Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 668

"Younger martial brother!"

"Brother Lin! ~"

The crowd immediately greeted him.

Han Jin mixed with the crowd and was unwilling to fall behind.

Everyone\'s face exudes a heartfelt smile, but Han Jin is uneasy. He seems to be smiling, but he doesn\'t mean it.

He didn\'t expect that the army of martial artists of Yanling 10000 families would be destroyed! And all this is only done by one person, that is, the humble young man in black! A seemingly ordinary warrior overturned the whole Yanling army of ten thousand families with his own strength and saved the people of liyanmen.

It\'s incredible!

But this is true.

"Meet again, everyone." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Seeing the happy faces of the people, Lin Feng was safe, and the big stone fell in his heart.

Although it was a little late, it was a great fortune to save everyone. Moreover, the army of thousands of martial arts in Yanling will be killed!

No one can survive.

"Hoo ~ ~" Zhu zerolie was at the head of the crowd and was relieved.

Seeing that the "benefactor" was safe, Li Yanmen was relieved.

"Brother Lin, behind you is..." Lei BA\'s eyes burned. He caught a glimpse of Ji Xiu in a coma and said in surprise, "eh, it\'s Ji Xiu?" after Lei Ba mentioned, the martial artists also found Ji Xiu at this time. They were all worried when they saw that he was pale and angry.

"It\'s all right." Lin Feng gently put Ji Xiu down, and then took out two fruits of life and stuffed them into Ji Xiu\'s mouth. "Brother Ji just wasted too much energy and collapsed."

When they heard the speech, they immediately put down their hearts and restored their smiles.

As long as you can\'t die, even the most serious injury can recover.

What\'s more, Ji Xiu is just out of strength.

"Thank you, brother Lin."

"Yes, younger martial brother Lin, thank you for saving."

"I misunderstood you before. Thank you for saving me regardless of past grievances. I can\'t thank you enough!"


The crowd gathered and thanked Lin Feng one after another.

Everyone is sincere. Lin Feng not only saved them, but also gave them six star healing fruit. It can be said that it is a blessing in disguise. His strength has not decreased, but increased. Most importantly, Lin Feng\'s strength now convinced them from the heart.

Too powerful!

"Scholars should look at each other with new eyes on the third day." Lei BA\'s eyes were bright and admired, "brother Lin, your strength is estimated to be comparable to that of senior brother Zhu zero."

All the people were in front of them. Zhu zero\'s strength was obvious to all, that is, he was not much worse than senior sister Ji Qing.

Among the younger disciples, they are the best.

"How can I compare with the second senior brother." Lin Fengqian smiled modestly.

"Well, younger martial brother, you can hurt me by saying this." Zhu zero glanced at her helplessly. "You, elder martial sister Ji Qing, can be there. You just want to save face for me as a senior brother, you have to take advantage of the fact that elder martial sister Ji Qing didn\'t see the war just now."

They were surprised and looked at Ji Qing.

In terms of strength, Ji Qing is really the first among the people.

Just a war?

What\'s that?

Everyone was curious.

"I\'m sorry." Ji Qing gently bowed his head and apologized to the crowd.

I feel very guilty. If Lin Feng hadn\'t helped me, it would be difficult for Li Yanmen to escape this time.

And she is one of the culprits!

Everyone was stunned, but you looked at me and I looked at you, a little confused.

Elder martial sister Ji Qing, who is always unsmiling and proud like a peacock, apologized to them? Did you hear me right?

"Because of my wrong decision, I put everyone in danger." Ji Qing gently pursed her lips and said slowly.

"Not only did you suffer from the sneak attack of the Yanling ten thousand families, but Zhu zero and I met ten thousand orphans and almost died in his hands." Ji Qing was still terrified when she recalled that war. Rao Shi always thought highly of herself and thought she could fight ten thousand orphans, but today she found out——

What a big gap between her and WAN gu!

Wan Gu?!

Everyone stared.

Indeed, there are so many martial artists in Yanling Wan clan, but I didn\'t see Wan Gu.

He is the well deserved leader of the young generation in Yanling mansion. He has a prominent reputation and no one can match him.


"Elder martial sister Ji Qing, you just said that you and elder martial brother Zhu zero met ten thousand orphans and almost died in his hands?" Jinniu Jiao was stunned.

"No, isn\'t that Wan Gu\'s strength with Rumeng and elder martial sister Ji between Bozhong?" Huang Dan was puzzled. "Plus, I wish elder martial brother zero and elder martial sister Ji can surpass Wan Gu together!"

"No, Wan Gu\'s strength is terrible." Zhu zero opened his mouth with bright eyes. "He should have hidden his strength all the time."

All the people were surprised when he said this.

"Yes, Wan Gu defeated me completely with less than three moves." Ji Qing smiled at himself and looked back at Ji Jing and Ji Yingying behind him. "If the two sisters hadn\'t delayed for a moment and wished zero to arrive in time, I would have died at this time."

Suddenly, everyone was shocked, but their eyes focused on Zhu zero.

"Don\'t look at me." Zhu zero said with a bitter smile, "I\'m no better than elder martial sister Ji. I was also defeated by Wan Gu in the blink of an eye."

Wan Gu is so strong!

Li Yanmen people were shocked.

I\'ve always heard of Wan Gu\'s name. Now I really listen to what two senior brothers and sisters say!

"If Wan Gu is so strong, I wish elder martial brother, how did you and elder martial sister Ji escape?" Yan Rong said curiously.

They were curious and looked at Ji Qing and Zhu zero. They saw their eyes on Lin Feng, as if they meant something.

"Is it younger martial brother Lin?" Qian Xin was surprised.

"Is it really brother Lin?!" Lei Ba couldn\'t believe it.

I thought Lin Feng\'s strength and Zhu zero were only between Bo Zhong, but I didn\'t want to be on it!

What a surprise!

Lin Feng had to smile at this time.

I felt the surprised and surprised look of everyone, but I was also calm.

"You\'re all wrong." Zhu zero opened his mouth and smiled. "Elder martial sister Ji and I didn\'t escape. We came out in a fair way."

With a quick smile, Zhu zero looked at Lin Feng, "don\'t underestimate younger martial brother Lin, he\'s very powerful. As younger martial brother Lei said just now, you should look at him with new eyes on the third day, younger martial brother he..." Zhu zero looked around the people, paused and aroused their appetite.

"One shot!"

"Just one shot killed Wan gu!"

The shocking shot came to mind. Zhu zero was still shocked at this time.

In his impression, no one can give him this feeling except his own master. Even the elder martial brother Ji Rushan has no such strength.

Silk~ Silk~

The sound of pumping air surprised everyone.

Staring at Lin Feng, looking at the familiar and strange face, he couldn\'t speak.

Are you kidding?

Wan Gu, who can defeat elder martial brother Zhu and elder martial sister Ji in three moves, can\'t even avoid one move in front of younger martial brother Lin Feng?!

Just one shot!

"Younger martial brother Lin is very strong." Ji Qing\'s opening must be what Zhu zero said.

"His strength is far more than me." Ji Qing was not modest. He said truthfully, looking at Lin Feng\'s eyes with gratitude and respect.

Regardless of the status of the sect, strength is always the most important.

At this time, even if he doesn\'t want to be high-profile, Lin Feng can\'t avoid it.

Lin Feng was also helpless when he felt the people looking at him, including the admiring eyes of Ji Jing and Ji Yingying.

This can also be regarded as one of the "costs" of saving people.

"Well, we are brothers and sisters of the same family. Naturally, we should keep watch and help each other." Lin Feng clapped his hands to break the atmosphere.

"Younger martial brother Lin is right. We must work together!" Huang Dan said positively, looking at Lin Feng with respect.

"Yes, what do you want us to do next? Younger martial brother Lin, you say we all listen to you." the green bull patted his chest and said proudly.

Whether Zhu Ling or Ji Qing, it is difficult to "subdue" these unruly Li Yanmen fighters.

But now, people are convinced of Lin Feng.

Follow his lead.

Including Zhu zero and Ji Qing.

At this moment, people\'s "personal worship" of Lin Feng has reached a quite amazing "degree".

"It\'s not a bad thing." feeling the hot eyes of the people, Lin Feng thought in his heart.

At least such cohesion can avoid unnecessary casualties.

We should try our best to keep the "kindling" of liyanmen.

"Thank you for your love." Lin Feng looked around the crowd with bright eyes and an indisputable tone. "At present, other things can be put aside, and only one thing must be dealt with immediately!" his voice was sonorous, and Lin Feng looked just right.

I have to do this!

We must not tolerate the existence of such "black sheep".

We must cut the roots!

"Younger martial brother Lin, just say it."

"Yes, we will go through fire and water!"

"Yes, never frown!"

Everyone\'s morale is high. At this time, they are all absorbing immortal fruit energy. Their strength recovery is not 100% or 90%.

There are also powerful "leaders" with amazing momentum.

"OK." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright. "Everyone is his own, so I won\'t beat around the bush."

"Now there is a traitor among us!"

The voice was just right, but it made everyone look transient. In particular, Zhu zero and Qian Xin looked at each other and nodded.

They have long been skeptical!

For a moment, there was constant discussion.

Han Jin\'s heart trembled, but he pretended to talk and mingled cautiously among the people.

"Because of his existence, all the Yanling families know your whereabouts like the back of their hands." Lin Feng looked around the people and said positively, "even in this difficult purple fog, you can easily grasp your whereabouts and lead a large army of 300 warriors to launch encirclement and suppression!"

Three hundred warriors!

Everyone was surprised.

It was the first time I heard the exact number and stared at Lin Feng.

Not only because Lin Feng said "traitors", but also because of his unfathomable depth, facing the three hundred warrior army of Yanling 10000 families alone!

Save them and kill all the Yanling families.


"Younger martial brother Lin, do you know who the traitor is?" Qian Xin was shocked again and again.

Zhu zero is also staring at Lin Feng. The more he looks at the younger martial brother, the more he feels his unfathomable, "yes, younger martial brother, which bastard is it? Find out who killed thousands of knives!"

"Yes!" "Damn it, cut him!" "cut the bitch!" everyone agreed and shouted angrily.

What they hate most is the traitor who betrayed the sect!

"Of course I know who it is." Lin Feng said calmly.

For a moment, Yang Jin\'s heart tightened fiercely, as if he had been strangled.

(third shift ~ ~)