everything and annihilated their power.

This is the real strength of his soul master on the first day of Yanling mansion!

(second change ~ ~)