Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 671

Step! The forest wind settled.

He looked around and carefully observed the environment.

Surrounded by purple fog, the ground is like a cloud, light and soft.

At present, there is a continuous channel.

And calm, very deep.

"I can\'t see the end."

"It seems to be going through this passage."

Lin Feng thought in his heart and didn\'t hesitate for too long.

There is nothing special around. Obviously, I have to move forward.


"I don\'t know what\'s special?"

Lin Feng smiled, but he was calm.

It\'s as difficult as the purple star. He can break through it. Will it be more difficult here?

In the channel.

"Whoosh!" the forest wind sped forward.

From unknown curiosity to gradual adaptation, Lin Feng still looked around carefully.

The eyes were slightly bright, the speed was slowly accelerated, and Lin Feng looked just like that.

After galloping for half a incense burning time, there was no danger at all.

That\'s strange!

"No." Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

"If there were a test, it should have started long ago."


A shock in his heart, Lin Feng\'s face changed slightly.

"When the purple treasure was unearthed, the terrain changed rapidly, just like a maze."

"Obviously, there is a difference between first come and last come. Other martial artists will also enter at that time. Those who have fate will get it. Those who arrive first will occupy the word \'fate\'."

Pop! Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and his lips pursed gently.

"Is it related to \'time\'?"

"First through this purple channel, first profit?"

With a slight chill in his heart, Lin Feng instantly accelerated his pace, but his breath was emitted, but he was always ready to fight.

At present, everything is speculation. I must be fully prepared.

Any time!

Speed up, bit by bit.


"Zi ~" "Zi La ~ ~" the air flow fluctuates and the forest wind looks slightly coagulated.


Big problem!

In my heart, I was stunned. In front of me, a gap suddenly opened at the channel, flashing a strange luster.

"Hiss! ~" the violent suction suddenly appeared.

Space crack!

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning, but he was not flustered. His right hand flashed a flame light and easily resisted it. The galloping body quickly crossed the space crack, and the forest wind looked back slightly, "the air flow is unstable, and the space level here is very weak. If the speed is too fast, it will tear up the space."

The heart is clear, Lin Feng suddenly reduces his speed.

Sure enough, the air flow returned to stability, and the space was no longer vibrated.

Lin Feng nodded.

It\'s like needling a cloth with a sharp needle. If it\'s hemp cloth, it won\'t penetrate, but if it\'s silk cloth, it can be easily pierced. The spatial level is the same reason. Different spatial levels can bear different pressures.

For example, tianwu continent is different from the fighting spirit world.

The truth is simple and easy to understand.

"Although I can easily resist these space gaps, I\'m afraid if I keep tearing up the space in order to speed up the speed..."

"The whole channel will crack."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning and his heart analyzed carefully.

haste makes waste.

In another channel.

"Whoosh!" Ji Qing sped.

The speed is twice as fast as the forest wind, and gaps continue to appear in the surrounding space.

However, Ji Qing\'s strength, his hands constantly changing, left and right, front and back, is easy to resist the huge suction of the space gap. It\'s like a battle response training. There\'s no doubt that Ji Qing is very qualified.


"Pa Da!" "Zi la! ~"

Space cracks are getting worse and faster.

"Not good!" Ji Qing changed his face.

Quickly reduce the speed, but it is too late.

The gap in the space gradually intensifies, just like a piece of paper burning. The hole in the center burns bigger and bigger, and spreads around instantaneously. Purple fog filled the air, the whole channel collapsed violently, and the shock was amazing. Ji Qing stopped at this time, but his pretty face turned white.

"Peng!" his head shook slightly, and Ji Qing suddenly saw a flower in front of him.

In an instant——

Pop! Ji Qing\'s consciousness recovered, but he returned to outside the purple fog area.

"Failed." Ji Qing sighed and shook his head.

Blindly trying to be brave and eager for success, but being smart is mistaken by smart.

Blame yourself for being too competitive.

"It seems that I have no fate with this purple treasure." Ji Qing sighed and felt a pity.

Lin Feng looked calm as he galloped along.

Although I doubt that the acquisition of the purple treasure may be related to time, I am not eager for success.

"It doesn\'t seem to happen overnight."

"The test can\'t be that simple. We must wait patiently."

I once heard from my master that yellow and green treasures were unearthed, but they were scrambled by martial artists, but it depends on who is lucky and who is strong. But this purple treasure is obviously different. There is not only the legendary "blood sacrifice" that only indigo treasure can appear, but also a test, just like

"Treasure has spirit."

"As if you were choosing your master."

Lin Feng smiled calmly, but he was on his way.

Hour after hour.

Day after day.

Suppressing the speed, the forest atmosphere is calm and relaxed.

Secretly separated into the "extreme Road Phoenix world" to practice, the body here "jogging" is like walking. Indeed, the waiting speed is very slow. No, it should be said to be quite slow. If the speed of forest wind breaks out, it can easily exceed ten times that at present.

"It\'s quite a test of patience."

"But I don\'t know how long this long \'channel road\' will take."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and bright, and his heart thought again and again.

Although it has been nearly ten days in the past, the speed has not changed at all, just like a machine that has been operating stably. The speed is maintained at a stable value without any deviation. The limit is close to the pressure that the channel can withstand without damaging the channel.

Keep the space stable.

It\'s not easy.

It seems simple, but it\'s hard to stick to it.

It can\'t be done without extraordinary power control, patience and perseverance.

Another channel.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Taurus horn is panting.

It\'s the end of a powerful crossbow. The speed is a little faster, and the space in front of me flashes and fluctuates again, and the space crack suddenly appears. After gritting his teeth, Taurus horn tried to block the strong suction and slowed down the speed instantaneously. Although the space was shaking again and again, it was still on the verge of collapse.

In a quarter of an hour

The speed of Taurus horn has slowed down a lot unknowingly.

Tired, quite tired!

Running for nearly ten consecutive days has maintained the speed of the same frequency.

People\'s body will be tired, and so will their spirit.

Once tired, it is easy to make mistakes!

What Taurus horn didn\'t notice was that the area covered by purple fog at his feet always changed a little when he ran past.

However, he could not see.

Eyes, after all, grow in front.

What\'s more, who will pay attention to the road that has been passed, but also surrounded by purple fog, can\'t find it at all.

"Hoo, Hoo ~" the Taurus horn was panting like a cow, the speed slowed down more and more, and the sweat dropped. The Taurus horn himself did not find the change of speed.


Pop! Taurus horn stumbled.

There was no response at all. It was like stepping into the air. With a light foot, there was a whirl in front of me.

"Peng!" his head shook slightly, and the Taurus horn was black in front of his eyes.

For a moment, I came back to my mind, but the picture had changed in an instant.

Return to the fourth day.


Among the people, the best performance is undoubtedly Lin Feng.

Ji Xiu and Zhu zero are not inferior at all. Although Lei Ba and Huang Dan are inferior, they also bite their teeth and insist.

Time passes slowly.

Ten days and ten days, a considerable test of patience.

Without great perseverance, strong patience and physical strength, they can\'t pass the test of this level at all.

In a twinkling of an eye——

"The 100th day." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered slightly.

"If we calculate according to the time of the fourth heavy day, I\'m afraid it\'s time for Yanling\'s house at this time."

"Obviously, in this channel, the velocity of time is different from that of the outside world."

Lin Feng thought in his heart, very clear.

The noumenon itself is still running slowly. Even if the time has passed for a whole hundred days, it still stands like a hundred year old pine without any change. In fact, such a test, let alone a hundred days, even a thousand or ten thousand days, is too simple for yourself.

"The longer the time, the better." Lin Feng smiled slightly.

In the extreme Road Phoenix world, the time flow rate will not change, but his rebirth fire has been practiced solidly for 100 days.

The road from the 58th weight to the 59th weight has been fully half taken!

"It doesn\'t take a hundred days for my rebirth fire to rise to the 59th weight!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and his right fist was clenched for a moment. The fire of rebirth is a big step every ten times. After reaching the 59th weight, you can sprint to the 60th weight.

At that time, the fire of rebirth will be upgraded and transformed in essence!

Think about the power of the 60th rebirth fire, Lin Feng is looking forward to it.

Absolutely beyond my expectation!

But in fact, it will not be satisfactory.

"Huh? What\'s that?" Lin Feng was stunned and looked forward.

Where the light shines, there is a lonely and different energy breath. It is like a door inlaid in the center of the purple fog. With their approach, it is slowly opened, as if they welcome themselves in, as if they have been waiting for a long time.

"What a pity." Lin Feng sighed in his heart.

He shook his head slightly and rushed into it in a moment.

"Finally!" Zhu zero breathed.

"Here we are." Ji Xiu\'s eyes flashed, his body turned into a flash of lightning and sped in.

"Ha ha, the end is the end!" Lei BA\'s eyes brightened and his eyes were full of fatigue.

I\'m afraid it won\'t be long before he can hold on.

"Good luck." Huang Dan wiped the sweat on his forehead and smiled happily.

He was at the end of his rope and could hardly hold on. Fortunately, he finally waited until dawn.

In fact, the vast majority of the disciples of the Liyan sect can no longer bear it. Compared with Lin Feng, they are really far from good in strength and mind. Just because of the test of this passage, 19 Liyan sect disciples have been "killed" in battle, and there are only 11 left.

Most of them are barely completed, which is as easy as Lin Feng. They even want to test for a longer time.

The naked gap, but there is no way.

At least, they also completed the first test.

Opportunities still exist!

(second change ~ ~)