Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 680

Yanling is outside the house.

All the people are waiting for the warriors of their respective forces to appear.

At this time, the 1000 day time limit of the fourth heavy day is coming to an end.

At this time of year, all the martial artists who are still alive will appear one by one and return to glory.

After all, no one would think that the martial artist on his side has the ability to enter the fifth heaven and prolong his stay in the Yanling mansion.

The championship has long stopped moving.

Generally, there will be few changes near the end, especially this session.

Lin Feng has set an unparalleled record, breaking almost all the standings. He has climbed to the top of the 100 year and 10000 year standings, firmly pressing the second place "never worry" under him. Such achievements shocked the whole Yanling mansion.

Everyone believes that Lin Feng\'s future achievements will never be less than ten thousand worries.

Lin Feng is the strongest person in Yanling mansion in the future!

"Hmm?" suddenly, someone was surprised.

"What\'s the matter, younger martial brother Wei?" a young man in blue asked casually.

"You see, Lin Feng\'s points have increased by another million?" the \'younger martial brother Wei\' opened his eyes and asked.

The young man in blue glanced at him casually and smiled, "it seems so, but Li Yanmen\'s\' Lin Feng \'is a monster. Five million and one thousand points have appeared. A mere one million points is nothing. Younger martial brother, do you think there is any difference between 18.69 million and 19.69 million?"

"Also." the \'younger martial brother Wei\' smiled suddenly.

The laughter did not fall, and suddenly the light in front of the Yanling mansion was bright.

In an instant——


Countless white lights shine, and one warrior after another suddenly appears.

Bring a strong breath of heaven and earth, and cause cheers of joy and excitement.

Three thousand warriors who have entered Yanling mansion, return!

Generally, there are several brushes that can persist until now, and they must also gain something on the fourth day. With the appearance of hundreds of martial artists, the crowd suddenly became lively, but there were countless martial artists sweating on their foreheads and waiting anxiously.

Ice and fire.

Some rejoice, others mourn.

How can Yanling\'s house be safe? The mortality rate is quite high.

Moreover, this time, there was a big fight between Yanling wanzu and liyanmen, and then there was the blood sacrifice of purple treasures. The death and injury were even worse.

Stretching their necks, the more they can\'t wait, the more anxious they are.

Because the time of appearance is almost the same.

"Elder!" "master!!"

A white light suddenly appeared. Li Yanmen gathered in the same place and came out at the same time.

I wish zero, Ji Qing, Ji Xiu and Lei Ba all appeared. Looking at the familiar faces, it seemed as if they saw their relatives. The remaining 18 disciples of Liyan clan were ecstatic at this time, and some even cried with joy. Indeed, this trip to Yanling\'s house——

It\'s too hard.

Seeing Zhu zero and others returning safely, Li Yanmen all greeted him.

However, seeing the number of "widows and orphans", people\'s hearts tightened.

Four hundred and fifty-one people went in, but now there are less than twenty people left?

"Odd?" the elder looked deeply.

Looking at the elder, Zhu zero nodded gently. Although the action was light, it was extremely heavy.

The four eyes are relative. There is no need to speak more. Everything is in silence.

"Pa!" "pa!" the elder turned around and clapped his hands. His expression was calm and upright. "Let\'s pack up and get ready. We\'ll set off in a quarter of an hour." the people of liyanmen suddenly whispered and agreed. The elder nodded and immediately walked to Zhu zero, "go, zero, let\'s talk over there."

"Yes, elder." Zhu zero has no objection.

At present, there are many people and many things are not suitable to spread out.

Stay, leave, leave.

At this time, there was a bit of excitement outside Yanling\'s house.

Qiyue palace is obviously the busiest place where people live. Compared with the big fight between Yanling wanzu and liyanmen, Qiyue palace is safe and sound. Everyone laughed happily and happily, but they looked around like a dream, as if they wanted to find something, but their faces were slightly dark.

"What\'s the matter, senior sister Rumeng?" a handsome young man asked curiously.

"It\'s all right." it\'s like a dream. There\'s a way in your eyes. It\'s gone in a flash.

"He didn\'t appear. He died in Yanling\'s house, or..." Rumeng thought in his heart and shook his head.

"Whether he lives or dies, what he said may have to be prevented."

"Go back and see if there\'s any news about Dad."

Rumeng\'s eyes were bright, and he immediately turned around and went to Qiyue palace.

In the distant darkness, a sharp cold light looked directly at this side, as if something had solidified in the air, which was a very strong energy. A dark shadow stared at the busy square area until the white light no longer flickered and all the martial artists in the fourth heaven had appeared. The dark shadow was floating away.

No one can find him in such a large area, which shows the terrible strength of the shadow.

The fifth day.

"Sorry, brother Lin." Shui Linglong blushed.

"It\'s not your fault, Linglong." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and looked around. "After all, we don\'t know anything about the fifth heavy day. How do we know that the \'rules\' here are different from the fourth heavy day. Anyway, go out of this\' light mirror\' first."

Leading the two women, Lin Feng was careful and didn\'t dare to be careless.

But it was also bad luck. Just entering the fifth day, I was ready to place the two women and leave.

Unexpectedly, Shui Linglong accidentally touched the mechanism and his party were involved in a "light mirror" world.

"Yes, sister Linglong, don\'t worry about brother Lin anyway." Qin Qianqian comforted.

"HMM." Shui Linglong looked at Lin Feng and felt at ease.

Lin Feng smiled, but his eyes flashed a worry, and his mood did not show.

I don\'t know how much time to spend in this "light mirror". Now the martial brothers of Li Yanmen are waiting for themselves, but something like this happened.

It\'s really troublesome.

"Fortunately, the time ratio between the fifth heavy day and the outside world is 10000:1."

"Even if it takes a little time, the outside world should only be in the past. I hope it can be in time."

"Anyway, solve the immediate problem first."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright, and then he put aside his thoughts.

Here, I also bear two women\'s lives on my shoulders, and the responsibility is equally heavy.

Yanling is outside the house.

"Sure enough, it\'s the ten thousand families of Yanling." the eldest elder looked cold and cold, and his eyes flashed cold.

There are many secrets and inside stories in liyanmen. Except for the leader Ji Jin, the elder knows the most, including the open and secret struggle between liyanmen and Yanling million families. For thousands of years, the elder has seen them and kept them in mind.

It\'s a man or a ghost. He has a ruler in his heart.

Now, it is 100% sure!

"Thanks to younger martial brother, it would be a small thing if we were not destroyed by the whole army, but it would be a big thing if we became a Yanling million people."

"Even more troublesome is the discord between Qiyue palace and Li Yanmen!"

I wish you a little luck when you nod your head.

If Lin Feng had not come in time that day, they would have been killed by all the Yanling families.

"Lin Feng, this little fellow, really has such strong strength?" the elder\'s eyes were shining and surprised.

Even if Lin Feng is arrogant in the championship, even if the news keeps coming out, the elder is still skeptical. After all, he knows Lin Feng\'s strength. How can he make such great progress in a short time? It\'s really incredible.

"Yes, all the martial brothers saw it with their own eyes." Zhu zero said, "moreover, Ji Xiu had a competition with Lin Feng."

"Oh?" the elder looked at him and asked, "what\'s the result?"

Ji Xiu is the disciple of the elder

Zhu zero said with a bitter smile, "a terrible defeat."

The elder was shocked and his mouth was light.

Shu nodded, "if Lin Feng really has the strength to defeat Wan Gu, Xiuer is not his opponent."

The elder breathed a sigh of relief and his eyes were bright.

"The leader is really the leader. This move is really mysterious to the extreme."

"Completely disrupt the layout of Yanling 10000 families, and then send them to people!"

"At the beginning, no one could understand."

The elder shook his head with admiration.

On that day, everyone was against it, and no one was optimistic about Lin Feng.

However, Ji Jin gave an order and ignored everyone\'s doubts. He not only directly accepted Lin Feng as a disciple beyond the "candidate disciple", but also personally taught him for the first time and exhausted all resources and strength!

You know, as the leader, the whole sect affairs are pressing on him. How busy Ji Jin is!

That is to teach Ji Rushan and Zhu zero. I\'m afraid they don\'t have as much time as Lin Feng.

For this matter, the elder advised Ji Jin several times.

But it doesn\'t help.

Now, it turns out.

Lin Feng was born in the sky and shocked the whole Yanling mansion!

Saving the elite disciples of Li Yanmen is not only a plan to destroy all Yanling families, but also a plan to kill the top 300 by one. How amazing!

"By the way, where\'s Lin Fengren?" the elder asked quickly.

"Ah!" Zhu zero was also stunned. "Younger martial brother hasn\'t come out yet?"

Four eyes are opposite, and they are all stunned.

In a hidden valley.

"Have you confirmed?" the voice was faint, but it was cold.

"Yes, clan leader." Wan jinghun knelt down on one knee with slowly sadness in his eyes. "I am the top 500 of Yanling 10000 families, and I will never return in my life."

Boom! A terrible flame roared.

Standing in front of a huge waterfall, Wan Mochou\'s right hand is clenching his fist. That terrible breath comes from it.

"Good, good." Wan Mochou sneered.

"Patriarch, we......" Wan jinghun frowned and hesitated.

"The plan can\'t catch up with the change. The plan is dead and people are alive." Wan Mochou\'s voice is quiet and full of evil spirit. "In the classics left by his ancestors, he used red ink to give a severe warning. Once he found that the single score exceeds tens of millions, he must use all means to kill him!"

"On that day, the ancestors of the Yanling family who passed the test of the ancient gods had only 15 million points."

"Lin Feng\'s single score is nearly 20 million!" Wan Mochou\'s killing intention is revealed in his eyes. "This son will be a roadblock for my Yanling 10000 families, and he must not stay!"
