Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 681

"A quarter of an hour is coming." the elder\'s eyes were deep.

"With younger martial brother\'s strength, there should be no accident in Yanling Zunfu." Zhu Lingyi said.

After waiting for a long time, Lin Feng still didn\'t appear, and everyone was confused.


"Ah!" there was a cry not far away.

Zhu zero and the elder looked at each other. The voice came from the championship, and they immediately went forward.

At this time, most of the martial artists of the major forces outside Yanling\'s house have gone, leaving nothing but waiting, looking at the "exit" with so little hope, but few people pay attention to the championship. Only Li Yanmen people, many of them are ready, but they are bored.

But at a casual glance, I was very surprised!

Lin Feng, the score has changed again, breaking the 20 million mark!!!

What\'s going on?

"More than that, you see fourth and fifth." Ji Xia\'s eyes were shining and pointed.

All of a sudden, there was a sound of exhalation. I saw that the strong who had ranked fourth and fifth slipped and were replaced by two "strange" names——

Water is exquisite, Qin Qianqian.

Their points are more than 2 million!


"Water Linglong and Qin Qianqian?"

"And Lin Feng\'s points, why did they suddenly exceed 20 million?!"

Everyone looked puzzled, but they were a little confused.

"In fact, it\'s very simple. Lin Feng, Shui Linglong and Qin Qianqian should enter the fifth heaven." the elder said faintly with a gratifying smile.

Fifth day?!

The people stared at each other, shocked and inexplicable.

In the past ten thousand years, there are only a few martial artists who have entered the fifth heaven!

Lin Feng said it was OK to enter, but Shui Linglong and Qin Qianqian... How did they get in?

"How clever." Ji Xiu nodded.

"Yes, very smart." Zhu Ling said softly, "when Lin Feng entered the ladder alone, he was over 20 years old. He should face the second-class\' ladder guardian \', but with Shui Linglong and Qin Qianqian, the average age of the three was less than 20. He was facing the weakest\' ladder Guardian \'."

"When running through the ladder, the number of people in the team is one or three. They all face a \'guardian of the ladder\', and there is no difference." Ji Xia suddenly realized.

This explanation was suddenly understood by everyone.

It\'s like cutting corners. In fact, many things are so simple as long as you figure them out.


"Even the weakest \'guardian of heaven ladder\' has the strength of Xinghai level peak." the elder looked brightly and said slowly.

Everyone was silent for a moment. Indeed, even if they were "opportunistic", the ladder war on the fifth day was still an insurmountable difficulty. Xinghai level peak strength, how amazing! The ten levels of star control alone shocked people.

After the star control force reaches the seventh gear, the power gap between each gear——


"Let\'s go first. Lin Feng shouldn\'t come out for a moment." the elder nodded.

Everyone agrees. Indeed, it is unrealistic to have so many people waiting for Lin Feng alone.

"Younger martial brother can\'t go back on his word." Zhu zero secretly said, but he was also puzzled. Lin Feng once told him that he would leave with everyone. Based on his understanding of Lin Feng, Lin Feng is a man who does what he says. How can he say one thing and do another?

Moreover, no one forced Lin Feng at all. He didn\'t have to lie.

"There may be some delay." Zhu nodded and glanced at the elder, also at will.

With the eldest elder here, there is no need to worry about the safety of Li Yanmen. Even if Lin Feng is not there, Zhu zero is very relieved.

In liyanmen, except master Ji Jin, the strongest one——

This is the "kind" elder in front of us.


Everyone is leaving.

Since a quarter of an hour is set, there is no need to delay.

Hundreds of strong people of Liyan sect, including sect leader, Dharma protector and countless inner sect disciples, can\'t just wait for Lin Feng.

Time is precious!

Dharma protector and sect leader, these powerful men with high status in Liyan sect already know the inside story. They all look dignified and worried. They know very well that since Yanling wanzu starts to act, it means that it must be planned for a long time. For Li Yanmen, this time——

It will be a great disaster!

If it is not handled well, the zongmen will even disappear completely from Yanling mansion.

It\'s not alarmist. In fact, in the world of fighting spirits, let alone a sect, the existence of "government" is constantly destroyed and created every day.

Unless you have a really powerful power, you can protect yourself in the fighting spirit world.

"Wait!" the elder drank fiercely.

The people of Li Yanmen immediately stopped and fell down with a calm look.

In front of us is a quiet valley, surrounded by natural barriers, insurmountable, narrow and steep terrain.

"What\'s the matter, elder?" Wu Dharma protector took a step forward and looked carefully ahead.

"The valley is strange." the elder\'s eyes were fixed.

Behind him, all the sect leaders gathered together, and the light in their eyes was changeable.

A silent Valley, like a graveyard of the dead, is indeed filled with a sense of danger.

As if something was about to happen.

After living for so many years, the elder has a strong sense of crisis.


Many times, even if you can feel it, you can\'t escape.

"Ha ha! ~" the wild laughter reverberated in the valley, and the faces of the people in the fierce Yanmen suddenly changed. The surrounding breath broke out in an instant, forming a vibrant breath. Figures appeared one after another in the valley, flashing in all directions and corners.

There are more than a thousand!

And the smell is quite strong.

"Over there!" the people of Li Yanmen raised their heads along with the elder\'s eyes.

The sound of laughter came from the fog above the valley, and a figure shrouded in black slowly floated out. Have a pair of deep and bright black eyes, although you can\'t see your face clearly, you can feel the terrible momentum.

"It\'s you, ten thousand souls." the elder\'s eyes were cold. "No, it should be you."

The man in black breathed and trembled slightly, but he lost his bet to the elder not long ago, and suddenly snorted coldly.

"When death is coming, you should be good." the man in black snorted contemptuously. His black clothes suddenly flew up. Since his identity was exposed, he didn\'t need to hide any more, revealing his slightly thin but unusually tall and straight figure. It was no doubt that the soul master "ten thousand startled souls" on the first day of Yanling mansion. "

"What do you want to do here?" the elder was not flustered, but calmly looked at Wan startled soul, but his hands made a retreat gesture to Wu Dharma protector.

"What do you say?" Wan startled with a freehand smile, his eyes flashed brightly, and said with a smile, "I forgot to tell you that in the rear, there are thousands of strong men of our Yanling 10000 families waiting for you, including your old opponent - Wan mang elder."

The big old man\'s face is instantly green.

But no matter how good self-restraint can\'t bear it.

Wan Mang\'s strength is no worse than him. With thousands of strong Yanling families, if the people of Li Yanmen retreat, they will only have a dead end!

"Have you decided to tear your face?" the elder narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

At present, there seems to be no way out.

"Kill my disciple, plot to plot against my five hundred Yanling martial arts masters, and try to frame Qiyue palace. You Li Yanmen do such a despicable act, how can my Yanling ten thousand families sit idly by!" a strange luster flashed in Wan jinghun\'s eyes, "today, I will avenge my disciple!"

"Spit out blood!" Huang Dan angrily said, "it\'s obviously that you Yanling wanzu have done despicable acts. How dare you..."

Boom!! In an instant, the eyes of ten thousand startled souls shot two sharp lights, and the whole yellow gall immediately flew back like a broken kite.

His mind was numb, and yellow gall seemed to be in a state of death.

"Despicable and shameless!" the elder burst into anger and looked very ugly. "The soul master of the first day of Yanling mansion only plotted and shot at the younger generation!"

Wan jinghun said calmly, "just teach him a lesson. I didn\'t kill him."

The elder looked cold, but he didn\'t refute.

Truth is always in the hands of the victor. It\'s no use saying more.

Once the whole army is destroyed, the Yanling wanzu will say whatever they want. There are all kinds of excuses.

This battle is inevitable.

"Peng!!" the stars are shining outside the elder\'s body.

The strong twinkling light and breath are amazing and powerful. The elder really has the transcendent existence of ten star gravity and nine star control power.

"Listen, everyone." the elder roared, "try your best to rush forward. Try to protect yourself as much as possible, and escape a few!!!" boom!! The light bloomed, and the elder immediately rushed to the ten thousand startled souls like an arrow from the string.

Catch the thief and the king first!

In an instant——

Howling and ringing.

The elder\'s attack opened the prelude to the war.

The people of liyanmen gnawed their teeth and shouted angrily. Facing the enemy several times their own in front of them, they not only didn\'t avoid it, but also rushed up without fear.

Life is the man of liyanmen, death is the ghost of liyanmen!

If you are a warrior, you won\'t shrink back.


The fifth day.

"Peng!!" the light blooms like dawn clouds.

The three figures shine alone. Lin Feng, Qin Qianqian and Shui Linglong penetrate through a crack in time, with bright luster in their eyes.

After thousands of hardships, they finally came out!

It\'s almost ninety-nine eighty-one!

"Wow, it\'s so beautiful here." Qin Qianqian\'s eyes are bright.

"What a strong star power, what a strong aura." Shui Linglong was surprised.

Looking around, Lin Feng also felt a palpitation of distraction. It is obviously an excellent place for cultivation.

"I can\'t imagine that the \'mode\' of the fifth heavy day is completely different from that of the fourth heavy day." Lin Feng nodded gently and his eyes were bright. "As I expected, this should be the destination of the \'light mirror\' and the real reward."

Close your eyes, Lin Feng smiled calmly, "there are many fairy fruits, but it is a blessed land."

Nodding, Lin Fengxuan opened his eyes and looked at Qin Qianqian and Shui Linglong. "If you can practice here, I don\'t have to worry."

"Don\'t worry about us, brother Lin." Qin Qianqian smiled. Although she hoped that Lin Feng could be with her, she knew which was more important and nodded, "you should be careful yourself."

"I\'ll take good care of thousands of younger sisters. Don\'t worry, brother Lin." Shui Linglong\'s beautiful eyes are bright.

"OK." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and nodded gently.

The two women have been settled. At present, there are more important things waiting for them.

WOW~ The figure glittered.

Lin Feng didn\'t stop for a moment and left for a moment.

I\'ve been delayed too long.

(the second watch ~ ~ Khan, typhoon, water flooded Jinshan, Xiaoxiao is in a water prison, cross legged code words. The water is deeper than his wife\'s small battery car, Khan, now just pray not to cut off the power...)