Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 672


Through the gate surrounded by purple fog, Lin Feng suddenly felt a light in front of him.

"A lot of guns!" Lin Feng was shocked.

He seems to have entered a "weapon warehouse". No, it\'s a "gun warehouse". In front of me, I saw gun racks, and countless long guns were inserted on the gun racks. Long, short, sharp, sharp, all kinds of shapes and structures.

"At least tens of thousands." Lin Feng was shocked.

There was no end in sight. It was an unusually empty gun warehouse.

Even the air seemed to smell like a gun.

Make your heart jump.


At the same time.

"Wow, there are too many knives!"

"Jingran Dao, Qinglong Dao, three pointed two edged Dao!" Huang Dan stared with incredible directness.

What he saw in front of him was a war knife, which moved him.

When he pulled out a war knife, he felt his tentacle cold, and yellow Gall\'s eyes burned. He drank, "good knife! What a good knife!!" he gently touched it, and yellow Gall\'s eyes were full of joy. He couldn\'t help waving it. It was like obsession.

"Many swords." the eyes of the imperial sword were bright.

As a sword lover, I can\'t hide my excitement when I see so many different kinds of swords.

Like Huang Dan, the imperial sword also loves these swords. Look at this one and dance that one. It seems that he completely forgot why he entered here, immersed in the world of sword and completely fascinated.


Such scenes.

It appears in almost every independent space.

There was only one, but he looked calm.

Rao Shi is surrounded by all kinds of swords, countless, but Ji Xiu\'s look still hasn\'t changed.

One man and one sword stand proudly between heaven and earth.

Looking straight ahead, Ji Xiu\'s eyes were bright and straight ahead.

In this world of swords, Ji Xiu maintained his original heart. He went through one "sword rack" after another, and his eyes were shining like a breeze. In an instant, Ji Xiu stepped into a new area and disappeared into the sword library.

"Interesting place."

"What is the test of this\' gun Library \'?"

Although Lin Feng is curious about walking in the gun warehouse, he is not as "addicted" as Huang Dan and Yushou sword.

His ember magic gun is strong enough to accompany him all the way.

There have been many feelings.

Perhaps, many long guns here are of better quality than the ember magic gun, but whether the gun is good or not is not the primary factor. The most important thing is——

Suit yourself.

"Although this ember magic gun is only a five-star soul weapon, it is strengthened by Duoduo with excellent molten fire materials and forged in 77 and 49 days." Lin Feng gently stroked the smooth body of the ember magic gun, his eyes flashed a color of remembrance, but he thought of Duoduo.

Although we haven\'t been together for a long time, we are also teachers and friends. We treat ourselves like relatives.

Now Youming is sleeping, and Duoduo is also sleeping. All the connections seem to be broken, except the ember magic gun.

Has a deep memory.

Even if the five-star soul weapon is strengthened again, its foundation will not change.

Their own strength has been continuously improved. In fact, the ember magic gun is "backward". Once, when using an ember magic gun to cast a magnetic explosion, it was almost destroyed, and the power of the magnetic explosion was still not great at that time. With today\'s strength, I\'m afraid it has already turned into nothingness.

Although it\'s time to change the gun intellectually, it\'s not willing in my heart!

"I hope Duoduo can wake up soon."

"I hope to find the existence of \'starpower\' and restore the energy of Youming."

Lin Feng nodded and never forgot much in his heart.

Father and ziyao are important, but Duoduo also occupies a considerable weight in his heart.


"Starpower is not easy to find."

"As Duoduo said, looking at the whole fighting spirit world, I\'m afraid it\'s rare."

Lin Feng sighed, but felt helpless.

How can you easily find the energy items used by the strong stars.

With a slight thought in his heart, Lin Feng couldn\'t help smiling quietly.

But I miss people, and I am emotional. On weekdays, these are hidden in the bottom of my heart and will come out from time to time.


"I wonder what the second test is?"

Lin Feng quickly reacted, and he seemed a little forgetful when he entered the gun warehouse.

The breath of life soul slowly spread out. The forest wind sensed the surrounding environment and frowned slightly.


"Something\'s wrong."

It was like a light wind blowing across his face. Suddenly Lin Feng opened his eyes.

"It\'s time energy!"

"There\'s plenty of time and energy here!"

"No, the flow rate is very fast!"

Lin Feng is very sensitive to "time", especially this change.

The heart was startled. For a moment, Lin Feng seemed to understand something and immediately galloped forward. When I passed through the gun storehouse, I felt as if a gate was closing.

No, it\'s too late!

"Wind vortex!" Lin Feng drank fiercely.

The light of the right foot flickered, and the body was split in two. Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright, "deceleration space!"

The speed of the body forest wind changes instantaneously. With the strong star force winding, the forest wind seems to penetrate like a sharp arrow, and the speed is racing to the extreme.

Form a phantom!!

Terrible speed!

But this is not enough. The light and fog are about to disappear. Even if Lin Feng reacts quickly, he is still a little worse.

A little is enough to decide everything.

It\'s too late!

"Go!" Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered.

The strong rebirth fireball roared directly at the back of the forest wind.

Attack yourself!

Is Lin Feng crazy?

"Boom!!" the explosion roared violently. Lin Feng\'s body seemed to be on fire, and his back was covered with blood and flesh. However, the violent rebirth fireball brought a rapid force, which made Lin Feng\'s speed, which had turned into an illusion, suddenly increased by another point.

In an instant——

Whew! Like a sharp arrow through the fog of light.

Fire is everywhere, but it turns into nothingness in an instant.

Lin Feng, finally catch up.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

Several figures appeared outside the purple fog area almost at the same time, returning to the fourth day.

Yellow gall bladder, imperial sword and Qin embrace, and there are five figures. Looking around, everyone looked at each other and looked at each other with a bitter face.

At this moment, how can they not understand?

They failed.

In another space.

"Chih!" an amazing sword, like the dawn clouds.

Heaven and earth roared with surprise. Ji Xiu looked flat. The sword in his hand seemed to disappear, but he returned to his hand in an instant.

Looming, this sword looks ordinary, but it seems so unusual.

"Ding! ~" the crisp sound.

The purple fog slowly dispersed, revealing a passage wrapped by clouds.

"Ka." Ji Xiu put his sword into the scabbard and stepped into it.

"It\'s dangerous." Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled.

Fortunately, I react quickly enough. Otherwise, I\'m afraid I\'ll be eliminated this time.

It was a close call.

The injury was not serious and soon recovered. Lin Feng\'s state of mind gradually calmed down. He stared around and felt keenly. "The time flow rate here seems to return to normal. It\'s wrong. It should be said that it\'s not much different from that in the channel." Lin Feng thought lightly in his heart, but he didn\'t dare to be careless again.

Because of the sharp increase in strength, I have some confidence.

Fortunately, I was shocked just now and returned to normal.

Strength does not mean everything.

"The test in the gun warehouse just now, the time flow rate suddenly accelerated, there must be a ghost."

"Do you really have to compete for time?"

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright. If it\'s really more than time, he has obviously wasted a lot just now.

At this time, it has fallen behind.

"Here, should be the key." Lin Feng whispered softly.

Standing in the area wrapped by a purple fog, he looked calm and upright.

The area where I am located is not large. Compared with the "gun warehouse" just now, it is undoubtedly a small one. What is special is obvious. There was a faint luster around. Only the purple fog here was thick and dense, as if it covered something.

"Pa!" Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly changed as he stepped into it.

In front of me, a long gun suddenly appeared, floating in the nothingness of the world.

Like a dream, like an illusion.


Scold! The spear came.

The speed is not fast, but it is down-to-earth without any tricks.

It\'s like a martial artist practicing a gun. The stabbing feeling of this gun is very strange and full of strong rhyme.

All the energy seemed to gather in the gun, and the surrounding air flow was driven. The figure of the warrior was blurred and disappeared, but the gun was more eye-catching. The emptiness in front of me became more and more chaotic, and the spear kept amplifying and amplifying.

In an instant, a bright light, spear stabbed out.

"Chi!" Lin Feng subconsciously waved the gun.

The ember magic gun is sonorous. It\'s very inexplicable. It\'s like waving it.

No gun shape, no gun intention.

Even, there is no power!

But Lin Feng was shocked.

Clutching the handle of the gun, I felt a sense of ignorance overflowing in my heart, and the violent shock was difficult to calm down.

"It\'s the realm of shooting!"

"What master said is the realm of \'senior people and guns in one\'!"

"Looking at the whole Yanling mansion, there are no more than five people who can control the weapon realm at this level!"

Lin Feng\'s heart throbbed violently and even closed his eyes.

The amazing shot came to mind, as if a door had opened in my heart.

Now for myself, everything else is no longer important, only that shot, only this amazing level of shooting.

Purple treasure?

As long as you can understand the realm of marksmanship, for yourself——

More than anything.

Time passes little by little.

But I don\'t know the time of cultivation. If it weren\'t for the extremely slow flow of time here, I\'m afraid the remaining time of the fourth heavy day would have been over.

Lin Feng was completely immersed in the understanding of the realm of marksmanship.

An epiphany!

Shooting is easy to learn, and the meaning of shooting is easy to get, but the realm of shooting is "difficult" to understand!

This "difficulty" is not only difficult, but also rare! It\'s a rare opportunity! Be able to understand a higher level of marksmanship than the mastery level "senior gun integration".

"Yes, that\'s it!" after a while, Lin Feng burst into laughter.

The laughter was full of SA and frivolity, but I realized that I had finally found the way for a long time!

Touch the true "control" state of master——

Get in the gun!

(third shift ~ ~)