Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 679

"Brother Lin, are we really going to start the \'ladder war\'?" Qin Qianqian said in a surprised voice.

"Yes, brother Lin, I\'m afraid the ladder battle of the fifth heaven..." Shui Linglong gently pursed her lips and hesitated. "Even if Qianqian and I have greatly increased our strength, I\'m afraid we can\'t even stop a move in the face of the \'guardian of the ladder\' of the fifth heaven."

The two women looked at Lin Feng nervously.

Lin Feng\'s proposal is so bold!

Challenge the "ladder war" of the fifth heaven?

For thousands of years, even the strongest person in Yanling mansion, Wan Mochou, is not the opponent of the guardian of the ladder!

Entering the fifth heaven, the three methods, whether collecting the "crystal stones of heaven" or the "fragments of earth", are simpler than running through the ladder of heaven.

"The strength of the guardian of heaven\'s ladder varies from person to person." Lin Feng said slowly, "the younger the average age of the team, the weaker the strength of the guardian of heaven\'s ladder. The average age of the three of us is less than 20. We should face the weakest \'Guardian of heaven\'s ladder\' on the fifth day."

I didn\'t know a lot about the secrets of Yanling\'s house before, but I know a lot in these days as Li Yanmen people talk about Kaikai from all over the world.

"Let\'s start." Lin Feng didn\'t say much, and immediately took out his identity token.

Heaven ladder war can be opened at any time and anywhere!

The two women looked at each other, but they didn\'t hesitate too much. Qin Qianqian himself was obedient to Lin Feng, and Shui Linglong was also convinced of Lin Feng. The "identity token" in the hands of the three people flickered, lit up white light at the same time, and gathered in the center to form a huge white aperture.

This is the way to the ladder.

"Go." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and took the lead in entering.

Qin Qianqian and Shui Linglong immediately followed.

Step! The forest wind is quiet.

It\'s been a long time since I stepped into the sky ladder.

"Oh?" his eyes were deep and felt the strange energy fluctuation. Lin Feng looked straight ahead.

Step by step, step by step, step steadily up the ladder.

The two women were pale and followed behind Lin Feng.

"What a heavy pressure."

"What a powerful spirit."

Qin Qianqian and Shui Linglong were so intimidated that they were flustered and staggered.

During this period of time, their strength has improved greatly. The two women had some confidence, but now, their confidence fell to the bottom in an instant. Looking at Lin Feng with light clouds and relaxed steps in front of her, the two women didn\'t know whether to cry or laugh.

Where did you get the confidence just now?

The gap is too big!

This ethereal land of virtual clouds is like an unattainable heaven.

Bursts of pressure did not stop the forest wind, and the sky ladder was not long. It was only dozens of ladders. For martial artists, it was achieved overnight.

"A \'guardian of the heavenly ladder\'," Lin Feng stared forward.

In the battle of heaven ladder, the team number is one to three and encounters a guardian of heaven ladder.

Like human beings, but not human beings, a pair of weird pupils flash bright luster, which is very deep, and the breath of life soul is overwhelming.

This guardian of the ladder of heaven has a pair of eyes that seem to kill people. His power has reached the peak!

"It\'s definitely the existence of Xinghai level peak!"

"Xingli, even if there is no tenth gear, it is at least above ninth gear."

"The \'ladder war\' on the fifth day is really not a joke, and I\'m afraid it\'s still the weakest one."

Lin Feng nodded secretly and his eyes were bright.

Nevertheless, I\'m still sure to win it!

Only this one, what fear!!

"Chi!" the eyes of the guardian of the ladder shot a fierce light.

Peng!! It was as if the aurora had hit the ladder line and could not cross it. Nevertheless, Qin Qianqian and Shui Linglong were scared into a cold sweat.

The sharp eyes seemed to pierce their hearts.

It\'s terrible!

"Oh, it\'s the heavenly soul master?" Lin Feng showed his eyebrows.

"Brother Lin, we......" Shui Linglong hesitated, while Qin Qianqian clenched his mouth and trembled to move forward.

There was no confidence in the hearts of the two women.

He was completely awed by the "guardian of the ladder".

Indeed, the strength gap between Xinghai level 7 and 8 and Xinghai level peak is more than a natural graben!

"Wait for me here." Lin Feng gently rubbed Qin Qianqian\'s small head. For a moment, Qin Qianqian was stunned and his body trembled. He couldn\'t help but stop and looked at Lin Feng with wide eyes. Water Linglong is also a big mouth and a small mouth. I can\'t believe it. Lin Feng, are you going to fight the "ladder war" alone?!

It can\'t be true!!

The fourth day.

Liyanmen people are gathered together at this time, talking and laughing.

The time limit of 1000 days is almost reached. They will soon leave Yanling Zunfu and return to reality.

"When I go back, I will practice hard and kill those sons of bitches of Yanling million family!" Huang Dan burst out.

"If I start a war, I\'ll take the vanguard and kill them like younger martial brother Lin!" Taurus horn raised his head and looked fierce.

"Come on, old cow, younger martial brother Lin can defeat hundreds with one ~ ~" Qian Xin laughed, "how many can you kill?"

Taurus horn snorted and hummed, "although he has so many, how many can he kill!"

All of a sudden, everyone laughed.

After so many things, the cohesion of Li Yanmen people is very strong.

"By the way, how strong do you think brother Lin is now?" Lei BA\'s eyes are shining. "If he breaks through the ladder war of the fifth heaven, will he have a chance?"

As soon as he said this, everyone immediately talked, but almost without exception shook his head.

"It\'s impossible. The fifth heaven\'s ladder battle is the existence of tens of stars, ten levels of star control, and the star sea level peak." Ji Qing\'s eyes are bright. "I once challenged once. If I didn\'t fight back, I would be defeated. The guardian of the heaven ladder is too powerful."

"Can\'t win." Ji Xiu said faintly, "unless Lin Feng has stronger strength than the leader."

"Yes." Lei baruoran nodded and whispered, "even the No. 1 strongman in Yanling mansion can\'t beat the \'guardian of the ladder\'."

"Yes, if younger martial brother Lin wants to win, isn\'t he stronger than Wan Mochou?" Qian Xin smiled.

Step! The forest wind rushed out.

Star power burst out, and in the first moment——

"Boom!!" the guardian of the ladder made a move.

First to people, no attack is faster than soul attack!

The strange pupils flashed deep and bright. The attack of the heavenly soul master was as fast as lightning and directly hit Lin Feng\'s eyes. Suddenly, an incomparably powerful force came into his mind, but Lin Feng\'s eyes changed in an instant, "secret separation!"

that was a close call.

The secret separated Lin Feng was shocked and hit hard.

But the guardian of the ladder is no better. Although Lin Feng\'s life soul attack is not strong, his "defense" is quite terrible.

The soul of life, combined with the chart of destiny, is like an iron wall.

How many days did the soul master eat shriveled here in Lin Feng?

Even the guardian of the heavenly ladder at the peak of Xinghai level is no exception!

The difference is that all other heavenly soul masters have suffered heavy losses, but the guardian of the heavenly ladder has just resisted the powerful "counterattack", just changing and staggering. His face seemed pale and changed suddenly, and the guardian of the ladder fell into a short half ignorant state.

Maybe, just for a moment.

However, for Lin Feng, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

"It\'s now!" Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

The opportunity never comes again. I will be ready as early as I step into the ladder line.

Wait, this is the moment!

"Boom!!" the Red Star twined, and Lin Feng\'s speed soared.

The whole person seemed to be incarnated in a red light and shadow. The rapid flash of the wind vortex made the speed of the forest wind soar to the extreme. The thick black fog condensed, Lin Feng\'s gun took the lead, and the burning light of his left hand flashed, "the orifices burst out!"

Either don\'t do it, once you do it, there\'s no way back.

Either you die or I live.

The red stars are bright and moving, and Lin Feng\'s eyes are extremely bright.

"Emperor Shun\'s vigorous Qi is the Ninth Heaven."

"Jiujiao was shot!"

The hands are like meteors and can be manipulated freely.

With the infinite power brought by the explosion of orifices and acupoints, Lin Feng stabbed out the ember magic gun in his hand.

Although there is still a considerable distance from the guardian of the ladder, it doesn\'t matter, because Jiujiao was shot——

Have the power of long attack!

"Boom!!" the spiral airflow condenses strong vigorous Qi.

Nine white dragons, condensed into a surprisingly strong white dragon, rushed to heaven!

In the shooting realm of entering the gun, the control is arbitrary. Almost in an instant, the Nine Dragons became one and changed several times as fast. The angry white dragon opened his mouth and burst out in a frenzied rage, bursting into the sky.

Come on!

One word is fast!

Qin Qianqian and Shui Linglong were completely stunned at this time, covering their small mouths.

The attack of the forest wind is like a waterfall!

One move after another, almost completed in the blink of an eye!

It\'s amazing!

Moreover, the power is quite great.

"Roar!!" the light of Jiaolong blooms to the extreme and instantly penetrates the guardian of the ladder who is still half ignorant. Although it is only a very short flaw, a flaw is a flaw. Even for a moment, if it is used properly, it will be enough to defeat the enemy to death!

This is the skill of fighting!

"Peng!!" the light blooms.

The power of Jiaolong may not be strong.

The shooting of Jiujiao is not as good as the shooting of fireworks, nor as good as the shooting of light and shadow.

But it is easy to break a heavenly soul master\'s body, which is defenseless.

"Win, win?!" "so fast..." Shui Linglong and Qin Qianqian stared at each other, their chest was very undulating, and their heart beat very fast. The two women didn\'t expect that Lin Feng won so clean and neat, as if the autumn wind swept away the fallen leaves.

It\'s amazing!

"Zheng!" the ember demon gun went into the scabbard.

Lin Feng\'s figure has long recovered and merged into one.

Although the life soul still has shock, it is a slight and unreachable injury. The resilience of the heavenly chart is very powerful.

Phoenix is famous for its immortality.

"Unexpected ease."

"If it\'s the God of war or the God of war, I\'m afraid some people will fight this ladder war."

"But he is a heavenly soul master."

Lin Feng smiled calmly, looked back at Qin Qianqian and Shui Linglong, and gave a thumbs up.

I won.

(third shift ~ ~)