Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 678

out of the depth of misfortune comes bliss.

It means that when adversity reaches the extreme, it will transform into prosperity.

At present, it is suitable for everyone in liyanmen.

After suffering, the trip of Yanling to honor the house has had unspeakable ups and downs for the people of Li Yanmen. Now——

Finally come!

"Ha ha, it\'s another seven star treasure!"

"Sure enough, I followed younger martial brother Lin and became popular and spicy."

"Too powerful, too efficient!"


The crowd gathered and sat down. You and I were full of praise for Lin Feng.

After coming out of the purple fog area, Lin Feng led the crowd in a short time, which can be described as "sweeping" the fourth day of the whole area. Whenever there is a treasure, there must be Li Yanmen. Thirty days, it only takes thirty days. Nineteen Liyan sect disciples have a seven star treasure in their hands!

How amazing!

Such efficiency is shocking.

In Yanling mansion, eight star treasures can be met but not sought, and seven star treasures are the top.

A stone stirs thousands of waves. Since the purple treasures were unearthed, all kinds of treasures appear like a blowout, but they can\'t be stopped.

The harvest is huge!

"We are lucky to get so many treasures, and we are united."

"Everyone has made a contribution. Naturally, everyone has a share."

Lin Feng smiled calmly, but the essence in his eyes was fleeting.

I have a "sensor". On the fourth day, no treasure can escape my sensing.

However, there is no need to publicize it.

Two words, luck.

Can explain everything.

Anyway, even the purple treasures are in hand. Compared with other treasures, it is undoubtedly nothing.

"Younger martial brother Lin, why be modest? In fact, we all know that even without our help, you can easily get these treasures alone." Ji Qingwei nodded.

"It goes without saying that brother Lin can destroy the existence of three million Yanling families alone." Lei Ba laughed. "It\'s ridiculous that those fools in Qiyue palace wanted to challenge a few days ago. Don\'t say a move. They were scared if they couldn\'t catch half of the move."

"Spit!" Ji Jing and other women blushed, but leiba said it was too vulgar.

Lin Feng smiled calmly, "what\'s the use of taking so many treasures alone? Naturally, it\'s the same taste of wind and sweetness. What\'s more, I get \'Purple treasures\' first, and then\' indigo treasures\'. The harvest is enough, and then swallow others. I\'m afraid I don\'t have such a big stomach."

The people burst into laughter. The Seven Star treasure is precious enough in Yanling mansion.

But compared with indigo treasures and purple treasures, the gap is not generally large.

Not to mention the mysterious purple treasure, only the indigo treasure, the nine star sword is worth hundreds of Seven Star treasures!

"Younger martial brother, is that sword for the master?" Zhu zero smiled.

"HMM." Lin Feng didn\'t hide it and nodded, "what the master is bad is a suitable sword. With this NINE-STAR sword, the master\'s strength can at least double!"

Whether God of war or God of war, a good weapon is indispensable.

Weapons are the most basic existence of tianwu!

"With this sword, maybe Shifu can compete with Wan Mochou." Zhu zero nodded.

"Sorry, second elder martial brother, I can\'t give you a sword." Lin fenglue apologized.

"Don\'t be silly, I don\'t like the sword." Zhu lingran smiled. "I prefer the eight star top Lingbao you gave me to this sword, which is more helpful to me." he blinked, Zhu Lingfeng touched Lin Feng with his elbow, and smiled, "maybe I\'m stronger than you now."

Lin Feng smiled and knew that Zhu zero was joking.

There are no scruples between the martial brothers. They are like relatives. Lin Feng clearly remembers how the eldest martial brother and the second martial brother helped themselves to take out the treasures one by one and share them with himself.

Now that you have the ability, you should repay your kindness.

There is no need to care too much between the martial brothers.

Some feelings can\'t be bought with money.

"By the way, younger martial brother, the time limit for the fourth heavy day will come soon. What are you going to do?" Zhu zero said.

Lin Feng nodded slightly: "originally I planned to enter the fifth day and practice again, but..." after a pause, Lin Feng frowned and said, "these days, I think carefully, but I always feel uneasy, as if something is about to happen."

I wish zero nodded: "I\'m afraid the Yanling Wan family knows the death of Wan Gu."

Lin Feng said softly, "well, this is where I hesitate. It doesn\'t matter if other forces are, but it\'s Yanling Wan clan."

"Have to defend!" Lin Feng\'s expression was dignified.

On that day, the fierce fire and less flowers died in front of them. Until now, they are uneasy in their hearts.

If you go to the fifth heaven to practice for your own self-interest and ignore these 18 liyanmen martial brothers who share weal and woe, you will feel sorry for yourself!

Once something happens, I\'m afraid I\'ll regret it all my life.

"Decided?" Zhu zero\'s eyes flickered, quite relieved.

He is the one who knows Lin Feng best and knows what Lin Feng\'s decision means.

For Lin Feng, the loss is great.


As a man, a man with a sense of responsibility often doesn\'t do it for \'profit\'.

Instead, we should act for the "responsibility" on our shoulders.

"Yes, elder martial brother." Lin Feng smiled lightly.

How about sacrificing a little practice time? There are gains and losses.

I don\'t want the bad feeling in my heart to come true again!



The forest wind galloped alone among the mountains.

Before the time limit comes, I still have one thing to do.

Find Qianqian and shuilinglong.

I haven\'t looked for them before because I sensed their existence long ago. They are quite safe in the cloud, so I\'m not in a hurry. At present, the time limit of 1000 days from the fourth heavy day is about to arrive. If you don\'t find it, it\'s too late.

"I don\'t know how thousands have passed."

"I don\'t know how much progress they have made?"

Lin Feng scratched at the corners of his mouth and smiled calmly.

Although there is a lot of bad news, at least this is good news.

"It\'s here." Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened.

The cloud is not visible, but the sensor can sense it clearly.

Although it was fusion and re integration, the cloud environment where the two women stayed was once entered by Lin Feng, and naturally they can enter again.

"Wow! ~" Lin Feng disappeared in a flash.

"What a rich aura."

"It seems that thousands of blessings are good."

Lin Feng smiled calmly and looked around.

Compared with the "red cloud realm" when he left, now it has become a "green cloud realm", which has completely changed its environment, terrain and aura. But the only constant is that the two women remain the same, sitting on the green clouds and meditating.

Martial arts, enter the cultivation state, and the time passes quickly.

Like hibernation, I\'m afraid it\'s been months or even years since I woke up.

"Xinghai level seven?" Lin Feng looked at Qin Qianqian and at the water Linglong, his eyes shining, "Oh? Xinghai level eight."

"It seems that both of them are extremely diligent."

"Supplemented by excellent cultivation environment, the strength improvement is quite good."

Lin Feng smiled calmly, but he was happy for the two women.

The stronger the strength, the stronger the self-protection ability.

"Time is short, wake them up." Lin Feng nodded gently.

With their current strength, if they deliberately hide, the two women are difficult to find.

"Brother Lin!" "brother Lin ~ ~" Shui Linglong and Qin Qianqian were overjoyed when they looked at the visitor.

In particular, Qin Qianqian, after a long separation and reunion, is a pear flower with tears, crying with joy. On one side, Shui Linglong looked at the two people, showing a gratifying and happy smile, but there was an imperceptible envy in his eyes, which was deeply infected.

"Progress is not small." Lin Feng smiled.

"Well, Qianqian and I have a good chance." Shui Linglong nodded and was satisfied.

Green cloud environment is rare and not easy to meet.

"Brother Lin, have you found those bad guys?" Qin Qianqian asked anxiously with flashing eyes. Shui Linglong was also calm and anxious to know the result. The fierce fire and Hua Shao died. Bai Yi and Ji Xia were seriously injured and fled. The two women knew it and were even more uncomfortable.

After all, we used to be a small team, with deep feelings.

"Well, they are all dead in Yanling\'s house." Lin Feng looked calm.

"Great!" Qin Qianqian shook his fist with a deep eye.

Shuilinglong frowned and looked at Lin Feng, "Yan Ling is in the house of honor? What does that mean, isn\'t it..."

Looking at the two women, Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered slightly, but he hesitated to tell them.

In emotion, I don\'t want to tell the two women. After all, the casualties of Li Yanmen are too serious; But reason tells itself that the two women have the right to know the whole thing. The most important thing is that the two women will know sooner or later if they leave Yanling\'s house.

It\'s better to tell them by yourself than by others.

"It\'s a long story..." Lin Feng spoke slowly.

In a quarter of an hour.

"How could this happen!" Qin Qianqian shed tears and trembled.

My mind seemed to collapse. I heard that the disciples of Li Yanmen were hunted one by one like prey——

Such as heart wrenching pain!

But there was nothing she could do.

There are four hundred and fifty-one disciples of Liyan sect. At this time, there are only the last nineteen in Yanling\'s house!

Casualties, how tragic!

"What a wild goose feather family!"

"Good fine layout, good vicious means!"

The water is exquisite, the eyebrows are tight, and the faint smell of water is surging and distributed, but I can\'t control the strong anger in my heart.

Looking at the two women, Lin Feng didn\'t speak.

This is already a fact. As a martial artist, they must learn to accept and bear.

It may be cruel, but it is the only way.

After half an hour, the two women\'s emotions gradually calmed down.

"Brother Lin, what should we do now?" Qin Qianqian wiped his tears and bit cherry lips.

"Yes, I also want to contribute to Li Yanmen." Shui Linglong\'s voice is very firm.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and nodded slowly, "follow me."

(second change ~ ~)