Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 669

Listening to Lin Feng\'s words, the people immediately calmed down.

His eyes were burning, the atmosphere became tense, and he was extremely hot and dangerous.

Like a barrel of gunpowder, it will be lit at any time.

Han Jin\'s forehead, cold sweat.

"It\'s actually very easy to tell who the traitors are." Lin Feng looked around the crowd and smiled calmly. "At this time, there were twenty people present, including me, of whom I met 18. I saved them directly or indirectly and gave them to Xianguo, but only one was a fresh face!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered, swept the familiar faces, and finally stopped.

"It\'s you!" Lin Feng shot coldly and looked straight at Han Jin!

WOW! There was a lot of noise.

The angry eyes all looked at Han Jin. For a moment, Han Jin only felt his head blow, cold sweat falling down, and his spine was cold.

"It\'s you, Han Jin!"

"It\'s you son of a bitch!"

"Shit, how dare you betray us, you bitch!"


Everyone\'s eyes were full of anger, and the gunpowder was completely ignited.

Clenched his fists and thought of the dead brother Li Yanmen, they wanted to break Han into pieces.

"No, not me!" Han Jinlian waved and shook his head in horror.

"Wronged! Believe me, I am innocent." Han Jin exchanged tears.

Up to now, but also do not care about what image is not image, can protect life is the most important.

Even looking at Lin Feng, Han Jin said anxiously, "younger martial brother Lin, I\'m timid, I\'m cowardly! I was completely frightened in the battle just now, so I hid. I didn\'t come out until the battle was over. You must believe me. I really didn\'t lie to you."

The man\'s tears didn\'t flick easily. Seeing Han Jin\'s tears as if he was "wronged", plus what he said was reasonable, the public\'s anger went out a little.

Afraid and timid, Han Jin can only be said to be a coward at most. The hat of a traitor is too big.

Everyone looked at Lin Feng and waited for his decision.

"Really, where are you hiding?" Lin Feng said faintly.

"I, I..." Han Jin stammered, but his brain turned faster under the threat of death. "It happened that there was a small stream, and I shielded my breath and hid under the water."

Lin Feng said softly, "aren\'t you wet?"

People\'s eyes were bright, and Han Jinlian explained, "I use the original energy of water to separate the stream."

Lin Feng said calmly, "then you say shielding breath?"

Han Jin turned white and hesitated, "this..."

"Don\'t do this or that." Lin Feng drank coldly, and Han Jin\'s heart beat faster. "I tell you, there is no water source in this whole battle land!"

"If you don\'t believe it, I can even find a water spirit Master to detect it carefully!"

"But it doesn\'t need to."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning and his voice was cold.

"Because I saw with my own eyes that you passed by with the warriors of Yanling wanzu. Obviously -"

"They know you, or they know a token on you."

Han Jin screamed hysterically, "you, don\'t wrong me! What evidence!!!"

"Evidence?" Lin Feng smiled calmly, with a sneer in his eyes. "Do you think this is Li Yanmen?"

"Here, my words are evidence!"

The voice was flat, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining.

烀! A cluster of strong flames suddenly rose, flashing ferocious luster.

"No, don\'t!" Han Jin retreated in horror, feeling that the power of the flame was more and more amazing, and his heart shook violently. All the fears and all kinds of negative emotions broke out in an instant, and ran away like a frightened bird.

But in an instant——

"Chi!" surrounded by strong red stars.

The fireball was burning with terrible power, which surprised everyone in the fierce Yanmen around Zhou.

Seeing Lin Feng\'s strength with his own eyes, he was even more shocked.

Whew! The fireball penetrated quickly.

The huge energy didn\'t affect the speed at all. Lin Feng\'s hands were easy to control. The fireball flashed red, as if it had vitality, and went straight to Han Jin, who was desperately fleeing. Lin Feng\'s eyes were cold, his right hand stroked and grasped, and suddenly the fireball crossed a perfect arc and roared straight into Han.

There is no escape!

Control, perfect!

No matter how powerful the fireball is, it can be easily controlled.

This is Lin Feng\'s strength now!

"Boom!!" the fire burst.

They were surprised. In a flash, Han Jin died without a place to bury.

No one doubts Lin Feng. As Lin Feng said, his words are the evidence here.

Lin Feng said Han Jin was a traitor, so Han Jin must be a traitor!

"Whoosh!" Lin Feng\'s figure was ghostly. Everyone felt that Lin Feng had returned and had more storage rings in his hand. In front of the crowd, Lin Feng\'s light flickered in his hand. He immediately took out a closed locator and his eyes were burning.

"This?!" Zhu zero opened his eyes.

"All the locators should be thrown away!" Qian Xin\'s eyes were cold.

"Sure enough, it\'s him! Younger martial brother Lin has golden eyes!" Jinniu Jiao frowned and said.

"Black sheep." Ji Qing sighed.

In the hearts of the people, there was no doubt at this time.

Lin Feng\'s expression was indifferent, and the locator in his hand suddenly burned to ashes.

I really don\'t have any evidence. Maybe it doesn\'t matter if I kill Han Jin without giving reasons.

But at present, the cohesion of the people is very strong. There is no need to affect the morale of the people for an insider. This kind of thing is in his own purple ring

There are many.


Yanling million families.

"What are you talking about? The points exceed 18 million!!" Wan Mochou stares.

"Yes, clan leader, this is the latest news." Wan startled and said, his eyes flashing light, but he couldn\'t believe it, but the number on the scoreboard was true. "Lin Feng\'s score was 8.69 million, but suddenly increased by 10 million."

Wan Mochou\'s eyes glittered, "sudden increase of 10 million?"

With deep thought in his heart, Wan Mochou stood up and murmured, "even if it is an indigo level Starland, the point reward will not exceed ten million, and the reward score of cloud level is lower than that of star level. Even if it is the highest purple cloud level, the reward score is only the same as that of indigo level Starland."

"Unless... The forest wind is now on the fifth day!"

"No, even if we enter the fifth day, there are treasures everywhere, and it is absolutely impossible to improve the point growth, but we should improve slowly."

"Then there is only one possibility!"

Wan Mochou\'s eyes flickered with sparkling luster and shook his head in disbelief.

"Even in the endless years when my Yanling family leads Yanling mansion, no strong man can break through the purple star territory."

"What can Lin Feng do?"

"Do you really have strength or..."

The pure light in his eyes flashed, and his heart was shocked.

"If you break through the purple star territory, there will be \'Purple treasures\' in the last hundred days!"

"Ten times more precious than indigo treasure, a hundred times more valuable!"

"With the energy limit of the fourth heavy day, there can be no star treasure items, but the purple star realm is extraordinary after all, I\'m afraid it will appear..."

Wan Mochou\'s chest fluctuates constantly. Rao is as powerful as his eyes, but there is also a flash of greed.

Others may not know, but he clearly knows how precious the purple treasure is!

Not to mention Yanling mansion, it is placed in the land of Jiuzhou. It is a rare thing!


It was in my thoughts that I suddenly——

Outside the door came the sound of anxious footsteps, and a disciple of Yanling wanzu ran in a hurry.

"Such as life?" don\'t worry about it.

Wan Ruming is in charge of the "house of life" and is responsible for guarding the life ball.

Wan Jiaqiang left a trace of life mark and combined with special crystal to make a life ball. On weekdays, it flickers like a candle wick, which is dotted with stars. It\'s really beautiful. Once the life ball is extinguished, it means that the \'host\' dies.

Not only in liyanmen, but also in Yanling wanzu.

"No, clan leader." Wan Ruming knelt on one knee and looked ugly. "Wan Gu\'s\' life ball \'went out."


Wan Mochou and Wan jinghun were all shocked.

The extinction of the life ball means

"Wan Gu tu\'er, are you dead?" Wan Jing was a little confused.

"It\'s impossible, who can kill Wan Gu in Yanling\'s house!" Wan Mochou looked solemn.

Although Wan Gu is his grandson, he is a rare genius. Among the disciples, he is most optimistic about Wan Gu, who can inherit his mantle.

But now, it\'s bad news!

There is no luck in the extinction of the life ball.

Wan Gu is really dead!

"Shouldn\'t it be..." Wan\'s startled eyes showed a cold light.

"Great possibility!" don\'t worry about killing, and a cold light rises around your body.

The two eyes are opposite. At this time, their thoughts coincide. Wan Gu\'s death is very likely——

It has something to do with Lin Feng!

"Let\'s go." don\'t worry, your face is cold.

"Patriarch, you?!" Wan startled.

"I\'ll go myself." Wan Mochou\'s eyes flashed cold, "I\'d like to see what the forest wind is..."

"It\'s a man or a ghost!"

The fourth day.

"Brother Lin, how did you cultivate and become so strong?" Lei BA\'s eyes were bright and curious.

"Yes, tell me, younger martial brother Lin, do you have any adventures in Yanling Zunfu?" Huang Dan also asked. After getting along, the people found that Lin Feng had no airs and might be like killing God to the enemy, but he always had a faint smile and was very easy to talk to his own people.

All people look at the progress of Lin Feng\'s strength.

From Lin Fengjin to liyanmen, he worked hard at the outer gate of the ninth district to become the "strongest newcomer".

Then Li Yanmen showed his great power during the New Year celebration and was accepted as an apprentice by leader Ji Jin. His strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

But this time, only three months later

Promotion is amazing!

Ji Xiu\'s eyes were bright and stared at Lin Feng.

Feeling the pressure, I was afraid.

At present, the forest wind is really too strong. It can kill Wan Gu and defeat the three hundred armies of Yanling million families with its own strength.

What strength is this!

Smiling at the crowd, Lin Feng didn\'t know what to say for a moment.

I was about to open my mouth, but suddenly I seemed to feel something. The purple fog was gradually fading. Lin Feng clenched the sensor in his hand, and suddenly his eyes brightened. He straightened up and looked calm.

"Everybody prepare, the purple treasure will be unearthed!"

(the fourth shift, Jiageng! ~)