Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 686

Cover everything, annihilate everything.

The pupil of black... Not only has the ability to confuse the mind, but also has a powerful ability to destroy and attack.

Wan jinghun has seen Lin Feng\'s stunned expression, with a sense of fear and horror. He can\'t be more familiar with this expression. Every time he casts the "black pupil", the enemy looks like this. It\'s like a disaster, and the fear is extreme!

Double hunting!

Ten thousand miles silver needle with black pupil.

Wan jinghun, three trumps, two at a time.

This shows that he attaches importance to Lin Feng.

Boom! Boom!

The fireball was blazing and flew out of Lin Feng\'s hands quickly, but with Lin Feng\'s flustered look, it was more like a unwilling counterattack before he died.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The silver needle array instantly penetrates the fireball and breaks everything!

At this time, Wan\'s startled eyes were annihilated like the sky, and the power completely broke out, "die!"


Violent vibration.

However, it was the startling head that shook.

The pupil of black... Seems to enter an endless starry sky, like a meteorite hitting a huge planet, like an egg hitting a stone. Ten thousand startled souls were completely stunned. It seemed that there was a hot sea of fire in front of him. The loud and clear cry of a Phoenix made his mind shake violently, and the whole person seemed to be torn apart.

Power, complete collapse.

That cry, but also let the mind is broken.

The power of the soul is frustrated in an instant, just like an ordinary man hitting a stone wall with a punch.

The greater the force, the heavier the rebound!

Injured, the more tragic!

"Poof!" the blood vomited wildly, and the ten thousand frightened souls looked lax.

The violent concussion of the soul seems to be separated from the body. Clench your teeth and try your best, and ten thousand startled souls will come back to God.

But at this time——

"Se, se." the hair is creepy behind Wan\'s horror.

An extremely terrible force, accompanied by amazing pressure, covered his whole body.

It\'s just an instant, just a moment\'s flaw, but Lin Feng makes full use of it and strives for victory in danger.

"You should be dead." Lin Feng\'s voice was cold to the bone.

There was an illusion in the hand of the ember magic gun. It was almost to the extreme.

The star power light fills everything, and the forest wind comes at once!

"Shot by light and shadow!" the voice surrounded.

"No!!" Wan screamed and cracked his lungs. He still wanted to fight.

However, Lin Feng came too fast.

As if he had been prepared, as if he had already been behind ten thousand startled souls.

Even for a moment, there was no time for WAN jinghun to respond. At the moment when Wan jinghun\'s mind completely collapsed, the power of the ember magic gun flashed. Lin Feng\'s eyes are like bright stars in the night.

The red light penetrates the chest of ten thousand souls.

Even the heavenly soul master at the peak of Xinghai level, his body is still very "fragile".

Scold! The heart was broken.

"Peng!" Wan\'s startled body burst into pieces.

Lin Feng, effortless.

"Do you think you can have no scruples if it\'s a one-on-one battle?"

"You are too conceited."

Lin Feng said faintly and quietly.

Wan jinghun is really careful. Even if he has the pupil technique of "black... Pupil", he still doesn\'t use it at will.

Fear is the most taboo of the heavenly soul master.

Maybe he is confident in heizhitong and can kill Lin Feng, but he is afraid of being eaten back. The pupil of black...... is not hurt much. Once it falls into a deep sleep or is strongly shaken, as just now, it is likely to be attacked by other martial artists. Isn\'t it wrong to die at that time?

Tianhunshi\'s life soul attack is powerful, but the risk is even greater!

Because no one knows the secret of each other\'s\' soul \'.

Lin Feng, the star pupil is still sleeping.

"Pa!" the snowstorm suddenly disappeared.

When Lin Feng returned, he had many "fine awns" in his hands.

"Very small, but very strong." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and looked carefully.

There are tens of thousands of them. No wonder they are called "Wanli silver needle", but the thin awn itself is not silver. What I saw just now is like a silver needle. It is precisely because Wanjing soul has given the "Wanli silver needle" star power light, so there is this scenery.

"Thousands of miles of silver needles, the strongest heavenly soul master of Yanling mansion, \'ten thousand startles\'." Lin Feng nodded gently.

From the master\'s place, I know a lot about the strong people of Yanling mansion, especially the strong people of "Yanling 10000 families".

This ten thousand mile silver needle and the "black pupil" are one of the three trumps of ten thousand startles.

"It\'s strange that you can pierce the fireball directly." Lin Feng said secretly.

I was attacked by the black pupil just now, and the whole person was completely unconscious. So far, I haven\'t calmed down.

That attack is even better than the guardian of the ladder of the fifth heaven!

You can\'t escape the attack of this "ten thousand miles silver needle".

"Even without this\' black pupil \', the power of thousands of miles of silver needle is terrible enough." Lin Feng secretly said that he was lucky, but he could kill thousands of startled souls without blood. His attack is not strong, even extremely strong!

But I met myself.

"Listen to the master, he still has a trump card \'99 puppet array\', but he can\'t see it." Lin Feng smiled.

But I am not disappointed, because this is a good thing.

Ten thousand startling puppets are refined by living people.

Once he dies, the connection between mind and spirit is broken, and these living puppets no longer have "life power", they do not have to be ruined by human puppets after death.

"Black pupil..." Lin Feng murmured.

Until now, his soul has not returned to God.

It can be seen how terrible the power of the black pupil is!

"The attack of the heavenly soul master is really strong. I don\'t know when my \'star dome pupil\' will recover." Lin Feng\'s eyes are sparkling and look forward to it.

Your own star dome pupil is stronger than the \'black pupil\'!

The battle continues.

The battle between Lin Feng and Wan jinghun seems long, but in fact it is only a moment.

fight a quick battle to force a quick decision!

"Heavenly soul master..."

"What I\'m not afraid of most is the heavenly soul master."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were light and calm.

Maybe there are many branches of heavenly soul masters, such as puppet masters and illusionists, but no matter which type of heavenly soul masters, they are attacked directly or indirectly by life souls. In fact, the biggest killing move of many heavenly soul masters is often the direct attack of life soul. If it is unsuccessful, it will become benevolence.

But he, the soul, combined with the chart of destiny, is like a tortoise shell.

At least for now, the direct attack of the heavenly soul master is absolutely useless to himself.

"In fact, with my star control power and inexhaustible flame power, even if I can win him." Lin Feng is full of confidence.

Now, with the advance of the Phoenix chart, I am getting stronger and stronger!

I don\'t want to fight against Wan jinghun, just because——

Now, Li Yanmen needs himself!

Lin Feng, join the scuffle again.

Just like a heavy bomb, it roared in the Yanling thousands of warriors in an instant.

It shows Lin Feng\'s strength that he can kill thousands of startled souls. Because Wan jinghun is not only the strongest heavenly soul master in Yanling mansion. Even if we look at the whole Yanling mansion, Wan jinghun is the top ten super strong. There are only three people in Yanling wanzu who are stronger than Wan jinghun!

Here, there is nothing to worry about.

Like a tiger into a sheep, the forest wind is unmatched!

Lin Feng is good at single attack and group war. What scares the hearts of all Yanling families is

The power of Lin Feng is inexhaustible!

"Boom!" "boom!"

Violent concussion sounded continuously in the battlefield.

The situation was completely reversed, from Li Yanmen falling in the downwind, to the equal strength, and then to Li Yanmen slightly gaining the upper hand at the moment. All the changes were only due to the emergence of one person.

Lin Feng!

But the battle is not over.

I don\'t know how it will end until the last minute.

Because there are thousands of Yanling families and a real sea god needle. There is an incomparable trump card. Yanling house is the strongest——

Don\'t worry!


East of Yanling mansion.

Sitting in 18 cities, there is a roar of people. This is the nest of Yanling 10000 families!

Occupy the whole East, the power is huge to the extreme!

Yanling mansion is the strongest force!

For tens of thousands of years, no one has dared to be presumptuous here. Yanling wanzu is the well deserved king of Yanling house. But this time, in the "Vientiane city", the largest city of Yanling\'s ten thousand families, there was a ferocious sound of bombing, a roar and a roar.

Fire! Water overflows the city! Earth flooded the city!

The original energy completely erupted. In the mid air of Vientiane City, a full thousand martial artists pressed together to launch a devastating attack!

All martial artists, dressed in martial clothes, are shocked!

It\'s the elite of liyanmen!

The first one, dressed in white, had eyebrows like swords and eyes like knives. His eyes were deep and shining cold.

Li Yanmen leader, Ji Jin!

Boom!! Boom!!!

The sound of crazy explosion.

The whole city was hissing and miserable.

Li Yanmen\'s 1000 elites launched an unprecedented powerful attack, and the really top star sea level strongmen slaughtered the whole "Vientiane city".

There is no mercy, there is only endless killing heart. If you want to survive, you must be cruel. Otherwise, there is only one way to die. As the leader, Ji Jin knows this very well.

Because Li Yanmen is at the moment of life and death.

"Headmaster, do we really not save the elders?" the three elders looked very ugly.

"It\'s too late." Ji Jin had a deep sadness in his eyes. "Yanling Zunfu has energy barrier and can\'t enter through the \'star symbol\' in an instant. I\'m afraid the victory or defeat will have been decided by the time we arrive. At present, the only thing we can do is to stop killing!"

"Don\'t worry. If you don\'t want to give up, you\'ll have to come back immediately!" Ji Jin\'s eyes are cold and bright. "No one can be enemy to the whole Yanling family!"

The Third Elder hesitated, "but if he doesn\'t come back..."

"Then kill!" Ji Jin\'s eyes showed his killing intention.

"Bloody slaughter \'Vientiane city\', I want to make this a hell and avenge my fierce Yanmen disciples!" Ji Jin clenched his fists, exposed his green tendons, his eyes were cold, and his teeth were cold. He said word by word, "kill into Yanling fairyland and let him trample on all Yanling families again!!!"

The cold killing intention was overwhelming. The three elders felt a deep tremor, but they had never seen the leader so angry.

This time, the leader was really angry!

(third shift ~ ~)