Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 673

Wu Shen\'s gun starts with "returning to nature".

Experience elementary, intermediate, advanced, beginner, proficient, proficient, three levels and nine levels, reach the extreme, and the breakthrough is "forgetting the gun".

The God of war starts with "the unity of man and gun".

After going through three levels and nine levels, you reach the highest level of cultivation. Once you understand the gun, you are "entering the gun".

"That\'s the feeling."

"That\'s the feeling, absolutely right."

"Being alone with people and guns is like a pure land."

Lin Fengwei closed his eyes and immersed himself in this strange feeling.

Opportunities can be met but not sought.

Perhaps now I have felt the state of "entering the gun", or I have passed the test and can open this door.

But it\'s not necessary.

"It\'s very difficult to enter the gun realm."

"According to the master, only one of the ten martial arts who has reached the level of \'proficient senior people and gun integration\' can \'enter the gun\'."

"Probability, even less than 10%!"

Lin Feng smiled at the corners of his mouth, but knew that he was a chance meeting.

"Seeing" this shot and understanding it is like having a hand gently pull yourself up on that ladder.

Therefore, it is "opportunity".


"It\'s hard."

"This is the state of \'forgetting the sword\' as the master often says."

In another space, Zhu zero was suffering. He only felt an abnormal suffocation in his heart, which was very uncomfortable.


I can\'t understand!

In terms of weapon attainments, I wish zero is not as good as Lin Feng, nor as good as last season\'s repair.

Although I learned from Ji Jin\'s sword technique, Zhu zero\'s interest is not here. Therefore, I am not very proficient in sword technique. Although my understanding is also good, I can\'t "understand" until I reach that point.

"Hoo ~ ~" long spit out his breath.

Qian Xin lay on his back with a pale face.

Wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, Qian Xin had a bitter smile and helplessness in his eyes.

"Talent is a wall."

"The realm of \'forgetting the sword\' is really profound."

"Don\'t mention understanding. I\'m afraid it\'s possible for me to become possessed if I continue to practice."

Shaking his head, Qian Xin tried to make himself forget the sword in his mind.

It is foolish to act knowingly.

At this time, there were only six people who were still in the test.

Among them, the quarterly repair has taken a significant lead. It has already passed the second test and entered the third test. The rest of the people were still blocked here. Apart from Lin Feng\'s "Enlightenment" into the gun boundary, there was another person, who was also as open as a thatch!

"Forget your fist."

"Forget the fist in your heart, but the fist is still in your heart."

Lei BA\'s eyes are like electricity, and his silver fist ring clangs fiercely.

With the lightning like light, leiba left the earth shaking punch in his mind and completely indulged in it.

Fist, part of the body.

Therefore, entering the fist is much simpler than entering the sword and gun.

Nevertheless, it also needs a good boxing realm and amazing understanding.

Leiba, it\'s lucky.

Where signs of purple fog appear.

Ten hours after the people of liyanmen entered, the second batch of martial artists finally arrived.

"Ha ha!"

"Here we are, brothers!"

A bald man shouted happily, and all the fighters behind him cheered.

"Are we the first, boss?"

"Stupid, you need to ask. You can see that the purple treasure in front is intact!"

"What are you waiting for? Come on!"

All the people were leaping, one by one with blood red eyes, showing the color of greed.

In this maze, I went round and round and finally reached my destination.

But in an instant——

Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!

Five channels surrounded by purple fog appeared, emitting a strong breath of energy. Those who are trying to run through the purple fog are all stupid.

"Shit!" the bald man scolded his mother immediately.

The voice had not yet fallen, but the four men were faster than each other, drilling into the purple fog channel one after another.

"You bastards, wait for me!" said the bald man angrily.

The moment is also galloping into the purple fog channel.


first come , first served.

Indeed, Lin Feng guessed right.

Here, there is a "time" limit.

This is not only the first test of the "Purple fog channel", but also the second test.

However, the forest wind is not urgent or slow.

Even if time goes by, Lin Feng is still calm as dust.

With a gun in one hand, Lin Feng closed his eyes like an old monk. Quietly maintaining the "big gun pile" posture, he clearly felt the gun in his hand, like the extension of his arms, closely combined, and his body sank into the gun.

Get in the gun!

Having just entered the realm of "entering the gun", perhaps its power is not up to the proficient level of "senior people\'s gun integration".

But the two are not the same.

The combination of man and gun, reaching the advanced mastery level, is already the limit, just like the end of a road.

But "shooting" is only the beginning.

Wheeze! Wheeze!

Lin Feng moved and waved the ember magic gun.

The movement is very strange. It seems to outsiders that it is "very slow", but the feeling of the gun is very deep.

Just like a dish, the combination of two materials. If the combination of man and gun is the integration of materials, then "entering the gun" is to give full play to the respective advantages of the two materials and fully reflect the best side. It is a kind of control, a kind of \'control\' of the realm.

It\'s not just gun power.

"Do whatever you want and control freely."

"Entering the gun can not only enhance the shape and meaning of the gun, combine it perfectly, but also master deeper shooting and complex and abstruse shooting changes."

"Moreover, although entering the gun and forgetting the gun are two extremes, they have the same effect in essence."

"Forgetting the gun can perfectly attach the source energy. Entering the gun can also perfectly attach!"

"The difference is that one is outside and the other -"


烀! The flame in your hand is burning.

Lin Feng\'s eyes burned, and the red body of the gun seemed like a red iron brand, full of strength.

At present, the purple fog is still winding, with a bit of depth and mystery.

But Lin Feng turned a blind eye.

"I\'m just beginning to see the path. Although my control power exceeds the mastery level of \'senior people\'s gun in one\', my power..."

"Still not beyond, the realm is not yet stable."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining and looked straight ahead. "The air velocity here is slow enough. One day outside, it takes at least ten days here. Such a good \'gun training\' environment can be met but can\'t be found. In a short time, it will certainly improve the level of \'entering the gun\' by a huge margin."

"Pa!" close your eyes and Lin Feng\'s heart is calm.

If the light wind blows on my face, there will be another mysterious shot in front of me.

But this time, Lin Feng shot.

Like a virtual battle, but the heart is clear.

The two guns intersected as if they had penetrated and collided violently. A door slowly opened in Lin Feng\'s heart, and a road was shining in front of him. He stepped into it. Lin Feng was so excited that he was completely immersed in the understanding of shooting skills.

Purple treasure?

Whatever it is

In another space.

Ji Xiu kept galloping to avoid attacks, but the movement of his body method was dignified.

The light shoots out one after another, which is airtight. Even if Ji\'s self-cultivation method is strange and his steps are light and flexible, he can\'t escape the intensive attack. The distance ahead is less than 100 meters. It\'s an instant for a martial artist like Ji Xiu, but

But the light is like rain.

"Chi!" a ray of light rubbed Ji Xiu\'s waist, and suddenly a sharp pain came.

Pop! Jixiu is back to the starting point again. His face is ugly.

He failed again.

"It\'s really not easy to pass the three passes."

"The first level is extremely difficult, and the second level is even better."

Close your eyes, Ji Xiu gradually recovers his calm look.

Even repeated failures did not hurt his confidence. Instead, Ji Xiu became more and more frustrated and brave, which was due to his character.

Thinking about the failures again and again just now is an invaluable experience.

After a incense stick

Pop! Open your eyes again.

Ji Xiu shuttled back and forth like a sharp arrow and immediately entered the land of dense light.

Never give up!

Time goes by slowly.

The six remaining warriors of Li Yanmen have different experiences.

Those who give up, those who work hard, and those who ignore tests and treasures in order to increase their strength.

Whew! Lin Feng\'s eyes burned.

The faint power penetrated, and the ember magic gun in his hand suddenly turned into a light and shadow.

The purple fog in front of him was strong, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright. The ember magic gun disappeared into the purple fog. In an instant, he felt seven shining light spots in different positions. The speed of the ember magic gun in hand does not decrease, but it can not be weakened at all, because the \'resistance\' of the purple fog is quite strong!

We should not only maintain strength, but also show power.

It\'s hard!

In particular, such sudden subtle and ingenious changes are even more powerful against the enemy.

The combination of man and gun focuses on the shape and intention of the gun, followed by the changes in details in the battle. Even the proficient state of the combination of man and gun can not attack the seven light spots in such a rapid attack.

But into the gun, but different!

Wheeze! Wheeze! Wheeze!

The gun tip vibrated continuously and penetrated the first three light spots with strength.

At this time, the resistance increases by one point, and the speed and power of the ember magic gun are also better.

The faster the speed, the more difficult the change will be!

However, Lin Feng\'s movements are still very light and arbitrary.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

The vibration of the gun tip brought up a piece of gun awn.

The three light spots in front were destroyed by the vigorous Qi vibration in an instant. There was only the last and only light spot in front of us, but the direction had completely deviated and it was difficult to attack. As for the realm of "entering the gun", after all, Lin Feng is still a beginner. He has just peeped into the path, and he can\'t compare with Ji Xiu.

However, Lin Feng also has his own unique skills.

Many times, there is not only one road.

"Wind vortex." Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright, and his body shape changed suddenly, driving the change of the ember magic gun.

Before that, the power of the gun move had already collapsed, but now Lin Feng\'s state of "entering the gun" makes the gun move perfectly controlled.

Even if the position changes, it is still powerful!

Boom!! The ember demon gun clanked.

The heaven and the earth are startled. Lin Feng stands with a gun and his eyes are sparkling.

"Ding! ~" the crisp sound.

The purple fog slowly dispersed, revealing a passage wrapped by clouds.

The second test, pass!

(first change ~ ~)