Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 684

Huo Lingshi, starsea level 9, star weight number 8, star control force 9.

This kind of strength is nothing in the battle between the two strongest forces in Yanling mansion. It can only be regarded as medium and superior strength at most.

But on Lin Feng, it is completely different.

"Boom!" "boom!" the fireball was ferocious.

Imbued with strong star power and flashing red light, it is like an elf with great vitality.

"The fire of rebirth is the 59th." Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened, his hands shook, and the fireball flew away quickly. Only a few hours have passed in the outside world, but it has been a very long time on the fifth day with a time ratio of 1:10000.

Lin Feng, not only the fire of rebirth has been raised to the 59th level, but also the level of strength has been raised again to the Ninth level of Xinghai level!

Although there are only nine levels of star control, when it comes to "control", even ten levels of other star sea level celestial masters are less than Lin Feng!

Lin Feng, just because the star weight is not enough, the star control cannot be improved.

But this is not the most important.

The most terrible thing is——

The power of Lin Feng fire spirit Master is inexhaustible!

Peng! Peng!!

The fireball flashed through the perfect arc and fell.

Every bombardment can take away the life of a strong man of Yanling 10000 families.

Lin Feng, looking for the weak.

"Boom!!" the fire is in full bloom like fireworks.

The spread of such a battle is only the tip of the iceberg. In this land, the strong of Yanling 10000 families and the strong of liyanmen compete with each other. The melody of the battle breaks out, and the blood falls on the land from time to time. Life here is not worth mentioning, just like grass mustard!

This is war!

"From the weak kill, wait for the opportunity to support everyone in the Li Yanmen." Lin Feng\'s eyes were red.

The killing intention spread all over the whole body, but the more such a moment, the calmer Lin Feng was to the extreme, and his blood seemed to become cold.

In this battle, you are absolutely the key!


Boom!! Boom~

The fire broke up, and the sky kept falling. Fireballs fell like meteorites.

Such an attack is so obvious, how can it not attract the attention of the strong people of Yanling 10000 families?

In terms of the number of people, Li Yanmen is far inferior to the ten thousand Yanling families.

"Whoosh!" "whoosh!" two lights and shadows, one left and one right, gallop towards the forest wind in mid air. Not far away, a Heavenly Master murmured to himself, and the water in his hand was shining, forming boiling water sprays, which seemed to explode and roar straight into the forest wind; On the other side, a heavenly soul master showed cold light in his eyes. In mid air, nine glittering throwing knives aimed directly at the forest wind.

It\'s like a lady scattered flowers. The trace of the forest wind is too eye-catching!

Surrounded in all directions, the most feared thing for the heavenly spirit Master is to get close.

However, Lin Feng still keeps releasing fireballs, looking calm and leisurely.

"Chi!" a shining light, such as light and shadow.

It was the Heavenly Master who released the boiling water. His eyes widened and looked at his chest in horror, but he didn\'t even know how to die. In an instant, it was painful to attack the heart, and the consciousness disappeared. It seemed that a hazy black figure flashed in front of me. The suit was clearly my own talent

However, there is no such thing.

Peng! The Qi burst and the Heavenly Master was shattered.

The other side.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

The cold light is like shuttle, and the Throwing Knife pierces quickly.

The tianhun division of Yanling wanzu easily controlled these lethal throwing knives to form a dense light and shadow. Together with two God of war fighters, they wanted to take Lin Feng\'s life. However, there was a sudden evil spirit behind him. There was no time to respond, and the sky soul master\'s face changed suddenly——

Peng! He was killed with one move.

Too fragile.

On this side, two ares warriors can approach the forest wind that releases the fireball.

A knife and a sword suddenly fell on Lin Feng, but it was like stabbing in the empty air without force. The original shining figure seemed to turn into a smoke, and the light and shadow disappeared faintly, like an illusion.

The two warriors were stunned, but they couldn\'t react.

But in an instant, two clusters of fireballs came at full speed, one left and one right. The evil spirit was amazing and powerful!

Boom! Boom!!

The two God of war fighters even resisted, but their reaction was slow and embarrassed.

The hot breath was filled with a cold and murderous spirit. In an instant, a cold and bright gun shadow came with a terrible murderous spirit.

Wheezing!!! The gun is like the moon and the blood is like a rainbow.

The sky, like a rainbow, flashed away.

Peng! Peng~ Like fireworks.

Two God of war warriors were burned to ashes in an instant.

Too strong!

The combination of secret separated forest wind and noumenon forest wind is subtle to the extreme.

For the first time, it was really applied in such a huge war scene, and it was victorious and invincible. The fire spirit Master is the main attack. He kills all directions with endless power. He doesn\'t need to consider how to defend and what kind of danger there will be around, because there is a strongest bodyguard nearby——

God of war, Lin Feng!

One on one, very strong.

Xinghai level level 10 has a body strength beyond the peak of Xinghai level. If the star power is not strong enough, today\'s Lin Feng can fight against the tianwu at the peak of Xinghai level.

The most powerful thing is that in case of danger, the secret part can return to the body at any time and easily avoid the attack.

Although the "fit" takes some time to prepare, even so, it is almost invincible.

"Hold on!"

"Shit, fight hard and kill enough!"

Taurus horn and yellow gall are in pairs, and the blood and sweat are dripping.

Their eyes were full of blood. They were seriously injured, but they were trapped in a tight encirclement. They were in a worrying situation.

But when they were about to despair, suddenly——

Boom! Boom!! Boom!!!

The fire was ferocious, and pieces of fireballs fell down.

Every attack seems to have been prepared. Every fireball can make the enemies of Yanling 10000 families die without burial place, and the attack power is extremely strong. In just a short time, the seven or eight strong Yanling 10000 families who surrounded them all died.

The fire is spreading and the power is amazing.

"This flame?!" Huang Dan was stunned.

"What a familiar feeling..." Taurus horn said.

They looked at each other, and suddenly their eyes were bright and suddenly remembered.

"It\'s Lin Feng!" "ha ha, younger martial brother Lin is coming!!" they clenched their fists and looked excited.

In their hearts, Lin Feng has long been a myth!

"I can\'t hold it."

"Leave us alone, sister, you go!"

Ji YingYing and Ji Jing look pale and listless.

However, the martial arts of the ten thousand families of Yanling around did not pity the fragrance and jade at all, and the attack was higher and higher.

Only Ji Qing still clenched her teeth and refused to retreat. For her, there is only one belief - she should protect her sister!

Even death will not shake her faith.

Although she is a female generation, Ji Qing has an incomparable character of perseverance.

"Poof!" Ji Yingying vomited blood and fell into a pool of blood. Among the three sisters, her strength was the weakest.

"Sister!" Ji Jing rose up with great efforts, holding a long sword in her hand to ward off the enemy, but she could only delay for half a minute.

A huge axe fell down, and the strong starlight was shining. Ji Jing was extremely powerful. Ji Jing spit blood and retreated in an instant, which was unbearable.

The second blow, Ji Jing, was a huge shock in her chest, her face was very white, and the long sword in her hand suddenly fell off. But even so, Ji Jing still grits her teeth and hugs Ji Yingying tightly, guarding her sister with her body. At this time, the Yanling warrior in black was extremely cold, and the axe fell with thunder.

"No!!!" Ji Qing\'s eyes were red and hissed.

Surrounded by three enemies, Ji Qing is powerless even if he wants to save his two sisters.

Seeing that the tragedy was about to happen, Ji Qing felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar. His body trembled violently and was extremely cold.

But in an instant——

"Boom!!" the giant axe fell behind Ji Jing, but it was hard to split it for half a minute.

The fire is ferocious, like a deadly ghost. The pupil of the giant axe warrior protrudes, but it turns into nothingness in an instant.

Dong! With a huge axe, they were burned to ashes!

"What is this?" Ji Qing stared.

But there was no time to be stunned in the battle. The enemy had the opportunity to take advantage of it in a short moment. Ji Qing snorted and tightened his eyebrows. There was a huge cut in the back, and the blood flowed. But Ji Qing\'s body was extremely hot, because his suspended heart was finally put down.

With fireballs falling one after another, Ji Qing drew a light smile at the corner of his mouth.

He\'s coming.

Such scenes take place in every corner of the battlefield.

Lin Feng didn\'t stay in one place for too long. The secret part continued to bomb and support. Lin Feng not only protected the secret part, but also shuttled around every corner of the battlefield, displaying the "combination", so that the power of the fire spirit division spread all over the battlefield.

With one\'s own strength, crazy to reverse the situation!

The Libra of the battlefield has slowly begun to tilt.

Just because of one person——

Lin Feng, finally.

Ji Qing and others, who once shared weal and woe with Lin Feng, settled down in their hearts at this time.

Even if this is a near death situation, as long as Lin Feng is there, he feels inexplicably at ease, as if the patron saint has come. Although most of them have never seen Lin Feng, the amazing fireball is unique and has no semicolon.

Great confidence!

Not only Ji Qing and others, but also the strong men of Li Yanmen.

Although they do not know who is secretly supporting them, there is no doubt that they are their own people, and they are very powerful ones!

Who is it? Does it matter?

In the battlefield, momentum is a very invisible force.

Again and again, again and again, it\'s very suitable to use it on the Yanling 10000 families at the moment.

Li Yanmen kept attacking Li Yanmen for a long time, but was constantly counterattacked by Li Yanmen. There was a mysterious force secretly supporting Li Yanmen. At this time, the hearts of all Yanling families had begun to shake slowly. On the contrary, the people of Li Yanmen are more and more powerful in the Vietnam War!

Because Lin Feng joined, Libra was finally flat and restored to the number of five to five!

This weight is very heavy!


The Yanling people are not vegetarian.

Soon, the emergence of Lin Feng and the change of the situation attracted one\'s attention.

On the first day of Yanling mansion, the soul master was shocked.

(first change ~)