Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 682

WOW! The figure of Lin Feng appears.

"Finally came out." his eyes flashed, and Lin Feng looked around.

The familiar bronze door is wrapped with light smoke, like a shadow. In front of the door, four stone carvings of different shapes and colors are 100 meters high, lifelike. The surrounding area is hazy with light clouds, which makes the whole "holy land" full of mystery.

The only difference is that it was crowded when I entered that day.

But at present, it is empty. Only a few martial artists are still waiting, with worry and sadness in their eyes.

Perhaps, they are very clear in their hearts that they can\'t wait for someone to wait, but they are reluctant to give up the last glimmer of hope, even if the possibility of this hope is infinitely equal to zero.

Some people rejoice, others worry.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright and did not stop.

"Whoosh!" the body is like electricity, and the forest wind speed suddenly erupts.

Very fast!

Lin Feng remembered the way he came.

There is a touch in my heart. I always feel what will happen.

Very worried!

"I hope everyone is fine."

"If there is no accident, it must be this way for everyone to return."

"It\'s a pity that Yanling Zunfu has strong energy interference and can\'t use \'return to the city charm\'. Otherwise, it would be much simpler."

Countless thoughts flashed in my heart. The forest wind was like a lightning shuttle, with extreme speed. Even the wind vortex kept gathering strength, and the whole person was shrouded in a black fog. With the addition of deceleration space, the doubled speed is much faster than the speed of Yanmen people.

Fast approaching!

But in an instant——

"Peng!" his head exploded, and Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly changed.

Breath, countless powerful breath!

Not far ahead, the only way to return to liyanmen!

Ten, a hundred, a thousand!!

"What you feel, there is a thousand breath."

"There are at least thousands of warriors, each of whom is a strong man above Xinghai level 6!"

Lin Feng was shocked and his eyes twinkled.

There are not many sects that can gather thousands of strong people above "Xinghai level 6".

The whole Yanling mansion, no more than double digits!

Most of them are militaristic gatherings, hollowing out the whole sect door or gathering together. Only the three forces at the top of Yanling mansion can arrange such troops at will without hurting their vitality. Shielding the breath, Lin Feng glanced at the gathering place of the strong from a distance, awe inspiring in his heart.

That look, that look, like an army, is extremely strict.

"Nine times out of ten, it\'s the Yanling clan!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and clear in his heart.

Liyanmen and Qiyue Palace are both religious sects. The disciples of the sect behave carelessly. Even if they gather together, they will not be so "regular".

This is a big difference between a clan and a family.

"But what is the purpose of their gathering here?" Lin Feng thought in his heart.

"Isn\'t it......" Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly changed and was startled. "Is it for the people of Li Yanmen?!"

"No!" Lin Feng immediately rejected.

If you want to chase and kill the people of Li Yanmen, why are you waiting here?

What do you mean?

"Wait for the hare." Lin Feng shook his head, but his back was cold.

"This is the only way from Li Yanmen to Yanling Zunfu." Lin Fengxin is cool and his chest fluctuates violently. "When I came here, I heard brother Ji say that around this path, there is a strong fog of mystery, not only fainting poison gas, but also getting lost..."

"They didn\'t come to pursue, but to \'block\' the way back!"

There was a chill in his heart. Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and shocked.

If the thousands of warriors are only for "blocking", in other words, there is a more terrible presence ahead than the thousands of warriors, chasing and killing the people of liyanmen!

The reason why they don\'t attack back and forth is that they are very sure that the "wuzhe" intercepted in front has enough strength to win the people of liyanmen! They just need to hold on to this "level", just like blocking the only bottle mouth to prevent any "fish out of the net" from escaping.

If you attack back and forth, it\'s hard to guarantee that no one will escape.

It is much more "safe" to wait for a rabbit.

But the premise is that the warrior in front is strong enough!

Countless thoughts suddenly appeared in his heart. Lin Feng\'s cold sweat kept dripping, and his spine was cold.

Bad hunch, completely fulfilled.

Big deal!!!

What should I do?

What should I do!!

Lin Feng was anxious at this time, his fists were clenched, and the sweat on his forehead was dripping.

There\'s only one path!

But thousands of warriors occupied it.

This is just the "tip of the iceberg" that I have seen.

I\'m not sure. There will be more strong people in places that are not sensed. After all, you can\'t get too close. Otherwise, you may be found. Beside the path, a vast white fog condenses and disperses, affecting the fluctuation induction of the soul, making the induction distance much weaker.

"How sure are you if you break in?"

"If you lead the enemy, how sure are you?"

Lin Feng frowned and thought constantly in his heart.

No matter which scheme, it is a great challenge for me.

It is not one or two enemies, but thousands of enemies, each of whom is an outstanding strong man!!

"In Yanling Zunfu, it is covered by purple fog, which has natural advantages."

"If not, I\'m afraid I can only swim and fight. It takes more than ten times my strength."


Lin Feng twisted in his heart and his hands were full of sweat.

The longer the delay, the more dangerous the martial brothers of liyanmen ahead!

But I can\'t do what I want.

What should I do!!!

Lin Feng clenched his lips and looked at the blocked road ahead, but there was no way. The thousands of fighters are too dense, just like layers of shackles, locking the only exit. Even if you open one shackle, there are countless shackles waiting for you.

Most importantly, there is only one path to go.

"If only it could pass around." Lin Feng sighed in his heart as he looked at the place covered by the thick fog.

Maybe you won\'t be poisoned when you enter it, but you will also lose your way. Ji Xia once said that this mysterious smoke is shrouded, and natural barriers form an array, which is like a maze.


Lin Feng suddenly opened his eyes and his heart moved.

"This\' smoke of mystery \'may not be my yoke. If you make good use of it..."

"It may help me!"

In the path.

All the martial arts of the ten thousand families of Yanling stand tall.

Look calm and meticulous. When performing tasks, one is one and two is two. It is not allowed to exceed the rules at all.

Thousands of Yanling ten thousand people form a rectangular "matrix". There are tianwu people at both ends and Tianshen people in the middle. In this way, the formation can easily resist any unexpected situation and respond to all changes. The black suit condenses the Yanling ten thousand people into a black array.

There was no sound, even if thousands of people in the team were still, and even a needle could be heard falling.

This is incredible for those who belong to the sect of martial arts, but the family power has both advantages and disadvantages.

Every martial artist is ruthless in performing tasks. Task first is the concept they instill from childhood!


"Wow!" a powerful swallowing force burst out in mid air.

Release a thick white fog, which appears in an instant, and there are countless fire awns in the white fog.

It\'s strange!!

"What\'s the matter?" Wan Mang\'s eyes were bright and suddenly hung in the air.

But almost in an instant, I was caught in a thick white fog and my eyesight was limited.

"It\'s the smoke of mystery!!!" Wan Mang\'s face changed greatly.

His eyes were suddenly dazed, but he had inhaled smoke and had a feeling of "syncope".

It penetrates into the blood from the skin and penetrates everywhere. Maybe star power can eliminate most of it, but this mysterious smoke is endless, and star power is used up!

"Everybody be careful, enemy attack!!" Wan mang bit his tongue soberly and roared in an instant.

But at this time, a fierce fire was ferocious.

Boom! Boom~

The fireball burst like a meteorite.

The red fireball flashed a strange light. Lin Feng was in the thick fog. His eyes looked zhengran, but he didn\'t care about the consumption of star power and went all out to attack! Fireballs one after another hit people madly. You don\'t even need to aim!

Where the fire is weak, go where!!

There is a natural mask of mystery smoke, and the feeling of syncope affects the direction discrimination.

What\'s more, there\'s a mess right now!


"Boom!! ~"

Lin Feng looked calm. Although he was in the middle of the fog, he was not affected by it.

"Toxins" invade the blood and are "digested" by the blood of the Phoenix in an instant. They can\'t affect themselves at all. What\'s more, even if they are eliminated with star power, they are not afraid.

Because their star power is also inexhaustible.

But these warriors are different.

"I didn\'t expect that \'Heavenly dog swallowing the sun\' would have such a purpose." Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining and he was only glad.

Fortunately, I had an idea and thought of this method.

Take Tengu to swallow the sun and \'swallow\' these white fog, enter your own \'flame star\', and then release it!

"Chaos, the more chaos, the better!" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

The dense fog of mystery, coupled with the crazy bombing of fireballs, made the Yanling ten thousand families in chaos. It\'s no use letting wanmang roar and break his throat, because the fundamental direction is difficult to distinguish. Most martial artists are melting the white fog with star power, but they can\'t hear any sound.

One word, chaos!

Whew! Like a flying arrow.

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright, just like a sensitive cheetah shuttling through the forest.

The fireball of the secret part is still crazy bombing, but whether it is the smoke of the mystery or the flame, it is just a cover. All this is just to create a "gap", an opportunity to make yourself undamaged and not be found to penetrate this "path"!

"Whoosh!" "whoosh!" the forest wind changes direction flexibly.

Wearing the suit of Yanling wanzu, there is a unique mark of Yanling wanzu on the chest.

Although the white fog is thick, it can be seen faintly below. However, at this time, everyone is confused. It is difficult to identify the appearance of the people, but it is much easier to identify the clothes. Soon, Lin Feng was confused. Under the cover of the fireball, he escaped easily in the midst of chaos.

"Whew!" rushed out, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

Yourself, unharmed!

Even, no one knows who they are!

Boom! The speed accelerated again, and Lin Feng clenched his teeth.

"Wait for me, everybody."

"I\'ll be there in a minute!"

The war is fierce, and the heart of the forest wind burns like a flame.

(the third watch ~ ~ continue to fight in the water prison, ha ha. Continue to code. If there is a watchman, it will be 0:00. No small estimate has fallen asleep ~)