Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 676


Outside the purple fog area, four figures suddenly appeared.

They were Zhu zero, Lei Ba, Qian Xin and Ji Jing, three men and one woman. The four persisted to the last minute.

However, passing the three levels is the end.

"Sure enough, I was kicked out." Zhu zero smiled bitterly.

"Expected." Qian Xin smiled, but he didn\'t care too much.

Ji Jing\'s eyes twinkled and looked at the sword in her hand, revealing a lonely look.

Leiba stood tall and did not speak. Among the people, he undoubtedly benefited the most.

Although they were also "kicked" out of the purple fog area, they could not get the "Purple treasure". However, leiba realized the realm of "forgetting boxing" by chance. Although it\'s just a superficial glimpse, at least I\'ve set foot on this road and know what direction I\'m going to go.

"Well, well, one by one with sad faces." Huang Dan said, "look at me. I was kicked out many days earlier than you do not know."

"That\'s to say! I\'m even worse. I haven\'t passed the first level." the Taurus horn hummed. "Grandma\'s bear ran and stepped into the air. It came out inexplicably!"

Picturesque, Taurus horn also made a gesture, which immediately made everyone laugh.

"Yes, sister, you are already very powerful!" Ji Yingying came to Ji Jing and took her arm.

Ji Qing also rarely smiles and nods to Ji Jing.

The atmosphere was full of joy.

After so many things, Li Yanmen people are very united and hold together. Ji Qing, jinniujiao and others who came out first have been waiting patiently here for fear that if the people are dispersed, there will be any trouble.

But once bitten by a snake, ten years afraid of the well rope.

It\'s not necessarily a bad thing.

Another place in the purple fog area.

"Shit, how did you get out?" the bald man scolded angrily.

"I don\'t know, boss. I was kicked out for some reason."

"Me too. As soon as my head is covered, it\'s here."

You look at me and I look at you. There is no doubt in my eyes.

The bald man frowned suddenly, but he couldn\'t understand it.


"Boss, look!" a thin monkey youth pointed to the purple fog area ahead.

The bald man\'s eyes tightened and looked into the distance. His eyes suddenly widened, "shit, how did the purple fog start to change suddenly, is it..."

Such scenes occurred everywhere in the purple fog area.

Many fighters who entered later than the bald men were kicked out in the first test.

There was a sound of swearing, but the martial arts were angry.

But what\'s the use?

It\'s just making wedding clothes for others.

"Look, look, the purple fog is beginning to change!" roared the green bull.

In an instant, everyone\'s eyes were all focused. Looking at the rapidly changing purple fog, it was as if there was some force urging it. It was very magical!

The power was transmitted out, vaguely as if it meant something.

"Is the purple treasure going to recognize the Lord?!" Huang Dan said in surprise.

"Younger martial brother Lin hasn\'t come out yet!" Zhu zero\'s eyes flashed.

"Ji Xiu didn\'t come out!" Lei Ba nodded.

People look at me and I look at you. The exchange of eyes is full of joy.

Although they can\'t get the "Purple treasure", it will undoubtedly be a happy event if their fellow disciples can get it.

"Well, younger martial brother Lin or Ji Xiu, one can always get the \'Purple treasure\'." Zhu zero\'s eyes sparkled and said happily, "for Li Yanmen, everyone gets the same. The growth of the disciples\' strength means the growth of the sect\'s strength!"

"Yes, double insurance is a gratifying thing." Ji Qing nodded.

Everyone smiled, but it was a purple treasure. At this time, it was all in Yanmen\'s pocket.

I just don\'t know. Is it in Lin Feng\'s hand or Ji Xiu\'s hand?


Four eyes are opposite.

Lin Feng and Ji Xiu stared at each other and smiled for a moment.

Although they are competitive, they are benign competition, not life and death.

Just as Lin Feng tried to catch up with Ji Xiu before, Ji Xiu is now trying his best to catch up with Lin Feng.

They arrived almost at the same time, but Lin Feng was a few seconds ahead. But in fact, Lin Feng is "much faster" than Ji Xiu, because in passing the three passes, the time flow rate is very slow. The gap of a few seconds here may be a few hours in passing the three passes.

However, Lin Feng doesn\'t care about such details.

"How to calculate?" Lin Feng smiled calmly.

They passed the test at the same time, but there was only one purple treasure.

Ji Xiu\'s eyes were sparkling and he looked straight at Lin Feng. "Nature is the rule of those who use martial arts."

The rules of martial arts are very simple.

Respect the strong!

Lin Feng looked at Ji Xiu and shook his head gently, "you are not my opponent."

Ji Xiu\'s eyes flashed, "I haven\'t fought. How can I know who is strong and who is weak!"

Staring at those competitive and self-esteem eyes, the four eyes are opposite again. Lin Feng sees persistence and dignity in Ji Xiu\'s eyes. Lin Feng slowly closes his eyes. Lin Feng clearly understands Ji Xiu\'s decision. For people like Ji Xiu, the dignity of martial arts is more important than anything.

Treasure, just external objects.

"OK, I promise you." Lin Feng nodded.

Ji xiuran put on a faint smile, "you and I have never had a chance to fight. Now it\'s just my wish."

Lin Feng smiled calmly, "this is also my wish all the time."

Since he entered liyanmen, Ji Xiu has been his goal and the object of pursuit. Especially after the first world war with leiba, this belief is extremely strong - more than Li Yanmen, a genius among geniuses, Ji Xiu!

Four eyes are opposite, but the two are matched and cherish each other.

"How about fighting again?" Lin Feng suggested.

"Just what I want." Ji Xiu nodded.

Outside the purple fog area

"I think brother Lin must have got it."

"I\'m not sure. Jixiu also has several brushes."

"But younger martial brother Lin\'s strength is better than Ji Xiu after all. It\'s more likely."


Everyone talked and laughed at you and me.

Compared with the warriors of other forces, Li Yanmen people are calm and comfortable.

Anyway, whether Lin Feng or Ji Xiu got it, it was Li Yanmen\'s.

"Ah, do you think two people will fight?"

"I\'m kidding. It\'s impossible."


Anything is possible.

Wheeze! Wheeze!

When guns and swords meet, Lin Feng\'s eyes are burning and the gun shadow is like a picture. He fights with Ji Xiu.

The figures staggered with each other, and Lin Feng was amazed by the long sword in front of him. Although his shooting skills have improved greatly, Ji Xiu\'s sword is still so excellent, even much better than what the master said!

Ji Xiu\'s "forgetting the sword" realm is almost comparable to the master!

It\'s much sharper than the last battle!

However, he has made great progress.

"The last time I faced Ji Xiu\'s sword, I had no strength to fight back."

"But this time..."

Lin Feng smiled slightly, but he didn\'t fall behind.

Jixiu\'s sword is powerful, but that\'s all.

No matter the level of strength, star power or any aspect, Jixiu is inferior to himself.

Since the last war, they have had different experiences.

One pay, one gain.

Today\'s self——

Very strong!

"Peng!" with guns and swords, Lin Feng and Ji Xiu retreated and settled.

"I want to see your strongest strength." Ji Xiu opened his mouth slowly with bright eyes.

Looking at Ji Xiu, Lin Feng nodded, "OK."

"Boom!" the star power is blooming, and Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

The star weight is nine, and the star control force is eight!

"Ready?" the black fog around Lin Feng\'s body suddenly burst, and the light of his left hand suddenly flashed, "coming!"

"Peng!" the outbreak of orifices drove the strongest strength of the forest wind. The condensed black fog was full of fierce luster, which suddenly increased the speed of the forest wind. The wind vortex flashes, thousands of small holes shine, giving the fastest speed.

"Emperor Shun\'s vigorous Qi, the ninth weight!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

The strong vigorous Qi is wrapped around the ember magic gun, containing a deep fire.

Enter the gun and completely control the power of the reborn fire!

Without any tricks, Lin Feng went straight. The speed of Xinghai level 10 completely broke out and impacted with the strongest force!

"How powerful." Ji Xiu\'s heart throbbed.

When I really see Lin Feng\'s strength, I feel great pressure in my heart.

Although he is the same as Xinghai level 10, his physical quality is far from that of Lin Feng.

But Jixiu is not afraid.

A warrior must constantly face challenges.

"Peng!" Ji Xiu\'s eyes brightened in an instant. In an instant, Xingli and orifices burst at the same time.

Facing Lin Feng\'s overwhelming attack, Ji Xiu neither dodged nor avoided it. Instead, he went straight up, full of a decisive momentum.

He wants to have a try!

Peng!!! The light is bright.

The star power blends, and the vigorous Qi fluctuates violently.

The atmosphere of the whole space is in disorder, and this amazing fighting power makes the space shake madly.

The radiance of the sky wrapped the two figures.

It took a long time to spread out slowly.

"Sure enough."

"Is this the strength to kill the strongest newcomer \'Wan Gu\' in Yanling mansion?"

"I am willing to lose."

Ji Xiu covers his chest injury with his eyes burning.

The blood seeps out continuously, but the wound is very serious. It is difficult to control the power in the battle of real sword and gun.

In fact, Ji Xiu would have died if Lin Feng hadn\'t kept his hand.

Even Wan Gu can kill, not to mention Ji Xiu?

"My chance is better." Lin Feng smiled.

The light in his hand flickered and immediately threw out a six-star fairy fruit. Ji Xiu reached out and took it without politeness, even if he took it.

The pale complexion gradually returned to ruddy. Ji xiusa smiled, "unfortunately, I still can\'t force you to be your strongest strength. But even so, it\'s far beyond my current strength." he stared at Lin Feng deeply, and Ji Xiu slowly said, "I won\'t give up. One day, I\'ll let you try my best!"

"I\'ll wait for you." Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

He held out his hand and held his two palms. There was a faint luster in their eyes.

It is not only a competitor, but also a friend.
