Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 677

"Here you are." the light in Lin Feng\'s hand flashed and sent forward.

It was a strange object like a mirror. There was a faint luster above it. A wolf like existence was faintly visible. It was roaring up to the sky.

Eight star \'domain\' Lingbao - Canglang territory.

From Wan Gu.

"Hmm?" Ji Xiu took it and was curious.

The tentacle can feel the powerful energy and surging atmosphere.

In the heart a shock, Ji Xiu raised his head and looked at Lin Feng, "is this?"

"Take it." Lin Feng nodded gently. "This Lingbao is just decoration in my place."

But the truth is, I already have an eight star "domain" Lingbao "Storm Snow domain".

The two types are the same, and reuse is undoubtedly adding to the snake.

And most importantly

In my heart, I always felt that I took advantage of the quarterly repair.

Ji Xiu looked at Lin Feng and smiled lightly for a long time. "OK, I\'ll take it." he raised the "wolf land" in his hand. Ji Xiu smiled and said, "but it\'s a gift from friends, not compensation." for Lin Feng, Ji Xiu knew very well that he didn\'t accept the "gift", which made each other embarrassed.

But in fact, he doesn\'t think Lin Feng owes him anything.

Not to mention that Lin Feng is his life-saving benefactor, just talk about the matter. At present, this situation should be solved by the rules of the warrior.

Moreover, Lin Feng arrived here a minute earlier than him.

"This should be a Lingbao?" Ji Xiu observed the wolf state carefully, with a light sheen in his eyes. The more you see it, the more confused you feel, as if you\'ve seen it somewhere. Ji Xiu frowned slightly, his eyes widened in an instant, and said in a frightened voice, "this can\'t be the eight star domain Lingbao \'Canglang territory\' of the Yanling million family!"

"It is said that the \'Wolf land\' is in the hands of Wan Gu, but wan Gu..."

Raised his head fiercely, Ji Xiu looked at Lin Feng, and his look changed continuously.

Lin Feng smiled slightly, "this is a gift from a friend."

Perhaps if this "Wolf Kingdom" is sold in Yanling mansion, it can easily sell 230 million fighting spirit coins, which makes people break their heads.

However, many things can\'t be bought with doling coins.

What\'s more, I\'m not short of money.

"OK." Ji Xiu smiled happily, "if I twist and pinch again, I\'ll look petty."

"Indeed." Lin Feng smiled.


WOW! WOW~ Purple light converges.

The battle between the two seemed to trigger this space shock.

The strong purple fog emanated from the huge Amethyst and instantly surrounded the forest wind and Jixiu. Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright, but his heart was slightly suspicious, but he did not move. After all, the purple fog was not "malicious". For a moment, the purple fog twined through the forest wind and fell outside Ji Xiu. A strange energy attracted him.

WOW~ Purple blooms.

Lin Feng felt a twinkling of an eye, and Ji Xiu suddenly disappeared.

Together with the purple fog, it disappeared, as if suddenly the world evaporated, which was strange.

"It seems that the result decides?" Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

It was clearly a "Purple treasure" and he also admitted his battle with Ji Xiu.

The treasure has spirit. There are two invisible hands in the Yanling mansion.

"It seems that in the end, we should decide our ownership by \'duel\'."

"First come, first served."

Lin Feng smiled calmly.

But it is no different from other yellow and green treasures.

However, the purple treasure has three more tests, which is like an iron gate to eliminate all "unqualified" people.

But qualified people must compete again.

"It\'s interesting."

"I\'d like to see what\'s special about this purple treasure."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were sparkling, and he immediately went to the place surrounded by the strange purple fog.

Outside the purple fog area.

Pop~ Jixiu suddenly appeared.

Enter in the same place and naturally come out in the same place.

Ji Xiu\'s appearance immediately aroused the roar of everyone in liyanmen, and his eyes were burning.

"Younger martial brother Ji, failed?" Huang Dan said.

Ji Xiu looked at the crowd, didn\'t hide it, and nodded, "but Lin Feng, the purple treasure, should be able to get it. I believe he can come out soon."

"Yeah!" "Wow!" "great!!"

The crowd screamed and many whistled.

Faces were filled with smiles, and everyone was happy from the bottom of their hearts.

Happy for Lin Feng!

"Make further progress," Lei Ba said with a smile.

"I\'m afraid younger martial brother Lin\'s strength will reach an extremely frightening level." Ji Qingmei\'s eyes are bright and clear, and he affirms.

Behind Ji Qing, Ji Jing and Ji Yingying have a strange look in their eyes, but they have a slight admiration for Lin Feng.

Fighting spirit world, the strong is respected, and it is normal for beautiful women to love heroes.

"Younger martial brother, every time we increase our strength, we have more chances to live." Zhu zero\'s eyes are bright, but he remains calm.

The people nodded in agreement, but they thought that there was nothing wrong with Zhu zero\'s words that they were "protected" by Lin Feng. Only Qian Xin looked at Zhu zero. Although they were smiling, their eyes were filled with a faint worry.

Crisis is not just that.

"Purple treasure."

"It\'s actually a Amethyst."

Lin Feng stood in front with bright eyes.

The Amethyst in front of us is very large, equivalent to one-third of our body size. It is suspended in the air and glitters with a faint purple light. The surrounding purple fog condenses and exists around. The flash of energy seems to be full of life power.

After reading the mineral illustrated book, Lin Feng knows the minerals and crystal stones of the fighting spirit world clearly.

However, I have never seen such a strange crystal stone.

"Maybe... It\'s not crystal stone." Lin Feng said in his heart.

He held out his hand for a moment and slowly grasped the Amethyst with caution.

At present, I may have reached the "end", but anything can happen before the last minute.

Sure enough——

WOW~ Suddenly, the purple fog sprang up.

It is like a group of conscientious guards protecting Amethyst.

Lin Feng\'s eyebrows gathered in an instant with a strong energy impact.

"Boom!" his head suddenly shook.

A blood light sprang up, filled with a strong smell of killing.

The violent concussion of the body seemed to appear many fuzzy shadows in front of me, immersed in a dark blood color. The sharp and shrill voice echoed in my ears, as if there were endless grievances. The strong killing intention was strong enough to break the mind of any normal martial artist.

The killing intention is ten times more violent than the "blood sacrifice"!

Surging and overwhelming.


The forest wind is still standing, like the roots of old trees and pines.

Let the wind blow, but it doesn\'t move like a mountain. Those sad voices rang in my ears, as if they touched a light wall and could not enter again. The surging killing intention can\'t be stopped. It penetrates in all directions, penetrates into the skin and integrates into every cell.

However, Lin Feng\'s expression still hasn\'t changed.

The mind is firm and stable as Mount Tai.

"Originally, the purple fog in the \'blood sacrifice\' came from this."

"The smell of killing is very heavy, which shakes people\'s faith and leads them to the wrong road. It has a strong impact."

In his heart, Lin Feng opened his eyes.


Everything in front of me is like a lamp out.

The purple fog was scattered, and there was nothing else except the Amethyst.

As a defensive force, purple fog is not aggressive. All it can do is to attract the demons of the warrior!

But the determined warrior will not waver.

"Pa!" Lin Feng reached out and grabbed the Amethyst.

Peng!!! A dark force suddenly appeared and wanted to pop his body away, but Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

"Xingli!" his hands coagulated red light and instantly collided with the dark force.

"It\'s really a treasure with spirit." Lin Feng nodded.

The collision of the two forces is like the sky thunder hooking the earth fire, like two Hercules competing with each other.

Look, who can\'t support it first!

A little, a little.

The star power of Lin Feng is constantly consumed.

The power of amethyst is also slowly weakening.


"Wow!" the light bloomed and the purple light flashed away.

The light that originally surrounded the Amethyst seemed to disappear in an instant and went out like a lamp.

Lin Feng\'s star power is still, but the Amethyst in his hand falls fiercely.

"How heavy!" Lin Feng tried his best and his face changed.

Holding Amethyst with both hands, I still feel very heavy.

Moreover, I also use star power!

"What the hell is this?"

"If it\'s a spirit treasure, a soul device, or a soul device, how can it be so heavy?"

"I can\'t even hold it. How to use it!"

Lin Feng thought in his heart, but his muscles were ferocious and felt very hard.

If you want to use it and use it, or what?

"This purple treasure is really strange." Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled.

His arms were almost numb, and Lin Feng felt a heavy burden on his feet, but he couldn\'t last long.

This heavy Amethyst is so strange!

"Well, this is not the time to study \'it\'."

"Take it first."

Lin Feng thought in his heart, and the purple ring twinkled for a moment.

This huge and extremely heavy "Amethyst" suddenly disappeared.


The whole space vibrated violently as if it had lost its support.

"Without the support of purple treasure, I\'m afraid it will disappear soon." Lin Feng thought secretly.

It felt like the collapse of a mountain. The earth shook and grieved. However, the forest wind still remained as motionless as a mountain. There was a calculation in my heart. Sure enough, in less than ten seconds, I wrapped myself up with a thick purple fog. In a moment, I was suddenly conscious and left here.


Lin Feng, return in triumph.

At present, there are expectant faces, flashing bright light.

Zhu Ling, Lei Ba, Ji Xiu, Ji Qing and others are all among them. The 19 martial arts of liyanmen are the first hall, which is very lively.

"Did you get it, younger martial brother?" Zhu zero\'s eyes flashed, but he asked everyone\'s heart.

It was quiet, and everyone was anxiously waiting for Lin Feng\'s answer.

"Of course." Lin Feng smiled.

Suddenly, there was a loud cheering.

Everyone\'s mood was boiling.

(the first watch ~ ~ hoo, there\'s a big typhoon.)