Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 675

In another space.

"Purple treasure, no one has got it yet." Ji Xiu\'s eyes were shining and looked straight ahead.

Although his face was pale, Ji Xiu\'s expression was full of hope.

"It\'s my turn to win this time, Lin Feng." Ji Xiu smiled lightly.

Outside the body, there was a clear star power, and Ji Xiu closed his eyes.

Do your best to restore the star power as soon as possible!

"I didn\'t expect to pass the three levels. The simplest is the third level."

"Although it depends on some luck, there will always be a chance to pass!"

"This time, I will never lose!"

With a firm mind, Ji Xiu looked calm.

He doesn\'t want to lose to Lin Feng again.

"First for defense, then for body method, and finally for attack."

"It\'s a little strange that \'passing the three passes\' is like a test for a martial artist."

Ji Xiu thought lightly, but the breath of his body was getting stronger and stronger.

Starpower, about to recover!

"As like as two peas."

"It\'s so similar to the test of ancient martial arts."

Lin Feng shook his head lightly and stepped forward slowly.

Having experienced the "ancient martial arts test", I naturally know very well.

Although there are some changes, they are basically the same. Passing these three passes is like a weakened "test of ancient martial arts".


"Purple Star territory? Purple treasure?" Lin Feng said lightly.

For a moment, I felt the ultimate energy, and Lin Feng looked forward.

Through the light wall, I suddenly saw the huge jagged crystal, flashing with sparkling luster and transmitting a strong energy breath. I am very familiar with it!

"Sure enough, it\'s the energy of the ancient beast \'thunder ferocity\'." Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled.

"Is this the purple treasure?"

Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully. At this time, Lin Feng fully understood.

"The master once mentioned that he had never seen the purple star realm, let alone the \'Purple treasure\', but now the two appear together."

"Obviously, there should be some connections I don\'t know."

"Including passing the three passes, it is very similar to the trial of ancient martial arts."

His eyes immediately moved back from the purple treasure. Lin Feng looked at the shining place and galloped.

If what you expect is right, this is what the third level tests——

It should be attack!

"So it is." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

Looking at it, it was a huge metal wall, flashing pure gold light, like a layer of natural defense.

The metal wall is very wide. It is a kilometer long and wide. It is like a roadblock in front of you. All around it is a "blocked" light wall, which transmits light energy and seems to exist like nothingness. Obviously, I want to pass through the metal wall——

Must attack!

"Pa!" the ember magic gun in his hand clanged and vibrated.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were filled with a cold light, and a faint black fog appeared.

"Unfortunately, there is little star power left."

"However, supplemented by the Ninth Heaven\'s Shun Huang Gang Qi, one blow is really enough."

His eyes were bright, he held the ember magic gun in his hand, and felt the taste of the theft of his heart. Lin Feng felt the state of "entering the gun" again.

At this time, the door has been completely peeped.

"Wind vortex!"

"Shot by light and shadow!"

Lin Feng drank lightly, and his steps turned into light and shadow.

The cracking Aurora filled with strong speed, and Lin Feng\'s body seemed to disappear. The light and shadow shooting performed in the realm of entering the gun is even more arbitrary. The power seems to have changed little, but there are many changes in dealing with the enemy. It was difficult to change in the past, but now, even if the light and shadow gun is half cast, it can control the change of the ember magic gun anytime and anywhere.

It\'s a pretty tough technique.

With the gradual improvement of entering the gun realm, the power of shooting will be enhanced again!

"Chih!" just like a dragon going to sea.

The ember magic gun immediately drilled into the metal wall, just like cutting into tofu flowers.

There was no obstruction. The red star power light was permeated with strong destructive power. The metal wall in front of me collapsed in an instant, revealing a terrible big hole.


"Dead end?" Lin Feng was stunned.

The ember magic gun was taken back, and Lin Feng frowned.

But I didn\'t expect this result, which was a little unexpected.

The metal wall is as like as two peas in the center, but behind the metal wall is a solid solid wall that is exactly the same as the surrounding walls.

"Pa!" Lin Feng stretched out his hand and was blocked.

Can\'t leave.

It\'s like nothingness.

"Impossible, there must be something mysterious." Lin Feng thought.

Looking around, his eyes flickered with doubt and thought, but immediately stopped in the metal wall.

There can be no mistake in your judgment.

The way out must be here!

Looking closely at the metal wall, Lin Feng suddenly showed his eyebrows and was slightly surprised. "Do you have to break all the metal walls before they flash out?" he nodded thoughtfully, and Lin Feng\'s eyes shone two lights, "it\'s very possible. If not, why is the metal wall so big."

However, I just thought in my heart——

"Hiss ~ hiss ~ ~" the metal wall gradually condenses, as if it had the ability of regeneration.

The broken hole was as like as two peas in the blink of an eye.

"This......" Lin Feng has a headache.

Glancing around, I saw this large metal wall and felt awe inspiring in my heart.

Even if you have enough star power, I\'m afraid you haven\'t broken half of the metal wall, and those broken places have begun to recover.

This is clearly an impossible task.

"I think... The real exit should be behind a metal wall."

"In this way, just find that point is enough."

"However, we must restore the star power first."

Lin Feng nodded and was about to sit cross legged, but he was stunned for a moment.

"I forgot that this is not a \'trial of ancient martial arts\'." Lin Feng smiled and said that he was stupid.

If you don\'t use your inexhaustible strength to break through the wall with pure God of war strength, don\'t you find yourself guilty?

Here, I can use the fire of rebirth!

烀! 烀~

The flames blazed.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright, his hands coagulated two clusters of fierce flames, and the strong star power was immediately instilled into him.

Given by the red starlight, it is pure constellation power, making the fireball seem to have vitality. In an instant, Lin Feng\'s hands shook, and the two fireballs, one left and one right, burst into power. With nine levels of star control power, the fireball power is quite strong.

Boom! Boom~

The violent explosion was earth shaking.

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright. He suddenly sees two huge cavities, but the end is still the existence of the light wall.

Not an export.

But it doesn\'t matter.

You don\'t need to \'try\' your luck.

With enough strength, we can use strength to break through this level.

"Come again!" Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered.

The fire of rebirth rises again in the hand, and the red star power light is fierce and ferocious.

Just like the second level, Ji Xiu groped for the law and broke through, but Lin Feng broke through the second level with solid strength!

Today, the same is true.

"Boom!" "boom!" "boom!"

The crazy sound of explosion broke out one after another, and the fire spread.

Lin Feng kept his hands for a moment, and the rebirth fireball continued to burst, just like meteorites flying down.

In an instant, the kilometer long and wide metal wall was smashed in half. With the crazy destructive power of the reborn fireball and the power of Lin Fenghuo spiritual master, the metal wall was useless even if it had strong restoring power. Because Lin Feng has inexhaustible star power. Most importantly, the speed of destruction is much faster than that of recovery.

It doesn\'t take luck.

Half the metal wall was smashed, and Lin Feng couldn\'t find the exit.

Three quarters of the metal wall was smashed, and Lin Feng still couldn\'t find the exit.

But smash 100% of the metal wall when the kilometer long and wide obstacle completely collapses——

The exit finally appeared.

"Good." the corner of Lin Feng\'s mouth began to scratch lightly.

The third level, I finally broke through, but it didn\'t take much effort.

Whether it\'s the fire of rebirth or the power of stars, you can\'t exhaust it. What\'s a little consumption.

"It seems that this purple treasure has some fate with me." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

The three levels have passed, and the third test has passed.

No more obstacles.

"I wonder what the purple treasure is."

"What kind of relationship does it have with the ancient beast Lei ferocious..."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were sparkling, and he immediately opened his steps and entered the only light door.

WOW! The figure disappeared immediately.

In another space.

"Chi!" "Chi!" the long sword was like a rainbow, and Ji Xiu\'s eyes were burning.

The metal wall was destroyed and cut off one by one. Ji Xiu went all out to stab each blow.

What I saw was disappointment again and again, but Jixiu never gave up.

He believes that every drop of water wears away the stone!

As long as the Kung Fu is deep, the iron pestle is ground into a needle.

There will always be a chance, even that one.

He is sure to find a real exit.

A incense stick, half an hour, a quarter of an hour

Time passed slowly. Ji Xiu was panting, but the star power was exhausted again.

"There\'s only one last chance." Ji Xiu\'s face was slightly pale, but he didn\'t stay for a moment. The movement of his body was accompanied by the stabbing of the long sword. When the Star Force collided into the metal wall, Ji Xiu\'s eyes lit up instantly, and he felt some subtle differences.

Peng~ The metal wall burst and a small hole appeared.

For a moment, Ji Xiu\'s eyes were bright and a faint smile was drawn at the corners of his mouth.

He finally found it!

But Kung Fu pays off.

"Whoosh!" suddenly penetrated out, and Jixiu exhausted his last strength.

He doesn\'t want the metal wall to recover. At that time, the bamboo basket will be empty.

WOW! The figure disappeared in an instant.

"Finally here." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

His eyes were staring at the front, not far from the front, surrounded by a purple fog, and the pure Amethyst with powerful energy was suspended in the sky. The smoke is creeping around, like thousands of green grass holding that beautiful flower.

"First the blood sacrifice, then the three passes."

"I\'ve experienced a lot to get this\' Purple treasure \'."

Lin Feng smiled calmly, looking at this huge Amethyst, but he didn\'t feel too excited.

I have experienced the purple star realm myself. Even if the Amethyst Stone is precious, can it be compared with the "blood inheritance" of the ancient divine beast Lei ferocious?

However, a little fate is true.

"I don\'t know what kind of treasure, star treasure, soul weapon or soul weapon?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were sparkling and slightly curious.

Just as he was about to step out, there was a flash of luster not far away. Lin Feng turned his head in a moment.

WOW! The light moved gently, and a figure appeared in front of him.

"Ji Xiu?" Lin Feng was stunned.

"Lin Feng?!" Ji Xiu was also confused.

(at the third watch ~ ~ I\'m tired, but I still want to add more. I\'ll add more before 0 o\'clock. If I don\'t have a little, I must go to bed.)