Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 670

The fourth heaven\'s warrior is not more than a thousand.

Among them, more than 300 people of Yanling 10000 families account for 30%.

In addition to the dozens of people who died in liyanmen, the "blood sacrifice" required for the excavation of purple treasures has reached more than half. In addition, too much purple fog was absorbed and killed to affect their mind. Many warriors who are not determined kill each other in a short time——

The blood sacrifice is completed.

Purple treasure, about to be unearthed!

Perhaps Wan Gu\'s calculation is extremely precise and skillfully uses the "rules".

But he miscalculated one thing. His strength is not the strongest in Yanling Zunfu.

All he did was make wedding clothes for Lin Feng.

"Let\'s go!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

As the purple fog gradually dissipated, the whole earth began to vibrate, as if it meant something was about to happen.

"OK!" "Hey, go join the fun!"... Everyone got up at once, with a sense of excitement and relaxed freehand brushwork on their faces. Before that, they were not sure to seize the purple treasure, but now there is Lin Feng. Inexplicably, they can no longer feel that this is a problem.


Because of Lin Feng\'s strength.

Fighting alone can kill the strongest newcomer "Wan Gu" in Yanling mansion.

In the group war, one enemy will kill hundreds of strong people of the star sea level.

With this strength, who can compete for the purple treasure?

Although there are only 19 of them, there is forest wind. They are definitely in the purple fog area now——

The strongest existence!

Whoosh! The forest wind galloped.

Behind him, Zhu zero and Ji Qing followed.

After that, the sixteen disciples of the Liyan gate were divided into several teams and followed closely to form a sharp cone like shape.

The cohesion is very strong and has long been convinced of Lin Feng.

Where Lin Feng goes, they go!

"If you come, you will be at ease."

"The purple fog area has been sealed and is an independent space."

"Obviously, unless the purple treasure is captured, I\'m afraid it\'s difficult to leave."

Lin Feng thought slightly in his heart and his eyes were shining.

Since you have to get this\' Purple treasure \'before you leave, you might as well take it yourself instead of making it cheaper for others.

What\'s more, such high-grade treasures will certainly greatly improve your strength.

"I don\'t know what treasure it will be?"

"The best Lingbao in Yanling mansion are eight star Lingbao, eight star soul artifact, eight star soul artifact and eight star fairy fruit... They are all eight star treasures."

"Could it be the treasure of nine stars this time?"

Lin Feng\'s mouth was indifferent, but he was curious in his heart.

Any eight star treasure is worth more than ten million doling coins.

But for myself, today\'s eight star baby is nothing. There are two "domain" Lingbao of the eight stars alone, which are obtained from Wan kugu and WAN Gu respectively. The eight star fairy fruit itself has as many as four.

And Douling coin is not lacking.

This trip to the purple star territory has already made a lot of money.

"At least it\'s a nine star baby, a transcendent existence worth billions."

"Or some extremely powerful mental skill script, which deserves the title of \'Purple treasure\'."

Lin Feng said in his heart, "hope is the nine star soul weapon. Once my God of war strength breaks through the bottleneck of Xinghai level and enters the star master level, I can immediately integrate the soul weapon and greatly increase my strength."

Soul weapon is very important to the God of war.

The same is true for yourself!

Although you no longer need a soul device to open the orifices under the wrong circumstances of your left hand, you still need it at the next level!

A good soul weapon is of great help to strength. For example, the existence of "wind vortex" has helped him tide over difficulties countless times.

If you are a nine star soul weapon, you will undoubtedly add wings to the tiger!

"Whatever it is, getting it first is the most important."

"This kind of natural material and land treasure must be the income of the strong."

"I must be one step ahead!"

Landslides and ground fissures.

The whole earth shook violently, and the signs became stronger and stronger.

The purple fog dissipated even more, as if it had been absorbed by some force between heaven and earth.

Along the way, the mountains collapsed, the earth was sunken, and the purple fog area was in chaos, just like the arrival of a natural disaster, which made everyone tremble.

Big change!

"It\'s energy change and balance breaking." Lin Feng thought in his heart.

The purple treasure melts into the purple fog area and into the land, just like the conserved energy at both ends of the Libra, maintaining the peace and stability of the whole area.

But now, the excavation of purple treasures has broken the balance of energy.

Natural chaos!

"The purple fog absorbs blood and seems to dissipate gradually, but in fact..."

"Go to the purple treasures."

His eyes were bright, and Lin Feng\'s heart was clear and bright.

Others may not know, but with sensors, everything here can\'t be hidden from their eyes.

It is like countless branches of streams entering the river, and it is like countless rivers converging in the sea!

"Right in the middle, what a strong breath!"

"The so-called \'blood sacrifice\' was originally used to awaken the unearthed treasures."

The forest wind galloped straight to the center.

But in an instant——

Peng! Peng! The earth\'s crust changed violently, and Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly changed.

The sensor is unpredictable, just like the pieces in the chessboard are disturbed and reset again, which is really chaotic.

"Again!" Lin Feng frowned.

The feeling was very clear, and the strange feeling came again.

Because of the change of the terrain, he was staggered with the warriors of the Yanling ten thousand families.

And because of the change of terrain, he finally caught up and saved the people of liyanmen.

The region here will change greatly every once in a while. After the change in the East, it may go to the West; What was originally in the center may have moved to the edge. Everything seems to have rules to find, but it is difficult to master.

I\'m afraid it\'s difficult for other martial artists to distinguish the real direction at this time.

But I know very well!

"Over there!" Lin Fengyan said.

The galloping figure suddenly turned 90 degrees and walked. It was strange.

After death, Zhu zero and Ji Qing showed a doubt, but did not hesitate to follow.

What Lin Feng did must have his reason!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The forest wind changes direction continuously.

The steep change of the earth\'s crust is more and more intense, and the speed of the change of forest wind direction is also faster and faster.

It feels like a headless fly bumping around.

But no one has any objection.

Even after Lin Feng changed direction several times, they all followed closely. Although they were confused, they still believed in Lin Feng.

Almost blind confidence!

However, many martial artists have seen the clue.

"The road is different."

"Although we are going back, we are not in the same way!"

"What a strange place."

Zhu zero looked around carefully and closed his eyes as if he wanted to feel something, but he couldn\'t feel it.

Looking at Lin Feng with bright eyes, Zhu zero really exclaimed, "little martial brother, but I don\'t know how to distinguish the direction. It\'s so powerful."

Zhu Ling naturally doesn\'t know that Lin Feng has a \'map\'.

No matter how the terrain changes, it can\'t escape Lin Feng\'s eyes.

The distance is getting closer and closer!



The sound of the earthquake was violent.

It is more and more dignified. At this time, the faces of the martial arts of Li Yanmen are also dignified.

Quite depressed!

At the chest, it seemed to be blocked and out of breath.

It is an extremely powerful force, blooming like a heavenly power, which makes people\'s heart difficult to calm. The amazing breath was spreading all around. Everyone\'s heart beat very fast, but it followed the forest wind and didn\'t fall at all.

They believe in Lin Feng!

Last change!

"Pa!" Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered.

At that moment, the heart beat fiercely, it stopped and fell, and the figure was still.

Suspended in mid air, Lin Feng looked forward with burning eyes. At this time, he no longer needed a "sensor" to identify the direction. Because of the last change of the earth\'s crust, the central area, which originally had a time journey of incense, is now in front of us!

It seems to penetrate many mazes and finally find a way out.

The place surrounded by the thick purple light has dense and strong aura, which can\'t be seen in a hazy way, just like a fairyland with smoke and clouds.

There is no breath of martial arts around. Liyanmen people are the first to arrive!


Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!

In front of the crowd, purple channels flashed like roads to the sky.

The purple smoke clouds are wrapped around and filled with strong energy of heaven and earth, implying infinite mystery and unknown. Lin Feng\'s eyes as like as two peas in the heart, and the eyes are clear. Looking back at the people of Li Yanmen, Lin Feng smiled slightly, "it seems that we have to compete."

"Ah?" "than what?" the people of Li Yanmen still haven\'t recovered.

However, Zhu zero, Ji Qing, Ji Xiu and others are already shining, looking straight ahead.

Nineteen purple passages!

"Purple treasures, those who are destined to live in them."

"As I guessed right, we should go through a test."

"Look who\'s lucky."

Lin Feng smiled calmly and looked at the crowd, "senior brothers and sisters, I\'ll take a step first."

After talking, he stopped talking. Lin Feng was like a light wind, and his figure immediately disappeared. They only felt that they were in a daze, but they didn\'t even see Lin Feng\'s actions. At this time, the black figure was standing in one of the purple channels, looking back at them with a faint smile.

For a moment, it disappeared.

Pop! The forest wind enters the purple channel.

The passage surrounded by purple fog dissipated with the disappearance of forest wind.

Everyone was confused, but

"Shit, brother Lin is so cunning!" Lei Bameng drank and even rushed out.

"Ha ha, so it is. I see." qingmanniu also smiled foolishly and galloped forward.

"You bastards, wait for me!" yelled Huang Dan.

The remaining 18 disciples of the Liyan sect rushed up.

Zhu Ling, Ji Qing and Ji Xiu took the lead in stepping into the purple channel after Lin Feng, followed by Lei Ba, Qin Baobao and Ji Jing. Soon, the purple channels disappeared one by one, as if they had never appeared before, and the area shrouded in purple fog suddenly returned to calm.

This beautiful fairyland emits a faint purple light, which is very mysterious.

(first change ~)