Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 674

"Hoo, Hoo ~" gasped hard.

Ji Xiu\'s face was a little pale. When he looked carefully, his legs trembled.

The short distance of 100 meters is like a million meters. Ji Xiu has tried more than 10000 times to pass this second level!

The accumulated pain has been extremely terrible.

However, the quarterly repair finally passed.

"Finally reached the third level." Ji Xiu\'s face was just right.

Her eyes are sparkling and dragging her slightly tired body. Ji Xiu slowly steps forward.

In the first two levels, the first level took him ten days, and the second level took him thirty days!

This third level, I\'m afraid it\'s more difficult!


The front is near the end!

"Is this the legendary \'Purple treasure\'?" Ji Xiu looked straight ahead with bright eyes.

The third level, right ahead!

After the third level, there is a thin light film leading to a place surrounded by purple fog. The glittering treasure is floating in the air and turning gently. It contains extremely powerful energy, like a jagged spar. It is a huge irregular spar object!

Purple treasure!

Ji Xiu\'s eyes were bright and he clenched his fist.

Just looking at it from a distance, you can feel its extraordinary.

If we can get it, we will greatly improve our strength and go to a higher level!

He doesn\'t want to lose to Lin Feng!

Any genius often has a strong self-esteem.

"Wow!" Ji Xiu stepped into the third level with a dignified color.

The last difficulty!

WOW! Light flashes.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng\'s expression changed at the first moment.

"What a strong force, what a familiar breath!" his heart was full of surprise. Lin Feng looked straight ahead with bright eyes. The feeling was very clear. It was an unusually strong energy. It seemed to be similar. Lin Fengxin moved fiercely.

"It\'s Lei ferocious!"

"It is very similar to the power of the ancient beast Lei ferocious!"

"Could it be..."

His eyes were shining, and Lin Feng looked straight ahead, but he couldn\'t see anything.

A light fog condenses and blocks the line of sight.

"I\'m confused. The Yanling house is a part of the thunder ferocious star territory, which is owned by the ancient divine beast Lei ferocious."

"In other words, everything in the Yanling mansion is thunder ferocious."

"Nature includes this\' Purple treasure \'."

Lin Feng nodded, his heart clear.

Since the purple treasure belongs to Lei ferocious, what\'s so strange about having the power similar to Lei ferocious?

"Unfortunately, Lei ferocious can no longer control the \'Lei ferocious star territory\'."

"If not, even the most precious treasures are available."

Lin Feng smiled calmly, but he didn\'t care.

If it\'s your own, it\'s your own. If it\'s not your own, it\'s probably useless to get it.

"See if I have this blessing."

"Get the \'Purple treasure\'."

Thinking lightly in his heart, Lin Feng immediately stepped forward.

"Pass the three passes?" Lin Fengqing said.

Lin Feng was not surprised when the familiar voice came into his ears again.

As early as in the purple star realm, I have heard this cold voice countless times. If I hear it again, I feel inexplicably "warm".

"The second test has two levels."

"This third test, there are three levels."

"Fortunately, this is the last test, um... As I expected, it has something to do with time."

"This purple treasure is on a first come, first served basis."

Lin Feng nodded and smiled.

I led Li Yanmen people to arrive first. I\'m afraid the chances for others are slim.

It\'s a struggle. It\'s all fought by Li Yanmen\'s own people.

See who has enough chance.

"The first pass?" Lin Feng looked at the faint purple fog in front of him, looking calm.

Although the purple fog smell is strong, it seems to contain some secrets, but I feel a familiar feeling. A faint smile appears on my face, and Lin Feng steps into it.

The fourth day, in a cloud.

"I didn\'t expect that the \'level\' of the cloud realm could be improved."

"Yes, it was just a red cloud at first. Unexpectedly, it has become a green cloud now."

"Well, the cultivation speed is much faster."

Water Linglong and Qin Qianqian are practicing, but fools have silly blessings.

The strength of the two women was very weak. Fortunately, Lin Feng had expected to arrange the two women into the cloud realm in advance, which saved them from a series of disasters later. Water Linglong is convinced by Lin Feng. Qin Qianqian, not to mention that the two women listened to Lin Feng and did not leave the cloud realm.

The cloud realm is the same as the star realm, which is divided into seven levels.

Every cloud realm has mission requirements and points for cultivation.

Although not comparable to the star realm, the cloud realm is at least safe enough. What few people know is that the cloud will continue to float, just like a "cloud". Once the task of cloud realm is completed and the points are cleared, the martial artist will generally leave. But the two women refused to leave, but they were afraid that Lin Feng could not find them.

At this time, in the cloud realm where the integral is cleared, the aura returns to normal, which is nothing special.


"Hit" another cloud and combine.

Shui Linglong and Qin Qianqian first hit the "orange cloud realm" and not long ago hit the "green cloud realm". They were really lucky.

"I don\'t know how brother Lin is now?" Qin Qianqian was a little worried.

There has been no news about Lin Feng for a long time. It\'s a lie to say you don\'t worry.

"Don\'t worry, brother Lin\'s lucky people have their own heaven." Shui Linglong comforted. After getting along with Qin Qianqian, she knew that Qin Qianqian cared about Lin Feng very much. "Such an opportunity can be met but not asked. Qianqian sister, we\'ll work hard to cultivate, and maybe we can help brother Lin at that time."

"Hmm!" Qin Qianqian\'s beautiful eyes suddenly brightened and nodded again and again.

What she fears most is that she will become a burden on brother Lin like this.

He shook his head and forced himself to calm down. Qin Qianqian bit cherry lips and closed his eyes to practice.

Shuilinglong smiled and began to practice.

WOW! The figure of Lin Feng appears.

"Originally, this first level is a test of defense ability." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Easy, is through!

It\'s much simpler than expected.

In the past, my weakest was defense, but now

Defense has long been his trump card!

"It\'s far from the \'defense training\' tried by ancient warriors." Lin Feng looked indifferent.

Remember that in the test of ancient martial arts, it was much more difficult to reach the value of \'1000\' than the requirements of the first level.

After all the difficulties, will you bend down in this simple place?

"However, there is something similar." Lin Feng smiled.

Stepping on the pace and penetrating the light wall, Lin Feng immediately entered the second level.

It takes only one incense.

The second level.

Staring at the square array in front of him, Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

It was a cube of 100 meters square, with dense holes at the bottom and the same holes at the top. At the edge of this cube, there is a strange light wall structure, flashing Aurora like lightning.

It looks calm, but it contains a deep crisis.


"Strange formation."

"Go in and have a look."

There was a pure light in his eyes, but Lin Feng didn\'t hesitate for too long.

It is the art expert who is brave!

What fear!

"Wow!" entered in a flash.

At the first moment, Lin Feng felt a chill in his heart.

Countless dense beams of light came in the face, as fast as wind and lightning. Then all the lights start, and bright colors are emitted from the top and bottom. The beams are dense, at least tens of thousands of lights are emitted together, leaving people nowhere to hide.

It seems that a distance of 100 meters is better than a million meters!


The forest wind dodges and is calm as dust.

In terms of speed, Lin Feng is strong enough, but in terms of body method and pace, Lin Feng is general.

But he has wind vortices.

"Here, speed is not the main thing, the key is explosive force and..."

"Evasive ability."

Step! Step! Step!

It\'s easy to move, but the forest wind keeps flashing.

Compared with Ji Xiu\'s embarrassment when he first entered, Lin Feng seemed much more relaxed. Maybe speed can\'t play a big role here, but explosive power depends on speed. Is Lin Feng\'s body comparable to that of Ji Xiu?

"There should be rules."

"But it\'s a waste of time to find rules. It\'s better to -"

"Hard break!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up and closed them.

The life soul has a clear induction, and the surrounding light beams all carry a trace of pure gold energy breath, with strong destructive power.

He is like falling into a group of enemies!


Lin Fengxing\'s strength blooms fiercely, and his body changes suddenly.

The speed increased sharply. Lin Feng didn\'t think about the "law" of this level, but regarded it as a battle!

A large array surrounded by tens of thousands of enemies!

You can\'t defeat yourself!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Lin Feng is like an agile cheetah, constantly shuttling through the forest.

The ghost of the body looks as usual. At this time, Lin Feng is already in the center of the cube, dodging and moving forward. Lin Feng was not slow at all. He had completed half the journey in less than a quarter of an hour.

And Jixiu can\'t even cross ten meters at the same time!

The gap is huge.

Most importantly, Lin Feng is only the first experiment.

Quite amazing!

"The farther back, the more intense the attack."

"The time and range of evasion are all increased. Be more careful."

The forest wind is immersed in dodging, and the wind vortices constantly emerge and change rapidly.

After the improvement, the four stage wind vortex change is more practical, just like a perfect body method, which shines brightly in battle.

Today, is the best proof.

Sixty meters.

Seventy meters.

Eighty meters!

Lin Feng moved forward slowly, not in a hurry.

Avoidance is more and more relaxed, calm, has begun to adapt.

Ninety meters.

Last ten meters!


"Whoosh!" like a sharp arrow.

Lin Feng\'s star power blooms in an instant and is instilled in his feet.

Speed, explosion to the extreme!

Whew! Whew! Whew! Whew!

Four consecutive changes in direction, all at the highest speed, but there is no feeling that the connection is not smooth.

A short distance of ten meters can\'t stop the outbreak of forest wind speed.

WOW~ The light curtain flashed, and the forest wind sped out in an instant.

Step! The figure settled, and Lin Feng began to draw at the corners of his mouth.

The second level, pass!

(second change ~ ~)