Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 667

Boom! Boom~

Like a meteorite falling from the sky.

Crazily exploding the area where Yanling wanzu is located.

The more than ten Yanling ten thousand clan warriors screamed repeatedly, and they were buried in the fire for a long time. The strong power of fire covers everything, and the amazing breath covers the whole purple fog area. Almost in the blink of an eye, the fire swallowed everything.

Very fast!

The fire set the prairie ablaze and disappeared.

"Whoosh!" a figure with fire rushed out of the sea of fire.

He is a warrior of ten thousand families of Yanling. His strength is quite good. He still has a breath. The sabre in his hand roars impressively and his killing intention is pengran in his eyes.

Even if he was seriously injured, Lei BA\'s three injuries were much more tragic.

Wheeze! When the sabre is wielded, the sabre Qi is vertical and horizontal.


"Wow! ~" a black figure flashed in an instant.

There was an amazing breath. Lei Ba three opened their eyes. Only a cold light lit up and there was a sound of "Peng". The warrior Lian Zhan Dao of Yanling 10000 families was smashed, and there was no place to die instantly. It\'s like porcelain bumping into boulders. It\'s not a grade at all.

The three of Lei Ba were shocked with wide eyes.

It was a long gun, but it was so fast that they couldn\'t even see it clearly.

with one \'s hair standing on end!

"What a familiar figure."

"What a familiar long gun..."

The three fell into a dull state, but leiba moved gently in his heart.

A figure appeared in his mind. Lei Ba frowned, but it was difficult to take his seat according to the number.

But as the black figure gradually turned around and looked at the similar face, Lei BA\'s mouth widened in amazement.

Really, really him!!!

"Lin Feng?!" Lei BA was completely stunned.

Including green bull and imperial sword.

"Haven\'t seen you for a long time, brother Lei." Lin Feng smiled faintly and the light of his right hand appeared. Three six star immortal fruits and six life fruits immediately flew out and fell directly into the hands of Lei ba. "Take it quickly. You\'re seriously injured. Don\'t delay. We\'ll talk later."

After talking, Lin Feng disappeared like a burst of smoke without waiting for the three to return to God.

The remaining three Lei Ba looked at the fairy fruit with bright color and amazing energy in their hands and couldn\'t say a word.

Are they dreaming?

Lin Feng finally arrived.

Like the God of death on this earth.

Li Yanmen is already at the end of a powerful crossbow. There are only 20 disciples left, most of whom are seriously injured.

However, there are still more than 200 martial artists in Yanling Wan clan, occupying an absolute advantage!

However, the emergence of Lin Feng has turned the whole situation around with his own strength!

Boom! Boom~

The fire covers the whole earth.

Perhaps, Lin Feng\'s God of war strength is strong enough to kill thousands of orphans. However, in the face of such a big battle with one enemy against 100, only the fire spirit Master is good at it. In particular, Lin Feng is not afraid of the sight of the purple fog, because he has a strong sense of life and soul.

The fireball in the hand instills strong star power, and the red light converges, as if giving vitality.

The blooming of each fireball can be controlled at will, like a dragon going out to sea and killing every enemy.

The number of martial artists of Yanling wanzu is decreasing.

One, another!

But 30 years east and 30 years West.

Zheng Shuang, a disciple of the Liyan sect, was killed just now, but now he has been brutally slaughtered.

Some Yanling wanzu warriors have not even reacted. They have been swallowed up by the strong fire and have no bones. Even most of them had lost their souls and died miserably before they even saw the appearance of the enemy.

But this is war.

The battle between sectarian forces, the law of the jungle!

The strong, dominate everything!

Only one Lin Feng, a seemingly insignificant warrior, completely disturbed the situation on the chessboard.

Close to the Yanling Wan clan and forcibly reverse the whole chess game.

turn back the powers of darkness!

"How\'s it going? Is it better?" I wish zero hope to Ji Qingsan\'s daughter.

"Recovered a little strength." Ji Qing nodded gently and looked hesitantly at Ji Jing and Ji Yingying behind him, "but my two sisters..."

"Take good care of them." Zhu zero whispered, his eyes flashing, "be careful."

Ji Qing bit his lips, "I\'m sorry."

"Well, what are you talking about?" Zhu zero smiled and looked around at the distance, but I could still feel the breath of battle and roared. "Although my strength is weak, I have recovered 70% of my strength. I hope I can do my best."

As the second successor of the leader, Zhu zero has his responsibility.

He can\'t just watch his roommate die.

No matter how dangerous it is, he will save it.

Save one, count one.

"Did you find it?" leiba wondered.

"What do you find?" the green bull hummed.

"Stupid." the voice of the imperial sword was cold, and his eyes looked straight ahead and flickered slowly. "The fighting movement in front was much less."

"Yes, it seems to be coming to an end." Lei frowned.

The three looked at each other and felt nervous and worried.

In this case, there are only two possibilities, one is the complete victory of Yanling wanzu, and the other is the complete victory of liyanmen.

However, the second possibility is extremely small.

"What are you afraid of? Brother Lin\'s strength is very strong!" said Qingman with shining eyes.

"It\'s really strong. It\'s unbelievable." Lei Ba nodded. "It\'s a hundred times stronger than when he first met him. Today\'s Lin Feng\'s strength is probably no worse than that of senior brother Zhu zero, but..." Lei Ba paused and looked still worried.

"But there are too many enemies." the imperial sword said, "younger martial brother Lin, no matter how strong he is, I\'m afraid he will be exhausted."

"What should I do?" qingmanniu was worried.

All three of them were straightforward. They immediately stood up and their eyes sparkled.

After a short time of recovery, all three recovered about 50% of their strength, but they had the power to fight again.

"Go?" the imperial sword\'s eyes flashed.

"OK!" kill again!! "Lei Ba and green bull shouted.

"Hoo ~" "Hoo! ~" panting.

Bean sized sweat drops down, and Ji Xiu looks pale.

The sword in his hand supports his body. Ji Xiu straightens up tenaciously, with an unyielding light in his eyes.

He was seriously injured, but Ji Xiu didn\'t fall down.

Kill more than 30 enemies alone. In terms of power control and combat strength, Zhu zero may not be able to repair last season. Most importantly, Jixiu didn\'t suffer too much injury. At present, he just exhausted his strength.

The sword has a bright mind. Killing the enemy with the sword saves more energy than fighting with physical strength.

But even so, Ji Xiu is no longer able to fight.

"Why no one?"

"Where are the enemies?"

His eyes are a little fuzzy. Jixiu\'s chest fluctuates constantly.

Although his mind was full of doubts, because just now he was still surrounded by countless strong Yanling families.

But right now, there is no one.

What\'s going on?

Did he kill them all?

His mind is a little vague, but Ji Xiu tenaciously supports his body with willpower, but now the enemy is dead, his heart seems to have put down his obsession, and his tight body has no support anymore. As soon as his body is soft and his eyes are blurred, Ji Xiu\'s body wants to fall down, but

"Pa!" a supporting force suddenly appeared.

"Hmm?" his mind recovered a little sober. Ji xiumeng turned back and his eyes were slightly clear.

"Hard work." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

See Ji Xiu again, but I don\'t feel the same as before.

Because now his strength is far better than that of him.

However, his admiration for Ji Xiu has not changed.

He is a real man!

Of all the disciples of liyanmen, he was the only one standing at the end. There are countless warriors who kill Yanling thousands of families alone. They have no help, only one person and one sword. They kill hundreds of enemy lines, several in and several out. This strength and courage really make people have to give a thumbs up.

Without Ji Xiu\'s restraint, I\'m afraid the martial arts disciples of Liyan sect who can still live at this time will never exceed double digits.

Ji Xiu has made great contributions!

"Lin Feng?" Ji xiunan said two words and looked at the familiar face, but he couldn\'t support his tired body and fainted.

With bright eyes, Lin Feng took out the fairy fruit and stuffed it into Ji Xiu\'s mouth. As soon as he spit out his strength, he immediately let Ji Xiu swallow the fairy fruit. Lin Feng breathed softly. He put his hands on Ji Xiu\'s back with slight force, drew a faint smile at the corners of his mouth, and whispered, "thank you."

The battle is over.

I wish zero, leiba, qingmanniu and Jiqing all the disciples of liyanmen were surprised.

Walking around, I saw the body of a warrior with wild goose plumes of ten thousand families, incomplete and lacking in many quantities. The air condenses a thick smell of flame, and the earth seems to be scorched. The thick smell of blood is dense, and even the purple fog is much lighter.

"Yan Rong!"

"Taurus horn!"

"Great, you\'re all alive!!"


"Elder martial brother Huang!"

"Elder martial brother Ji, you are not dead!"


Find one Liyan sect disciple after another, and everyone is happy.

For the rest of my life, I walked a whole circle on the edge of the cliff of life and death. I feel unspeakably comfortable!

There are already more than a dozen Liyan disciples gathered together. They are searching for the other "lost" disciples and talking happily.

"Ah, you were saved by Lin Feng?"

"Really, so are we. Fortunately, younger martial brother Lin came in time, otherwise... The consequences would be unimaginable!"

"So did we. When the fireball landed like a meteorite, I thought I was dead. I didn\'t expect it to be my own, ha ha!!"


Everyone chatted happily and mentioned the same name——

Lin Feng!

All the people were saved by Lin Feng.

Including Zhu zero, Ji Qing and Lei Ba, one after another.

If Lin Feng hadn\'t arrived in time, Li Yanmen would have been completely annihilated at this time, and he was also very lucky.

"Where is brother Lin now?"

"Yes, why didn\'t you see younger martial brother Lin? He shouldn\'t..."

"Bah, bah, yellow gall, you crow mouth!"

The faces of the people suddenly changed, and they felt a little anxious in their hearts.

At this time, a slight sound came from the front. People looked at it, and the time flashed.

"Lin, Lin Feng!"

"It\'s really brother Lin!"

"Ha ha, look, younger martial brother Lin is back!"


Excited, everyone laughed with heartfelt happiness.

In the distance, Lin Feng\'s black figure came slowly with Ji Xiu on his back.

(second change ~)